A r t i s t S e r i e s
Artist Series media controllers bring the unparalleled speed,
resolution a n d so f t w a r e integration of Euphonix’ high-end
pr o f e s s i o n a l consoles and controllers to your studio in a
revolutionary ergonomic, slim-line design. MC Mix, MC Control,
MC Transport, and MC Color easily fit into any studio and
multiple units can be connected to create a larger, integrated
control surface.
Artist Series media controllers feature Euphonix’ EuCon™
high-speed Ethernet control protocol that lets you effortlessly
switch between multiple applications and even workstations at
the touch of a button. All knobs, wheels, motorized faders, soft
keys and high-resolution displays automatically set themselves
to whatever application is in the foreground to provide you
with immediate access to all major project parameters. Most
importantly, Euphonix has worked closely with the world’s leading
software developers like Apple, Steinberg, MOTU, Apogee,
Metric Halo, and others to deeply integrate native support for
the EuCon control protocol into their audio and video software
solutions to deliver an unmatched editing and mixing experience.
Since it was founded in 1988, Euphonix has been producing innovative and
high quality consoles and controllers for creating music. The Euphonix CS
Series of digitally controlled analog consoles were the first consoles able
to instantly reset at the touch of a button and were the console of choice
for hundreds of top musicians throughout the world. With the introduction of
the Artist Series media controllers, Euphonix controllers now span the entire
breadth of music creation, from the home studio all the way to the world’s
premier studios and mixing facilities.
Audio Post
Euphonix consoles have long been the choice of the world’s top sound
mixers, including six of the last eight Sound Mixing Oscar® winners.
Euphonix Artist Series media controllers bring the power of Euphonix’ high-
end post-production consoles to the personal studio in a compact footprint.
Expandable to meet the needs of any facility or project, Artist Series media
controllers have quickly become the compact mixer of choice for scores of
audio post facilities and mixers.
Media Solutions
Over its history, Euphonix has developed a deep understanding of the
ergonomic needs of creative individuals working with media applications. In
developing the EuCon control protocol, Euphonix recognized the importance
of being able to use a single control surface to control multiple applications
seamlessly – perfectly suited to the Final Cut Studio round-trip workflow.
Apple has natively integrated Euphonix’ EuCon Ethernet control protocol
into the new Final Cut Studio, providing Artist Series users with integrated,
hands-on control over Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Color and other
applications to greatly speed up and enhance the video editing process.
Photo: Ulf Krüger