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Congratulations on your purchase of an Everdure barbecue. We are certain you will enjoy both the stunning curves and style of your barbecue and its superb cooking performance. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of cooking tips and exciting recipes to help you get the most out of your barbecuing experience. Each segment is divided into the main cooking areas of the barbecue with corresponding recipes suited to each section. The recipes suit both the beginner and the seasoned professional.
Visit our website (www.everdure.com) for product upgrades, promotions and new recipes and feel free to contact us if you have any comments or suggestions – we’d love to hear from you.
Enjoy your barbecuing experience with Everdure.
One of the oldest conventional cooking methods involve cooking food over open fire and smoke. Since the early ages, the basic principles haven’t changed, but the methodology and equipment has evolved over time. Today, the two major trademarks of any barbecued/grilled food are fully engrained in our minds: 1) the smoky aroma and flavour and 2) the grill marks on the food. How to achieve both is discussed in this segment.
Prior to using the barbecue for the first time, it’s recommended to cure all cooking surfaces. Wash the hot plates and grill plates with a gentle detergent to remove all factory residues, grease and dust. Rinse with hot water and dry. Ignite the burners and set on low for three minutes. When warm add a little vegetable oil or oils with a high smoke point (do not use olive oil for this purpose) to the cooking surface and wipe well with a cotton cloth. Do this again and allow the oil to burn gently away. Wipe clean, turn off the barbecue and allow it to cool down. The process of curing plates helps prepare it for cooking and prolongs the life of the cooking plate and only needs to be done once. This curing procedure applies only to cast iron and vitreous enamel cooking plates.
NOTE: Stainless steel cooking plates are non-porous and therefore the full curing process is not necessary. Simply clean well with a gentle detergent to remove all factory residues, rinse and dry.
Best barbecuing results will be achieved by selecting a cooking location that is protected from direct wind and breezes. If that’s not possible position the barbecue side on, to the direction of the breeze. Ensure that the Barbecue is as level as possible and lock the wheels in position. For Cast Iron and Vitreous enamel surfaces, allow 10 minutes with the burners on high to heat the required cooking surface. For stainless steel allow 5 minutes and then turn down to low. Add a little vegetable oil to the cooking surfaces and spread with a clean cotton cloth (this is after the plates have been cured).
Cooking times for certain foods will vary depending on thickness and portion amounts. The weather and temperature conditions will also factor into cooking times. Below is a general quick guide to some basic foods and their cooking times.
Food Size/Weight Preference Approx Cooking Time Beef Eye Fillet 20mm Medium 14 minutes (7 min / side) Lamb Cutlet 15mm Medium 12 minutes (6 min / side) Chicken Breast Fillet 220g Well Done 18 minutes (9 min / side) Whole Flat Mushroom 80mm diameter Well Done 10 minutes (5 min / side) Snapper fillet 180g Well Done 16 minutes (8 min / side)
During cooking, guide any rendered fats and oils into the central drainage hole (for the flat plate) and onto the foil covered drip tray below. Use a flat spatula or tongs to remove any unwanted food particles from the cooking surfaces.
When the cooking is completed, remove the foods and turn off the barbecue, both at the gas control knob and at the gas bottle. Carefully scrape the surface clean and let cool until warm. Wipe excess oils and fats away with some kitchen paper towelling.
The succeeding methods and recipes are suited for use on cast iron, vitreous enamel and stainless steel grill plates.
How to Grill the Perfect Steak
Nothing tastes better than the perfectly cooked steak. The process seems tedious but in fact is very simple. Here are some techniques on how to cook steak to the desired doneness (the degree to which one prefers one's steak – refer to your glossary):
Choose the correct cut Always select the correct cut of beef for grilling; your butcher will advise you if you have any doubts.
Remove excess fat Trim away some of the excess fat in cuts like sirloin or porterhouse, T-bone and rump steak.
Remove from the refrigerator Bring the temperature of the steak to room temperature, ensuring that it remands covered with plastic film.
Pre heat the hot plate for 10 minutes (5 minutes for the stainless steel plates) until it sizzles when a few drops of water are splashed onto it.
Oil the steak, not the plate Using a brush, lightly coat both sides of the steak with Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil (vegetable oil if using the stainless steel plates), season with salt and pepper and place onto the hot grill.
Know when to turn Using tongs, turn the steak only when a good golden crust has formed and the first side is well sealed.
Cooking it to perfection When a good brown colour has formed on the bottom of the steak, move it to a cooler spot on the grill to let it finish cooking through to your desired rareness. Do not turn it over onto the first cooked side. The first side cooked is always the side presented up on the plate.
Use only tongs Never use a fork to turn the steaks as they pierce the meat and allow the precious juices to escape.
Keep warm and rest Always allow the finished steaks to rest for 5 minutes by placing them in a warm place loosely covered with a little foil. This allows the juices to settle and prevents them from escaping too quickly when cut.
To achieve a wonderful smoky flavour, try this technique. When the steak is 1 minute from being ready to turn, place that cooked side directly onto the hot grill plate for 1 minute. Then place the uncooked side of the steak back onto the hot plate and do the same again when it’s one minute from being ready.
Feeling for rareness.
Practice is the best solution to knowing when a steak is cooked to ones requirement. Touching a steak with a pair of tongs and feeling the resistance will let you know straight away how well it is cooked.
Touching a rare steak will feel soft and loose whereas a medium cooked steak will have a little resistance and slight bounce. A well done steak will feel quite firm and will not push in when pressed.
How to Grill the Perfect Sausages
Cooking times will vary Different sized sausages will require different cooking times but all sausages need to be fully cooked to achieve a good firm texture.
Use medium heat Best results are achieved when the sausages are grilled on medium heat. Fast hot grilling can cause sausages to split and loose most of their moisture.
Pre heat the hot plate for 10 minutes (5 minutes for stainless steel plates) until it sizzles when a few drops of water are splashed onto it.
Oil the sausages, not the plate Using a small sharp knife, separate the sausages (if necessary) and place into a dish. Lightly brush with a little vegetable oil and place onto the hot plate.
Turn every 2 minutes Using tongs only, give each sausage a quarter turn every two minutes. Grill until cooked through and evenly browned all over.
Scrape any fats and juices away Some sausages release a high amount of liquid during the cooking process which can flare up if cooked on the grill plate. It is best to grill on the hot plate and direct the flow of any liquid into the drain hole with the use of a scraper.
To achieve a wonderful smoky flavour, try this technique. When the sausages are several minutes from being ready, place them onto a pre heated grill plate and finish cooking while turning every minute until slightly charred.
How to Grill the Perfect Mushroom
Flat mushrooms are best for grilling buttons and caps are more suited for stir fries and casseroles.
Pre heat the hot plate for 10 minutes (5 minutes for the stainless steel plates) until it sizzles when a few drops of water are splashed onto it.
Remove the stem using a small sharp knife, cut away the stem flush with the gills and brush the mushroom all over with a little olive oil. (use vegetable oil if grilling on the stainless steel plates)
Place the mushrooms gill side down onto the hot plate and grill for several minutes. Using tongs turn them over so that their gills are facing upwards and grill until they fill up with their own juices.
Season well with freshly cracked pepper and salt flakes and present on grilled sour dough immediately.
Barbecued Chermoula Lamb Racks with Pickled Zucchini, Lemon and Basil
A spicy combination with beautiful flavours and contrasting textures. This is equally at home when presented to the family, or as part of a big night dinner party with special friends. The green basil salad is unusual and will be loved by all.
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 6
Chermoula (makes about 300mls) 3 heaped tablespoons cumin seeds 2 heaped tablespoons coriander seeds 2 small birds eye chillies (seeds and membrane removed) 2 cloves garlic (crushed) 2 tablespoons freshly ground ginger 1 tablespoon smoked sweet paprika 60 ml lemon juice 180ml Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil To taste salt & pepper
Method Dry pan roast the cumin seeds and coriander seeds on the wok burner until fragrant, then crush in a
motar and pestle. Place the ground spice and all the remaining Chermoula ingredients into a food processor and turn into a smooth paste. Transfer to a clean jar and refrigerate.
2 x 8 chops lamb racks (trimmed and frenched) 6 tablespoons Chermoula
6 medium zucchini (washed and cut into long thin strips) ½ bunch basil leaves (picked and torn) ¼ preserved lemon 30 ml French white wine vinegar 60 ml Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil To taste seasoning
Method Brush the chermoula mix over the trimmed lamb racks (or individual cutlets) and set aside until required.
Carefully cut the zucchini into long thin strips and place into a glass bowl. Add the torn basil, chopped preserved lemon, white wine vinegar, Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil and seasoning. Let this mixture marinade for at least 20 minutes until the zucchini softens.
Heat the grill plate on high for 5 minutes and lightly oil using a clean cotton cloth. Turn down to low and place the lamb racks on the hot bars. Some lamb fat will come out and cause small flare ups, so move regularly to new spots on the grill, turning from time to time. When cooked to your desired rareness, remove and rest in a warm area.
Place a portion of the pickled zucchini onto a warmed serving plate and top with the sliced Chermoula roasted lamb racks. Finish with a good drizzle of Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
J QUICK TIP: Remove the lamb from the refrigerator twenty minutes before it’s to be cooked and bring up to room temperature prior to grilling. Trim away as much fat from the lamb as possible, to reduce the chance of fat flare up.
Chicken and Sage Rolls with Prosciutto & Spinach
Chicken tenderloins, seasoned with fresh sage, parmesan and pepper, rolled with prosciutto and flame grilled. Presented with baby spinach dressed with a sweet apple flavoured balsamic.
Preparation time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4
Ingredients 12 small chicken tenderloin fillets to taste freshly ground black pepper 24 fresh sage leaves 6 thin prosciutto slices (cut each into two long strips) 4 cups washed and spun baby spinach ½ cup pine nuts (toasted)
½ medium red onion (sliced thin) 2 tablespoons apple balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Method Combine together the baby spinach, roasted pine nuts and sliced red onions. Whisk the apple balsamic
vinegar with the Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a little seasoning. Set both aside until required.
Place two sage leaves onto each chicken tenderloin, lightly season with pepper and wrap well with the thin prosciutto.
Heat the grill plate on high for 5 minutes and lightly oil using a clean cotton cloth. Turn down to low and add the chicken rolls. Grill turning several times for 10 minutes or until just cooked.
Dress the baby spinach salad mix and toss lightly, place onto 4 plates and top each with 3 chicken rolls.
J QUICK TIP: For a moist succulent result, remove the chicken rolls from the hot plate several minutes before they are fully cooked. Place them in a warm place covered with foil. Make them all the same size to ensure they have the same cooking times.
Barbecued Tasmanian Salmon Fillets with a Spicy Asian Salsa
Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking time 12 minutes Serves 6
Ingredients 60 ml Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 teaspoons Screaming Seeds 7 Seas Spice or Masterfoods Greek Seasoning 6 x 180g portions Tasmanian salmon
For the salsa 1 tablespoon lite soy ½ teaspoon sambel olek 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 1 clove garlic (crushed) 1 tablespoon palm sugar (shaved) 1 tablespoons sesame seed oil 2 tablespoons Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 lime (zest and juice) 3 medium tomatoes (seeded and diced) 3 green onions (shallots) sliced into 5mm pieces ½ cup coriander (chopped) 1 tablespoon fish sauce
Coat the Salmon portions with the Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and then sprinkle with the 7 seas spice mix. Chill until required.
Combine in a bowl, all the remaining ingredients and mix well. Check the seasoning and hold until required.
Heat the grill plate on high for 5 minutes and lightly oil using a clean cotton cloth. Turn down to low and add the salmon portions. Do not move for 3 minutes, and then turn 90º to form a trellis pattern on one side. Grill for another 3 minutes then carefully turn over and repeat the same process for 6 minutes. This will result in a perfectly medium rare portion of salmon. However, grill more or less to suit your desired rareness.
Present with the Asian salsa mix and a bowl of steamed Jasmine scented rice.
J QUICK TIP: The Salmon portions can be cut into fingers and will cook in several minutes. Under cooked Salmon will flake beautifully and results in a delicious moist taste.
Capsicum and Zucchini Bruschetta with Basil Oil
A simple delicious starter that gives a beautiful smoky flavour and looks fabulous finished with the basil oil. Basil infused oils are available at most good delicatessens.
Serves 4 Preparation time 10 minutes Cooking time 8 minutes
Ingredients 2 medium red capsicums 3 small zucchini 1 medium red onion 60ml Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil ½ cup sweet basil leaves (torn at the last moment) ½ cup flat leaf parsley (roughly chopped) 4 slices sour dough 1 garlic clove 20ml basil infused olive oil
Quarter the capsicums; remove the seeds and inside membrane and brush with a little olive oil. Slice the zucchini into 5mm strips and brush with a little olive oil. Peel and quarter the red onion, separate the layers and brush with a little olive oil.
Heat the grill plate on high for 5 minutes and lightly oil using a clean cotton cloth. Keep on high and place the red capsicum sections on the heat, skin side down. Grill until it’s blistered and quite black, then remove and place into a plastic bag to steam. When cool enough to handle, remove and dispose of the charred skin and set the flesh aside. Cut into 20mm strips and place into a bowl.
Turn down the barbecue to low, re-oil the plate and grill the red onions and zucchini on both sides until just brown slightly. Add to the capsicums and fold in the torn basil leaves, parsley, Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil and seasoning.
Brush the sour dough slices with a little Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil and grill on both sides until grill lines form. Be careful not to burn the bread slices. Turn 90º and form a criss cross pattern on both sides. Rub all 4 slices with the garlic clove.
Place the sour dough slices onto warm serving plates, top with the grilled vegetable mixture and drizzle with a little basil oil around the sides.
J QUICK TIP: The zucchini and red onions can be placed onto bamboo skewers and grilled. If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes to prevent them from burning.
Chorizo Larded Beef Fillet with Black Olive Butter
This is a great method for adding extra flavour and seasoning into a steak. The disk of flavoured butter, melts and forms a delicious glaze on top when it is served. Present this with a simple green salad, some crusty bread and a good red!
Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time 14 minutes (for medium) Serves 4
Ingredients 4 x 150g beef eye fillet medallions 4 x 8mm slices chorizo sausage 1 clove garlic (crushed) 1 small sprig (50mm) rosemary 2 tablespoons Maille Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons Jingilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) 4 slices black olive and lemon balm butter
For the Black olive and lemon balm butter Combine together ½ cup finely chopped stoned Kalamatta olives, 250g unsalted butter, ¼ cup coarsely chopped lemon balm and some freshly ground pepper. Wrap in alfoil, forming a 30mm thick round stick and refrigerate until firm.
Using a small sharp knife cut a small pocket through the side of the steaks and carefully insert a slice of chorizo and a quarter tablespoon of the mustard into each steak.
Combine together the one tablespoon of mustard, garlic, chopped rosemary and olive oil. Brush over the steaks and set aside until required.
Heat the hot plates on high for 5 minutes, lightly oil the surface carefully and add the fillets. Grill for 7 minutes then turn down the plates to low and turn over the steaks. Grilling a further 7 minutes will result in a perfect medium steak; however cook more or less for your desired rareness. Remove and let rest for 5 minutes in a warm place.
Place the hot fillet steaks onto warmed plates and top each with a 10mm disk of the flavoured butter, letting it half melt before presenting it to the table. Serve with a dressed green salad and some good crusty bread.
J QUICK TIP: If using a stainless steel plate, heat initially on high for 5 minutes, then turn to low before adding the steaks to the plates. Also change the extra virgin olive oil to vegetable, canola or camellia tea oil in the recipe, as olive oil will darken the stainless steel plates. Do not over crowd the hot plate as the steaks may stew in their own juices. Turn the steaks only using a pair of tongs and avoid piercing with a fork or knife.
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