EUCHNER EKS, EKS-A-IUXA-G01-ST01/04, EKS FSA Series, EKS-A-IUX-G01-ST01, EKS-A-IUX-G30-STBM Series Manual

Electronic-Key Adapter EKS and EKS FSA
with USB Inter face
Order no. 2094485
Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter USB
Table of contents
1 General notes ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Use of the manual .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1 Explanation of symbols .............................................................................................................. 4
1.1.2 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 CE conformity ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Approvals ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Correct use ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Obligations on the operating organization ............................................................................................. 6
2 Safety precautions ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Function ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Functional description ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.1 Common functions of EKS Standard and vers ion EKS FSA ..................................................... 8
3.1.2 Additional functions of version EKS FSA (only in G01 housing) ............................................... 9
4 Technical data ............................................................................................................................................ 10
4.1 Dimension drawing of Electronic-Ke y adapter ..................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Design in G01 housing EKS-A-IUX-G01-ST 01 with USB interface ......................................... 10
4.1.2 Design in G01 housing EKS-A-IUXA-G01-ST01/04 (EKS FSA) with USB interface .............. 10
4.1.3 Design in G30 housing EKS-A-IUX-G30-STBM with USB interface ....................................... 11
4.2 Technical data ...................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Technical data for Electronic-Key adapter in G01 housing ..................................................... 12
4.2.2 Technical data for Electronic-Key adapter in G30 housing ..................................................... 13
4.3 Connector assignment ......................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 USB interface socket in G01 housing ...................................................................................... 14
4.3.2 Screw terminals of switching contacts LA1/LA2 and LB1/LB2 (EKS FSA only) ...................... 14
4.3.3 USB interface socket in G30 housing ...................................................................................... 14
4.4 DIP switch settings (only in G01 housing) ........................................................................................... 14
4.5 LED indicator ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Mounting ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Compact Electronic-Key adapter in G01 housing .................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Compact Electronic-Key adapter in G30 housing (FHC) ......................................................... 16
6 Electrical connection ................................................................................................................................ 17
6.1 USB connection ................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Connection of the semiconductor switching contacts (only for EKS G01 FSA) .................................. 17
7 Setup ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Installation of EKS USB drivers ........................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Changing the virtual COM port and driver version number under Windows® ..................................... 22
7.3 Uninstalling the EKS USB drivers under Windows® ............................................................................ 24
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8 Operating the Electronic-Key System with the aid of the virtual COM port ........................................ 26
8.1 Special features of the USB interface .................................................................................................. 26
8.2 Communication .................................................................................................................................... 26
8.3 Basic message structure...................................................................................................................... 27
8.3.1 Special features of the 3964R data transfer protocol [1] ......................................................... 27
8.4 Commands for writing and reading an Elect ro nic -Key read/write ....................................................... 29
8.4.1 Write process ........................................................................................................................... 30
8.4.2 Read process ........................................................................................................................... 31
8.5 Command overview ............................................................................................................................. 32
8.6 Status numbers .................................................................................................................................... 32
9 Exclusion of liability .................................................................................................................................. 33
10 Service and repair ..................................................................................................................................... 33
11 Guarantee ................................................................................................................................................... 33
12 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 33
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter USB
Identifies an
Identifies a possible hazard. If not
Identifies a possible hazard. If not
Risk of damage to material or machine or degradation of function.
Information! Important information is provided to the user here.

1 General notes

1.1 Use of the manual

This manual describes the technical features and the function of the EKS USB read/write stations listed below (also referred to as “devices” for short in the rest of the text). The complete evaluation and interface electronics for data transmission are accommodated in these units.
Compact Electronic-Key adapter in G01 housing EKS-A-IUX-G01-ST01 (order no. 092750)
with USB interface
Compact Electronic-Key adapter in G01 housing EKS-A-IUXA-G01-ST01/04 (order no. 098513)
with USB interface version FSA (For Safety Applications)
Compact Electronic-Key adapter in G30 housing EKS-A-IUX-G30-STBM (order no. 157195)
with USB interface

1.1.1 Explanation of symbols

The following symbols are used in this manual to identify important instructions and useful information:
immediate hazard. If not avoid ed, the c on sequenc e will be fata lity or very serious injuries.
avoided, the consequence may be fatality or very serious injuries.
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avoided, minor injuries or damage may result.
Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter USB

1.1.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
AC Alternating Current  BCC Block Check Character  CTS Clear To Send  DC Direct Current / Diagnostic Coverage  DIP Dual Inline Package  DLE Data Link Escape (acknowledgment)  E²PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory  EKS Electronic-Key-System  EKS FSA Electronic-Key-System For Safety Applications  ETX End of TeXt  FHC Front Hook Compact  FSA For Safety Applications  LED Light Emitting Diode  MTTFNAK Negative AcKnowledgment  PA PolyAmide  ADT Acknowledgment Delay Time  ROM Read-Only Memory  STX Start of TeXt  USB Universal Serial Bus  CDT Character Delay Time
Mean Time To Dangerous Failure

1.2 CE conformity

The EKS devices with USB interface correspond to the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU and the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. The devices comply with the following European standards:
EN 55011 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment – Radio-frequency disturbance
characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement
EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Par t 6 -2: Generic standards – Immunity standard
for industrial environments
EN 50364 Product standard for human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating
in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications
N 300330 V2.1.1 Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz to 25 MHz
and inductive loop systems in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU
EN 50581 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with
respect to the restriction of hazardous substances
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The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC provides information on selection of the operating mode. It is imperative that this information be followed.

1.3 Approvals

The EKS devices with USB interface are certified in accordance with (UL file number E240367). For use and operation as per the requirements, a power supply with the feature “for use in Class 2
circuits” must be used.

1.4 Correct use

As part of a higher-level overall system, the EKS Electronic-Key adapter is used for access control and monitoring on PC-based control systems or parts of control systems for machine installations. EKS can be used, for example, as part of an overall system for checking access rights on the selection of the operating mode. However, it is not permitted to derive the operating mode directly from the access rights on the Electronic-Key. If the selection of the operating mode is relevant for safety, this must not be performed by means of the EKS; instead an additional device must be used to select the operating mode.
When designing machines and using the Electronic-Key adapter, the national and international regulations and standards specific to the application must be observed, e.g.:
EN 60204, Safety of machiner y – Electrical equipment of machines EN 12100-1, Safety of m achin er y – Basic concepts, general principles for design – Part 1: Basic
terminology, methodology
EN 62061, Safety of machiner y – Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable
electronic control systems
EN ISO 13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles
for design
Modifications to the electronics of the Electronic-Key adapter and any other changes, especially mechanical modifications and reworking, are not permissible and will result in the loss of the warranty and exclusion of liability.
The Electronic-Key adapter must be employed and used only in accordance with
this manual and other documentation referred to in this manual.
The EKS Electronic-Key adapter is not a safety component in the context of the Machinery Directive. Without additional precautions, the EKS Electronic-Key adapter must not be used to provide a safety function,
particularly if failure or malfunction of the device could endanger the safety or health of people in the operating area of a machine.

1.5 Obligations on the operati ng organization

The manufacturer and the organization operating the higher -level overall system, e.g. a machine installation, are responsible for the observance of national and international safety and accident prevention regulations applicable in the specific case.
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The EKS Electronic Without additional precautions, the EKS Electronic function, particularly if failure or mal persons in the operating area of a machine. On this topic, pay particular attention to the sections
Correct use
Mounting and electrical connection are allo familiar with the applicable regulati manual.
Furthermore, mounting and electrical connection of the version EKS personnel familiar with handling safety components.
Modifications to the ele mechanical modifications and reworking, are not permissible and will result in the loss of the warranty.

2 Safety precautions

-Key adapter is not a safety component in the context of the Machinery Directive.
-Key adapter must not be used to provide a safety
function of the device could endanger the safety or health of
(see chapter 1.4) and Electrical connection (see chapter 6).
wed to be performed only by authorized personnel who are
ons on accident prevention and have read and understood this
ctronics of the Electronic-Key adapter and any other changes, especially
FSA must be performed only by
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Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter USB
For easier organization and management of your Electronic-Keys and the data they contain, EUCHNER also offers the Elect
Figure: Cut-away illustration of an Electronic-Key
Figure: Illustration of an Electronic-Key adapter with

3 Function

3.1 Functional descripti on

3.1.1 Common functions of EKS Standard and version EKS FSA

The EKS is used for access control and monitoring on PC-based control systems or parts of control systems for machine installations.
Instead of passwords, coded Electronic-Keys are assigned. In this way unauthorized access to control and visualization systems is prevented to the greatest possible extent.
The EKS uses a non-contact, inductive read/write identification system. It comprises:
Electronic-Key Electronic-Key adapter
The user is responsible for organizing the programming of the application, integration into an overall system and the assignment and use of the freely programmable memory in the Electronic-Key.
EKS USB devices are read/write systems with electronics for the inductive bidirectional interface to the transponder and interface electronics.
Due to the non-contact transfer of data, the Electronic-Key adapter is designed with a high degree of protection suitable for industry from the access side. The Electronic-Key adapter is fastened from the rear side of the panel in order to exclude unauthorized tampering from the operator side.
The system is connected via the integrated USB interface that is designed as a virtual COM port in Windows based systems. The power supply is also provided via the USB connection.
Setup and system integration can be realized straightforwardly and quickly on the Electronic-K e y adapter wit h USB interface. Data communication is in accor d anc e with the tr ansfer protocol 3964R.
The current state of the Electronic-Key adapter is displayed using a two-color LED. The Electronic-Ke y is inserted into the El ectr on ic -Key adapter in housing G01 and is held securely in place by a
spring clip. With the Front-Hook-Compact (FHC) mini Electronic-Ke y adapter in h ousin g G30, the Electr on ic k ey is held in front or dropped into place. The power supply for the transponder and the data are transferred between the Electronic-Key adapter and the Electronic-Key without using any contacts.
ronic-Key-Manager EKM software.
adapter with Electronic-Key in the compact G01 housing
The Electronic-Keys are tag shaped. The complete transponder with memory chip and antenna is integrated into the Electronic-Key. The transponder does not have a battery.
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Electronic-Key in the compact G30 housing
Manual EKS Electronic-Key Adapter USB
The switching contacts
, irrespective of the data allocation
in the memory.
The data carrier in the Electronic-Ke y is equippe d with a combined memory: 116 bytes E
The programmable memory of 116 bytes is organized in 4-byte blocks. This means a multiple of 4-byte-sized blocks must always be written.
PROM (programmable) plus 8 bytes ROM (serial number)

3.1.2 Additional functions of version EKS FSA (only in G01 housing)

The version EKS FSA has two additional switching contacts (semiconductor relay) (LA1/LA2 and optionally LB1/LB2) that are switched off as long as there is no Electronic-Key in the Electronic-Key adapter or if it is not possible to read the Electronic-Key.
The switching contacts are electrically isolated from the device electronics and from each other. Either AC or DC can be switched.
Each of the switching contacts is operated with diversity by a dedicated processor that opens the contacts on removal of the Electronic-Key (see figure Block diagram EKS FSA).
Figure: Block diagram EKS FSA Due to separate evaluation of channel LA and channel LB, the EKS FSA device can be used in conjunction with
a safe evaluation device in safet y-related applications. Integrated voltage monitoring switches off the switching contacts LA and LB if the power supply is outside the permitted tolerance (see chapter 4.2.1).
FSA close when the Electronic-Ke y is in place
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4 Technical data

4.1 Dimension drawing of Electronic-Key adapter

4.1.1 Design in G01 housing EKS-A-IUX-G01-ST01 with USB interface

For installation in a control panel, you must provide a cut-out measuring 33 mm x 68 mm according to DIN IEC 61554.

4.1.2 Design in G01 housing EKS-A-IUXA-G01-ST01/04 (EKS FSA) with USB interface

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4.1.3 Design in G30 housing EKS-A-IUX-G30-STBM with US B interface

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