EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG Sprinter XL Instructions For Use Manual

Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Instructions for use
EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG · D-23560 Lübeck · Seekamp 31 · Tel. 0 45 1/58 55-0 · Fax 58 55-591
Knowledge of this manual is required for operation of the instrument. Therefore, please make yourself familiar with the contents of this manual and pay attention to the notes on the safe operation of the instrument.
The specifications are subject to change; the manual is not covered by an update service. © Unless expressly authorised, forwarding and duplication of this document, and the utilisation and
communication of its contents are not permitted. Violation will entail an obligation to pay compensation. All rights reserved in the event of granting of patents or registration of a utility model.
Labordiagnostika AG
Publisher: EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG Seekamp 31 23560 Luebeck, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 451 5855 0
Fax: +49 (0) 451 5855 591 Internet:
Labordiagnostika AG
1 Table of contents
3.1 Intended use - 5 -
3.2 Validation - 5 -
4.1 General - 6 -
4.2 Instrument safety and EMC - 10 -
4.3 Photobiological safety - 10 -
4.4 Position of the safety labels and the nameplate - 10 -
4.5 Maintenance - 11 -
4.6 Disposal - 11 -
4.7 Warranty notes - 12 -
5.1 Technical data - 13 -
5.2 Instrument description - 16 -
6.1 Scope of delivery - 21 -
6.2 Unpacking, transport, storage - 21 -
6.3 Ambient conditions - 22 -
6.4 Installation and commissioning - 22 -
7.1 The Sprinter XL software - 24 -
7.2 Before and after each worklist - 27 -
7.2.1 Flushing with the system liquid - 27 -
Decontamination of the pipetting needles - 29 -
7.2.3 Rinsing the washer head - 30 -
7.2.4 Completing a worklist - 31 -
7.3 Creating a worklist - 31 -
7.3.1 Manual creation of a worklist with non-barcoded samples - 31 -
7.3.2 Importing a worklist from lab software - 32 -
7.3.3 Scanning barcoded samples - 32 -
7.3.4 Editing a worklist - 35 -
7.4 Running a test - 37 -
7.4.1 Loading the Sprinter XL for immunofluorescence - 38 -
7.4.2 Optional: Reading of slide ID (2DBarcode) - 45 -
7.4.3 Loading the Sprinter XL for ELISA - 49 -
7.4.4 During the test run (Start, Pause, Stop) - 56 -
1 Table of contents - 1 -
9.1 Maintenance schedule - 64 -
9.1.1 Daily maintenance work - 64 -
9.1.2 Weekly maintenance work - 64 -
9.1.3 Monthly cleaning - 65 -
9.2 Service plan (for service technicians) - 67 -
9.3 Instrument disinfection - 67 -
9.4 Decommissioning the system - 67 -
10.1 Error message: No Liquid found - 68 -
10.2 Error message: Movement of (33) blocked - 68 -
10.3 Error message: Action not startable - 69 -
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
12 APPENDIX - 73 -
12.1 Customer service - 73 -
12.2 Table of figures - 73 -
- 2 - 1 Table of contents
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
2 Warning, safety and other notices
The symbols described here are used in this manual, on individual instrument parts and the packaging. In addition, a specific notation is used to refer to certain particular elements, e.g. buttons, keys.
Notes are indicated with a symbol and printed in bold and italics. The symbols are as follows:
Read the manual before use!
Information is identified with this symbol. It contains useful information.
Disconnect the plug-in power unit before opening the instrument!
Warning messages are displayed using a safety symbol and printed in bold and italics. The danger symbols are as follows:
Caution, hazard risk! Consult the operating manual!
Bio hazard!
Electrical hazard!
Laser hazard!
Mechanical hazard!
2 Warning, safety and other notices - 3 -
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Produced by
Completed by
In vitro diagnostic medical device
Order Number
CE label Fuse Serial number
The instrument should not be placed in ordinary domestic waste.
Menu items
Menu items are printed in bold. Example: Main menu Keys and buttons are printed in italics or
are shown as a symbol. Example: Press Enter
Abbreviation °C Celsius
Hz Hertz IVD In vitro diagnostic medical device kg Kilogramme l Litre ml Millilitre SN Serial number
- 4 - 2 Warning, safety and other notices
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
3 Introduction
This document is used to explain the Sprinter XL. After familiarising himself with this manual, the operator should be able to operate the Sprinter XL safely. Figures and illustrations may deviate slightly, depending on the configuration of the instrument.
3.1 Intended use
The Sprinter XL provides fully automated processing of microscope slides for indirect immunofluorescence, from sample preparation to the final washing step. ELISA and EUROASSAYS for in vitro determination of human autoantibodies in serum or plasma in autoimmune diagnostics, infectious serology and allergology may also be processed with this device. The test systems are provided by EUROIMMUN AG. The system was developed for use in diagnostic institutions.
The results should always be checked for correctness by medically qualified personnel. For diagnosis, the clinical symptoms of the patient should always be taken into account along with the serological findings.
The instrument should be operated in a fixed place under laboratory conditions and can be used several times a day. The instrument should only be used by trained personnel.
For IVD compliant use of the Sprinter XL, all test methods and kits must be validated by the user in conjunction with the device. Here the usual clinical laboratory practice, locally applicable laws and the current state of the art are to be observed.
3.2 Validation
Proper functioning of the instrument was tested using representative test systems from EUROIMMUN AG.
Changes of any kind to the Sprinter XL, the software or the firmware invalidate the warranty for the instrument and result in the loss of IVD conformity.
Only CE-labelled test kits may be used for clinical diagnostic applications.
3 Introduction - 5 -
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
4 Safety notes
4.1 General
Heed all warnings and follow all instructions listed on the instrument and in the operating manual.
The instrument should only be used by trained personnel.
It is very strongly recommended that all first-time users familiarise themselves with the manual before using the instrument.
The instrument should only be used according to its intended use.
Only the consumables and accessories (e.g. dilution plates etc., see Chapter 11) described in the manual should be used. The manufacturer is not liable for damages which result through negligence or improper operation of the instrument.
The user should perform exclusively the service described in the corresponding chapter.
Only parts approved by the manufacturer may be used for procedures carried out on the device.
The tests and service prescribed by the manufacturer should be performed to ensure the safety of the user and the proper function of the instrument.
Procedures and service to the instrument listed in this manual may only be performed by trained, qualified and authorised service personnel.
The system was developed and tested according to the provisions of the IVD directive.
Unauthorised procedures invalidate all claims against the warranty. Unauthorised procedures performed on the instrument result in the invalidity of the manufacturer’s conformity statement. In this case, the responsibility to meet the applicable regulations lies solely with the customer.
The instrument should only be opened, serviced and repaired by trained, qualified and authorised personnel.
Applicable laws must be followed for the safe electrical operation of the instrument.
The Sprinter XL may only be operated with the voltage source which is noted on the nameplate. If you are unsure whether the voltage is suitable, please contact an authorised seller or your local energy utility.
A 3-pin cable must be used to connect the instrument to the mains network.
Only use an extension cable with a protective conductor and an earth connection. You must ensure that the system and its peripheral devices are equally earthed. Earth contacts may never be interrupted.
If the protective conductor inside or outside of the instrument is interrupted or the connection is broken, there is a risk of an electrical shock.
- 6 - 4 Safety notes
The instrument must be connected to the power supply with the included connection cable.
For the international market only: Please note that the cables provided with this device are adapted for the German market. In some countries it may therefore be necessary to use other cables instead.
Do not place anything on the mains connection cable.
If safe work can no longer be assured, the instrument is to be switched off and disconnected from the power supply.
If liquid gets into the instrument, the instrument should be switched off and disconnected from the power supply. The corresponding parts are to be cleaned and dried.
Surfaces (floors, work surfaces) must be dry when working with the instrument.
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Only use bottles, tubes and accessories which are explicitly intended for the storage of liquids and for the system.
Replacement fuses must meet the specifications (nominal voltage, nominal current strength, type) of the manufacturer.
Always replace burnt-out fuses, never repair. Never short-circuit fuse sockets.
The instrument is to be switched off and disconnected from the power supply before service jobs.
Only connect the instrument to the mains supply if this is expressly required. If the instrument is connected, procedures performed on components with an open cover should only be carried out with the greatest care.
Never remove safety devices or safety components.
Electrical connection parts (sockets, jacks etc.) can be live (carry current). Some electrical components like condensers can still be under voltage even
when the instrument has been shut off. All parts which are live can trigger electrical shocks and are therefore a potential source of danger.
During installation of the instrument you should ensure that it can easily be disconnected from the power supply in the event of an emergency.
The instrument meets all requirements of standard IEC 61326.
4 Safety notes - 7 -
Never place the instrument on an instable table, carriage or similar item. The instrument can fall and suffer considerable damage as a result or injure the user.
Please comply with the section in the service manual on instructions regarding lifting and transporting the instrument.
Never open the hood while the instrument is running and never reach into
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
the work area.
There is always a potential risk of injury through mechanically moving parts with all automated machines in operation. The instrument is constructed for automatic processing without any required intervention by the user during operation. The cover must always remain closed during operation.
By default, a sensor is activated which detects when the cover is open so that the instrument is automatically paused.
If no sensor is activated, ensure that the pipetting unit is idle when opening the flap or cover before you reach into the work area.
There is a risk of limbs being crushed or pinched while the robotic arm is in motion. There is also a potential risk of injury from the pipette tip.
Only reach into the instrument when it is paused and a dialogue window prompts you to do so. Reaching into the instrument while it is running can result in injuries and/or affect incubation.
Read all software error messages attentively in the event of an error and perform the next action carefully.
Avoid coming into contact with the pipette and other moveable parts while the instrument is in operation. Improper handling can result in damage to the instrument or injure the user.
- 8 - 4 Safety notes
Infection risk!
Handling of samples and reagents: Avoid skin/mucous membrane contact with samples/test reagents or instrument
parts which come into contact with samples/test reagents. The aforementioned items should be handled as potentially infectious material.
Direct contact with reagents can result in irritations of the skin and mucous membrane.
Wear appropriate gloves, a lab coat and eye protection (e.g. safety glasses)!
The safety equipment provides protection from contamination with patient sera when loading and unloading the machine.
Follow the instructions in the test kit enclosure to ensure correct usage of the reagents.
If sample material is spilled in the system, the instrument should be disinfected and cleaned immediately.
No guarantee can be made regarding the resistance of reagent vessels and tube materials (system liquid and waste) to organic solvents. Therefore organic solvents should only be used if they are explicitly allowed.
Containers for liquids and waste cannot be autoclaved!
It is important that the work area of the Sprinter XL is constructed as described in the manual. Ensure that there are no unnecessary items in the work area.
The liquid waste container should be emptied on a daily basis to avoid an overflow of the washing station when rinsing the needles. This results in the contamination of the instrument and can have a negative effect on following incubations. Ensure that the tube leads directly from the needle washing station straight down into the waste tank, pointing downward, without loops and kinks. Always ensure that all other tubes are free of kinks and links.
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Always ensure that the system liquid container is adequately filled with system fluid. The minimum is a litre. Always also ensure that the container is at the same height as the instrument.
The Sprinter XL must be positioned in such a way that the user can hear the alarm generated by the PC in the event of an error and can act accordingly.
The Sprinter XL must be connected to an uninterrupted power supply system (UPS). In the event of a power outage, this ensures that the instrument can still work for an additional 30 minutes. It also ensures that the voltage peaks are filtered and any potential danger to the instrument from voltage fluctuations is minimised.
The computer keyboard must be placed within reach of the instrument in order to ensure fast access to the escape key in the event of an emergency stop.
The continuous worklist cannot be reconstructed following a power outage. Local accident prevention regulations and the national industrial safety
regulations apply in addition to the instructions in this manual.
4 Safety notes - 9 -
4.2 Instrument safety and EMC
The Sprinter XL was constructed, manufactured and inspected according to standard EN 61010-1. The system has left the factory in flawless condition in terms of safety.
The Sprinter XL meets the requirements of the IVD directive 98/79/EC “In vitro diagnostics directive” of the European Union.
Conformity with the above EC directive is documented by the CE label.
4.3 Photobiological safety
The Sprinter XL includes a barcode reader for reading of samples. The barcode reader works with a LASER. The LASER is assigned to class 2 according to EN 60825-1:A2:2000. Optional a 2D-Barcode reader for reading the Slide ID can be ordered. The 2D­barcode reader works with a LED, The LED is assigned to class “exempt risk group” according to EN 62471. The light emitted from this LASER/LED can cause damage to the eyes.
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Do not look directly into the light path of the barcode readers!
4.4 Position of the safety labels and the nameplate
If one of the safety labels gets lost, it should be replaced by a comparable one!
General danger labels are located on:
o the moveable robotic arm o the rear panel next to the power connection
“Biohazard” labels are located on:
o the moveable robotic arm with the pipetting needles o the waste container
“Laser hazard” labels are located on:
o the integrated barcode reader on the left side panel o barcode reader for Slide ID on 2D barcode reader, if installed
- 10 - 4 Safety notes
The nameplate is located on the left side panel of the instrument next to the integrated barcode scanner.
The manual should be kept near the instrument and must be accessible to the user at all times.
4.5 Maintenance
The instrument is to be switched off and disconnected from the power
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
supply for cleaning or disinfection.
Liquid detergents or disinfectants may neither be shaken nor sprayed into the instrument.
Use a cloth dipped into a detergent for cleaning or disinfection. Only use approved detergents or disinfectants. The applicable regulations are to be followed for cleaning or disinfection.
4.6 Disposal
Potentially infectious material and all parts which can come into contact with potentially infectious material must be disposed of according to the applicable legal provisions.
All parts which are replaced must be disposed of according to applicable laws. The instrument must be disposed of according to applicable laws. The packaging material must be disposed of according to applicable laws.
Do not reuse dilution blocks.
4 Safety notes - 11 -
4.7 Warranty notes
The Sprinter XL, including its original accessories, may only be used for the analytical methods described in this manual. Please observe the following warranty notes for the Sprinter XL:
- The manufacturer guarantees that the instrument has no material and
- The warranty period is 12 months following the installation date.
- You must inform us of any defects immediately and do everything
- If EUROIMMUN AG is informed of such a defect, it is obligated to remove
- No guarantee is provided for defects caused by natural wear (wearing
EUROIMMUN AG is not liable for damages which result from:
- Failure to follow this manual,
- Improper operation or negligence,
- Improper usage,
- Usage by non-qualified personnel,
- Usage of non-approved spare parts,
- Self-made retrofits or interventions by the user,
- Non-approved deactivations of safety devices.
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
production defects when delivered.
possible to minimise the damage. it; it is EUROIMMUN’s decision whether it does this by repairing the
instrument or by delivering an instrument free of any defect. parts in particular) or improper use.
- 12 - 4 Safety notes
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
5 General information on the instrument
The Sprinter XL is a system with a modular structure which allows the automatic processing of IFA microscope slides and ELISA microplates, from sample preparation to the final washing or measuring step.
The system is able to detect and identify sample barcodes. An archiving function of the results is present and is managed with the
RepExplorer program.
5.1 Technical data
Max. load
Accessories 8/12 sample racks (each with 20 positions Ø 10-16 mm)
Pipetting unit Needle system 4 washable needle (ceramic-coated) Level detection
Clot detection Yes Needle volume 5-1000 µl increments of 1 µl Precision CV < 1% with a volume > 20 µl
Wash unit
160/240 samples (depending on device configuration)
Capacitive, sensitivity 200 µl
162 screening dilutions, individually configurable 192 titer dilutions, individually configurable 30 microscope slides/6 microplates (depending on device
configuration) 64/49 standards/controls (depending on device configuration) 20/12 secondary reagents (depending on device configuration) 6/9 sample buffer (depending on device configuration) 4 wash buffer
(depending on device configuration) 4/1 control/standard racks (each with 16/49 positions Ø 18 mm)
(depending on device configuration) 2/1 reagent racks (each with 10/12 positions Ø 30 mm)
(depending on device configuration) 1 sample buffer rack (with 6/9 positions Ø 45 mm)
(depending on device configuration) 2 containers for wash buffer 2 l and 4 l 1 container for liquid waste 10 l 1 container for system liquid 5 l Station for system liquid
(NaCl solution in 16 mm tubes)
2% with a volume of 10 µl
5 General information on the instrument - 13 -
Wash method Flooding the microscope slides in a 5-slide tray/strip-by-strip
Washer head 8-channel washer head
Number of saved tests Unlimited Number of steps in a test Unlimited Duration of the incubation step 1-1000 minutes in increments of 1 min each Combinability Unlimited (depending on device configuration) Dilutions 13 freely definable dilutions per test Processing steps Dilution and transfer
Miscellaneous Barcode scanner CCD camera (semi-aut omatic) Pump Highly precise micro-gear pump Optional accessories Covers for microscope slide racks
System Operating system Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Windows 7 (32 Bit) Hardware Dual core processor with 1.6 GHz or higher
Connection CAN bus on USB 2.0 port Bidirectional communication ASCII, XML, optional HL7
Current supply 110-240 V AC
Power consumption
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
washing of ELISA plates
8-channel photometer. Measurable wavelength range 400-800 nm. 4 filters (405, 450, 492, 620 nm)
Incubation, shaking, heating, Washing Dispensing Measuring step
Heating plate, shaker, Manual and integrated 2D-Barcode-Scanner, ELISA reader, instrument cover
1 GB RAM 15’’ monitor (resolution > 1280 x 1024 pixels)
50/60 Hz max. 2 A
max. 500 Watt
- 14 - 5 General information on the instrument
External dimensions 112 cm (B) x 85 cm (T) x 55 cm (H) Weight Approx. 150 kg Temperature 15°C to 30°C Relative humidity Noise emission 56 dB (max.)
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
10 to 85% at 30°C
5 General information on the instrument - 15 -
5.2 Instrument description
The moveable robotic arm guides four washable pipetting needles, which pipette the samples and reagents. The fullness levels of the individual liquids are determined via a capacitive measurement system.
On the robotic arm there is a gripping system to transport microscope slide racks/microplates and to guide the washer head.
A barcode scanner system reads and detects the barcodes of the fed samples. Samples and reagents are loaded into the instrument via slide racks.
Optionally, a manual or integrated 2D-Barcode-Scanner can be used for reading barcode on slides.
The washing unit consists of 8 coaxial dispensing and aspirating channels and 4 wash buffer feeding channels.
There is also an area to create initial dilutions in a dilution tube (2 ml) and an area for the creation of serial dilutions in a microplate.
In the middle of the instrument there is a shaker that serves as pipetting station.
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
There are generally 6 positions for microplates or microscope slide racks, which can be each equipped with up to 5 standard slides or with a 50 well slide. A combination of slide racks and microplates is also possible. A cover for standard slide plates during incubation is optionally available.
The cover flap of the instrument can be conveniently flipped up or down to allow the user to gain access to the inside of the instrument for handling and service.
A PC with the corresponding software is available to select and edit the tests. The software allows the user to edit pre-defined tests. The clear structure with intuitive user prompts makes system operation easy and rapid for daily usage.
A serial cable connects the instrument to the PC via a USB dongle. The power supply of the instrument is guaranteed via an integrated switch mains adaptor according to the technical specifications. The supply connection is located at the back left of the instrument. The power switch is located to the front left of the instrument. The emergency stop is front right.
In addition, a personal computer, a computer mouse, keyboard, LCD monitor and a laser printer and, optionally, a device table are part of the equipment.
- 16 - 5 General information on the instrument
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
1 Integrated barcode scanner 2 Sample racks 8x 3 Reagent racks 2x 4 Control racks 4x 5 Buffer rack 1x 6 Initial dilution plate 7 Titer dilution plate 2x 8 Shaker/Pipetting station 9 Incubation positions for microscope slide plates 6x 10 Washing module 11 Photometer module 12 Needle washing station 13 Emergency stop 14 On/Off switch 15 Accessory module with 5 incubation positions 16 Moveable arm with 4 pipetting needles 17 Moveable arm with gripper
Figure 5-1: Sprinter XL – Standard configuration IFA
5 General information on the instrument - 17 -
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
1 Integrated barcode scanner 2 Sample racks 8x 3 Reagent racks 2x 4 Standard/Control rack 4x 5 Sample buffer rack 1x 6 Dilution area 1 7 Dilution area 2 8 Needle washing station 9 Shaker/Pipetting station 10 Microplate incubation positions 6x 11 Washing module 12 ELISA photometer 13 More microplate incubation positions/37°C 14 Emergency stop 15 On/Off switch 16 Moveable arm with 4 pipetting needles 17 Moveable arm with gripper
Figure 5-2: Sprinter XL – Standard configuration ELISA
- 18 - 5 General information on the instrument
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
1 Integrated barcode scanner 2 Sample racks 8x 3 Reagent racks 2x 4 Standard/Control racks 4x 5 Sample buffer rack 1x 6 Initial dilution area 7 Serial dilution area 8 Needle washing station 9 Shaker/Pipetting station 10 Microplate incubation positions 6x 11 Washing module 12 ELISA photometer 13 Incubation positions for microscope slide plates 5x 14 On/Off switch 15 Emergency stop
Figure 5-3: Sprinter XL – Standard configuration ELISA/IFA
5 General information on the instrument - 19 -
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
Figure 5-4: Nameplate
- 20 - 5 General information on the instrument
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
6 Installation process
This chapter provides the information required for instrument installation.
6.1 Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery of the Sprinter XL includes:
o Sprinter XL, microscope slide racks with a cover o Slide racks for samples and reagents o PCAN bus system, USB dongle, network cable o Container for wash buffer 2 l and 4 l o Waste container 10 l o Container for system liquid 5 l and matching station o Tweezers, cleaning brush, reagent vessels o Sprinter XL manual, maintenance manual and quick-start manual o Personal computer with monitor, mouse, keyboard and printer o Speaker o Optional: ELISA reader, 37°C incubation module
If parts are damaged, please contact the relevant field service employee or EUROIMMUN AG.
6.2 Unpacking, transport, storage
Please observe the following safety notes when unpacking, transporting and storing the Sprinter XL:
o The Sprinter XL is supplied in a wooden case on a pallet. Check the
container for damage before opening.
o When unpacking, use the delivery note to ensure that all system
components are present.
o Ensure transport and storage temperatures in accordance with the
technical data.
o Place the system onto a stable work surface. o Compare the serial number of the instrument on the nameplate to the
side with the serial number on the delivery note.
o Check the instrument for visibly loose, bent or broken parts. o Retain the packaging for longer storage periods or to return the
instrument to the manufacturer.
When unpacking, use the scope of delivery described in section 6.1 to
6 Installation process - 21 -
ensure that all system components are present.
6.3 Ambient conditions
The instrument is intended for use in closed rooms. Select the installation location in such a way that the instrument is protected from dust, vibrations, strong magnetic fields, direct sunlight, a high level of moisture and large temperature fluctuations.
Operating temperature +15°C to +30°C
Warehouse temperature 15°C to 30°C Max. installation height for
operation Max. relative moisture
Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG
10% to 85% at 30°C, no condensing moisture
NOTE: If the instrument was subjected to temperatures outside of this area, it may only be operated again once the prescribed temperature range has been reached. Premature commissioning can damage the instrument.
Up to 2000 m over sea level
6.4 Installation and commissioning
Commissioning and installation of the Sprinter XL may only be performed by an authorised service technician of EUROIMMUN AG.
o Place the instrument on the work surface in such a way that the main
switch and the emergency stop are easily accessible. The instrument should be as free-standing as possible to ensure the installation and other handling of the system for system liquids and the wash buffer container. Also enough space is required to flip the instrument cover up.
o Remove all packaging materials and clean the instrument. o Align the instrument horizontally using a spirit level. The instrument can
be adjusted with the bottom adjustable feet.
o Connect the system liquid tube to the pipetting needles and attach them
with the headless screw. Ensure the correct orientation of the pin on the needle!
o Insert the shaker module and connect it to the instrument connections
using the black connecting cables. Pass the cables under the needle washing station.
o The waste tubes of the needle washing station and the washing module
exit the instrument on the right. Lead both tubes to the waste container. The tubes should not be too long or droop!
o Place the station for system liquid to the right next to the instrument.
Use the inserts and the end of the system tube with the filter, fill the container with system liquid and place it on the station. Connect the station with the mains adapter to the power supply and turn it on. Connect the system tubes to the station.
o The containers for the wash buffers are placed to the side and the wash
buffer tubes are inserted.
o Only connect the instrument with the USB dongle to the PC once the
required software and the driver have been installed.
- 22 - 6 Installation process
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