Here's how your Aquaguard Enhance works
Stage Treatment Material Benefits
1. i-Filter Multi-layered Polypropylene roving Removes fine suspended particles
wounded cartridge such as dust, dirt, mud and sand
from water.
2. Miracle Cartridge Specially formulated superior absorbent. Removes heavy metals from water.
The Miracle Substance derived by a
Patented Technology of treating
activated media
3. Chemi Block Bacteriostatic Activated Carbon Block Removes excess chlorine, bad odour,
colour and organic impurities.
It also removes pesticides and very fine
turbidity causing particles.
4. Mineral Guard Microcontroller-based electronic Electronic impulses are produced to
impulse producer prevent scaling on quartz glass tube of
UV reflector housing.
5. Ultra Filter UF hollow fibre Capillary tube type membrane-based
technology that imparts crystal clear clarity
to drinking water in addition to making the
water safe from bacteriological
6. Taste Enhance Bacteriostatic Taste Enhancer Removes residual organic impurites and
Cartridge enhances the original taste of water. The
carbon polishes the water, giving it a
sparkling look, making it pure and great
to taste
7. UV Chamber Germicidal UV Lamp UV disinfects the water by eliminating
waterborne disease-causing bacteria,
viruses and protozoa, thereby making it
safe to drink.
The multi-stage Purification Process in your Aquaguard Enhance UV
Note: For detailed water flow diagram of Enhance please visit