Assembly of EVELO Delta X
The focus of this document is to assist with the assembly of your new EVELO
Delta X. The scope is intentionally narrow -- The “User Guide” that was
included with your bike covers a much broader spectrum of topics: fit
adjustments, battery care, controls etc.
Our Team is here to help 7 days a week!
Feel Free to reach out!
Unboxing Your EVELO
1. Begin unboxing the bike by cutting the
banding then opening the box. Use caution
regarding the staples as they can be very
2. Remove the small boxes.
3. The easiest way to get the bike out of the
box is to lie the box down on its side and
then slide it out. See image ----->
4. Remove packaging including zip ties.
Caution: sometimes the zip ties are used to
hold cables or wires in place. A good indicator is if the zip tie is touching a painted
surface of the bike—those should remain in
5. Empty all the boxes so you know what
you are working with.
Rotate Fork (if needed)
Depending on how the bike was packed at the
factory, you may need to turn the forkso that
the Fork Arch is facing forward.
If needed, rotate the steering assembly so that the
cables aren’t wrapped around the frame and the
arch is facing forward. Both brake calipers should
be on the le hand side of the bike.
Install Handlebars
1. The handlebars are clamped to the stem with
four bolts and a faceplate. You will see these on
the forward end of the stem. Remove the four
bolts and the faceplate using the Allen wrench
2. Li the handlebars into place, and center the
knurled portion of the handlebars in the stem
clamping area. The display can be rotated out of
the way if it is interfering. Position the faceplate
over the four bolt holes, and thread all four bolts
into place. Get them fingertight then make some
positional adjustments before tightening them
securely.Note the gap at the top and the bottom
of the faceplate should be approximatly even.
3. Rotate the bars so the grips are apporximately
where you want them, and firmly tighten all 4
Install fender and headlight
1. Remove the bolt from fork arch.
2. Insert the bolt from the back side through a
washer, the fender tab the headlight bracket.
Begin threading the bolt in but just fingertight for