Euroclima ZHK Series Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual ZHK
In addition to the instructions in this guide,
subject-specific standards, as well as local, national and
international regulations must be observed.
After completion of the work, please give this instruction man-
ual to the operating staff. Please keep the complete instruc-
tion and operating manual filed with your other documents.
Betriebsanleitung! Instruction manual! Manuale d’istruzione!
ET 174-0
Instruction Manual ZHK
Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Model code ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Intended use / foreseeable misuse .................................................................................. 7
1.2.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Foreseeable misuse ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Modular design ................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Documentation ................................................................................................................ 8
2 Safety instructions / Guidelines to conformity to laws and directives ............................. 10
2.1 CE-conformity / installation instructions for safe operation ............................................. 10
2.1.1 CE-conformity / incorporation declaration according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC 10
2.1.2 Installation instructions for the proper installation in the building system .......................... 10
2.2 Indications for minimizing specific hazards .................................................................... 12
2.2.1 General indications ............................................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Refrigeration circuit ............................................................................................................ 14
2.2.3 ATEX AHUs ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Conformity to laws and directives .................................................................................. 15
2.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 ErP conformity according to directive (EU) 1253/2014 ................................................... 15
2.5 Staff selection and qualification ..................................................................................... 16
3 Reception control / unloading / transportation to installation site ................................... 16
3.1 Reception control .......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Lifting by forklift / lift truck .............................................................................................. 18
3.3 Overlifting of AHU sections with crane lugs ................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Control of weight limits of delivery sections ....................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Necessary actions before lifting delivery sections with crane lugs .................................... 21
3.3.3 Mounting of crane lugs....................................................................................................... 23
3.3.4 Lifting by crane lugs ........................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Overlifting of monoblocs ................................................................................................ 25
3.4.1 Weight details for monoblocs ............................................................................................. 25
3.4.2 Lifting of monoblocs ........................................................................................................... 25
3.5 Further necessary actions for the overlifting of both, delivery sections on crane lugs as
well as monoblocs ......................................................................................................... 27
3.6 Storage .......................................................................................................................... 28
4 Foundation / erection ........................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Foundation .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Erection ......................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Potential risks that may arise at the erection site .............................................................. 30
4.2.2 Actions to prevent potential risks ....................................................................................... 31
4.2.3 General indications for the erection ................................................................................... 31
4.2.4 Special guidelines for flat AHUs – ceiling AHUs ................................................................ 32
5 Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Assembly of casing........................................................................................................ 34
5.1.1 Actions before the assembly of casing .............................................................................. 34
5.1.2 Standard connections and connection components .......................................................... 37
5.1.3 Detailed solutions and connection components ................................................................ 39
5.1.4 Establishing the screw connection of AHU parts ............................................................... 41
5.1.5 Special features for roof AHUs and device separations at wet areas ............................... 43
5.1.6 Cable gland ........................................................................................................................ 47
5.1.7 Transport lock .................................................................................................................... 48
5.1.8 Securing the position of AHUs ........................................................................................... 49
5.2 Doors ............................................................................................................................ 49
5.3 Dampers ........................................................................................................................ 54
5.4 Airfilters ......................................................................................................................... 54
5.4.1 Panel filter and / or bag filter laterally removable .............................................................. 55
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5.4.2 Panel filter and / or bag filters in filter frame ...................................................................... 55
5.4.3 Laterally removable bag filters with clamping mechanism ................................................ 56
5.4.4 HEPA filters ........................................................................................................................ 57
5.4.5 Activated carbon filter ........................................................................................................ 58
5.5 Dampers with external gear wheels ............................................................................... 59
5.6 Hygienic AHUs .............................................................................................................. 59
6 Installation ............................................................................................................................ 60
6.1 Heat exchanger connection ........................................................................................... 60
6.1.1 General notes .................................................................................................................... 60
6.1.2 Steam heat exchanger ....................................................................................................... 62
6.1.3 Plate heat exchangers for refrigeration circuits ................................................................. 63
6.2 Humidifier, indirect adiabatic cooling ............................................................................. 64
6.2.1 Water quality ...................................................................................................................... 64
6.2.2 Protection of the drinking water against pollution .............................................................. 64
6.2.3 Special indications for different humidification systems .................................................... 65
Spray humidifier – Installation of the pump circuit .......................................................... 65
Evaporative humidifier .................................................................................................... 69
High pressure spray humidifier ....................................................................................... 69
Steam humidifier ............................................................................................................. 69
6.2.4 Connection of indirect adiabatic cooling ............................................................................ 69
6.3 Drain for condensate and excess water ......................................................................... 70
6.3.1 Standard siphons ............................................................................................................... 70
6.3.2 Ball siphons ........................................................................................................................ 71
6.4 Duct connection – airside connection to AHU ................................................................ 73
6.4.1 Insulation of fresh air damper ............................................................................................ 76
6.5 Pumps ........................................................................................................................... 76
6.6 Freeze protection measures .......................................................................................... 76
7 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................ 77
7.1 Connecting to an external protective conductor system ................................................. 77
7.2 AC motors ..................................................................................................................... 77
7.3 EC motors ..................................................................................................................... 82
7.4 Main switch (emergency stop switch) ............................................................................ 82
7.5 Variable, frequency-controlled drives (VFD, frequency converters) ............................... 83
7.6 Electric heaters .............................................................................................................. 83
7.6.1 AHUs equipped from EUROCLIMA with control ................................................................ 84
7.6.2 AHUs which are not equipped from EUROCLIMA with control ......................................... 86
7.7 Differential pressure restriction for plate heat exchangers ............................................. 86
7.7.1 General indications ............................................................................................................ 86
7.7.2 Prevention measures ......................................................................................................... 87
7.7.3 Pressure monitoring with differential pressure switch ....................................................... 87
7.8 Frost protection for plate heat exchanger ...................................................................... 89
7.9 Lighting .......................................................................................................................... 89
7.10 UV section ..................................................................................................................... 90
8 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................... 90
8.1 Preliminary steps ........................................................................................................... 90
8.1.1 Variable frequency controlled drives (frequency converter) - parameters ......................... 91
8.1.2 Airflow measurement by differential pressure measurement at the fan ............................ 93
8.1.3 Heat exchanger .................................................................................................................. 94
8.1.4 Electric heater .................................................................................................................... 95
8.1.5 Air filters ............................................................................................................................. 95
8.1.6 Humidifier / Air washer ....................................................................................................... 95
General indications ......................................................................................................... 95
Spray humidifier .............................................................................................................. 96
Evaporative humidifier .................................................................................................... 96
High pressure spray humidifier ....................................................................................... 96
Steam Humidifier ............................................................................................................ 96
8.2 Refrigeration circuit........................................................................................................ 97
8.2.1 General notes .................................................................................................................... 97
Instruction Manual ZHK
8.2.2 Manually starting the compressor via EUROCLIMA control system ................................. 97
8.2.3 Refrigerant ......................................................................................................................... 97
8.2.4 Compressor lubricant ......................................................................................................... 97
8.3 Test run ......................................................................................................................... 98
8.3.1 Adjusting variable pullies ................................................................................................... 98
8.3.2 Resonance at fans ............................................................................................................. 99
9 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 100
9.1 Electrical connection, control cabinet ........................................................................... 101
9.2 Fan / motor group ........................................................................................................ 101
9.2.1 Fan ................................................................................................................................... 101
9.2.2 Motor ................................................................................................................................ 103
9.2.3 V-belt drive ....................................................................................................................... 103
9.2.4 Re-tensioning of belts ...................................................................................................... 104
9.2.5 Replacing of belts ............................................................................................................ 106
9.3 Air filters ...................................................................................................................... 107
9.3.1 Panel filters ...................................................................................................................... 108
9.3.2 Bag filters ......................................................................................................................... 108
9.3.3 HEPA filters ...................................................................................................................... 108
9.3.4 Activated carbon filters..................................................................................................... 108
9.4 Heat exchangers ......................................................................................................... 108
9.4.1 Medium water / steam...................................................................................................... 108
9.4.2 Refrigerant ....................................................................................................................... 109
9.4.3 Electric Heater ................................................................................................................. 109
9.5 Humidifiers .................................................................................................................. 109
9.5.1 General indications .......................................................................................................... 109
9.5.2 Spray humidifier ............................................................................................................... 110
9.5.3 Evaporative humidifiers.................................................................................................... 110
9.5.4 High pressure humidifiers ................................................................................................ 110
9.5.5 Steam humidifiers ............................................................................................................ 111
9.6 UV section ................................................................................................................... 111
9.7 Dampers ...................................................................................................................... 111
9.8 Sound attenuators ....................................................................................................... 111
9.9 Weather louver ............................................................................................................ 111
9.10 Energy recovery systems ............................................................................................ 111
9.10.1 Plate heat exchangers ..................................................................................................... 111
9.10.2 Heat wheels ..................................................................................................................... 112
9.10.3 Heat pipes ........................................................................................................................ 112
9.10.4 Accublocs ......................................................................................................................... 112
9.11 Refrigeration circuit...................................................................................................... 113
9.11.1 Leakage checks ............................................................................................................... 113
9.11.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 114
9.11.3 Inspection ......................................................................................................................... 115
9.12 Hygienic AHUs ............................................................................................................ 116
9.13 Maintenance plan ........................................................................................................ 116
10 Information on airborne noise emitted by the AHUs - on request .................................. 118
11 ATEX AHUs ......................................................................................................................... 118
11.1 General notes .............................................................................................................. 118
11.2 Information regarding the unit, protective systems and components ............................ 120
11.3 Information for erection, assembly, commissioning, maintenance and repair............... 121
11.3.1 Foundation and erection .................................................................................................. 121
11.3.2 Assembly, connection ...................................................................................................... 121
11.3.3 Fan section ...................................................................................................................... 121
11.3.4 Air filters ........................................................................................................................... 122
11.3.5 Heat exchangers / steam humidifiers .............................................................................. 122
11.3.6 Field devices .................................................................................................................... 122
11.3.7 Declaration of conformity ................................................................................................. 122
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12 Disassembly and disposal ................................................................................................. 123
12.1 Disassembly ................................................................................................................ 123
12.2 Disposal ...................................................................................................................... 124
Figure index .............................................................................................................................. 125
Table index ................................................................................................................................ 129
- Original Instructions -
Instruction Manual ZHK
ZHK INOVA S 15/6 – 15/6
AHU type (standard)
AHU execution
AHU size supply air
AHU size exhaust air ZHK INOVA
casing type with thermal separation profile
ZHK 2000
casing type without thermal separation profile
compact AHU series
key ETA: including control
including refrigeration circuit
compact AHU for pool dehumidification with refrigeration circuit (option)
for pool dehumidification including plate heat exchanger and refrigeration circuit
heat recovery by plate heat exchanger
heat recovery by accumulator
heat recovery by heat wheel
refrigeration circuit, heat pump function
indirect adiabatic cooling
for hygienic use, including control
AHU for indoor installation
AHU for outdoor installation
AHU Industrial – heavy version of the panels
AHU hygienic execution
Index 3 4 6 9
Dimension (mm)
Dimension (mm)

1 Introduction

This is the instruction and operation manual for an air handling unit, hereinafter designated as AHU’.

1.1 Model code

Legend used for AHU type
Design key AHU execution
Legend for the AHU size
Example 15/6: the first index (15) corresponds to the clear width, the second index (6) to the clear height. According to the following table, the dimensions in mm are 15/6 = 1525 x 610 mm (clear width x clear height)
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This information applies both to the ratios of the supply air and the exhaust air.

1.2 Intended use / foreseeable misuse

1.2.1 Intended use

The AHU is used, depending on the chosen purpose for
- transportation and conditioning of air in and out of buildings, in which humans stay
- creation of a desired room air quality in the occupied area of humans
- creation of an acceptable comfort or desired working conditions
- depending on the AHU type, the air conditioning is done primarily by
o Air change o Control of air temperature and air humidity o Filtration of normal polluted air o Filtration at specific requirements (clean room and so on)
The AHU is suitable for
- operation in the range of the agreed design data
- an ambient air temperature range of – 20 °C to + 60 °C at installation site, if electrical/electronic
components are mounted on the outside of the AHU, then + 40 °C maximum
- a minimum temperature of the transported air of -20 °C (if necessary, freeze protection measures must be installed)
- a maximum temperature of the transported air of +60 °C
- inside the AHU at motors and other electrical/electronic components up to +40 °C maximum
The operation at other conditions must be agreed in writing. Unless otherwise agreed, the design of the AHU is for a nominal density of the air of 1,20 kg/m³.
Design responsibility for AHUs, are built according to customer specifications
AHUs of the series ZHK 2000 and ZHK INOVA, as described in this manual are designed, built and delivered according to customer requirements. Therefore, EUROCLIMA can select and offer a number of materials and components, which are varied in quality levels.
Generally, a HVAC specialist, knowing the exact application of the AHU, generates a specification, in which customer requirements for the AHU are defined. The properties of the AHU, specified by EUROCLIMA, are agreed with the customer and are stated on the technical data sheets and draw­ing of the AHU.
Thus, the assessment of the suitability of the AHU for the specific application (e.g. used materials or filter classes) is not the responsibility of EUROCLIMA. Therefore, a disclaimer applies for EU­ROCLIMA, if the suitability of the AHU for the specific application and installation site should not be fully stipulated.
As an example, the use at highly polluted or corrosive air (e.g. close to the sea, in industry atmos­phere or at contaminated/corrosive exhaust air) is mentioned. In this case, corrosion of the AHU or inappropriate filtration of the air could be a result of a planning error, for which EUROCLIMA de­clines the responsibility, because the AHU is built according to the confirmed specifications.
Instruction Manual ZHK
Instruction manual ZHK (This document is an extract of the complete instruction and operating manual and includes chapters 1 to 4.)
There is a cardboard box for loosely deliv­ered parts inside of the AHU. QR-Code for the download of the complete man­ual
On the AHU and in the delivered manual on page 1
Components provided by the customer
If it is planned and agreed, that EUROCLIMA installs components in the AHU, which are provided by the customer, EUROCLIMA only accepts liability, if there are significant mistakes in construc­tion. The warranty for proper functionality of the provided components as well as the component con­cerned safety requirements is excluded. For AHUs with components provided by the customer no CE-conformity is generated due to this reason.
Changes of the AHU by the customer
Attention! If there are any changes to the AHU undertaken by the costumer after delivery, then the warranty becomes invalid. Subsequent changes of the AHU, which are not authorized by EUROCLIMA, are the sole responsibility of the executing person, concerning functionality as well as safety aspects.

1.2.2 Foreseeable misuse

Other than above use, is considered as improper and must be excluded totally:
- The commissioning of equipment, prior to performing the steps indicated in the assembly in- structions and operating with the fan section door open, is a serious security risk.
- Opening the AHU, without securing the main switch in the off position, represents a massive security risk.
- The operation of an AHU equipped with an electric heater while the fan-motor is cut off, or if the fan is working at a limited airflow, for example, caused by closed dampers or similar and with the electric heater in operation produces an imminent fire risk.
- The operation in an explosive atmosphere is prohibited, as long as the AHU is not executed in accordance with the ATEX directive. Application of AHUs in ATEX execution, see chapter 11 (ATEX AHUs).
- Handling of air with corrosive / aggressive components.
- Pressure-sided doors can detach suddenly while opening. So, there is a risk of injury for the
user. See chapter 5.2 Doors.

1.3 Modular design

Because of the modular AHU design, the instruction manual covers all the possible sections and components which can be delivered. The ordered range is smaller and can be seen on the tech­nical data sheet - see chapter 1.4 (Documentation).
In this manual, treated parts/components that are not part of the delivered AHU, can therefore be disregarded.

1.4 Documentation

The AHU will be delivered with the following documentation:
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Components operation manual
There is a cardboard box for loosely deliv­ered parts inside of the AHU.
AHU drawing
applied on each delivery section
Wiring diagram for ETA
in control cabinet
Operation manual control ETA MATIC / ETA POOL
in control cabinet
K-value for airflow measurement
glued on the inside of the fan section door
Belt drive and tension data
There is a cardboard box for loosely deliv­ered parts inside of the AHU.
Data point list
in control cabinet
Piping & instrumentation diagram
in control cabinet
Records for refrigeration circuit application
in control cabinet
Indicate safety instructions – or yellow triangle with the corresponding hazard pic­togram
Indication to avoid damage
Depending on AHU type and execution, the following documentation is included:
Depending on type of accessories, the following documentation is included:
The above mentioned documentation must always be available when working on the AHU!
You will also find stickers with warning labels and other instructions on and inside the AHU. In this manual and on labels used symbols:
In addition to the contents of this manual, the instruction manuals of the component manufacturers must be followed. These will be delivered separately or can be downloaded from the homepage of the component manufacturer. In case of contradiction between this manual and instruction manu­als of the component manufacturer for safety instructions, the most restrictive interpretation is valid. At differences between this manual and the instruction manual of the component manufac­turer, the instruction manual of the component manufacturer has to be applied. In case of doubt, please contact your EUROCLIMA office.
Instruction Manual ZHK

2 Safety instructions / Guidelines to conformity to laws and directives

2.1 CE-conformity / installation instructions for safe operation

2.1.1 CE-conformity / incorporation declaration according to Machinery Directive
An AHU (or any part thereof) supplied by EUROCLIMA is by definition of Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC an incomplete machine, because it is limited in function and is only a part of the build­ing system. Accordingly, for a safe operation before the initial start-up, the general in chapter 2.1.2 (Installation instructions for the proper installation in the building system) and in particular in the following chapters described on-site work must be carried out for a safe operation.
Depending on the scope of supply, a CE-conformity declaration or a declaration of incorporation will be issued. A declaration of incorporation will be issued, if supplementary work on site is neces­sary to gain the CE-conformity. This applies if no frequency converter, which is necessary, or no filter manometer is included in delivery (see chapter 2.4).

2.1.2 Installation instructions for the proper installation in the building system

For the proper installation of AHU equipment and the safe operation of the system, depending on the configuration of the AHU, before the first start at least, the following points must be imple­mented or upgraded and is the responsibility of the client:
Assembly of delivery sections The delivery sections of the AHU must be assembled and linked together, according to the drawing supplied on the inner face of fan section door. See the chapter 4 (Foundation / erection).
Secure inlet and outlet openings All the inlet and outlet openings must be connected to ducts or respectively equipped with grilles, to prevent persons accessing from the outside to moving parts (such as fan wheels) during opera­tion.
Main switch See chapter 7.3 (EC motors).
Installation of ceiling AHUS – flat AHUs See chapter 4.2.4 (Special guidelines for flat AHUs – ceiling AHUs).
Installation of filters See chapter 5.4 (Airfilters).
Temperature limitation
Ensure that a control system is fitted and that the AHU is only operated with a supply air tempera­ture below the allowable maximum (see chapter 1.2.1 Intended use, when not stated otherwise in the technical data). For this purpose, the continuous monitoring of the supply air must be ensured on site.
Measures regarding noise attenuation As a basis for on-site sound measures calculation (such as for sound attenuators) the on request available sound data can be used. For information regarding the emitted sound power level over the openings see the technical data sheet, which is available on request – refer to chapter 10 Information on airborne noise emitted by the AHUs - on request).
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Measures to minimize the risk of water damage or damage caused by similar media See chapter 4.2.2 (Actions to prevent potential risks).
Motor connection See chapter 7.2 (AC motors).
Frequency controller for Plug fans
Also, if not supplied by EUROCLIMA, a frequency converter must be installed to reach the calcu­lated operating point. For details see chapter 7.5 (Variable, frequency-controlled drives (VFD,
frequency converters)).
Connection to an external protective conductor system See chapter 7.1 (Connecting to an external protective conductor system).
Electric heater
Installation (if not supplied by EUROCLIMA) and connection of thermostats for safety shutdown, see chapter 7.6 (Electric heaters).
Plate heat exchanger Installation (if not supplied by EUROCLIMA) and connection of differential pressure switches to protect the plate heat exchanger from damage in chapter 7.7 (Differential pressure restriction
for plate heat exchangers).
Siphons Connecting according to chapter 6.3 (Drain for condensate and excess water).
Dampers with external gear wheels According to chapter 5.5 (Dampers with external gear wheels).
Flexible connection Installations (if not supplied by EUROCLIMA) refer to chapter 6.4 (Duct connection – airside connection to AHU).
Heat exchanger
For all heat exchangers which are connected on-site, irrespective of the medium used (water, wa­ter-glycol mixture, aqueous vapor, refrigerant ...), it must be ensured by the customer that the re­sulting assembly meets the pressure equipment directive, PED '2014/68 / EU.
Field equipment for roof AHUs
On site mounted field devices for roof AHUs, e.g. damper position motors or pressure switches must be weather-protected in case of insufficient IP class and - depending on the installation situa­tion - possibly also protected against icing.
Freeze protection The customer must ensure sufficient freeze protection measures. See indications in chapters
4.2.1 (Potential risks that may arise at the erection site), 4.2.2 (Actions to prevent potential
risks), 6.6 (Freeze protection measures) and 7.8 (Frost protection for plate heat exchanger).
Venting, draining of heat exchangers
See chapter 8.1.3 (Heat exchanger).
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An improperly performed maintenance can pose a security risk!
During work on AHU (or on parts), there is a substantial risk of cutting with thin sheets as e.g. roof sheets, fins of heat exchangers, corners and edges - Use per­sonal protective equipment: wear protective helmet, gloves, safety shoes and long protective clothing.
- If the AHU is part of the smoke extraction concept, then the specifications of this concept have to be observed.
- Otherwise, the power supply of the AHU must be interrupted immediately
at all conductors. In addition, the dampers must be closed to consequently prevent oxygen supply and fire spread.
In case of fire, some materials can produce harmful substances. In addition, harmful vapors can escape from the AHU. Therefore, severe respiratory protec­tive equipment is required and the danger zone has to be avoided.
Indentation of body parts in moving parts (belt drive, fan impeller, external damper gear wheels ...).
Burns and scalds on hot AHU components such as heat registers, heat exchang­ers, ...
Electrocution on current-carrying parts such as electric motors, frequency convert­ers, electric heaters, control cabinets, interior lighting etc.

2.2 Indications for minimizing specific hazards

2.2.1 General indications

Risk of thin sheets, when working on AHU
For work on AHU (maintenance and inspection work) make sure there is adequate lighting.
Firefighting in case of fire In general, the local fire protection regulations must be observed.
Exposure to harmful substances in case of fire
Exposure to rotating parts / hot surfaces / electrocution
When working on and/or in the AHU note the following risks:
Therefore, it must be ensured that prior to working on and/or in the AHU, that
- all current-carrying parts, such as cable plug connections, fan motors, valves, motors and elec- tric heaters are disconnected from the power supply by using the main switch (emergency stop) and that the switch is locked in position 'off' in order to effectively prevent a re-activation
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In case of standstill of the plant (e.g. power failure), make sure that the main switch is always checked. Only when it is in the off position and secured against unintentional restart, appliance doors can be opened, cable plug connections can be disconnected and work on the device can be carried out.
All heat exchangers can be operating up to a maximum pressure of 15 bar. If the fluid is under higher pressures, the safety and tightness cannot be guaranteed.
To prevent the fire spreading, fire dampers shall be installed into the ducts be­tween the fire compartments.
Avoid body contact with antifreeze agents, because they may cause burns. Al­ways wear appropriate protective clothing (e.g. gloves, goggles, ...).
In case of fire, avoid the danger zone and meet different safeguards. It is recom­mended to wear a mouth guard, because of the risk of poisoning by inhaling the vapors.
By hot steam there is a danger of burns. Therefore, make sure that no steam pressure is present and the system is cooled before working on the steam piping.
Avoid any type of ignition source when cleaning the humidifier and the associated components and circuits by means of descaling agent. With strong descaling agents, direct sunlight can already cause a fire.
Avoid body contact with descaling agents, as it can cause chemical burns and se­rious eye damage. When handling descaling agents, wear appropriate protective clothing (e.g. gloves, goggles, …) and ventilate the room well.
during the work. The housing of the AHU interior lighting (can have separate supply) is not cur­rent-carrying.
- all moving parts, especially the fan wheel, motor and heat wheel have come to a standstill; wait at least 5 minutes after switching off before opening the doors.
- for maintenance of frequency controlled motors, a waiting time of 15 minutes is recommended – it gives time to break down the residual capacitive charge of the frequency converter.
- Remove the key from doors with door lock before entering in the casing of the AHU. Keep the key out of reach of unauthorized persons.
- Check that the hot media supply such as steam is interrupted and all the heat registers, heat exchangers, etc. are cooled to ambient temperature.
Start of the AHU Ensure after working and before the start that
- nobody is in the AHU.
- all protective devices are working, (optional safety devices such as the door guard and belt
guard mounted again) and doors equipped with door locks are locked and the keys are re­moved – refer to chapter 5.2 (Doors).
Storage of potential energy in gases and fluids
Preventing the risk of explosion and fire spread
Prevention of exposure caused by antifreeze agents
Prevention of hazards caused by steam heaters or humidifiers
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Removable door panels can fall out after detaching the connections and lead to in­juries. Particular care should be taken when removing pressure sided doors be­cause they can be firmly in place then suddenly detach. The user must be able to carry the weight of the door. At doors with a surface of > 0.5 m² two persons are necessary.
Never exceed the maximum operating pressures PS, which are specified on the type plate (even not for test purposes). Damage may limit the security and lifetime of the system. Never operate the refrigeration system with a closed discharge line valve.
On the compressor casing, pipelines and circuit components and on the oil sump heater surface temperatures of far higher than 100 °C may occur, which may cause serious injuries. Wear the required personal protective equipment (protec­tive goggles, gloves, etc.).
Physical contact with refrigerant must be strictly avoided as it can cause severe frostbite and damage the retina - temperature range, for example R407C at ambi- ent pressure is approximately – 44 °C!
Safety refrigerants are odorless, tasteless and can contaminate the air and cause suffocation (MAK - value 1000 ppm).
ATEX AHUs may not be used near:
- High frequency sources (e.g. transmitter systems)
- Strong light sources (e.g. laser beam systems)
- Ionizing radiation sources (e.g. X-ray machine)
- Ultrasound sources (e.g. ultrasound echo testing equipment)
Prevention of hazards caused by suddenly falling out door panels while opening of remova­ble panels
Please note the instructions on the AHU and subsequent instructions exactly.

2.2.2 Refrigeration circuit

Preventing the risk of exceeding the maximum operating pressures PS
Risk of burns on hot surfaces
Prevention of risks due to contact with refrigerant
Prevent the risk of suffocation
- In case of refrigerant leaks, immediately leave the affected room. Enter only with breathing pro- tection and ensure adequate ventilation.
- Refrigerant is heavier than air and will collect at the lowest room point. For small refrigerant charges, this risk is significantly reduced.
- Refrigerant and compressor oil react as soon as they come into touch with open flame toxic substances. Do not inhale!
- Do not smoke in the technical room!
- For more information refer to chapter 8.2.3 (Refrigerant).

2.2.3 ATEX AHUs

General safety indications
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- Operating conditions in accordance to the intended use.
- In the immediate environment of the AHU there should be no substances ac-
cording to EN 1127-1:2011, which are prone to spontaneous combustion, such as pyrophoric substances.
- Permanent and adequate ventilation of the installation room to prevent the creation of an explosive atmosphere, which is caused by leakage.
- Do not exceed the maximum permitted speed of the fan, as it could otherwise lead to sparking and damage.
- Take measures to prevent any kind of ignition sources.
- For maintenance and repair work, the power supply of the AHU must be shut
- Use only suitable tools according to EN 1127-1:2011 to prevent sparking.
- Perform work only with conductive footwear (according to BGR 132) in order
to avoid electrostatic charging.
- To avoid static charging, cleaning work may only be performed with a wet cloth.
- Work may only be performed within an non-explosive atmosphere.
- The creation of an explosive atmosphere needs to be counteracted by ade-
quate ventilation.
- Avoid any kind of ignition sources.
Safety indications for operation
The following instructions must be observed urgently for the safe operation of ATEX AHUs:
Safety indications for maintenance and repair work

2.3 Conformity to laws and directives

2.3.1 General

The AHU will be built and delivered according to the agreed specifications and exactly to your re­quirements. It is important to note that the AHU is a part of a system and that the AHU is only after assembling and connection to the system ready for operation. It is normal, that the AHU is ready for operation only after installation-work. Depending on the particular application and country-specific requirements and laws it is possible, that the AHU does not meet the valid requirements at the ordered state at delivery.
Therefore, you – the customer and installer of the AHU – are obligated – before commis­sioning of the AHU to check the conformity of the entire system to the valid laws and di­rective.
If there are any doubts about the conformity of the AHU with the local (on site) valid laws and direc­tives, the AHU is only allowed to be put into operation, if the conformity of the AHU in the system is unequivocally guaranteed.

2.4 ErP conformity according to directive (EU) 1253/2014

The ErP directive (energy related products) determines minimum requirements to the efficiency of air handling units. Important points, for which the system operator is responsible, are:
Multi staged control
All AHU`s, except those with double application, have to be equipped with multi staged drive or speed control for fans. See chapter 7 (electrical connection). Or in the special chapter 7.5 (vari-
able, frequency-controlled drives (VFD, frequency converters)).
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Filter change indicator
If one or more filter stages belong to the AHU equipment, then they have to be equipped with an optical display or an acoustic warning in the controlling. They will be triggered if the pressure drop at the filter exceeds the maximum permissible value. See chapter 9.3 (air filters).
If above mentioned equipment is not included in delivery by EUROCLIMA, it has to be provided on site.

2.5 Staff selection and qualification

All persons, who are authorized to work on the air conditioner, must have read and understood the complete manual - in particular chapter 2 (Safety instructions). Until this task is completed, the person may not begin to work on the AHU.
All work must be carried out by professionals who have sufficient technical training, experience and sufficient knowledge of…
- Locally applicable safety and occupational health rules
- Locally valid accident prevention regulations
- Locally applicable standards and approved rules of practice.
All professionals have to recognize and assess the work appropriately and recognize and avoid po­tential hazards.
Execution of the assembly, installation, electrical connection, commissioning and disposal:
- by qualified electricians and AHU technicians.
Execution of maintenance / monitoring of the operation:
- by technical staff or trained personnel and qualified electricians and AHU technicians.
Work on optionally installed refrigeration components must be performed only by trained techni­cians and according to EU-directive 303/2008 certified refrigeration technicians.
Subsequently, warning triangles indicate warnings that must be adhered to minimize risks to per­sons who are entrusted with the work on the air conditioner.

3 Reception control / unloading / transportation to installation site

Note: Chapter 3.2 (Lifting by forklift / lift truck), chapter 3.3 (Overlifting of AHU sections with crane lugs) and chapter 3.4 (Overlifting of monoblocs) do not apply to flat AHUs (ceiling
AHUs), since they are not equipped with base frame.

3.1 Reception control

- Upon arrival of the equipment, please check immediately the package for completeness and any damage.
- Loose supplied parts and assembly materials are in a nylon bag or a box in the AHU.
- If damages are found, immediately complete a damage report and send it to EUROCLIMA.
Only then the transport company can make the claim with the insurer (Note damage on the shipping documents with date and signature in the presence of the carrier). Complaints about apparent damaged or missing parts of the delivery cannot be subsequently recognized, if pro­cedures are not followed. In case of complaints please inform immediately the EUROCLIMA office.
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The packaged delivered goods may include multiple parts of the device. In this case, each part is secured against falling. Attention: narrow parts may tip over af­ter removing the safeguard. Secure narrow parts against tipping over!
Thin sheet metals like roof, edges or fins are a source of injury! Gloves, safety shoes and long work clothes must be used.
Figure 1: Do not climb on the AHU!
Figure 2: Delivery in parts
- Depending on the material used and the environmental conditions, a superficial corrosion may occur on components like e.g. motor shafts, fan shafts, pulleys, clamping bushes, sheet cutting edges, and so forth. The resulting corrosion layer protects the underlying material from further corroding and does not represent a defect of the component or the device (see also chapter
Devices shall not be climbed. If unavoidable: weight must be compensated by use of boards.
Differentiation of delivery
For unloading, transporting and lifting an AHU to its final installation location, two fundamentally different forms of delivery are to be differentiated.
The delivery form is agreed with the customer in the order clarification and can be:
1) Supplied in parts
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Figure 3: Delivery as monobloc
- Delivery in parts allow the supply of major equipment in small sections and provides more eas- ily insertable parts.
- Sections have a base frame, on which on each corner a (supplied) crane lug can be attached.
- Size and weight of the sections are indicated on the AHU drawing, see Figure 8.
2) Supplied as monobloc
- The delivery of a whole AHU in one piece is called monobloc.
- If the space conditions allow the delivery of a monobloc, then the assembly at the installation
location is much faster.
- Monobloc AHUs have an additional counter-frame on which the components are already pre- assembled.
- The counter-frame is provided with holes diameter 50 mm, which can be used for the overlift- ing, see chapter 3.4 (Overlifting of monoblocs).
- Size and weight of the monobloc is specified on the AHU drawing and have to be considered for the determination of the load carrying equipment and hoists, see chapter 3.4.1 (Weight de-
tails for monoblocs).

3.2 Lifting by forklift / lift truck

In accordance with the EUROCLIMA drawing the AHU will be delivered as monobloc or more deliv­ery section(s). The AHU parts or the monobloc are delivered on pallets and can be unloaded and moved by forklift or lift truck. Forces must always act on the base frame, see Figure 4.
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Figure 4: Transport correct
Figure 5: Transport incorrect
Figure 6: Center of gravity centrally between the forks
For the overlifting directly by crane from the truck applies the following chapter
3.3 (Overlifting of AHU sections with crane lugs) for AHU sections or chapter
3.4 (Overlifting of monoblocs) for monoblocs.
- In addition to the actions mentioned here, the instructions according to chap-
ter 3.5 (Further necessary actions for the overlifting of both, delivery sections on crane lugs as well as monoblocs) have to be observed.
- Parts of the AHU may only be lifted with lugs individually - never bolt parts to- gether before lifting.
- Lateral load on lifting lugs is not allowed.
The lifting of monoblocs by crane lugs is permitted only in exceptional circum­stances and requires the written approval by EUROCLIMA.
Center of gravity must be centrally located between the forks (see Figure 6). For large parts use several lift trucks.

3.3 Overlifting of AHU sections with crane lugs

Chapter 3.3 is only valid for the delivery form “Delivery in parts (delivery sections)”. For overlifting of AHUs delivered as “Monobloc”, see chapter 3.4.
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Depending on the base frame height (see Figure 7), delivery sections may be lifted with lifting lugs up to the following weight, refer to Table 1.
Base frame height H (mm)
Max. section weight (kg)
Table 1: Maximum AHU part weights for lifting by crane lugs
Figure 7: Base frame height
Figure 8: AHU section drawing with weight details
Base frame height

3.3.1 Control of weight limits of delivery sections

The weight of single delivery sections is shown in the attached drawing (on each delivery section). The delivery sections are marked with L1, L2, L3, ... on the drawing and with the same number on the section itself. Example, refer to Figure 8: Delivery section L5 = 601 kg
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Figure 9: Delivery section with mounted damper
Figure 10: Delivery section with dismounted damper

3.3.2 Necessary actions before lifting delivery sections with crane lugs

Opening accessories such as dampers, flexible connections, hoods, etc. must be removed before lifting, see the following examples. This equipment must be lifted separately on a pallet and then be reinstalled.
Example 1:
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Figure 11: Delivery section with mounted crane lugs
Figure 12: Delivery section with mounted flexible connection
Figure 13: Delivery section with dismounted flexible connection
Example 2:
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Figure 14: Delivery section with mounted crane lugs
Attention to correct mounting of the crane lug according Figure 16:
- blunt corner has to point upwards
- bending edge has to point toward the center of gravity of the section
Figure 15: Left-side type and right-side type of crane lugs

3.3.3 Mounting of crane lugs

Crane lugs are supplied in two versions and will be attached on the front side of the respective de­livery section in accordance with the necessary preparations, described in chapter 3.3.2 (Neces- sary actions before lifting delivery sections with crane lugs). Execution of the lifting lugs (see Figure 15):
1. Right-side type
2. Left-side type
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Figure 16: Mounting of crane lugs
Base frame height H (mm)
Screw type
Table 2: Tightening torque for screws
Bolts and nuts are delivered with the lifting lugs and must be tightened with the torque according to Table 2. If the lifting lugs are already mounted by EUROCLIMA, the screws must be checked be­fore lifting of the AHU.

3.3.4 Lifting by crane lugs

- The load carrying equipment must not run over the operating side of the AHU, but it must run over the opening or the front side of the AHU (Figure 17).
- The force effect has to take place uniformly across all four crane lugs of a delivery section.
- After the pre-positioning of the delivery section at the desired position, remove the lifting lugs
and use them for the next delivery section.
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Figure 17: Load carrying equipment guided
over front side
Figure 18: Uniform force effect
In addition to the actions mentioned in this chapter, the actions according to chap-
ter 3.5 (Further necessary actions for the overlifting of both, delivery sec­tions on crane lugs as well as monoblocs) have to be performed.

3.4 Overlifting of monoblocs

If several sections or the entire AHU is combined into one delivery unit, then this is called a mon­obloc. Chapter 3.4 (Overlifting of monoblocs) is only valid for the delivery form “Monobloc”. For overlifting of AHUs delivered as “Delivery in individual parts (delivery sections)”, see chapter
3.3 (Overlifting of AHU sections with crane lugs).

3.4.1 Weight details for monoblocs

The weight of the monobloc is specified on the AHU drawing. This weight must be considered at choosing appropriate transportation means.

3.4.2 Lifting of monoblocs

- Monoblocs are generally delivered with a perforated counter-frame – hole diameter 50 mm – for inserting suitable tubes/rods, where the AHU is lifted, see Figure 19 and Figure 20.
- The tubes/rods are not included in the delivery scope, but have to be provided by the company, which is responsible for the lifting operation.
- Two, three or more holes per side of the monobloc are available according to the length and weight of the AHU. As a consequence, two or more tubes/rods can be used.
- The determination of the number and the dimensions of the tubes/rods and the load carrying equipment are the responsibility of the performing company.
- We recommend verifying the suitability of the selected tubes/rods by a structural engineer.
- The force effect has to take place uniformly across all tubes/rods.
- The load carrying equipment must be secured to prevent slipping off, e.g. see Figure 21.
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Figure 19: Guiding of load carrying equipment (mon-
Figure 20: Uniform load of the form tubes
Figure 21: Securing against slipping off of the load carrying equipment
Lifting with monobloc crane lifting lugs
- In the counter frame are drilling holes for mounting monobloc crane lifting lugs with bolt con- nections. The bolts are mounted already by EUROCLIMA, if this option is agreed. (Figure 22).
- The crane lugs are included in the scope of delivery of EUROCLIMA, if the lifting of the mon- obloc by monobloc crane lugs is agreed.
- In accordance with the length and the weight of the monobloc AHU 2, 3 or more crane lifting lugs have be mounted at each side of the AHU.
- The weight must be applied evenly over all monobloc crane lugs.
- Dismount the crane lugs after pre-positioning of the AHU.
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Figure 22: Factory-made preparation for monobloc lifting lugs
Figure 23: Positioning of the monobloc
crane lifting lug at the counter frame
Figure 24: Fixing of the metal sheet
and the monobloc crane lifting lug
with nuts
Figure 25: Monobloc crane lifting lugs
The lifting of monoblocs is just permitted for the case described above, with the particular crane lugs delivered by EUROCLIMA.
- The AHU sections or monoblocs must be lifted with appropriate equipment e.g. belt with hook.
- The recommended minimum load capacity per load carrying equipment is 50% of the total weight of the delivery section or monobloc.
- The length of the load carrying equipment must permit a favorable course, see Figure 26.
- The course of the load carrying equipment must be chosen so that overhang- ing attachments, roofs and the like will not be stressed or damaged.
- Load carrying equipment shall not run over sharp edges and is not allowed to be knotted.
- The load carrying equipment must be secured against slipping off.
- After the section is lifted slowly from the floor for a few centimeters, stop the
operation. Now check the correct course of the load carrying equipment and that the lifting and fastening elements are all secure and safe.
- Avoid jerky lifting.
- Make sure that nobody is under the raised load.
- Never lift AHU sections or monoblocs on heat exchanger connections or other

3.5 Further necessary actions for the overlifting of both, delivery sections on crane lugs as well as monoblocs

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- The load carrying equipment is not permitted to exceed an angle of maximum
15 ° to the vertical and must be spread apart to avoid damage to the casing, refer to Figure 26.
Figure 26: Permitted angle for load carrying equipment guidance
Prolonged standstill times can cause damage on motors, fans or pumps.
Remove the nylon packaging after delivery and place the AHUs in a dry, weather protected area: the risk of corrosion due to the lack of ventilation in combination with a higher humidity under the nylon packaging is possible. For example white rust may be formed within a short time on galvanized surfaces. It can further arise that an excessively high temperature is created under the packaging, which can also cause damages to the components.
max. 15°
max. 15°

3.6 Storage

The delivery sections generally are packed in nylon. This package is suitable to protect the AHU during loading and unloading from bad weather, but not for outdoor storage. The insertion into a dry area after unloading is therefore essential for the preservation of the AHU.
Standstill maintenance
To avoid damage on bearings, the rotors should be moved manually a few turns about once per month. If the period between delivery and commissioning is more than 18 months, then the bearing must be replaced. Also components such as belts must be checked and if necessary replaced.
Removal of nylon packaging
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Figure 27: Protection against dirt
you want to please to yourself, the planner, the owner and other observers of the AHU, then we strongly recommend covering and protect the AHU against dirt and damage during the installa­tion and commissioning process, see Figure 27.

4 Foundation / erection

Space requirements:
At the location, proper maintenance and the removability of build in components shall be physically possible. Therefore, a free working space of AHU width + 300 mm shall be available. On the back site for mounting a 600 mm width passage should remain free.
According to EN 13053 and VDI 3803 it is not permitted, that the bottom of the AHU replaces the building roof. Furthermore, it is not permitted that the AHU substitutes any part of the building.

4.1 Foundation

Recommended are solid foundations of reinforced concrete, as shown in Figure 28 left, or strip foundations, as shown in Figure 28 right. For strip foundations, concrete or steel beams shall be used, see Figure 28 bottom-right. Steel beams constructions must have an appropriate stiffness in relation to the AHU size. The foundation must be flat and leveled, it may not have fall in any direc­tion or uneven surfaces.
AHUs have to strain via baseframe in longitudinal direction and cross direction optionally in form of strips or point like the foundation.
Following conditions must be fulfilled:
- The height difference of the foundation may be 1 mm per meter maximum. For the entire
AHU length and width a height difference of 5 mm maximum is acceptable.
- If the conditions mentioned before are not fulfilled due to uneven foundations or sagging of the
foundation, measures for complying the conditions must be taken (e.g. distance sheets with appropriate thickness).
If these structural conditions are not met, this may be the cause of jammed doors and dampers and other problems with the AHU.
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