For number entering windows, the user can directly
press the digit keys if the user wants to modify the
value. For example, if the current window is on M11,
and the user wants to enter 219.2345 as the pipe
outer diameter, then, the flowing keys should be
pressed: .
For option selection windows, the user should first
press the key to get into option selection mode.
Then, use , , or digit key to select the right
option. Consequently, press the to make the
For example, assume your pipe material is stainless
steel and you are currently on menu window M14
which is for the selection of pipe materials (if you
are on a different window, you need to press
first in order to enter into the M14 window.)
You need to press the key to get into the option
selection mode. Then, either press the and
keys to make the cursor on the line that displays “1.
Stainless Steel”, or press the key directly. At the
end, press again to make the selection.
Generally, the key must be pressed to get into
the option selection mode for option modifications.
If the “Locked M47 Open’ message is indicated on
the bottom line of the LCD display, it means that the
modification operation is locked out. In such cases,
the user should go to M48 to have the instrument
unlocked before any further modification can be
M00~M09 windows for the display of the
instantaneous flow rate, net totalizer value, positive
totalizer value, negative totalizer value, instantaneous
flow velocity, date time, current analogue input
values, current working status, etc.
M10~M29 windows for entering system parameters,
such as pipe outer diameter, pipe wall thickness,
liquid type, transducer type, transducer installation
method, etc. Transducer installation spacing is
then calculated according to those parameters and
displayed on one of the windows.
M30~M38 windows for flow rate unit selection and
totalizer configuration. User can use these windows
to select flow rate unit, such as cubic meter or liter,
as well as to turn on / off each totalizer, or to reset
the totalizers.
M40~M49 windows for setting response time,
zeroing / calibrating the system, locking / unlocking
keypad, changing network address ID, password,
M50~M89 windows for digital and analogue outputs,
such as scheduled output, RS232 output, relay
output, analogue current loop output, LCD, frequency
output, alarm output, analogue inputs. Besides, there
are also windows for configuring analogue inputs,
date / time, and day/month/year accumulator.
M90~M94 windows for displaying diagnostic data,
including the installation triplet. Those data are very
useful when doing a more accurate measurement.
M95 Upon entering into this window, the circular
display function is started automatically. The
following windows will be displayed one by one, each
window will stay for about 4 seconds: M95 ->M00
-> M01 -> M02 -> M03 -> M04 -> M05 -> M06 ->
M07 -> M08 -> M09 -> M90 -> M95.
M+0~M+9 windows for some additional functions,
including a single precision calculator, display of the
total working time, and display of the time and the
flow rate when the device is turned on and turned off.