ader naming/display has been enhanced. There are now 50 possible
Fader Names sets per Title since they are now stored with console
Snapshots. Pressing the QWERTY keyboard [F2] key brings up the fader
naming window on the
DSC screen display as
before. Pressing the
keyboard [Return] key
moves the cursor
vertically from channel
to channel. The
keyboard [up arrow]/
[down arrow] keys
also move the cursor
vertically. Pressing the
keyboard [Tab] key
moves the cursor
horizontally between
upper and lower fader names. Additionally, console faders are now automatically named with consecutive number legends for any new title.
To clear all upper and lower fader names for any SnapShot, recall the
SnapShot, press the QWERTY keyboard [F2] key and then [F1] (Clear):
Fader Name Menu
ClearRenumSS : On
Clear All ?Yes[No]
From the Fader Name menu, press [F2] (Renum) to manually renumber all
upper or lower fader names:
Fader Name Menu
ClearRenumSS : On
Renumber :[UF][LF]
Now select either [F3]/[F4] to display the channel numbers.
With SS:On, all fader names associated with a SnapShot are recalled whenever a SnapShot is recalled. Setting SS:Off will leave the currently displayed
fader names unchanged as new SnapShots are recalled. This suggests a way
to copy the names from one SnapShot to another by first setting SS:On and
then recalling the desired SnapShot and its associated fader names. By then
setting SS:Off, recalling the desired destination SnapShot, then storing to it
again, the displayed fader names will be added to the second SnapShot.
The display of fader dB levels has been enhanced. Previously, fader levels
were only displayed while in automation mode. Now, a fader’s dB level is
momentarily displayed in the fader name field of the Title Bar DSC display
screen. If your console is outfitted with CleaR Displays, fader dB levels for
each channel are displayed there as well. The dB Display Delay (the time it
takes the display to revert back to fader names) is adjustable from 0-9.9 secs
using the DSC SpinKnob. To set the delay timeout, press the QWERTY keyboard [F2] key, [F4] (down arrows) and then the [F4] (Delay) key:
Fader Name Menu
Fader Swap
ClearRenumSS : Off
dB Display Delay :2.0 s
The Fader Names Prefs menu controls how the fader dB levels are displayed.
By setting the ”Fdr” option with the [F1] (Fdr) key, a Moving Fader’s dB level is
displayed as long as your finger remains in contact with the fader, and continues to display for the duration of the specified delay timeout after contact with
the fader is ended. For non-motorized faders, the dB level is displayed as long
as the fader is in motion and continues to display for the specified delay
timeout after fader motion ceases. [F2] (Attn) and [F3] (DSC) control whether
levels are displayed when you press any channel attention or DSC Channel
Select key respectively. Levels will continue to display according to the delay
timeout for these buttons as well.
Fader Swap (a.k.a. fader flip) allows you to temporarily “exchange” the
functions of your Upper and Lower faders. When UF and LF banks are
swapped, all data relative to each fader block is swapped (i.e., mute, solo,
pan, fader, routing, source, mode and assign). Post fader associations such as
Post Fader Aux Sends and Fader Source Tracking maintain their proper assignments based on UF and LF names. This means that an Aux set to follow UF for
channel 1 would correctly react to the Lower Fader on channel 1 when Swap is
active. This is because the UF block has been “swapped” in place of the LF
Fader Names
Prefs Menu
The ability to swap the control of the Upper and Lower Fader banks is a handy
capability if your console is fitted with lower motorized faders. For instance, if
you want to make a touch-activated fader move on a channel’s non-motorized
upper fader, Fader Swap allows you to “virtually” swap the physical faders of
all console channels. The lower faders will then control all functions which
were assigned to the upper faders and vice-versa. Fader Swap is applicable to
consoles with or without moving faders. To toggle all the console’s channel
faders, press the unmarked right-most swap key above the SmartDisplay:
M1 M2
L1 L2
L3 L4
M1 M2
L1 L2
L3 L4
Fader Swap may be initiated at
any time. If a fader/pan/mute is
“swapped-out” while it is
currently punched in, the automation mode and punch status will
be swapped as well. Snapshots
will store and recall correctly
regardless of Swap status.
You will notice that all fader block assignments are now swapped between
upper and lower faders. You can also tell at a glance whether the console is in
Fader Swap mode as all channel reverse mode indicators for both upper and
lower fader blocks, are
lit across the entire console
. Note that this function
overrides the usual Rev LED function indicating that a fader is in Stereo
Reverse (StRev) or Stereo Ind Reverse (StIRev) mode.
All upper fader automation moves can now be written using the lower motorized fader just as if you were using the upper fader and vice-versa.
If a moving fader is swapped while it is being touched, the incoming fader will
not be affected by the touch sensor until the fader is released and then retouched. Null lights will indicate that the moving fader is not aligned with the
“swapped-in” audio until the fader is released and allowed to null. If the
incoming fader is punched-in during a swap AND the destination moving fader
is being touched, the automation will not be affected until the fader is released and re-touched. If a fader is being automated by touch sensor and
is"swapped-out", it will remain punched-in on the non-touch sensitive fader.
Backstop Pre
Note: The Backstop PFL feature will primarily be used by broadcast industry
professionals and requires the factory backstop channel I/O fader option.
Fader Listen (PFL)
Backstop PFL allows you to momentarily monitor audio input without actually
bringing the fader up “on-air”. A Backstop PFL is accomplished by pulling back
Pressing the PFL key on any
channel does not call attention to
that channel anymore. Pressing an
AFL key still calls attention when
added but not when removed.
on the spring-loaded fader cap while the fader is at its lowest travel position
(fader level off or bottomed out). Pulling back on the fader will trigger a
momentary PFL for as long as the fader is held back. The signal is then fed to
the PFL bus. The standard PFL switch remains unaffected. This makes it
possible to leave some channels in PFL while letting others only momentarily
enter PFL.
Section 1: Fader Enhancements
Setup is accomplished with the new Fader Solo menu. From the top-level main
menu press [F1] (Setup), [F2] (Cnsl), [F2] (Cnfg), [F4] (Solo) and then [F1] (BPFL):