Der Sortierer dient dazu, Knollengewächse, wie Kartoffel oder Zwiebeln in unterschiedliche Größen zu
Allen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der oben genannten Richtlinie sowie den weiteren angewandten
Richtlinien (nachfolgend) - einschließlich deren zum Zeitpunkt der Erklärung geltenden Änderungen entspricht.
Folgende harmonisierte Normen wurden angewandt:
EN ISO 12100:2010 Sicherheit von Maschinen - Allgemeine Gestaltungsleitsätze - Risikobeur-
teilung und Risikominderung (ISO 12100:2010)
EN ISO 13857:2008 Sicherheit von Maschinen - Sicherheitsabstände gegen das Erreichen von
Gefährdungsbereichen mit den oberen und unteren Gliedmaßen (ISO
Name und Anschrift der Person, die bevollmächtigt ist, die technischen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen:
EURO-Jabelmann Veurink GmbH
Herr Bosmann
Wilsumer Straße 29
D-49847 Itterbeck
1.1 General information
Please read the operating instructions prior to the first start-up of the device. Only a careful observance of the following regulations and notes guarantees a trouble-free and accident-free application and a long operating life.
1.2 Symbols and definitions used in the operating instructions
Caution: Danger of life and risk of injuries! - This symbol indicates dangers for body and
health through tearing and retracting chains.
Caution: Risk of injury! - This symbol denotes risks of injuries.
Caution! This symbol denotes risks for the machine, the complete plant or other values.
This symbol denotes special notes.
2. Proper order of use
The device is solely suitable for the sorting of potatoes and onions.
Any other use is not according to the regulations.
The manufacturer is not liable for damages resulting hereof and the risk is solely born by the user.
Taking notice of the instruction manual and adhering to the operation, maintenance and servicing
regulations form part of the use according to the regulations.
The machines shall only be used, serviced and repaired by personnel, who are familiar herewith and
have been advised of the dangers.
The relevant accident prevention regulations as well all other recognized safety-related, health and
safety and road safety regulations shall be adhered to.
Unauthorized changes of the machine exclude a liability of the manufacturer for the damages resulting hereof.
Technical data
Transport length: 3.30 m
Width: 1.35 m
Transport height: 1.80 m
Working height: 1.80 -2.10 m
Sifter surface: 1.40 x0.75 m
Weight 950 kg
Approx. performance: 7-9 t/h
Arrangement of sifting: 3 sieves arranged one above the other
Electro motor: 1x 1.1kW FU Controlled 230 volt
1x 0.37kW, 380 volt (sifter cleaning)
Noise reduction:measured 71 dB (A) at the ear of the operating person
while sorting.
3. Start-up and operation
This sorter is a machine wit three screens and therefore suitable for sorting into four sizes, whereas
two sizes can be sorted on an added sorting table. Oversizes and triplets will be lead out of the machine on the left and hand or right hand side out of the machine.
Before start up the accordance of the power supply with the voltage of the motors has to be
In order to reach an optimal sorting accuracy the machine is equipped with a continuous speed control (frequency control) and additional interval drive which means the rotation speed of the crank
shaft changes continuously between 0 and ful rotation speed. This low-maintenance interval drive is
electronically controlled via a timed relay in the control cabinet. The interval of the pause can be
slightly changed by turning the knurl switch on the outside of the control cabinet accordingly. The
relation pause - operation time should lie by about 1:2. Additionally the interval operation can be
switched "on" or "off" via a second switch.
The screen cleaning slide is lead via the middle belt. A good tension of the belt has to be ensured.
The screen cleaning bars should be adjusted until they hit briefly under the screen when in their
highest position.
For changing of the screen the screen cleaning slide has to be driven backwards (to the main bear-
ing). The screens can be taken out on the side after the bolts have been disengaged.
Apart from this main bearing all bearings are maintenance-free. These should be greased app. every
100 hours of operation.
For a long life and faultless operation the machine should be kept as clean as possible.
If during activation of the machine on the left hand side of the control cabinet the red indicator lamp
"rotation direction wrong" illuminates, the rotating field of the power connection is wrong. The machine does not start up. In order to change the rotating field two phases in the connecting plug
( phase inverter) have to be swapped.
In order to switch on the screen cleaning slide the switch "screen cleaning" has to be switched to
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