18. Service .............................................................................................................. 51
19. Inspection and service ........................................................................................ 52
20. Declaration of conformity ................................................................................... 53
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2500233-01-05/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB2-L1…-BR.-… / MGB2-L2…-BR.-… and MGB2-L1…-BP.-… / MGB2-L2…-BP.-…
1. About this document
1.1. Scope
These operating instructions are valid for all MGB2-L1…-BR.-… / MGB2-L2…-BR.-… and MGB2-L1…-BP.-… / MGB2-L2…-BP.-….
These operating instructions, the document “Safety information and maintenance” and any enclosed data sheet form the
complete user information for your device.
Products with lower product versions or without a version number are not described by these operating instructions. Please
contact our support team in this case.
1.2. Target group
Design engineers and installation planners for safety systems on machines, as well as setup and servicing staff possessing
special expertise in handling safety components as well as expertise in the installation, setup, programming and diagnostics
of programmable logic controllers (PLC).
from V1.0.0
1.3. Key to symbols
TipUseful information
This section applies on operation as MGB2-BP
This section applies on operation as MGB2-BR
In this section attention must be paid to the DIP switch settings
Printed document
Document is available for download at www.euchner.com
Document on CD
Safety precautions
Danger of death or severe injuries
Warning about possible injuries
Caution Slight injuries possible
Notice about possible device damage
Important information
2500233-01-05/19 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB2-L1…-BR.-… / MGB2-L2…-BR.-… and MGB2-L1…-BP.-… / MGB2-L2…-BP.-…
1.4. Supplementary documents
The overall documentation for this device consists of the following documents:
Document title
(document number)
Safety Information and
Maintenance Safety System MGB2-BR/MGB2-BP
from V1.0.0
Operating Instructions
Possibly enclosed data
Basic information for safe setup and service
(this document)
Item-specic information about deviations or additions
Always read all documents to gain a complete overview of safe installation, setup and use of the
device. The documents can be downloaded from www.euchner.com. For this purpose enter the doc.
no. in the search box.
(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2500233-01-05/19
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB2-L1…-BR.-… / MGB2-L2…-BR.-… and MGB2-L1…-BP.-… / MGB2-L2…-BP.-…
2. Correct use
The system consists of at least one locking module MGB2-L1-…/MGB2-L2--… and one handle module MGB2-H…
The safety system MGB2-L.-… is an interlocking device with guard locking (type4). Devices with unicode evaluation possess
a high coding level, devices with multicode evaluation possess a low coding level.
The locking module can be congured with the aid of DIP switches. Depending on the setting, the locking module behaves
like a BP or BR device (see chapter 2.1. Main differences, MGB2-BP and MGB2-BR on page 8). In addition the guard
locking monitoring can be switched on or off. More detailed information about the possible settings is available in the chapter
13.7. Changing device conguration (using DIP switches) on page 32.
With active guard locking monitoring the following applies:
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents the guard from being
opened while a dangerous machine function is being performed.
This means:
Ì Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is
closed and locked.
Ì The guard locking must not be unlocked until the dangerous machine function has ended.Ì Closing and locking a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate
start command must be issued. For exceptions, refer to ENISO12100 or relevant C-standards.
With inactive guard locking monitoring the following applies:
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents dangerous machine
functions from occurring while the guard is open. A stop command is triggered if the guard is opened during the
dangerous machine function. With inactive guard locking monitoring, guard locking must be used only for process
This means:
Ì Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is
Ì Opening the guard triggers a stop command.Ì Closing a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start command
must be issued. For exceptions, refer to ENISO12100 or relevant C-standards.
Before the device is used, a risk assessment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance with the following
Ì ENISO13849-1Ì ENISO12100Ì ENIEC62061
Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following
Ì ENISO13849-1Ì ENISO14119Ì ENIEC60204-1
The safety system MGB2 can be combined only with the intended modules in the MGB2 system family.
On the modication of system components, EUCHNER provides no warranty for function.
Locking modules with the conguration MGB2-BR can be integrated into a BR switch chain.
Connection of several devices in a BR switch chain is permitted only using devices intended for series connection
in a BR switch chain. Check the operating instructions for the related device.
2500233-01-05/19 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
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