EUCHNER Safety Basic Monitor User Manual

Safety Basic Monitor

User Manual

Revision date: 14.11.11
...supports the requirements for AS-i Safety up to SIL3
Subject to modifications without notice. Generally, this manual refers to products without mentioning existing patents, utility models, or trademarks. The absence of any such references does not indicate that a product is patent-free.
© Euchner GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16 D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Safety Basic Monitor

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Symbol Catalog ................................. ...................................................7
1.1 Abbreviations................................................................................................... 7
2 General Remarks..................................................................................8
2.1 Product information......................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Safety Basic Monitor........ ... .................................. .. ... .................................. ... .. ..............8
2.2 Function of this manual ..................................................................................8
2.3 Target group.....................................................................................................8
2.4 AS-i specification 3.0.......................................................................................8
3 Safety.....................................................................................................9
3.1 Experienced staff............................................................................................. 9
3.2 Application area of the device........................................................................ 9
3.3 Correct use....................................................................................................... 9
3.4 AS-i Safety at Work........................................................................................ 10
3.5 Disposal.......................................................................................................... 10
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
Table of Contents
4 Product Description.......................... ... .................................... .......... 11
4.1 Technical data................................................................................................11
4.2 Special characteristics of the Safety Basic Monitor...................................11
4.2.1 Derating by 24 V auxiliary power .......... .................................. ... ... ...............................11
4.3 Safety relevant data.......................................................................................12
4.4 Requirements for the voltage supply +24 VEXT (AUX) ..............................12
4.5 Front view and connections..........................................................................13
4.6 Inputs...............................................................................................................14
4.7 Outputs............................................................................................................14
4.7.1 Push button........... ... .. ................................... .. ... ............................................................14
4.8 LEDs................................................................................................................15
4.8.1 LED flashing sample .....................................................................................................16
4.9 Chip card.........................................................................................................17
4.10 AS-i Power 24 .................................................................................................17
4.11 Decoupling function.......................................................................................18
4.12 AS-i supply options........................................................................................19
4.13 Connecting of an OSSD, supplying of several OSSDs out of the same connection (S71)20
4.13.1 Additional connection examples .................................................................................21
5 Maintenance .......................................................................................22
5.1 Controlling safe shutdowns..........................................................................22
6 AS-i Diagnostics................................................................................. 23
6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................23
6.1.1 Data of the different diagnostics modes.....................................................................23
6.2 Diagnostics mode "Consortial monitor, for replacement".........................24
6.3 Diagnostics mode "Compatibility mode with additional diagnostics data".
6.3.1 Status codes for the release circuits (OSSD) .............................................................26
6.4 Diagnostics mode "AS-i 3.0 (S-7.5.5), recommended"...............................27
6.4.1 Binary data.......... .. .................................. ... ... .................................. .. ... ..........................27
6.4.2 Transparent input data..................................................................................................27 Status codes for the release circuits (OSSD)...............................................................28 Transparent output data ...............................................................................................29
6.4.3 Acyclical data.................................................................................................................30 Vendor Specific Object 7 - device colors OSSD 1........................................................30 Vendor Specific Object 8 - device colors OSSD Vendor Specific Object 9 - device colors at switch off OSSD 1....................................34 Vendor Specific Object 10 - device colors at switch off OSSD 1 Vendor specific object 11 … 38....................................................................................38 Vendor- specific object 110 .............. ... .................................. .. ... ..................................3 9
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
with device index assignment ...................... ... .. ..........................................................32
with device index-assignment ...... ... .................................. ... .. ... ..................................36
Safety Basic Monitor
Table of Contents
7 Configuration of the safe inputs.......................................................40
7.1 Configuration possibilities for the safe inputs ........................................... 40
7.2 Assigning the diagnostics outputs.............................................................. 41
7.3 Safe configuration using ASIMON 3 G2....................................................... 42
7.3.1 Replacing a defective AS-i Safety Slave..................................................................... 43
7.3.2 Auto-addressing ................. .. ...... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ...... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ...... ......44
8 Safety Requirements..........................................................................45
8.1 Safety consideration for selecting OSSD/potential-free contacts............. 45
8.2 Recommendation for improved availability of the function....................... 45
9 Accessories ........................................................................................46
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor

EC Declaration of Conformity

EC Declaration of Conformity
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
Symbol Catalog

1. Symbol Catalog

This symbol indicates important information.
This symbol warns of a potential failure. Non-compliance may lead to interruptions of the device, the connected peri pher al syste ms, or plan t, pote nti ally le adin g to tot al mal ­functioning.
This symbol warns of an imminent danger. Non-compliance may lead to personal inju­ries that could be fatal or resu lt in material damages and destructi on.

1.1 Abbreviations

AS-interface (actuator sensor interface) Input/output Electromagnetic compliance Protective extra-low voltage Probability of failure on demand Safety at Work, safety technic Output Signal Switching Device, release circuit
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
General Remarks

2. General Remarks

Please read this chapter carefully before working with the documentation and the Safety Monitor.

2.1 Product information

This user manual is valid for the following Euchner GmbH devices

2.1.1 Safety Basic Monitor

Safety Basic Monitor
without Power Supply Decoupling Unit
Safety Basic Monitor
with Power Supply Decoupling Unit

2.2 Function of this manual

This manual instructs for the safe assembly, electrical installation, addressing, start-up as well as for the operation and for the maintenance of the Safety Moni­tor.
This manual does not provide instructions for operating machines, on which this module is built in. Please view the appropriate machine manual for corresponding information.
Additional information concerning the technical data as well as the parameterization of the Safety Monitor can be found at

2.3 Target group

This manual is intended for designers, developers and operators of systems that will be safeguarded by one or more Safety Monitors. The manual is also targeted to people integrating Safety Monitors into machinery, performing the initial start­up, or maintaining them.

2.4 AS-i specification 3.0

The AS-i 3.0 devices already fulfil the AS-i specification 3.0. The previous specifications (2.1 and 2.0) are supported as well.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor

3. Safety

This chapter contains user safety information.
Please read this chapter carefull y before using th e Safety Basic Monitor in combina­tion with other machine safeguarding components on protected machinery.

3.1 Experienced staff

The Safety Basic Monitor must only be installed, operated, and maintained by qualified staff.
Qualified is a person who
has a suitable technical education
has been instructed in operating the machinery and has been informed about the valid safety guidelines by the machinery operator
has access to the user manual.

3.2 Application area of the device

The Safety Monitor combines a SaW I/O module and a Safety Monitor in one IP20 enclosure.
Special characteristics:
Safety Monitor in IP20
up to 8 / 4 local safe inputs
optionally the safe inputs will be used as well as standard inputs and signal outputs
2 (4) local electronical safe outputs
safe AS-i outputs are supported
max. 8 independent AS-i outputs multiple safe AS-i outputs possible via a single address
chip card for storage of configuration data
The module is certified according to EN 62 061, SIL 3, and EN 13 849, perfor­mance level "e".

3.3 Correct use

The Safety Basic Monitor must only be used as defined in chap. <Application area of the device>. The Safety Basic Monitor must only be used on the system, at which it was installed in accordance with this manual by adept personnel.
If used in a way differing from this description or if the device has been changed in any way – even during installation – any war ranty claims with respect to Euchner GmbH are invalid.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor

3.4 AS-i Safety at Work

AS-i Safety at Work combines safe and non-safe data on a bus system. The clas­sification AS-i Safety at Work identifies the safe data transfer that enables the in­tegration of safety procedures in an AS-i network.
The components of AS-i Safety at Work conform to EN 50295 and are compatible with all other AS-i components. Therefore, existing AS-i applications can easily be extended with safety-relevant functions.
AS-i Safety at Work always requires a Safety Monitor (as a stand-alone device or integrated into a Gateway), that evaluates the safe signals on the bus, and a safe AS-Interface bus connection, that enables the transfer of safe signals from safe­ty-relevant components (AS-i SaW input).
Additionally, decentralized safe AS-I SaW outputs can be added. Controlled by the Safety Monitor these outputs can be used to safely switch off safe actuators.
Several Safety Monitors and safe input and output slaves can be used on an AS-i system. At the same time, the Safety Monitors can be parameterized and, thus, be checked through AS-i and the configuration software.
By utilizing AS-i Safety at Work safety requirements up to category 4 according to EN 954-1 and additionally performance level "e" according to EN 13 849 as well as SIL 3 according to EN 62 061 can be satisfied.
In order to satisfy the requirements of these safety categories, all peripheral com­ponents, for instance the Safety Monitors, all safe bus connections, and all con­nected sensors must satisfy these standards.

3.5 Disposal

Electronic waste is hazardous waste. Please comply with all local ordinances wh en disposing this product!
The device does not contain batteries that need to be removed before disp osing it.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
Product Description

4. Product Description

This chapter is intended to inform the reader about the special characteristics of the Safety Monitor. It describes the design and the functionality of the devices.
This chapter must be read before installation and operation of the device in conjunction with other safety components on protected machinery.

4.1 Technical data

The technical data are placed in the data sheet. Please view the current version on the web page:

4.2 Special characteristics of the Safety Basic Monitor

The module uses only the necessary AS-i addresses.
Various configuration possibilities for the safe inputs (see chap. <Configura­tion possibilities for the safe inputs>).
No limitation of cable length at safe inputs (the maximum loop resistance is 150 Ohm).
A safe signal exchange of 2 signals between Safety Monitor and AS-i Safety Module as well as between two AS-i Safety Modules are possible.
LED displays acc. to other Safety Slaves or to the Monitor.
Simple configuration of the AS-i-Slaves using ASIMON.
Chipcard for the simple exchange.
Micro-USB port for configuring with AS-i-Control-Tools and ASIMON.

4.2.1 Derating by 24 V auxiliary power

AUX, max [A]
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
Product Description

4.3 Safety relevant data

Characteristics Value Standard
Safety category 4 EN 954-1
Performance Level (PL) e EN 13 849-1:2008 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 IEC 61 508, EN 62 061 Service life (TM) [year] 20 EN 13 849-1:2008 Maximal power-on time (month) 12 IEC 61 508 PFD
Max. reaction time [ms]
AS-i input slave local output 40 local input local output 20 local input AS-i code sequenc e 26 AS-i input slave AS-i code sequence 45
1. Probability of a dangerous loss per hour.
To determine the safety characteristics (PFD and PFH), the values of all compo­nents using this function are to be considered. The module provides no significant contribution to the PFD or PFH values of the complete system. For the values of other components, please refer to relevant documentation.
9,58 x 10 5,08 x 10
EN 13 849-1:2008
EN 62 061
IEC 61 508, EN 62 061 IEC 61 508
Tab. 4-1.
If the option „augmented reliability“ is selected the response time can extend.
Error states of the remote o utput s used in the safe conf igurat ion can be elimin ated by starting and stopping the monitor.
4.4 Requirements for the voltage supply +24 V
The externally connectable c ircui ts are to be sepa rated f rom the net absol utely re liabl e!
The power supply +24 V
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
may only occur via SELV or PELV networks.
Safety Basic Monitor
Product Description
The power supply for the 24 V supply mu st also hav e iso la tio n pe r IEC 60 74 2 an d be able to handle momentary power interr uptions of up to 20 ms. The maximum outp ut voltage of the power supply must also be less than 42 V in case of a fault.

4.5 Front view and connections

22 S 21 S 12 S 11
42 S 41 S 32 S 31 62 S 61 S 52 S 51
AS-i M
S 71 S 72 S 81 S 82
0 V
ext. out
ext. out
connection 2-channel direction
S11 S12 S21 S22 output S31 S32 S41 S42 output S51 S52 S61 S62 output S71 S72 S81 S82 output
Micro USB
Micro USB interface
service button // bouton service // compasse service // botón servicio
Chip Card
0 V
chip card
ext. out
ext. out
ext. in
ext. in
2-channel safety input 1
2-channel safety input 2
2-channel safety input 3
2-channel safety input 4
output input
output input
output input
output input
Safe semiconductor output 1
Safe semiconductor output 2
ground connection for semiconductor output
AS-i connection
connection to ext. 24 VDC
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
Safety Basic Monitor
Product Description

4.6 Inputs

The inputs are powered by the 24 V auxiliary power supply. Each input consists of two terminals: a passive input pin and an active test pulse output. A switch con­nects the two pins together.
Two of the safe inputs are also usable as inputs for OSSDs, and the others for po­tential-free contacts only.
Each safe input can also be configured as two standard inputs. The test pulse outputs can also be switched as diagnostics outputs (non safety).
For additional information see chap. <Additional connection examples>.

4.7 Outputs

The outputs must be powered by a PELV power supply. The maximum output current is 700 mA per output, and the outputs are suitable
for DC13 loads. The plus side of the output load is at 1.14 or 2.14. The minus side of the output
load must be connected to the 0Vext out. The lines between the module and the load must be routed so that no extraneous
voltages caused by damaged insulation can inadvertently switch the load.

4.7.1 Push button

The Teach/Service button (SET) has the following functions:
Error acknowledgement
PC-less substitution of Safety Slaves
Keystroke Description < 1s Error acknowledgement > 1s Changing to projecting mode
The master goes into projecting mode and the safety unit is ready to learn a code sequence (analogous to learning using the Set key on standard monitors).
< 1s
Projecting mode is exited without ch anges.
> 1s Saving the actual configuration in the master
Teaching the individual code sequence of a newly safety-configured slave when exactly one safety-configured slave is replaced.
For additional information see Tab.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 114013 Issue date: 14.11.2011 EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/7597-0, Fax +49/711/753316
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