EUCHNER EKS-A-IIX-G01-ST02/03, EKS-A-IIXA-G01-ST02/03/04, EKS-A-AIX-G18, EKS-A-AIXA-G18 Application

Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3
Application EKS Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3
1. About this document ............................................................................................. 3
1.1. Version ..........................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Target group ..................................................................................................................................3
1.4. Supplementary documents ..............................................................................................................3
1.5. Notice ............................................................................................................................................3
2. Components/modules used .................................................................................. 4
2.1. EUCHNER ......................................................................................................................................4
2.2. Others ...........................................................................................................................................4
2.3. Software ........................................................................................................................................4
3. Functional description ........................................................................................... 4
4. Overview of the communication data ..................................................................... 5
4.1. Input ..............................................................................................................................................5
4.2. Output ...........................................................................................................................................5
5. Installing the GSD le ............................................................................................ 6
6. Setting the control system parameters .................................................................. 7
7. Conguring and setting the parameters of the EKS with PROFINET interface .......... 8
7.1. Conguring the PROFINET network ...................................................................................................8
7.2. Conguring the EKS with PROFINET interface .................................................................................... 9
7.3. Setting the EKS parameters ..........................................................................................................11
7.4. Assigning PROFINET device names to the EKS ................................................................................12
8. Using the BECKHOFF library ............................................................................... 14
8.1. Installation of the library ................................................................................................................14
8.2. Calling the library and description of the block interface ..................................................................16
8.2.1. Calling the library ..........................................................................................................16
8.2.2. Description of the block interfaces .................................................................................18
8.2.3. Complete EKS data type call ..........................................................................................18
9. Linking the input and output areas in EKS ............................................................ 19
10. Reading and writing Electronic-Key data ............................................................. 21
10.1. Transferring program to the PLC ....................................................................................................21
10.2. Reading content of the memory in the Electronic-Key using the block interface ..................................21
10.3. Writing content of the memory in the Electronic-Key using the block interface....................................21
11. Important note – please observe carefully! ......................................................... 22
Application EKS
Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3

1. About this document

1.1. Version

Version Date Change/addition Chapter
01-01/19 10.01.2019 Prepared All

1.2. Scope

The purpose of this document is the integration and conguration of the EKS with PROFINET interface (from device version as per table) in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3.
Order no. Designation Device version
106305 EKS-A-IIX-G01-ST02/03 V3.0.0
106306 EKS-A-IIXA-G01-ST02/03/04 V3.0.0
122352 EKS-A-AIX-G18 V1.X.X
122353 EKS-A-AIXA-G18 V1.X.X

1.3. Target group

Design engineers and installation planners for safety systems on machines, as well as setup and servicing staff possessing special expertise in handling safety components as well as expertise in the installation, setup, programming and diagnostics of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and bus systems.

1.4. Supplementary documents

The overall documentation for this application consists of the following documents:
Document title (document number)
Manual (2516210)
Possibly enclosed data sheets
Electronic-Key-System Manual EKS and EKS FSA with PROFINET IO interface
Item-specic information about deviations or additions

1.5. Notice

This application is based on the manual for the EKS with PROFINET interface. Please refer to the manual for the technical details and other information. In the rest of this document the EKS with PROFINET interface is referred to as the "EKS" for short.
Application EKS Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3

2. Components/modules used


Description Order number / item
EKS with PROFINET interface 106305 / EKS-A-IIX-G01-ST02/03
More information and downloads about the aforemen­tioned EUCHNER products can be found at Simply enter the order number in the search box.

2.2. Others

Description Order number / item
CX9020-0110-M930 CX9020-0110-M930

2.3. Software

Description Version
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated) Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.03056
TcMeasurement 1.0
TcTargetBrowserPackage Extension 1.0
TcXaeDebuggerLiveWatch 1.0
TcXaeHelper 1.0
TcXaeModules 1.0
TwinCAT XAE Base
TwinCAT XAE EventLogger 1.0

3. Functional description

EKS PROFINET devices are read/write systems with electronics for the inductive bidirectional interface to the transponder and the interface electronics.
The system is connected via the integrated PROFINET interface, which is designed as an RJ45 socket. A separate switch may be required for the PROFINET connection. The EKS does not have an integrated switch.
The current state of the Electronic-Key adapter is displayed using a 3-color LED.
The Electronic-Key is placed on the Electronic-Key adapter for operation. The power supply for the transponder and the data are transferred between the Electronic-Key adapter and the Electronic-Key without using any contacts.
Application EKS
Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3

4. Overview of the communication data

4.1. Input

PROFINET Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0
(Status byte)
PROFINET Description Function
Byte 1
. . .
Byte 127

4.2. Output

PROFINET Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 0
(command byte)
Job in progress Job nished - - - - Electronic-Key
Receive data
- - - - - - - Write Electron-
Max. 124 bytes user data from the Electronic-Key plus 3 bytes reserve. If fewer bytes of data were selected during conguration, these are lled with 0hex.
Device ready for
PROFINET Description Function
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3 Not used
Byte 4
. . .
Byte 119
Byte 120
. .
Byte 127
Start address
Number of bytes
Transmit data
Not used
Denes rst byte in the memory in the Electronic-Key that is written on setting bit no. 0 in the command byte. Start address of user data: byte no. 0, 4, 8 … 112.
Denes the number of bytes in the memory in the Electronic-Key that are written on setting bit no. 0 in the command byte. Number of bytes of user data: 4, 8, 12 … 116 bytes.
If bit no. 0 in the command byte is set to 1, the content of these bytes is written to the Electronic-Key starting from the start address dened.
You will nd further information in the manual.
On the Electronic-Key read/write with 116 bytes freely programmable, the memory is organized in 4-byte blocks. This means the start address for writing must be given in the range byte number 0 to byte number 112, always in 4-byte steps (byte number 0, 4, 8 ... 112). Also a multiple of 4-byte sized blocks must always be written (4, 8, 12 ... 116 bytes).
During reading it is possible to access the memory byte-by-byte without the above-mentioned restric­tion for writing.
Application EKS Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3
5. Installing the GSD le
You will require the corresponding GSD le in the GSDML format to integrate the EKS into TwinCAT 3, depending on the design of the EKS:
Design Related GSD le
compact (Order No. 106305/106306)
modular (Order No. 122352/122353)
You will nd the GSD les in the download area at Always use the latest GSD le.
Please proceed as follows to integrate the GSD le in TwinCAT 3:
Open the path as shown in Figure 1 and then add the unpacked GSDML and bitmap le.
Figure 1: Adding GSD le
Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3

6. Setting the control system parameters

Specify the cycle time for the PlcTask. Use the value 2 for this purpose.
Application EKS
Figure 2: Setting the control system parameters
Application EKS Integration of EKS with PROFINET interface in BECKHOFF TwinCAT 3
7. Conguring and setting the parameters of the EKS with PROFINET interface
7.1. Conguring the PROFINET network
Add the PROFINET network as follows:
1. In Solution Explorer click I/O, right-click Devices and choose Scan.
Figure 3: Adding PROFINET network
To undertake scans the TwinCAT must be in the Cong Mode.
2. Select the PROFINET controller and accept using OK.
Figure 4: Selection of PROFINET controller
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