EUROCOM E1 mux User Manual

Zakład Produkcyjny TEL-KA
EUROCOM / E1 mux
converter box
User Manual
Warszawa 2010-14
TEL-KA EUROCOM B / E1 Mux converter User Manual v.3.1 4. Apr. 2014 Page 1/13
TEL-KA EUROCOM B / E1 Mux converter User Manual v.3.1 4. Apr. 2014 Page 2/13
1. General Information
The Eurocom B/E1 Mux interface converter box allows to connect any equipment with Eurocom B interface to any equipment with E1 interface.
The EUROCOM B / E1 converter specification:
1. Binary throughput on E1 side: 2048 kbps ± 100ppm
2. Binary throughput on Eurocom side: 256/512/1024/2048kbps ± 100ppm
3. Modes of operation:
Raw data converter (2048 kbps only)
Multiplier mode with automatic throughput selection
Multiplexer mode
4. E1 interface:
G.703/120 Ω, balanced electrical parameters (ITU G.703, chapter 9)
RJ-45 socket (1,2–Rx, 4,5-Tx, 6,7-GND)
5. Eurocom interface:
B type, as per EUROCOM D/1 1986 IB6 (pages IB6-1 .. IB6-5)
connector: D-SUB 9 female-type
6. RS-232 interface (configuration/firmware update)
Baud rate 57,6 kbps, character format 8N2
connector: D-SUB 9 female-type
7. Power supply (available options):
DC +12V..+30, < 2W, non-isolated, '-' connected to board's earth and
GND line of E1 interface, PSU socket 5.5/2.5mm
-48VDC (-36..-72VDC), isolated, MC 1,5/3-G-3.81 socket.
AC 85…240VAC, 47…63Hz, IEC60320-C14 socket
8. Power consumption < 1W
9. Box size: 106mm • 175mm • 46mm
2. Front panel layout
Front panel contains:
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EUROCOM (DSUB-9 connector) interface
E1 (RJ-45 connector) interface
'Power' status indicator (LED)
Received 'DATA' and 'CLK' signals indicators (LEDs) for EUROCOM
Received E1 signal indicator (green LED on E1 connector)
Received E1 G.704 frame synchronization status indicator (orange LED on E1
3. Rear panel layout
Rear panel contains:
Power supply socket (depending on power supply version)
RS-232 (DSUB-9 connector) interface
4. Connector layout
1. Interface E1 connector RJ-45
Pin Direction Function
1 input to converter Received Data – wire A
2 input to converter Received Data – wire B
3 not used
4 output from converter Transmitted Data – wire A
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