When considering a Euro Fireplace In Built,
p lease consider the following requirements:
I In Built heaters are designed for maximum eciency and the lowest
possible emissions; therefore only a small amount of rewood is
required for a high heat output.
I Wood size is important; smaller logs will burn hotter for longer. Logs
100 to 150mm in diameter are the ideal size.
I Overloading your replace will result in over burning, which can
eventually cause damage to your heater and may void the warranty.
The heater only needs around 6-7kg of rewood at any one time to
achieve excellent heat output.
I No treated timber or building materials must be used as fuel.
Firewood should be dry and well seasoned.
I Mt Blanc heaters have a vertical door, however the heater should not
permanently be run as an open replace. A closed door will maintain
an eciency of 80%, whilst an open door will cause the eciency to
drop below 30%.
I The heater will burn slowly for many hours when shut down, however
it is not designed to be loaded with large heavy logs, as this will
result in blackened glass and a heavy creosote build-up. Black glass
is an indication of incorrect burning practices.
I Heaters with traditional lateral doors such as the Arlberg have a
tighter seal, and can therefore retain ambers longer.
I The choice of what inbuilt material is used will result in either strong
convection (Skamol) or large amounts of heat storage (Fire Bricks). A
combination of these materials is also an option however.
I No timber or combustible material can be used in any part of the
installation or must be protected against. Any materials used must
withstand temperatures up to 350°C.
I Placing the vents in the correct location is essential for both
eciency and safety
I High convection installations such as Skamol need double the
venting of a brick installation
I A 50mm thick Skamol base with 3mm steel sheet for strength is
required inside the hot box and for 500mm in front of the heater.