ai3000vf rev V
AI3000 AIS Receiver
Installation and Quick Reference Guide
Contents Page Number
Disclaimer and warranty 2
Contents of this box 2
Brief background to AIS 3
Introduction 3
Installing the AI3000 receiver 5
Correct operation 8
Fault finding 9
Technical specifications 10
Appendix A – Data format 11

This product is designed to aid navigation and should be used to augment
normal navigational procedures and practices. It is the users responsibility to
use this product prudently.
Neither Euronav, nor their distributors or dealers accept responsibility or liability either to the product user or their estate for any accident, loss, injury or
damage whatsoever arising out of the use or of liability to use this product.
Note; The AI3000 is a receive only unit and does not comply with the mandatory SOLAS carriage requirements for most commercial vessels to fit Class A AIS Transponders. The receive only unit is suitable for any vessel wanting to monitor (but not
transmit own ship details) any vessels fitted with AIS transponders in the local vicinity.
Limited Warranty
Euronav warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and manufacture
for one year from the date of purchase. Euronav will, at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be
made at no charge to the customer for parts and labour. The customer is, however,
responsible for any transportation costs. This warranty does not cover failures due to
abuse, misuse, accident or unauthorized alteration or repairs. A returns number must
be given be given before any unit is sent back for repair.
Contents of this Box
This box contains:
• AI3000 AIS receiver unit with trunnion mounting bracket
• Interface cable for connection to PC
• Interface cable for NMEA connection
• Power cable (12/ 24 volts)
• This guide

Brief Background to AIS
AIS was designed to fulfill a need for vessels to know the position, details and navigational intentions of other vessels within VHF range for improved safety and
collision avoidance. Most commercial vessels are required to fit AIS transponders by
December 2004. The transponders use VHF frequencies to transmit details of their
own vessel and receive details from other vessels or navigation aid within VHF
AI3000 is a low cost, high performance AIS receive only unit, that enables the reception of information from vessels fitted with AIS transponders at a fraction of the cost
of a conventional transponder.
The AI3000 installation is quick and simple, requiring only the connection to a VHF
aerial (not supplied) and a computer (PC) or other device (e.g. plotter). Note these
must have software which is compatible with AIS standard output to display this information.
Information received by the AI3000 is then transmitted via the serial data cable so
that it can be displayed on compatible vessel navigation systems, vessel monitoring
or other applications.
Information transmitted from vessels fitted with class ‘A’ Transponders includes:
Static Information Dynamic Information
• Name • Vessel position
• Type of vessel • SOG
• Call sign • COG
• MMSI number • Rate of turn
• IMO number • Heading
• Draft • Status
• Size of vessel • Destination
Note: Not all the above information is necessarily transmitted by every vessel.
Information from AIS transponders carried by most commercial / other vessels or
navigation aids are transmitted at different rates as specified below (Information
source ITU Recommendations Technical Document ITU - R M.1371 - 1);
Static information
Every 6 min or, when data has been amended, or on request.
Dynamic information
Dependent on speed and course alteration according to Table 1 and 2.

Note: Class ‘B‘ transponder’s transmit dynamic data less frequently (3 mins) and
there is less vessel (static) information.
Table 1
Class A shipborne mobile equipment reporting intervals
Ship's dynamic conditions
Reporting interval
Ship at anchor or moored and not moving faster than 3
3 Minutes
Ship at anchor or moored and moving faster than 3 knots 10 Seconds
Ship 0-14 knots 10 Seconds
Ship 0-14 knots and changing course 3 1/3 Seconds
Ship 14-23 knots 6 Seconds
Ship 14-23 knots and changing course 2 Seconds
Ship >23 knots 2 Seconds
Ship >23 knots and changing course 2 Seconds
Table 2
Reporting intervals for equipment other than Class A shipborne mobile
Platform’s condition
Reporting interval
Class B shipborne mobile equipment not moving faster than
2 knots
3 Minutes
Class B shipborne mobile equipment moving 2-14 knots 30 Seconds
Class B shipborne mobile equipment moving 14-23 knots 15 Seconds
Class B shipborne mobile equipment moving >23 knots 5 Seconds
Search and rescue aircraft (airborne mobile equipment) 10 Seconds
Aids to navigation 3 Minutes
AIS base station 10 Seconds