Euroheat Wiking Miro Range Installation Instructions Manual

Document Part Number IN1273
Installation Instructions
for the
WIKING Miro Range
of Stoves
The above are suitable for use in smoke control areas
Wood Models
Serial Number
Part No.
Model Name
This manual must be used in conjunction with document
IN1173 the Wood and Multifuel Chimney and Installation Guide
E&OE Instructions Part number IN1273 Ed A
Installation Instructions
Subject Page
Important Notes .......................................................... 3
Model Identification .................................................... 4
Curing Process .............................................................. 4
About Different Fuels. .............................................. 5-7
The Clean Air Act and Smoke Control Areas ................ 8
Technical Details ........................................................... 8
Hearths .......................................................................... 9
Fireplace Design ......................................................... 10
Installation Clearances ............................................... 11
Fitting The Internal Parts ............................................ 12
Flue Draught Measurement ...................................... 12
Commissioning Check List .......................................... 13
E&OE Instructions Part number IN1273 Ed A
The installation of this appliance must comply with all current BS 8303 local regulations, including
those referring to national and European Standards before it can be operated. The stove is not suitable for a shared flue. However, for England and Wales, only, the coming into force on 1st April 2002 of SI 2002 No 440 exempts the householder from this legal requirement for the installation of solid fuel fired appliance whose rated heat output is 50 kW or less in a building having no more than 3 storeys (excluding any basement) if a Competent Engineer is employed who is registered under the Registration Scheme for Companies and Engineers involved in the Installation and Maintenance of Domestic Solid Fuel Fired Equipment operated by HETAS Ltd. These registered Competent Engineers may also carry out associated building work necessary to ensure that the installed appliance complies with Building Regulations without involving the Local Authority Building Control Department.
Improper adjustment, alteration, maintenance or the fitting of replacement parts not recommended by
the manufacturer can cause injury or property damage. Do not operate the stove with faulty seals or damaged glass.
Due to the high operating temperatures of this appliance it should be located away from pedestrian
traffic and away from furniture and draperies. Do not store paper or wood near the appliance. Any mats and rugs put in front of the stove should be fire proof and secured to prevent the possibility of tripping.
Advise all persons as to the stove’s high surface temperatures. If it is possible for children or infirm
adults to come into contact with the stove, fit a suitable fire guard.
It is imperative that all air passageways into, out of, and within the appliance are kept clean. All
permanent ventilation into the room provided for the stove must remain clear and unobstructed at all times. Consideration must be given to the need for extra ventilation if another heating source needing air is to be operated simultaneously. If an extraction fan is proposed to be fitted to a connecting area of the house, after the stove has been installed, professional advice should be sought from a qualified engineer.
The user should be advised that the appliance should be inspected regularly and the chimney cleaned at
least annually.
More frequent cleaning may be required and the advice of a qualified chimney sweep should be sought.
Our range of stoves is capable of operating with outstanding efficiency if the flue system is correct.
Because so little heat is wasted to the flue it is possible that moisture within the products of combustion will condense if the heat losses within the flue way are too great and allow the flue gases to cool. For this reason we recommend that the stove is fitted with a suitable flue liner, the same diameter as the flue spigot, to prevent the possibility of acidic damage to the fabric of the chimney and damage to the stove which will reduce the longevity of the stove.
When correctly installed, the stove is designed to produce heat, safely. It cannot do so if the
installation is less than absolutely stable, constructed of materials suitable for such an installation and consideration has not been given to the possibility of people with less than ideal common sense operating it.
Have the existing chimney swept by a chimney sweep. Although you will be lining the chimney, any
deposits left in the chimney will cause problems and may become a fire hazard.
Your attention is drawn to the precautions and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Acts,
and whatever new legislation being introduced during the life of this document.
E&OE Instructions Part number IN1273 Ed A
Euroheat Distributors (H.B.S). Ltd. Unit 2, Court Farm Business Park, Bishops Frome, Worcestershire. WR6 5AY.
Useful organisations
Solid Fuel Association 0845 601 4406
The National Association of Chimney Sweeps 01785 811732
HETAS Ltd. 0845 634 5626
The Model Range Explained
Thank you for purchasing your stove and helping to protect our environment. Wiking and Euroheat insist on progressive development to produce products which are market leading. Our aims are to produce stoves with the latest innovations, user friendly operation and high efficiency for lower cost operation.
This manual offers user information for the range of WIKING MIRO stoves.
Model Identication
You will see on the front page of this document a label which confirms which model you have. This label also advises you of the stoves unique serial number. This information is also attached to your stove for reference.
Please ensure the warranty registration form is returned to Euroheat. In this way the model and its history will be recorded for reference in the future.
Whilst we are always happy to assist you, please make sure you have read this manual before contacting the technical support team. Technical Support Telephone Number 01885 491117. E-mail
Before Operating this Appliance
The paint used on the stove is a heat resistant paint capable of withstanding 650°C, but it needs to be heated for several hours to allow it to cure and attain its full hardness. The lighting procedure should be followed and the stove’s first fire limited to a small fire for one hour, after which its size can be gradually increased to allow the stove to reach its operating temperature. As the temperature of the paint increases a blue hazy smoke will be apparent as the solvents in the paint are driven out. These fumes may activate a smoke detector, if fitted, and during this period the room must be ventilated by leaving the windows open and it should not be occupied by people or pets. The time taken for the paint to be fully cured will be dependant upon the temperature but you should allow at least six hours. If you re-paint or fit new parts to your stove, another period of curing will be necessary but the curing time will be very much shorter.
Hwam Nydamsvej 53 Dk -8362 Horning Denmark
E&OE Instructions Part number IN1273 Ed A
Gas and oil are consistent fuels and stoves can be designed to obtain the maximum heat from them with the
user having to do no more than choose a heat setting. Solid fuels are almost infinitely variable and however
well a stove has been designed, its performance will ultimately depend on the way the user operates it.
Whilst we have endeavoured to make the stove as simple to operate as possible, understanding just a little
about the fuels and the way your stove was designed to burn them will be rewarded by your being able to
achieve the best from your stove with the least effort.
As a fuel, wood is visually exciting, environmentally friendly, and a renewable source of energy but it is one
of the most complex fuels to burn. Wood contains two sorts of components which burn. The fixed carbons
which burn as the glowing embers, and the compounds that vaporize when heated to burn as volatile gases,
giving the endlessly changing flame patterns. The fixed carbon, which is charcoal, is a virtually trouble free
fuel and needs little assistance to burn cleanly, but it would be difficult to describe it as visually entertaining.
When set to its wood burning position, your stove heats the incoming air to ensure it has the minimum
cooling effect on any volatiles. The air is supplied as slowly as possible so as not to blow out any established
flames and it comes in across the full width of the stove ensuring that all parts of the stove receive an equal
air supply. Because the air enters slowly over a curved blade the air is directed towards the burning volatiles
rather than the bed of the fire, this allows the tar laden volatile components to use the incoming air as a
priority. By placing a log or two towards the front of the fire whenever the flames from previous logs die
down, a bed of charcoal will build up. This will be virtually pure carbon and capable of burning for incredibly
long periods without causing any tar deposits on the stove’s glass even when the air supply is reduced to
minimal setting.
Always put logs on to the fire before flames from previous logs have extinguished, this will ensure that when
the new logs begin releasing gases it will ignite. Unburned gases will cause smoke and tar deposits and
wastes potential heat. Putting on too much wood at one time will both restrict the air supply and cool the
combustion chamber making it more difficult for the gases to burn cleanly.
Never put on fresh wood whilst operating the stove with a minuscule air supply as a technique for operating
for long periods without attention, it will cause both chilling and air restriction. Properly controlling the rate
at which wood burns is not simply a matter of restricting the air supply, nor running the stove with a very
small fire, it is maintaining the temperature and ignition flames in the stove whilst balancing the release of
gases to match the chosen air supply.
No two woods have the same burning characteristics but all wood contains water. It is difficult to quantify
the amount of water any log might hold whilst its exterior feels dry but it would not be unreasonable to
estimate a mug full from a good sized, poorly seasoned log. Imagine pouring that onto your fire every time
you introduce a new log and you will realize its obvious effect of cooling the fire. What is not so obvious is
that the moisture mixing with the vaporized gases is cooling them, possibly below their ignition temperature.
So the water within a wet log cooled the stove, it has prevented much of the potential heat from the log
being realized and the unburned combustible products will be deposited as tars within the stove and flue.
Coal suitable for stoves has only a very small proportion of components that vaporise and a far higher fixed
carbon content and when the stove is set to its coal burning position air is supplied through the grate to the
underside of the fire bed to supply the carbon directly. There will be sufficient spare air travelling through the
fire bed to reach the limited gases being released and this air will have been heated as it passed the
burning coals.
Because coals suitable for stoves have so little vaporizing content they are virtually trouble free fuels to use,
but if you are using one of the manufactured smokeless coals take care to ensure the ash pan is checked
regularly because some of them have a very high ash content; this is especially important if you change
“brands” because the ash contents can vary dramatically.
Wood Stoves
+ 11 hidden pages