EURO AJPI PASUBIO Use And Maintenance Manual

Use and maintenance
manual for pellet
Dear Customer
We thank you and we are honored that you have chosen one of our products. Please read this manual carefully; in it you will find all the information and helpful tips for using the product with
the maximum safety and efficiency. The manual supplied with the stove should be guarded and in case of loss or destruction of the same it is necessary to request a copy from your dealer or from the company, specifying the serial number of the stove, on the back wall.
1 Misconduct 2 Safety 3 Warnings 4 Regulations and declaration of conformity 5 Warranty 6 Liability 7 Installation 8 Specifications 9 First ignition 10 Modes of Operation 11 The menu 12 Alarms 13 Maintenance, cleaning, testing the stove 14 Spare Parts 15 Wiring Diagram 16 Duct 17 Notes
Pag 2 Pag 3 Pag 3 Pag 4 Pag 4 Pag 5 Pag 5 Pag 11 Pag 14 Pag 16 Pag 21 Pag 30 Pag 35 Pag 38 Pag 40 Pag 41 Pag 43
1 Misconduct
In this section we will draw up a list of some small rules to follow for the correct working of the stove and safety.
All the operations not provided for in the manual and not authorized by a technician recommended by the company, must be considered dangerous. Otherwise the ZF company does not assume any responsibility both civil and criminal.
Strictly prohibited
- Not observing the use and maintenance manual.
- Using the stove for any other use not provided for ( exclusively for heating).
- Touching the surfaces of the stove when it is hot.
- Use of the stove by children or disabled without assistance.
- Use of the stove by people who don’t know the safety regulations.
- Feeding pellets manually into the brazier.
- Working the stove with broken or not compliant parts (irregular flue, splintered glass, non-
original spare parts, etc.)
- In case of misfire, restarting the stove without first having emptied the brazier.
- In case of misfire, restarting the stove without first having waited 10-15 minutes.
- Throwing away unburnt pellets (still burning), after having cleaned the brazier.
- Feeding pellets recycled from the firebox or brazier.
- Neglecting stove cleaning ( glass and flue included).
- Cleaning the stove with water ( water could filter through the inside of the stove and
damage its electric parts).
- Igniting the stove in case of any component failure.
- Exposing oneself for a long time directly to the hot air of the stove.
- Exposing animals, plants and any inflammables to the air of the stove.
- Placing any kind of object on the stove.
- Placing any washing or object on the stove to dry.
- Infringing the parameters of the stove.
- Installing the stove in not specific conditions and environments.
- Using the appliance as an incinerator and fuels other than those recommended.
- Using a quality of pellet that doesn’t meet the regulations DIN 51731.
- Not executing the maintenance operations provided for.
- Staying within 2 meters from the stove in case of misfire for the first 10 minutes.
- Making the stove work with the door open.
- Touching the stove when barehanded.
2 Safety
- The installation of the stove, the flue, electrical connections, checking its operation, should
always be carried out by authorized and qualified personnel.
- Install the stove in accordance with the regulations of the local area, region or state.
- For the proper use of the stove and electronic parts, you must follow the instructions in the
user's manual.
- The stove must be fed exclusively on pellets with a diameter of 6 mm DIN 51731.
- Incorrect installation or poor maintenance (not conforming to the provisions in this booklet,
"Use and Maintenance") can cause damage to people and property. In this case the company ZF is released from any civil or criminal liability.
- Before performing any operation, the user must have read and understood all the contents of
this manual "Use and Maintenance".
- Tampering and misuse of the stove can be dangerous for the user’s safety. In these cases, the
ZF Company disclaims any civil or criminal liability, resulting from damage to people and property.
- When the stove is in operation, most of the surface is very hot (glass, handles, tubes and
shells); must then use the appropriate protections for the contact.
- It is forbidden to operate the stove with broken glass, the open door or any defective part
(fans, motors, etc..).
- Before carrying out any cleaning or maintenance, disconnect the stove from the power
supply with the power switch; after that, remove the cable on the back of the same, check the cooling of the entire internal and external structure, and the ash in the combustion room.
- In case of fire in the flue: switch off the stove, disconnect the power supply from the mains
and never open the door of the stove. Call the authorities (fire brigade).
- The stove must be electrically powered by a system with grounding conductor, as provided
by law 73/23 and 93/68 EEC.
3 Warnings
- Turn the stove off in case of failure or malfunctioning.
- Never feed pellets manually into the brazier.
- Make sure the brazier is empty before igniting the stove (even in case of previous misfire).
- Every initiative or operation not provided for in this manual must be considered dangerous.
In this case the ZF company does not assume any responsibility both civil and criminal.
- Do not clean the interior and exterior parts of the stove with water.
- Do not expose plants, animals, things and people to the hot air blast of the stove for too long.
- Install the stove in suitable locations for the prevention of fire and already pre-arranged for
- The storage of the stove and the lining of all its parts (even those in ceramic) must be effected in
rooms without humidity and sheltered from bad weather.
- Avoid setting the body of the stove directly on the floor. In case of wooden or inflammable
floors always put an insulating material between the stove and the floor.
- The pellet stove is not a cooking top to cook or heat up food and drink.
- Carry out all operations in maximum safety.
- Do not place any object on the stove.
- Do not place any washing or object or beings (animals, plants, etc.) to dry.
4 Regulations and declaration of conformity
The company states that ZF stove complies with the following directives and regulations for the CE marking European Directive:
2004/108 CE (EMC Directive) and subsequent amendments. 2006/95 CE (Directive on the safety of electrical equipment LVD) and subsequent amendment. 305/2011 (the Construction Products Regulations CPR) and subsequent amendments.
European Standards: EN 55014-1; EN 55014-2; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; EN 60335-1; EN 60335-2-102; EN 62233; EN 14785.
The installation and use of the stove must be met in all the local and national laws and all European standards.
5 Warranty
Warranty conditions
ZF Ltd located in Dino Fochesato Street n.1 Meledo of Sarego (VI) guarantees its products for 2 years from the date of purchase, for manufacturing defects or faults. This warranty is void if the lack of conformity is not reported within 2 months from the date of its detection. ZF Ltd limits its liability to the supply of the stove, which has to be installed in accordance with the best working standards, following the instructions contained in the provided manual supplied with the product and in accordance with the laws in force. The installation must be carried out by qualified staff under the responsibility of the person who instructs him, who will assume responsibility for the final installation and the consequent good working of the installed product. ZF Ltd disclaims any liability in case of non-observance of these precautions. The installer will have to issue a Declaration of conformity of the installation in accordance with the best working standards, in accordance with the laws in force.
Examples of installation technicians:
- Authorized Service Centers technicians
- Technicians and companies associated Anfus (National Association Stove Fitting)
- Technicians adherent to national school training plans Fuspa
- Your trusted technicians (qualified thermotechnics)
Territorial expansion of the warranty: Italian territory
Validity of the warranty
The warranty is valid on condition that:
- The buyer sends within 8 days from the date of purchase the coupon in his possession
completed in its entirety. The date of purchase must be validated by the possessor of a valid tax record issued by the seller
- The apparatus is installed by qualified staff, in accordance with the laws in force and the
instructions contained in the provided manual
- The apparatus is used as illustrated in the provided manual
- The manufacturer’s certificate, validated by the tradesman, has been filled in and signed by
the customer
- The presence of the document certifying warranty, filled in and accompanied with the tax
record issued by the tradesman, to show to the ZF Ltd Technical Assistance Center in case of assistance
Forfeiture of the warranty
The warranty is not valid in the following cases:
- The above warranty terms have not been observed
- The installation is not carried out in full obedience of the laws in force and the instructions
contained in the provided manual
- Non-maintenance or wrong maintenance of the product by the customer
- The presence of electrical systems and/or plumbing’s not in accordance with the laws in
- Damages caused by weathering, chemical and electrochemical agents, improper use of the
product, natural calamities, modifications or tampering with the product, electrical system or flue faults, use of non-original spare parts, sudden change in voltage or overloaded power supply or other causes not attributable to the product
- The combustion of materials not in keeping with the type and the quality indicated in the
use and maintenance manual supplied with the stove.
- Damages caused during transport. We invite you to properly check your goods at the
moment of receipt. In case of anomalies, inform immediately the tradesman and mark them in the transport document and the copy which will be retained by the carrier.
The warranty covers possible changes and the necessary labour for the change (with the exception of products installed outside the Italian territory). In case of products installed outside the Italian territory only the Italian warranty is valid, therefore the local importers or dealers are not obliged to recognize warranty interventions on what has not been purchased through them. In these cases the spare parts will be sent directly from our headquarter and the replacement and maintenance costs will be debited to the customer by the area technicians.
The ZF Ltd company is not responsible for possible damages caused, directly or indirectly, to people, things, animals due to a total or partial failure to comply with the rules contained in the use and maintenance manual supplied with the stove.
Limited warranty
Electric and electronic components, fans, motors and printed circuit board are not included in the warranty. The warranty covers these components for a 12-months from the date of purchase.
Warranty exclusion
All components of the stove subject to wear and tear are excluded from the warranty:
Gaskets Ceramic/ tempered glass Linings and grills Varnished details Chromate/gilded Satin Majolica Handles Power lines Vermiculite Refractory material Cast-iron brazier
- Chromatic variations, crackles and slight dimensional differences of the parts in majolica are
not contestable as they are all physical features of the materials not attributable to the manufacturing process
- The details of the installation for the production of sanitary water not furnished by ZF Ltd
- Finally, all interventions carried out by qualified technicians aimed at the adjustment and
setting of the product due to the type of combustible used or the typology of installation requested by the customer
- In case of replacement of faulty components under warranty, any warranty extension won’t
be provided. Any type of refund during the machine downtime won’t be provided
- The warranty is valid only for the buyer and cannot be transferred to a third-party
Warranty interventions
The request for intervention must be submitted to the tradesman within 2(two) months from the detection of the fault; warranty intervention, as law prescribes, provides for the repair of the product without any charge at the customer’s expense.
6 Liability
The ZF company disclaims any liability whether civil or criminal, for any damage that may directly or indirectly result from non-compliance, partial or total, of the instructions contained in the booklet "manual of use and maintenance."
The ZF company disclaims any liability whether civil or criminal, arising out of incorrect or improper use of the stove by the end user, reclines any civil or criminal liability in the case of unauthorized repairs and the use of non-original parts, also not liable for damage to the stove due to transport and does not recognize compensation for forced stopping of the stove. The manufacturer disclaims any responsibility or liability direct or indirect result of:
- Failure to follow instructions contained in the booklet
- Inadequate maintenance and cleaning
- Installation Errors
- Non-compliance with safety regulations
- Installation by unqualified and untrained personnel
- Installation not in accordance with the regulations in force in the country
- Use of non-original spare parts
- Exceptional Events (weather, power surges, strange places of installation)
- The ZF Ltd does not grant any compensation for direct or indirect damage caused or
depending on the product.
In the above cases the warranty is void.
7 Installation
Notice for the installer
The installation of the stove must be carried out by qualified technicians who have to install the stove in accordance with the European laws and the laws in force in the place, Region or State.
The stove must be electrically powered by a system in accordance with the regulation 72/23 and 93/68 CEE on the power grid.
The stove must be sized according to the environment in which it is installed.
The stove must be positioned vertically.
The stove mustn’t be installed in bedrooms, bathrooms or where there is another heating system
without a self-sufficient air flow (chimney, etc.).
Environment and distances
It is essential to check the environment where the stove will operate for an optimal working.
- The volume of the house or the working environment mustn’t be smaller than 30m³.
- There must be a permanent air opening outwards in the installation room, at least 800cm²,
non-obstructed and protected by a permanent grill.
- The air can be taken by the rooms
contiguous to the room where the stove has been installed on condition that there are air intakes, not located in the bedroom, bathroom or where there are inflammable materials.
- If the stove is installed in a room with wooden or inflammable floor, you must protect the
floor by using (besides the anti-vibration dampers) also an insulating slab, projecting at least 20 cm on the sides and 40 cm on the front.
- It is compulsory the presence of a suitable
fumes evacuation system in the environment where the stove is placed.
- It is not compulsory to connect the air pipe of
the stove directly outside (see figure), but it is necessary to guarantee at least 50m³/h of air.
Grill 800cm² .
- The electrical system must be in accordance
with the law; check the efficiency of the earthing circuit in a particular manner. The transmission line must be suited to the power of the apparatus.
- When you place the stove in a room you must check that the walls are not inflammable and
that inflammable materials such as curtains, wallpaper, etc have not been applied on the walls. You must place the stove sideways, at a distance less than 20 cm and less than 10
cm at the back. If there is an internal flue it’s advisable to keep a distance of 10cm between
the flue and the wall.
- Do not place inflammable materials at a distance less than 1 meter from the stove.
- We also recommend to keep out of the furnace radiation area, anyway at a distance of at
least 1 m from the warming block, all types of combustible or inflammable materials such as: beams, wooden fittings, curtains, inflammables.
The flue of a pellet stove is a very important component because it affects the correct working of the stove.
The flue must be only for the stove and cannot be used for
other apparatus; you can’t make fixed or movable openings
to connect other air adduction pipes and pipes for plant­engineering use.
The flue must be equipped with a chamber for the gathering of solid materials and possible condensations, placed under the entrance of the flue outlet duct, so that you can easily open it and inspect it from an airtight small door.
The installer has to make sure the opening do not cross inflammable materials, or in the absence of alternative solutions, he has to use an insulating protection on the pipe ( with wall junctions with a diameter of 13 cm at least, insulating the pipe with insulating materials 1,5-5 cm thick, with a suitable thermal conductivity), even if it passes near inflammable materials ( minimum distance 200 mm).
As for the assembly of the pipes you must always use pipes and junctions with hermetically sealed gaskets.
It’s important that the curvature of 90° provides for a T junction with inspection; we advise you to use a curve of 45°.
Using nets or filters at the extremity of the flue or any extremity which could turn into a nest is forbidden. Use only extremity in accordance with the regulation.
The horizontal segments must have a minimum inclination of 3% upward.
As for the connection of the flue, the horizontal segment must be minimum and you
mustn’t exceed 3 meters, the number of direction changes, including that owing to the use of the T element, mustn’t be bigger than 4, never exceed 6 m of pipes, use curves of 45°
and obey the regulations UNI 10683, using pipes in accordance with the law.
Examples of connections with isolated and non-isolated external pipes Connections that provide for the use of pipes not larger than 20 cm in diameter, which must have
at the base an inspection system and a draught less than 10 Pa. The internal section must be uniform, preferably circular; the sides of the pipe must be smooth as much as possible and without narrowings; the curves must be regular and without discontinuities; the pipes mustn’t be subjected to deviations from the axis higher than 45°.
It is compulsory the installation of a windproof roof in accordance with the regulations . The T inspection, placed at the base, can also be placed inside the house ( better if external).
NB: This system always guarantees the fumes evacuation, also in case of non-electric tension
Connection with multiple junctions
Link that is only done in cases of particular disadvantages in rankings. In this case the horizontal section must have a minimum slope of 3% upwards and must not exceed 3 meters, the vertical section that goes from the stove to the second curve must be at least 1.5 meters long. The T inspection, at the base, can also be applied inside the house (preferably external). If there is a fireplace, it must have a preferably circular internal section; the square or rectangular sections must have rounded corners with a radius of at least 20mm, rectangular sections, with a maximum ratio of
1.5 between the sides, they must have a constant internal section, free and independent; at the base there must be an inspection hole. Always make a minimum draught of 10Pa and comply with the UNI 10683.
NB: In case of obstruction of the pipe, due to failures, or bird's nest, the stove will go on the block (see the Alarms section) and it will be necessary to clean or repair the pipe, and ventilate the environment as quickly as possible, otherwise, it will saturate with smoke.
NOTE: The cleaning of the pipe should be done annually.
Chimney pot
The chimney pot must meet the following requirements:
- Have section and internal form equivalent to that of the fuel.
- Have a useful outlet section not less than twice that of the fuel.
- Be constructed so as to prevent the penetration of rain, snow, foreign bodies in the fuel in
such a way that in the event of winds in any direction and inclination, the discharge of the combustion products is assured (windproof chimney pot).
- The chimney pot must be positioned so as to ensure adequate dispersion and dilution of
the combustion products and, however, outside the reflux area. This area has different sizes and shapes, depending on the angle of slope of the roof, so it is necessary to adopt the minimum heights (see figure).
- The chimney pot must be windproof and exceed the height of the ridge or, where it is not
possible, stick to the values indicated in the table.
- Any buildings or other obstacles, which exceed the height of the chimney pot must not be
close to the same chimney.
The draught in the stove is crucial to have a good performance in specific adverse weather conditions (rain, fog, snow, altitude, cold, wind), and it is conditioned by the position of the fuel. Adverse weather conditions that impact negatively on the draft are manifold; particularly burdensome is the wind, which can be: ascending, horizontal, descending.
- Ascending wind increases the depression and consequently the draught.
- Horizontal wind: it increases the depression, only in the case of a successful installation in
the direction of the wind.
- Descending wind decreases the depression and consequently the draught.
The flue, if disposed on the upwind side, increases the overpressure and consequently, in the opposite situation, increases the depression, decreasing the draught.
To overcome these drawbacks, the installer must act directly on the stove, modifying the parameter to adjust the speed of fume extraction and conduct a review of all safety devices. This is particularly delicate, it must always be carried out by authorized personnel. The ZF company disclaims any liability, whether civil or criminal, for failure to control by the installer with all safety devices.
Distances and positioning
Roof pitch
Distance between the top and
the chimney
Minimum height of the
(Measured from the block)
<1,85 >1,85
50 centimeters beyond the top
1 meter from the roof
<1,5 >1,5
50 centimeters beyond the top
1,3 meters from the roof
<1,3 >1,3
50 centimeters beyond the top
2 meters from the roof
<1,2 >1,2
50 centimeters beyond the top
2,6 meters from the roof
8 Specifications
Note: The data reported in the table may vary substantially depending on the pellets used (calorific
value). To calculate the power of the stove to be installed, depending on the needs, take into account that 1 kW = 9.2 m2 (with h = 2.70 m.).
Thermal power introduced (at rated power)
6,82 kW
Thermal power introduced (at reduced power)
3,43 kW
Nominal thermal power (at rated power)
6,20 kW
Reduced thermal power (at reduced power)
3,17 kW
Yield (at rated power)
90,89 %
Yield (reduced power)
92,49 %
Flue gas temperature (at rated power)
104,6 °C
Flue gas temperature (at reduced power)
68,4 °C
Carbon dioxide at rated power
6,89 %
Carbon dioxide at reduced power
4,95 %
CO at 13% O2 (at rated power)
140,8 mg/m³
CO at 13% O2 (at reduced power)
580,2 mg/m³
Fumes speed (rated power)
6,9 g/s
Fumes speed (reduced power)
4,7 g/s
Min. and Max. draft
10 Pa – 12 Pa
Pellets tank capacity
17 Kg
Pellet consumption (at rated power)
1,4 Kg/h
Pellet consumption (at reduced power)
0,7 Kg/h
Pellets autonomy (at rated power)
12 h
Pellets autonomy (at reduced power)
24 h
Air inlet diameter
Ø 48 mm
Fumes outlet diameter
Ø 80 mm
Voltage and frequency of power supply
220V~ 50/60Hz
Electrical power absorbed Min - Max
150 W -380 W
Kind of fuel
Size of the fuel
Ø 6 mm - Length 20 mm ± 20%
Weight of the stove
Kg 103,5
The pellet
To obtain the maximum performance, the ZF company advices you to use quality pellets that is prescribed by the regulations DIN51731.
Length: 20mm ± 20% Diameter: 6mm Calorific value: 4.9 ÷ 5.3 kWh / kg
The pellets must be stored in a dry place away from heat sources. The ZF company assumes no responsibility for malfunction due to the use of poor quality pellets.
9 First ignition
The first ignition will have to be carried out by a qualified technician who will have to check:
- That all regulations mentioned above and current regulations in the place of installation
have been enforced.
- The correct installation: of the stove, the flue, the chimney pot.
- That there is no risk of damage to the stove or to the room of installation. In case of
problems the ZF company disclaims any liability both civil and criminal.
First steps
Check that there are no objects on the stove (manual included) and proceed as follows:
- Fill the hopper with pellets, opening the upper door and closing it again, making sure that
no foreign body is in the hopper. Take off the cover of the hopper only during its charging.
- Check that the brazier is well positioned in its seat.
- Check that the door is hermetically closed.
- Supply power, throw the switch (placed in the back down below); the control display will
light up.
9.1 User interface
The console unity permits to talk to the controller by simply pressing some buttons. A display and other LED indicators inform the operator that the stove is working. In programming mode are displayed the different parameters that can be modified by pressing some buttons.
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