EUCHNER Electronic-Key Adapter with serial Interface User Manual

Electronic-Key Adapter
with serial Interface
Order No. 088 796
Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial

Table of contents

1.1 Use of the manual ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 CE conformity........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Approvals .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Correct use............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Incorrect use.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Obligations on the operating organization ............................................................................................ 4
1.7 Explanation of symbols ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 Abbreviations......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Safety precautions...................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Function....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Functional description ........................................................................................................................... 7
4 Technical data ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Dimension drawing, Electronic-Key adapter/front panel cut-out ........................................................... 8
4.2 Technical data, Electronic-Key adapter ................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Pin assignment...................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 Serial interface socket ............................................................................................................... 9
4.3.2 Power supply and Out signal 24 V screw terminals ................................................................. 9
4.4 DIP switch settings .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.5 OUT output.......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.6 LED display ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5 Mounting.................................................................................................................................................... 11
6 Electrical connection................................................................................................................................ 12
6.1 Connection of power supply................................................................................................................ 12
6.2 Connection of function earth ............................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Serial interface connection .................................................................................................................. 13
6.3.1 RS232 wiring diagram ............................................................................................................. 13
6.3.2 RS422 wiring diagram ............................................................................................................. 13
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial
7 Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
8 Operating the Electronic-Key-System using the serial interface......................................................... 15
8.1 Special features of the serial interface ................................................................................................ 15
8.2 Communication ................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Basic message structure..................................................................................................................... 15
8.3.1 Special features of the 3964R data transfer protocol [1]......................................................... 16
8.4 Commands for writing and reading an Electronic-Key read/write ....................................................... 18
8.4.1 Write process........................................................................................................................... 18
8.4.2 Read process .......................................................................................................................... 19
8.4.3 Reading the serial number ...................................................................................................... 20
8.5 Command for resetting........................................................................................................................ 21
8.6 Command overview............................................................................................................................. 22
8.7 Status numbers ................................................................................................................................... 22
9 Exclusion of liability ................................................................................................................................. 23
10 Service and repair..................................................................................................................................... 23
11 Guarantee .................................................................................................................................................. 23
12 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................. 23
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial
1 General notes

1.1 Use of the manual

This manual describes the technical features and the function of the EKS Electronic-Key adapter EKS-A-ISX-G01-ST09/03 with serial interface (order no. 084 750). The complete evaluation and interface electronics are integrated in this unit.
1.2 CE conformity
The EKS Electronic-Key adapter with serial interface conforms to the EMC directive 89/336/EEC (92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC) and the low voltage directive 73/23/EEC (93/68/EEC, 98/79/EC).
The Electronic-Key adapter complies with the following European / international standards:
EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards - Immunity for industrial
EN 55011 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Radio disturbance
characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
1.3 Approvals
The EKS Electronic-Key adapter with serial interface is certified to (certificate number 170205 – E240367).
For use and operation as per the
requirements, a power supply for use in class 2 circuits must be used.
1.4 Correct use
As part of a higher-level overall system, the EKS Electronic-Key adapter is used for access control and monitoring on control systems (PC/PLC) or parts of control systems for machine installations.
1.5 Incorrect use
The EKS Electronic-Key adapter is not a safety component in the context of the machinery directive.
Without additional precautions the EKS Electronic-Key adapter must not be used to provide a safety function, particularly if failure or malfunction of the unit could endanger the safety or health of persons in the operating area of a machine.

1.6 Obligations on the operating organization

The manufacturer and the organization operating the higher-level overall system, e.g. a machine installation, is responsible for the observance of national and international safety and accident prevention regulations applicable in the specific case.
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial

1.7 Explanation of symbols

The following symbols are used in this manual to identify important instructions and useful information:
Important information is provided to the user here.
Risk of damage to material or machine.
Risk to life and limb.
1.8 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
ADT Acknowledgement Delay Time
BCC Block Check Character
CDT Character Delay Time
CTS Clear To Send
DIP Dual Inline Package
DLE Data Link Escape
E²PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EKS Electronic-Key-System
ETX End of TeXt
GND Signal GrouND
LED Light Emitting Diode
NAK Negative AcKnowledgement
PA PolyAmide
PLC Programmable Logic Control
ROM Read-Only Memory
RxD Receive Data
STX Start of TeXt
TxD Transmit Data
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial
2 Safety precautions
The Electronic-Key adapter must only be employed and used in accordance with this manual. The Electronic-Key adapter is typically operated as part of a higher-level overall system, e. g. a machine installation.
When designing machines and using the Electronic-Key adapter, the national and international safety and accident prevention regulations specific to the application must be observed, e.g.:
EN 60204, Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines
EN 292, Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general principles for design
EN 954, Safety of machinery. Safety related parts of control systems. General principles for design
The Electronic-Key adapter is not a safety component in the context of the machinery directive. Without additional precautions the EKS Electronic-Key adapter must not be used to provide a safety function, particularly if failure or malfunction of the unit could endanger the safety or health of persons in the operating area of a machine.
The organization operating the overall higher-level system is responsible for conformity with the national and international safety and accident prevention regulations applicable to the special application.
Mounting and electrical connection must be performed only by authorized personnel.
For use and operation as per the requirements, a power supply for use in class 2 circuits must be used.
Modifications to the electronics of the Electronic-Key adapter and any other changes, especially mechanical modifications and reworking, are not permissible.
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter serial
3 Function
3.1 Functional description
The EKS is used for access control and monitoring on control systems (PC/PLC) or parts of control systems for machine installations.
Instead of passwords, coded Electronic-Keys are assigned. In this way unauthorized access to control and display systems is prevented to the greatest possible extent.
The EKS uses a non-contact, inductive read/write identification system.
It comprises:
Electronic-Key adapter
The user is responsible for organizing the programming of the application, integration in an overall system and the assignment and use of the freely programmable memory in the Electronic-Key.
The Electronic-Key adapter is a read/write system with integrated evaluation unit and interface.
Due to the non-contact transfer of data, it was possible to design the Electronic-Key adapter with the high degree of protection of IP 67 from the access side, i.e. it is suitable for industrial use. The Electronic-Key adapter can be installed as per DIN 43700 in any control panel with a standard cut-out of 33 mm x 68 mm. The Electronic-Key adapter is fastened by means of screw clamp elements from the rear side of the panel in order to exclude unauthorized manipulation from the operator side.
The system connection is made using the integrated serial interface (RS232/RS422 switchable).
Setup and system integration can be realized straightforwardly and quickly on the Electronic-Key adapter with serial interface. Data communication is in accordance with the transfer protocol 3964R.
On Electronic-Keys read/write with 116 bytes, the memory is organized in 4-byte blocks. This means a multiple of 4-byte sized blocks must always be written.
The current state of the Electronic-Key adapter is displayed using a 2-color LED.
The Electronic-Keys are tag shaped. The complete, battery-less transponder with memory chip and antenna is integrated into the Electronic-Key.
For operation, the Electronic-Key is inserted in the Electronic-Key adapter and is held in place by a spring clip. The power supply for the transponder and the data are transferred without contact between the Electronic-Key adapter and the Electronic-Key.
Cut-away illustration of Electronic-Key adapter
The data carrier in the Electronic-Key is equipped with a combined memory:
116 bytes E²PROM (programmable) plus an additional 8 bytes ROM (serial number)
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4 Technical data

4.1 Dimension drawing, Electronic-Key adapter/front panel cut-out

Front panel cut-out
according to DIN 43700
max. 4mm
DIP switch
1,5 Rubber seal

4.2 Technical data, Electronic-Key adapter

General parameters Value Unit
min. typ. max. Housing Plastic (PA 6 GF30 gray) Degree of protection according to EN 60529 IP 67 in mounted condition Ambient temperature at UB = DC 24 V 0 + 55 °C Mounting cut-out according to DIN 43700 33 x 68 mm Connection type for power supply Miniature plug connector 3-pin,
Conductor cross-section max. 1.5 mm²,
tightening torque 0.22 Nm Operating voltage UB (regulated, residual ripple < 5 %) Current consumption 100 mA
Interface, data transfer
Interface to host control serial RS232 / RS422
Transfer protocol 3964R Baud rate 9.6 kbaud Data format 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (even parity), 1 stop bit Connection type for serial interface Sub-D 9-pin socket Cable length RS232 5m Cable length RS422 1000 m Out output
LED display Green: "Ready" (in operation)
20 24 28 DC V
(selectable via DIP switch)
Active if there is a functional Electronic-Key in the Electronic-
Key adapter (Electronic-Key active).
Pin 8 Sub-D socket serial interface: RS232
Pin 3 screw terminal power supply: +24 V DC
Yellow: "Electronic-Key active" *
* The LED illuminates yellow if there is a functional Electronic-Key in the Electronic-Key adapter.
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