Set ting Heat ing and Ener gy Saving S chedule
Wit h Comet B lue it is pos sible to s et up to 4 heat ing and 4 ene rgy saving ti mes per day – ei ther fo r individ ual days or f or a block of se veral
days . DAY 1 to DAY 7 rep resent s the week days from M onday to Su nday. Additionally, the corresponding days are shown as abbreviation
belo w the menu bar o n the disp lay.
Block programing:
T 1–5 = s ame progr amme from M onday to Fr iday
T 1– 6 = same progr amme from M onday to Sa turday
T 1–7 = sam e program me from Mon day to Sund ay
• For no n-prog rammed day s the fact ory defa ult remai ns active .
Set ting an indi vidual pro gramme
Pres s
. Selec t the menu i tem using the selector wheel.
Pres s
. DAY 1 for M onday is sh own on the d isplay. Se lect day/
block w ith the s electo r wheel. C onfirm w ith
. Set t he star t of
the 1s t heating t ime (sy mbol
)wi th the se lector w heel. Con firm
wit h
. Set t he star t of the 1st economy time (symbol ) wi th the
selec tor whee l. Conf irm wit h
. Now, i f desired , a 2nd, 3rd or 4th
heat ing/eco nomy tim e can be ente red.
• I f you do not wa nt to set a f urthe r heating /econom y time
conf irm „ - - - -“ wi th
. The ne xt day for p rogramm ing is
show n on the dis play. If yo u do not want t o enter a f urther d ay,
leave t he menu wi th
• I f the temp erature i s shown on t he displa y the prog ramming is
fin ished. W ithin t he blocks yo u also can ove rwri te single d ays
wit h diff erent ti mes.
Set ting Com fort and En ergy Savi ng Temperat ures
Pres s
. Selec t the menu i tem with t he selec tor wheel .
Conf irm wit h
. Set co mfort t emperat ure wit h the selec tor
whee l. Confi rm with
. Set t he energy s aving tem peratur e with
the se lector w heel. Con firm wi th
Area O N: 8°C , freeze pr otecti on funct ion is acti ve
Area O FF: valve is c omplete ly open
• E nergy Sav ing Tip: Max imum ener gy savin g can be achieve d
using a n economy t emperat ure about 5 ° C below the c omfor t
manual operation
Wit h the sele ctor whee l a manual adju stmen t of the room t emperature i s possibl e at any time . In AUTO m ode this ad justed s ettin g
remai ns activ e until th e next sw itch poin t is reached a fter wh ich
the se t program me becomes ac tive agai n.
Further Functions
Timer function
The t imer func tion is sel ected usi ng the tim er-but ton
. Wit h
this f unctio n a user-def ined temp eratur e can be enter ed for a set
peri od. This ca n be very use ful in case o f a part y, for exampl e.
Pres s
. Fir st the ti me for which t he time pr ogramme ha s
been de activat ed is show n. Conf irm wit h
Now th e desired
temp erature c an be set. C onfirm w ith
. In the s elected p eriod
it is no t possib le to change t he temper ature man ually, the w heel is
locke d. Press me nu to unlock i t.
If th e perceive d room temp erature d iffer s signif icantly f rom the se t
ther mosta t tempera ture a temp eratur e offse t can be conf igured.
Pres s
. Selec t the menu i tem w ith the s elector w heel.
Conf irm wit h
. The de gree set ting will f lash on the
displ ay. Now usin g the selec tor wheel e nter the d esired te mperature o ffse t (from -5 °C to +5 °C). Con firm en try wit h
NOTE: The t emperat ure displ ay will not c hange.
Open W indow Fun ction
If som eone opens a w indow an d as a conseque nce the tem peratu re
drop s signif icantly, C omet Blu e will aut omatica lly close t he heati ng
valv e in order to s ave energ y. The disp lay will sh ow
. Af ter the
pre-set interval Comet Blue will resume normal operation.
To acti vate thi s functi on select “
” in the m enu. Con firm wi th
Fir st, the l evel of sen sitiv ity is s elected u sing the se lector
whee l (
= high se nsiti vity, = medium sensitivity (factor y
defa ult),
=low s ensiti vity ). Conf irm wit h
. Now en ter the
time b etwee n 10 minute s (facto ry defau lt) and 6 0 minute s for which
the va lve shoul d remain clo sed. Con firm wi th
Vacation Function
You can se lect the te mperatu re that wi ll be acti ve during t he time
you are a way. Aft er this pe riod the or iginall y defined p rogramm e
becom es active a gain. Pre ss
. Selec t the menu i tem “ ”.
Conf irm wit h
( appear s on the disp lay). Usi ng the selec tor wh eel set th e end date of t he vacati on funct ion (= date o f the
recom mencemen t of the regu lar heati ng times) . Confir m with
Set t he time and co nfirm w ith the bu tton
. The si gnal OFF
flas hes on the di splay. Now s et the temp eratur e and confi rm with
. appear s on the disp lay. Wit h
the f unction ca n be
Child lock
You can lo ck Comet Blu e to prote ct the dev ice from ta mpering .
Pres s the but tons
+ at t he same time f or about 2
secon ds until t he
signa l appears – de vice is now lo cked.
By using this button combination again the symbol disappears
and you r elease th e lock.
Pausi ng Heatin g - Closing t he Comet Bl ue Valve
Pres s
. Usin g the selec tor wheel s elect the ite m .
Conf irm wit h
. Selec t MAN and c onfirm w ith OK. Set t he
temp erature o n the displ ay to OFF. T he valve is n ow closed an d
work ing wit hout a tim e programm e. The calc ificat ion prote ction
func tion rema ins activ e. Aft er the heat ing pause s witch in t he menu
to th e AUTO- mode and you r set progr amme will b e resumed .
All re set
Pres s
. Usin g the selec tor whee l select th e menu ite m .
Conf irm wi th
flas hes, conf irm wit h
. Come t Blue
is now i n factor y defaul t sett ing and read y for conf igurat ion as
described for initial operation.
Free ze protec tion and ca lcifica tion pro tection f unctio ns are acti ve
Freeze protection function
If th e tempera ture drop s below 6° C, Comet B lue opens th e valve
unt il the temp erature r ises to ab ove 8°C. T his prev ents the r adiators from freezing.
Calcification protectio n function
To preve nt radiat or valves f rom calcif ying Co met Blue pe rform s
a calci ficatio n protec tion prog ramme once a w eek – ever y Friday
Cleaning and used devices cleaning
To clean th e Comet Bl ue use only a dr y or ligh tly damp clo th. Avoi d
chemi cal solven t – this coul d possibl y damage th e device.
Used devices
Do not t hrow old de vices and pa ckaging in to the hous ehold was te.
Thes e items can b e recycled . Check for f urther i nforma tion wi th
your lo cal autho rities .
Information concerning environmental protection:
Since t he adopt ion of the E uropean gui delines
20 02/ 96/ EG and 20 06/ 66/E G into nat ional law t he
foll owing app lies: Ele ctric and e lectro nic devices a s
well as b atter ies may not b e disposed o f with t he normal
house hold ref use. The co nsumer is le gally req uired to
dispo se of thes e articl es throug h the off icial colle ction po ints or
to re turn the m to the place o f purchase . Local res trict ions and
requi rement s are set by lo cal autho rities . The sym bol found o n the
prod uct, packa ging or user s manual ind icates th e classif ication o f
the pr oduct. B y disposi ng of these u sed device s and batt eries in a
resp onsible ma nner you are p laying an im porta nt role in ou r effor ts
to pro tect our en vironm ent.
Adap ter
Heime ier, Junker s Landys +Gyr, MN G,
Honeywell, Braukmann threadmeasure
dimen sion of M 3 0x1,5
no adap ter
Danf oss RAV (acco mpanyin g pin must
be plugged on the valve tapped)
Danf oss RA
Danf oss RAV L
Pleas e remove al l the connec tion piec es of the pla stic
adapt ers befo re you use one o f the at tached adap ters!
Pleas e complet ely remo ve the conne ction ro ds highlig hted in gre y
prio r to assemb ly the adap ter. You can fi nd additi onal brass a dapter
model s that are s ubject to a ch arge:
Help an d error mes sages
Problem Cause Solution
Batteries do not have
enough power.
Replace batteries.
does not
warm up.
Is the boiler water
temperature O.K.?
Valve does not open,
is it calcified after
the summer pause/
heating pause?
Adjust the temperature of
the boiler water. Remove
the Comet Blue, move
the valve back and forth
per hand or with a tool.
element does
not cool
Valve does not close
completely. It may be
that the closing point
of your valve seat has
Adapt again (see
“Adapting”) Move the
valve stem several times
by hand, it may be that
adaptation is impossible
because your valve is
calcified or the seat
no longer performs its
piece falls
out (This can
also cause
an E1-error)
Due to an e ndless
thre ad the pres sure
piece , which is si tuated
at the b otto m, can fall
out i f the device h as
not be en affi xed on the
Put in the pressure
piece. The device can
be adapted by pressing
- poin t or by
removing and inserting
the ba tteri es.
The en dless thr ead is
rot ating now a nd fixes
the pr essure pi ece
again . Just ins tall it to
the ra diator an d adapt
it onc e again.
By pressing any key the error message will
be deleted in the display and the adapter is
No adaptation possible.
Comet Blue is not
installed to the heater.
Is the installation OK?
Install Come t Blue to the
Valve stroke is too
Open and close the
valve several times
manually or replace the
Motor movement is
not possible.
Does the valve stem
move freely?
Demo unting th e Comet Blu e
• To re move the C omet Blue s et at Pos. (using the wheel
turn p ast the hi ghest te mperat ure of over 2 8 C° to pos ition
), wai t for a shor t period a nd then pre ss on the un locking
devi ce to detach t he quick- r elease cat ch and pull t he Comet
Blue f rom the val ve.
Technical Datails:
Out put Power : +0 dBm a t 3.0 V
Opera ting Fr equency : 2.4 GHz
Declaration of Conformity
Euro tronic Tech nology Gm bH hereby co nfirm t hat this
device conforms and complies with all fundamental
requirements , demands and other relevant stipulation s of the guid elines 19 99/ 5/EG . The declar ation of c onform ity
accord ing to the R & T TE guid elines 9 9/5 /EG are av ailable at :
The t hree-y ear warran ty begi ns on the day o f purchase . Please kee p
the re ceipt as ev idence of pu rchase in t he futur e. During t he guaran tee per iod, def ective r adiator t hermos tats m ay be sent to t he serv ice
addre ss below. P lease ens ure suf ficient p ostage i s paid. A new o r
repai red devic e will the n be sent to yo u free of cha rge. Fol lowing
expi ry of the g uarante e, you may st ill send t he defec tive dev ice to
the ad dress bel ow for repa irs. Ple ase ensure s uffic ient pos tage is
paid. R epairs ca rried ou t after t he guaran tee perio d are subjec t to a
charg e. Your legal r ights ar e not aff ected by t his guaran tee. Th ere
is no ne w warrant y perio d start ing when r epairin g or replacin g the
devi ce. Please n ote tha t we only gra nt warran ty on th e functi on of
the de vice. We wi ll not gran t warran ty for t he intera ction be tween
the t hermos tat and th e botto m part of t he valve. T he techn ical data
is onl y valid for t he use of th e follow ing valve s: Heimei er, Junker s
Land ys + Gyr, MN G, Honey well, Br aukmann (m easure of t hread M3 0
x 1,5) , Ovent rop (M3 0 x 1,5) Dan foss R A, RAV and R AVL . Please see
the co mbinati ons of the d evices on ou r websit e (www .eurot ronic.
org / Adapter l ist) EU ROtr onic does no t issue a gua rantee w hen using
the t hermos tat wit h valves w hich are no t mentio ned above.
Eurotronic Technology GmbH
Südw eg 1
363 96 Steinau-Ulmbach
Telefo n: 0 66 67 / 9 18 47-0
Servicehotline: 0 66 67 / 9 18 47-17
Verp. -Nr. 90 0 000 3 74 | Stand : 2015/ 06
+ accompanying
pin, only for RAV!