Eurotronic Comet Z-wave Operating Instructions Manual

Scope of supply 1x Comet Z-wave 1x Operating instructions (part of the product) 3x Adapters (Danfoss RA, Danfoss RAV, Danfoss RAVL)
Intended use With Comet Z-wave, you have acquired a programmable radiator thermo­stat, which can be used to regulate temperature in closed rooms and thus can contribute to a reduction in heat energy. Please use the regulator for this purpose only.
Safety instruct ions Never r echarge, s hort-ci rcuit or di sassembl e the bat teries - da nger of exp losion! Re move expi red bat teries fr om the dev ice immedia tely. Shiel d batte ries fro m strong h eat - increas ed risk of le akage! Do not u se new and old b atter ies toget her. Clean b atter ies and devi ce cont act befor e instal lation i f necessar y. Keep bat teries a way from child ren. Avoi d contact w ith ski n, eyes and mu cous membr anes. Rins e areas aff ected by ba tter y acid wit h clean wate r immedia tely and see k medical adv ice.
Description Comet Z-wave is a Z-Wave radio standard compatible energy-saving radiator thermostat.
Use The installation of the Comet Z-waves can easily be installed on all known valve bottom sections; without dirt or water spots because the heating circuit is not interrupted.
1. Fully unscrew the old thermostat, loosen the fi tting and remove from the valve.
2. 2. Remove the battery cover, by pressing it upwards on the marked spot (1) and take it off its hinges (2).
Install the batteries as shown. Do not use rechargeable batteries! Ensure correct polarity! PREP appears on the display. The motor will start completely in order to facilitate installation. As soon as the regulator is installation-ready, INST appears on the display. The fl ashing radio symbol signals that the device is ready to be enrolled. Start the enrolment procedure (Inclusion) on your Gateway/Controller in order to include the device in the network.
3. Screw the union nut (ring on product) on the valve. If the union nut does not fi t on you valve, you probably need an adapter.
4. Press the button in the battery compartment. The energy-saving thermo stat shows ADAP in the display and carries out an initialisation run. After initialisation, the energy-saving thermostat shows the main screen. INFO When an error occurs, an error code is shown. Look in the „Help“ table.
No adap ter is requ ired for th e follow ing valves : Heime ier, Junker s Landys +Gyr, MN G, Honey well Brauk mann, sin ce thes e have thre ad dimensio ns of M3 0 x 1.5 mm. Ada pters fo r Danfoss RAV (p in must be pu t on the val ve tappet ) Danfos s RA and Danf oss RAV L are enclos ed.
An adap ter is requ ired for t he follow ing valve s: Herz M 28 x 1.5 mm , Comap M2 8 x 1.5 mm, Vai llant 30 .5 mm, Ov entrop M3 0 x 1.0 mm, Meg es M38 x 1. 5 mm, Ondal M 38 x 1.5 mm , Giacomini 22 .6 mm, Ros sweiner M 33 x 2. 0 mm, Marka ryd M2 8 x 1.0 mm, Is ta M32 x 1.0 mm , Vama M28 x 1. 0 mm, Pet tinaro li M28 x 1.5 m m, T+A M2 8 x 1.5 mm or Gam pper 1,2 ,6. The se can be foun d at www .eurot ronic.or g
Pleas e fully re move the pl astic con nectors b efore you u se one of the enclo sed adapte rs! Please f ully rem ove the con necting r ods marked in gre y before in stallin g the adapt er!
Addi tion/ removal to /from t he netw ork In orde r to enrol an d delete t he device man ually, st art the en rolment / dele tion proce ss of your ce ntral uni t/gat eway. Pre ss and hold t he but ton in the b atter y compar tment of t he Comet Z- wave for 5 secon ds. The dev ice moves i nto inst allati on posit ion in order to enab le (de)ins tallat ion.
Opera tion and di splay elem ents on t he display
1. Bat ter y empt y
2. Co mfort t emperat ure acti ve
3. Eco nomy temp eratur e active
4. Window-/f rost protection function active
5. Wireless active
6. AU TO or MA NU mode act ive
7. Ad justin g wheel + and -
8. Bu tton in ba tter y compar tment
Basic modes of operation
AUTO mode The C omet Z-wav e regulat es temper ature as p er factor y sett ings or wireless set-up
Factory settings Com fort tem peratur e (Facto ry set tings 22 °C) Econo my temper ature (F actor y setti ngs 18°C)
MANU mode
Come t Z-wave sw itches t o MANU mod e when you cha nge the temp erature b y hand on the ad justin g wheel. T he sett ing over writes the w ireless se t-up for t wo hours . Afte r this, th e setti ng changes auto matical ly to the pr eviousl y-progr ammed set ting. I f you wish t o change t he sett ings pri or to this, y ou may do thi s via wire less.
Standby The sc reen swi tches of f 30 seco nds aft er the las t entr y on the dev ice to sav e electr icity. T he displ ay can be swi tched on ag ain by tur ning the adjus ting wh eel in any di rectio n.
Fros t prot ection , open wind ow recogn ition an d hard wat er prote ction func tions ar e automa tically a ctive.
Frost protection function If th e tempera ture fall s below 6° C, the ener gy-sav ing therm ostat opens t he valve un til the t emperat ure rises ab ove 8°C ag ain. This s tops th e radiator f rom free zing.
Hard wa ter func tion To avoid ca lcifi cat ion of the r adiator v alves, t he energy -saving ther mosta t carries ou t a hard wat er protec tion cycl e once a week .
Open window function If the t emperat ure fall s sharply, op en window r ecognit ion is acti vated and th e open windo w active s ymbol is sh own. In t his inst ance, the valv e is closed fo r 15 minute s.
In orde r to unins tall the e nergy- saving t hermos tat, pr ess and hol d the but ton dow n for 3 second s. The dev ice moves i nto the in stalla tion po­sit ion. Whe n the inst allati on posit ion has been r eached (dis play show s INS T), youm ay take ou t the bat teries an d unscrew t he energy -savin g thermostat from the valve.
Cleaning Use only a dry to lightly-damp cloth to clean the Comet Z-wave. Avoid using chemical solvents,. They may damage the device.
Advice on environmental protection:
From t he date of i mplemen tation o f European g uideline s 20 02/ 96/ EC and 20 06/6 6/E C, into na tional la w, the foll owing appli es: Elect ric and ele ctronic d evices and b atter ies may not be d isposed o f in househo ld waste . The consu mer is obli ged to ret urn elect ric and elec tronic d evices and
bat teries t o the public c ollecti on point s establ ished for them o r to the poin t of sale. T he part iculars of t his are regu lated by the a pplicable s tate la ws. The sy mbol on th e product , operat ion inst ructi ons or packag ing point s to these p rovisio ns. You make an impo rtant c ontrib ution to t he protec tion of t he enviro nment by reusi ng or recycl ing old equi pment /batt eries or ma king use of t hem in ot her ways.
Decla ration of co nformi ty
Euro tronic Tech nology Gm bH hereby de clares tha t this devi ce is complia nt with t he essen tial requi rement s and
oth er relevan t provisi ons of 199 5/5 /EC. T he declara tion of conf ormit y according t o the R&T TE guide line 99 /5/E C can be foun d at
The t hree-ye ar warran ty begins o n the day of pu rchase. Pl ease keep the re ceipt as evi dence of pur chase in the f uture . During th e guaran­tee per iod, def ective r adiator t hermos tats may b e sent to th e service addre ss below. P lease ensu re suffi cient pos tage is pai d. A new or repai red device w ill then b e sent to you f ree of char ge. Follo wing expi ry of the gu arantee , you may st ill send th e defecti ve device t o the ad dress belo w for repai rs. Pleas e ensure su ffi cien t posta ge is paid. R epairs car ried out a fter th e guarante e period ar e subject to a charg e. Your legal r ights ar e not aff ected by th is guarant ee. Ther e is no new w arrant y period s tart ing when rep airing or r eplacing th e devi ce. Please n ote that w e only gran t warrant y on the fu nction o f the de vice. We wi ll not gran t warrant y for the i nteract ion bet ween the t hermost at and the b ottom p art of th e valve. Th e technical d ata is onl y valid for t he use of the f ollowi ng valves : Heimeier, Ju nkers Land ys + Gyr, MNG , Honey well, Brau kmann (mea sure of thr ead M30 x 1,5) , Ovent rop (M3 0 x 1,5) Danf oss RA , RAV and R AVL. Ple ase see the co mbinati ons of the de vices on our w ebsite ( www.e urotro nic. org / Adapter l ist) EU ROtro nic does not i ssue a guara ntee when u sing the t hermost at wit h valves wh ich are not me ntioned a bove.
Operating instructions Comet Z-wave
An intelligent home in two simple steps:
Installation Install the batteries. PREP appears on the display. The motor will start completely in order to facilitate installation. INST appears on the display as soon as the Comet Z-wave is installation-ready. The fl ashing radio symbol signals that the device is ready to be enrolled.
Restoring factory settings To restore factory settings, proceed as follows:
1) Start the deletion process through the central unit or Gateway
2) Press and old the button in the battery compartment for 5 seconds.
Button in battery compartment
Comet Z-wave
Help and error messages
Problem Cause Solution
Batteries do not have enough power.
Replace batteries.
Heating element does not warm up.
Is the boiler water temperature O.K.?
Valve does not open, is it calcifi ed after the summer pause/ heating pause?
Adjust the temperature of the boiler water.
Remove the Comet Z-wave, move the valve back and forth per hand or with a tool.
Heating element does not cool down.
Valve does not close completely. It may be that the closing point of your valve seat has shifted.
Adapt again (see “Adapting”) Move the valve stem several times by hand, it may be that adaptation is impossible because your valve is calcifi ed or the seat no longer performs its function.
Pressure piece falls out (This can also cause an E1-error)
Due to an e ndless thread the pressure piece , which is si tu­ated a t the bot tom, can fal l out if the devi ce has not been af fi xed on the valve.
Put in the pressure piece. Press the Button for 3 sec. The en dless thr ead is rot ating now a nd fi xes the pr essure pi ece again . Just ins tall it to the ra diator and a dapt it once again.
E1-E3 Press the button for 3 seconds. The fault indication
is deleted. The device moves to the mounting posi­tion (display shows PREP or INST).
E1 No adaptation
possible. Comet Z-wave is not installed to the heater.
Is the installation OK?
Install Comet Z-Wave to the heater.
E2 Valve stroke is too
Open and close the valve several times manually or replace the batteries.
E3 Motor movement is
not possible.
Does the valve stem move freely?
Technical details
Safety class IP20
Operating environment 0 °C bis + 50 °C
Operating voltage 3V (2x 1,5V AA/LR06 batteries)
Communication Z-Wave bidirectional
radio frequency 868,4 MHz
Dimensions (L x B x H) 88 mm x 55 mm x 65 mm
Open window recognition activated by an change in
temperature of approx. 0.5°C within 1 minute
Measuring frequency Temperature measurement
every minute
Control range 6°C – 28°C
Imple mented Z-W ave device cl ass
Z-Wave de vice class Implemented device class
General device thermostat
Specifi c device thermostat general V2
Supported command classes
Command class Se t Read Description
BAS IC YES YE S Enabl es contr ol
of basi c functi ons (ON/OF F)
BAT TERY NO YES Show s the charge
sta tus of the b atter y as a perc entage.
NO YES Gives manufactur er
information and pro­duct information for the Co met Z-wav e
YES YE S Makes i t possib le
to name t he device and th e place of installation
NO YES Displ ays the tem pera-
ture m easured by t he device
YES * YES Displ ays the degr ee
of ope nness of th e valv e 0% equate s to a closed valve, 100 % an open valv e
YES YE S Set s or display s the
usage m ode of the Comet Z-wave Availa­ble mo des OFF F rost pr otecti on (devi ce main­tain s 6°C) Dis play show s „OFF“ H EAT Com fort tem peratur e displ ay shows HO USE SYM BOL and se t temp erature E NERGY SAV E HEAT Econ omy temperature display show s OUT OF HO USE SYM BOL and se t temperature MANUFACTURER _ SPE CIFIC ena bles direc t contro l of the valv e opening gr ade via S WITCH _MULT I­LE VEL disp lay shows REMO
YES YE S Set s or display s the
required temperature
VER SION NO YE S Dis plays the p roduct
func tion and co mmand classes
WAKEUP YES YES Enables confi gura-
tion o f the wake -up interval
*Th is funct ion is only a vailable i f THERM OSTAT_M ODE ahas been se t to MAN UFACT URER _SPEC IFIC
Eurotronic Technology GmbH
Südweg 1 36 396 S teinau -Ulmbach Telefon: +49 (0) 66 67 / 9 18 47-0 Servicehotline: +49 (0) 66 67 / 9 18 47-17 eMail: Web: Verp. -Nr. 90 0 000 X XX | St and: 201 5/10