18. Service .............................................................................................................. 41
19. Inspection and service ........................................................................................ 41
20. Declaration of conformity ................................................................................... 42
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
1. About this document
1.1. Scope
These operating instructions are valid for all MGB-PN devices with the expanded data structure with version number V3.30.1 or
higher. These operating instructions and a possibly enclosed data sheet form the complete user information for your device.
1.1.1. Notes on older product versions
Products with lower product versions or without a version number are not described by these operating instructions. Please
contact our support team in this case.
1.2. Target group
Design engineers and installation planners for safety devices on machines, as well as setup and servicing staff possessing
special expertise in handling safety components.
1.3. Key to symbols
Printed document
Document is available for download at www.EUCHNER.de
Document on CD
Safety precautions
Danger of death or severe injuries
Warning about possible injuries
Caution Minor injuries possible
Notice about possible device damage
TipTip/useful information
Important information
1.4. Supplementary documents
The overall documentation for this device consists of the following documents:
Document title
(document number)
Operating instructions
Possibly enclosed data
(this document)
Item-specic information about deviations or additions
Always read all documents to gain a complete overview of safe installation, setup and use of the
device. The documents can be downloaded from www.euchner.de. Enter the document number in the
search box for this purpose.
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
2. Correct use
The system comprises at least one locking module MGB-L2-… and one handle module MGB-H...
The safety system MGB is an interlocking device with guard locking (type4). Devices with unicode evaluation possess a
high coding level; devices with multicode evaluation feature a low coding level.
In combination with a safety guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents the safety guard from being
opened while a dangerous machine function is being performed.
This means:
Ì Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the safety guard is closed
and locked.
Ì The guard locking device must not be unlocked until the dangerous machine function has ended. Ì Closing and locking a safety guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start
command must be issued. For exceptions, refer to ENISO12100 or relevant C-standards.
Locking module MGB-L2B-PN.-… is operated as an IO device in the PROFINET (PROFIsafe).
Before the device is used, a risk assessment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance with the following
Ì ENISO13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design Ì ENISO12100, Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction Ì IEC62061, Safety of machinery. Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic
control systems.
Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following
Ì ENISO13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for design Ì ENISO14119 (supersedes EN1088), Safety of machinery. Interlocking devices associated with guards. Principles for
design and selection
Ì EN60204-1, Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements
The safety system MGB can only be combined with the intended modules in the MGB system family. Only handle modules
with a version number of V2.0.0 or higher may be used.
On the modication of system components, EUCHNER provides no warranty for function.
The customer is responsible for the safe overall function, especially for the safe integration into the PROFIsafe environment.
Comprehensive information about proper conguration of assembly and setup for PROFINET installations can be found at
Ì The user is responsible for the correct integration of the device into a safe overall system. For this
purpose, the overall system must be validated, e.g. in accordance with ENISO13849-2.
Ì Correct use requires observing the permissible operating parameters (see chapter 16. Technical
data on page 39).
Ì If a product data sheet is included with the product, the information on the data sheet applies.
Table 1: Possible combinations for MGB components
Handle module
Evaluation unit
from V3.30.1
Key to symbolsCombination possible
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
from V2.0.0
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
3. Exclusion of liability and warranty
In case of failure to comply with the conditions for correct use stated above, or if the safety instructions are not followed,
or if any servicing is not performed as required, liability will be excluded and the warranty void.
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
4. General safety instructions
Safety switches fulll personal protection functions. Incorrect installation or tampering can lead to fatal injuries to personnel.
Check the safe function of the safety guard particularly
Ì after any setup workÌ after the replacement of an MGB componentÌ after an extended period without useÌ after every fault
Independent of these checks, the safe function of the safety guard should be checked at suitable intervals as part of the
maintenance schedule.
Danger to life due to improper installation or due to bypassing (tampering). Safety components perform
a personal protection function.
Ì Safety components must not be bypassed, turned away, removed or otherwise rendered ineffec-
tive. On this topic pay attention in particular to the measures for reducing the possibility of bypassing according to ENISO14119:2013, section 7.
Ì The switching operation is only allowed to be triggered by the intended handle module MGB-H…
that is positively fastened to the safety guard.
Ì Mounting, electrical connection and setup only by authorized personnel possessing the following
- specialist knowledge in handling safety components
- knowledge about the applicable EMC regulations
- knowledge about the applicable regulations on occupational safety and accident prevention.
Prior to use, read the operating instructions and keep these in a safe place. Ensure the operating
instructions are always available during mounting, setup and servicing. EUCHNER cannot provide any
warranty in relation to the readability of the CD for the storage period required. For this reason you
should archive a printed copy of the operating instructions. You can download the operating instructions
from www.EUCHNER.de.
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
5. Function
5.1. Locking module MGB-L2.B-PN.
Together with a handle module, the locking module makes it possible to lock movable safety guards. The combination also
serves as a mechanical door stop at the same time.
To operate the device as a guard lock according to ENISO 14119, the signals for door position
(T=PROFIsafe bit SI0.2), bolt position (R= PROFIsafe bit SI0.3) and guard lock monitoring (Z=
PROFIsafe bit SI0.4) must be polled in a logical AND operator. This operator is already implemented
in the PROFIsafe data block (ÜK=safety bit SI1.1).
As an alternative, you can also link the bits SI0.2 to SI0.4 individually in your control system.
The following switch-on condition applies to safety bit SI1.1 (see also chapter 15. System status table on page 38 and
chapter 13.9. PROFIsafe data bytes (data block for safe functions) on page 31):
Ì Safety guard closed (T)Ì Bolt tongue inserted into locking module (R)Ì Locking arm in locking position (guard lock monitoring) (Z)
The locking module detects the position of the safety guard and the position of the bolt tongue. The position of the locking
arm is also monitored.
The bolt tongue in the handle module is moved into and out of the locking module by actuating the door handle.
When the bolt tongue is fully inserted in the locking module, the locking arm locks the bolt tongue in this position. Depending
on the version, this locking is by spring force or solenoid force.
5.2. Guard locking for version MGB-L2
(guard locking actuated by energy ON and released by spring force)
Use as guard locking for personnel protection is possible only in special cases, after strict assessment
of the accident risk (see ENISO14119:2013, section 5.7.1)!
The magnetically actuated guard locking operates in accordance with the open-circuit current principle. If voltage is interrupted at the solenoid, guard locking is released and the safety guard can be opened directly!
The safety guard can be opened as long as no voltage is present at the guard locking solenoid.
If voltage is present at the guard locking solenoid, the locking arm is held in extended position and the safety guard is locked.
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
6. Control of guard locking
By changing the parameters in the conguration tool of your control system, it can be set whether bit O 0.0 (in the safe
data block for the MGB locking module) is evaluated as well (see chapter 13.7.4. Data block for MGB locking module L2 on page 26).
The guard locking solenoid is controlled if
Ì bit O 0.0 OR bit SO 0.0 = 1
Truth table:
PROFINET bitPROFIsafe bitGuard locking with
O 0.0SO 0.0
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
7. System overview
Mounting plate
Escape release (optional)
Evaluation module
Handle module
Bus module
Figure 1: Components at a glance
MGB-PN systems are completely factory congured. The conguration must not be changed subsequently. The illustrations in this chapter can deviate from your system and serve only as examples. The
conguration of your MGB system can be found in the data sheet included with every MGB system.
7.1. Bus module MGB-B-…-PN
LED indicator
Power supply
PROFINET connection
Depending on the version, additional controls and indicators may be integrated into
the cover. See enclosed data sheet.
Figure 2: Bus module MGB-B-…-PN (conguration example)
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
7.2. Evaluation module MGB-L.-
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
Figure 3: Evaluation module MGB-L.-
7.3. Handle module MGB-H-…
Figure 4: Handle module MGB-H-…
LED indicator
Cover for mechanical release
Locking arm (only for version with guard locking)
Auxiliary marking for max. permitted mounting distance
Depending on the version, additional controls and indicators may be integrated into
the cover. See enclosed data sheet.
1 Door handle
2 Locking screws T10 for housing cover and handle adjustment
3 Fold-out locking mechanism
Depending on the version, a mounting plate can be included.
See enclosed data sheet.
7.4. Escape release MGB-E-... (optional)
1 Door handle
2 Housing
3 Actuation axis 8 x 8 mm
(different lengths available)
4 Protective sleeve
Depending on the version, a mounting plate can be included.
See enclosed data sheet.
Figure 5: Escape release MGB-E-...
7.5. Dimension drawing
See enclosed data sheet.
7.6. Manual release
Some situations require guard locking to be released manually (e.g. malfunctions or an emergency). A function test should
be performed after release.
More information on this topic can be found in the standard ENISO14119:2013, section The device can feature
the following release functions:
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
7.7. Mechanical release
In the event of service, the guard locking can be released with the mechanical release irrespective of the state of the solenoid (see Figure 6).
Ì The system enters into a latching fault when the mechanical release is actuated. See System sta-
tus table, signal sequence incorrect status (DIA red, Lock ashes 1 time).
Ì The system might not enter into a latching fault if the mechanical release is actuated very slowly.
Ì The mechanical release is not a safety function.Ì The machine manufacturer must select and use a suitable release (escape release, emergency
unlocking, etc.) for a specic application. A risk assessment is required for this purpose. It may be
necessary to take specications from a product standard into account.
Ì The correct function must be checked at regular intervals.Ì Loss of the release function due to mounting errors or damage during mounting. Check the re-
lease function every time after mounting.
Ì Please observe the notes on possibly enclosed data sheets.
The locking screw must be screwed back in and sealed (for example with sealing lacquer) after assembly and after every
use of the mechanical release. Tightening torque 0.5 Nm.
1. Undo locking screw.
2. Lift locking arm using a screwdriver and actuate door handle.
Figure 6: Mechanical release
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
7.8. Lockout mechanism
If the lockout mechanism is pivoted out/extended, the bolt tongue cannot be extended. The lockout mechanism can be
secured with padlocks (see Figure 7).
¨ To pivot out, press the grooved part (only possible with bolt tongue retracted).
Padlock ∅min. 2mm, ∅max. 10 mm
Figure 7: Lockout mechanism secured with padlock
You can t a maximum of 3 locks Ø8mm.
Automatically extending, second lockout mechanism
Padlock ∅min. 6mm, ∅max. 10 mm
7.9. Escape release (optional)
The escape release is used to open a locked safety guard from the inside without tools.
The system enters into a latching fault when the escape release is actuated.
See chapter 15. System status table on page 38, signal sequence incorrect status (DIA red, Lock ashes 1 time).
The system might not enter into a latching fault if the escape release is actuated very slowly.
Ì It must be possible to operate the escape release manually from inside the protected area without
Ì It must not be possible to reach the escape release from the outside.Ì The actuator must not be under tensile stress during manual release.
Ì The escape release meets the requirements of Category B according to EN ISO 13849-1:2008.Ì The correct function must be checked at regular intervals.Ì Please observe the notes on possibly enclosed data sheets.
Ì Fit escape release such that operation, inspection and service are possible.Ì The actuation axis for the escape release must be inserted min. 10 mm into the handle module. Note the information on
the different prole widths in the next chapter.
Ì Align escape release axis at right angles to the handle module. See Figure 8.
2123622-04-06/19 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Expanded Data Structure Type C
7.9.1. Preparing escape release
Prole widthLength required for actuation
30 mm39 mm 47 mmStandard escape release
40 mm49 mm 57 mmStandard escape release
45 mm54 mm 62 mmStandard escape release
50 mm59 mm 67 mmStandard escape release
With mounting
(4 mm each)
Example without mounting plates:
Which EUCHNER parts are required?Necessary work steps
with 107 mm axis
(order no. 100465)
with 107 mm axis
(order no. 100465)
If necessary,
extended actuation axis (order no. 106761)
with 107 mm axis
(order no. 100465)
extended actuation axis (order no. 106761)
with 107 mm axis
(order no. 100465)
extended actuation axis (order no. 106761)
Shorten to required length
Without mounting plates:
With mounting plates:
Use extended actuation axis and protective sleeve and
shorten to required length
Use extended actuation axis and protective sleeve and
shorten to required length
Use extended actuation axis and protective sleeve and
shorten to required length
Actuation axisProtective sleeve
Escape release
Handle module
(11,5) 55,5
Insert actuation axis. The snap ring A must be in contact with the escape release B.
Fit door handle.
Tighten xing screw to 2Nm and press in cap.
Fit protective sleeve.
D + 9
(+4 mm per mounting plate)
D -1
(+4 mm per mounting plate)
Figure 8: Preparing escape release
(translation of the original operating instructions) 2123622-04-06/19
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