Service notes for Euvision splitter units
Split 16 4x4 / Split 16 Gold / 3xVision / Split 4 EU
Rev 1
Service notes for Euvision splitter units – Rev. 81 - 30/03/2000
The following operations can be performed in case of malfunctions or unusual behaviour of the splitter units. Anyway,
splitter units are complicated powerful video devices built using advanced technology. Euvision strongly feels that it’s
very important that only qualified personnel open the top cover of the unit. Please observe the following precautions
when servicing the device in order to avoid injuries or damages the device itself:
• Always keep the main power cord disconnected from the mains when the top cover is open
• Always work in a static-free ESD protected area
• Use grounded soldering / de-soldering irons when replacing components on the main board
• Always use a marker to paint a dot on trimmers to be adjusted, so that you can bring them back to their starting
position in case of mistakes
How to read this guide:
This guide uses an easy to read structure to allow you promptly identify the fault and fix it. The following example
explains the various sections of each fault report. In the next pages you will found a complete list of all the known
Symptom: here you will find a detailed
description of the symptoms identifying the
Problem: here you will find a brief list of the
causes which make the problem arise
A detailed list of fixes, workarounds or things to try to solve the problem can be found here.
Contacting Euvision:
In case your symptom is not reported here or the listed solutions do not solve the problem then please contact Euvision
for servicing. Should you need any spare parts then please contact Euvision as well. Original spare parts ensure your
Splitter unit always offers its best to you.
Euvision S.r.l.
Rome - Italy - EU
Web: www.euvision.com
E-mail: info@euvision.com
Photo with visual information
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Service notes for Euvision splitter units – Rev. 81 - 30/03/2000
all monitors show a black screen, the
unit seems to be dead.
Problem: this may be caused by several
problems. Please check the following list
Power switch and fuses
Composite/S-VHS switch
• The unit is not powered. This can be easily verified: if the unit is operational then both the lights on the front panel
are lit.
ü Check the power switch on the rear
ü Try changing the power cord
ü Check the two fuses near the power switch. Please replace with exactly the same type of fuse.
ü Verify your power line. Try connecting another appliance to the same power outlet to verify that the power is
effectively present. Please remember that the splitter’s power supply must be in the range from 110 to
240VAC with 50 to 60 Hz.
• The monitors are not powered. Videowall systems are built of several monitors, each of which drains power from
the mains. If all of them are turned on at the same time then the power drain (which is bigger in the power on
phase) can make safety switches engage, turning the Videowall immediately off.
• The image is present but too dark to be seen. Try adjusting the three pots on the front panel of the unit to their
middle position. If this is the problem then the image should appear.
• The unit is set to operate in RGB mode. Check the dip switches on the front panel to see if the RGB mode is
selected. When this mode is turned on then the video input used is the RGB one, located on the front panel, while
when it’s off then the video decoder inputs, located on the rear panel, are used.
• The unit is set to operate in the wrong video mode. The video decoder of the unit has a switch which lets the user
select between a composite and S-VHS input (which are both located on the rear panel). Try pushing the
composite/S-VHS switch. If the wrong input is selected then doing this should solve the problem
• The video input is missing. Try connecting the video signal directly to a monitor instead of connecting it to the
splitter. Or, better, try connecting a test signal coming from a surely working test pattern generator to the video
input of the splitter. With this operation you can verify that the video signal entering into the splitter is effectively
present. If it is not then try replacing the video connection cable coming from the video source or refer to the user
manual of the video source itself.
• The monitor input is set to the wrong input. Check that input selection is correct. Most monitors have a rear switch
which selects the input, while others have an On Screen Display; in the latter case please check the monitor’s user
manual. Another problem could be with the priority setting of the monitor. If priority is set to a different input than
RGB and this input is fed, the monitor displays the prioritized input so in this case you should disconnect the input
or change the priority.
• The power supply of the unit can be broken or defective. Open the top cover of the unit and use your tester to check
the voltage of the supply lines going from the power supply to the main board. These voltages are: +5V, +12V and
(only used for 3xVision and Split 4EU) –12V. If one of these power lines dropped at zero volts then try replacing
the power supply unit (contact Euvision for spare parts)
• The power supply connector can be defective. Check the output connector of the power supply. The heat can loosen
the connections. If necessary, replace the connector and increase the size of the cables bringing power to the main
board. This is a rare case and can verify only on old pre-series models.
RGB input
Dip switches
Output connector
Power supply
Control pots
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Service notes for Euvision splitter units – Rev. 81 - 30/03/2000
• The video decoder can be defective. Try bypassing the video decoder by plugging an RGB video source in the front
panel connector and by switching to RGB mode using the dip switches on the front panel. If this solves the problem
the video decoder have to be changed. Please contact Euvision for spare parts.
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Service notes for Euvision splitter units – Rev. 81 - 30/03/2000
Symptom: one of the outputs shows no image (black screen)
Problem: this may be caused by several problems. Please check the
following list
100nF 0805 capacitors
• The output cable can be defective. Try replacing the RGB output cable. If this solves the problem then the wire of
the cable can be internally broken. Anyway most often the problem can be fixed by checking the connections inside
the DB9 connector ends of the cable. This is especially true for the video sync wire, since monitors engage a screen
saver protection when no sync signal can be found.
• The monitor can be defective. Try plugging the cable of a working output into the monitor with no image on it. If
the image appears then you have to replace the output cable, otherwise (in case the image does not appear) the
monitor is probably defective. Try checking the monitor’s input selection, power supply cable of the monitor and
its fuses and/or power switch.
• The output board of the splitter unit can have loosen contacts. Check and eventually renew loosen contacts on the
connector board, which is mounted right behind the rear panel of the unit.
• The RGB D/A converter of the output is defective. Use a chip extractor tool to remove the faulty IC (BT121)
integrated circuit then insert a new one in its socket (contact Euvision for spare parts).
• One or more of the 100nF SMD coupling capacitors around the RGB D/A converter opens or goes short-circuit.
Replace all the three capacitors with 100nF 0805 parts. This problem is a rare one and verifies only on older
models of the unit (contact Euvision for spare parts).
DB9 connectors
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