Etymotic Research ER-20, Ety-Plugs Brochure

• Music and conversation are heard clearly
• All sound is reduced evenly by 20 dB
• Available in two sizes:standard and small
• Fatigue from noise is reduced
• Patented technology
• Reusable
61 Martin Lane • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Musicians Earplugs,ETY•Plugs and BabyBlues are trademarks of Etymotic Research, Inc.The ER family of earplugs is covered by one or more of the following U.S.patents:#4,852,683, #5,113,967, #5,887,070 and other patents pending.
EREM-BO2-C 1107
ER-20 High Fidelity Hearing Protection
Solid Beige
Translucent Beige
Color/Size All reduce sound 20 dB
Package includes
• ETY•Plugs: (1 pair clear) or
• BabyBlues:(1 pair)
• Black neck cord
• Carrying case
• Instructions
Packaging (2 options)
factory workers shop teachers students supervisors
concerts night clubs noisy restaurants
carpenters equipment operators road builders steel workers
crew flight instructors passengers pilots
athletes coaches sporting events
dentists dental hygienists dental technicians surgeons
delivery drivers market traders night club staff truck drivers
concerts marching bands musicians night clubs
Motor Sports
motorcyclists pit crews race car drivers spectators
Emergency Vehicles
EMTs highway patrol firefighters
Who Uses ETY•Plugs?
Sound (dB) Exposure type No protection Using ETY•Plugs
60 Conversation SAFE
80-85 Noisy restaurant / Vacuum / Average factory 40 hrs SAFE
88 Circular saw / Loud party / Motorcycle 20 hrs SAFE
94 Subway / Riding mower 5 hrs SAFE
97 Live band 2.5 hrs 40 HRS
100 Sporting event / Chain saw / Snowmobile 1.25 hrs 20 hrs
112 Blues bar / Rock concert 5 mins 1.25 hrs
115 Ambulance siren 2.5 mins 36 mins
140 Jet engine / Gun shot / Firecracker INSTANT LOSS *
* Above125 dB you are at risk for any period without maximum protection
Permissible Sound Exposure with ETY•Plugs (re: NIOSH, 1998)
BabyBlues (for smaller ear canals)
Neck Cords (optional)
Package includes
• ETY•Plugs: (1 pair any color) or
• BabyBlues:(1 pair)
• Carr
ying case
• Instructions
NIOSH (1998). Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational noise exposure.Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 98-126.
The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency requires manufacturers to print a noise reduction rating (NRR) on all non-custom earplugs. The formula used to determine NRR includes an adjustment for test variability,individual variability,and for those persons who do not wear ear protection as instructed.When worn properly,Etymotic earplugs provide more sound reduction than the assigned NRR value.Laboratory data on subjects wearing properly sealed ETY•Plugs
shows between 18-22 dB average sound reduction over the 250-8000 Hz frequency range,but the NRR calculated from the same data is 12 dB.
ETY•Plugs earplugs use patented technology that replicates the natural response of the ear canal so that sound heard with these earplugs is as clear as the original, just quieter. The BabyBlues
earplugs were created to fit smaller ear canals. ETY•Plugs earplugs have nearly the same fidelity as Etymotic’s Musicians Earplugs
(custom earplugs worn by professional musicians) and are a low-cost alternative.
About ETY•Plugs (2 Sizes)
About Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
ETY• Plugs provide almost equal sound reduction (20 dB) across the range of hearing. Foam earplugs reduce the high frequencies, resulting in muffled speech and music.
Musicians Earplugs™
How much noise is too much?
Hearing loss is a function of exposure time,the average sound level, and the peak lev
el of very loud sounds. Exposure to excessive noise can cause permanent hearing loss depending on the intensity and duration of the sound. Some persons are more susceptible to hearing loss from high-level sound than others.
Preserve sound qualit
The human ear o
verloads at high sound levels,making it difficult
or impossible to distinguish speech or the musical blend.
Prevent ringing in the ears
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and tempor
ary hearing loss can occur from a single concert, sporting event or sudden loud noise like a firecracker. Even if a temporary hearing loss recovers over a period of hours to days,there is a risk that repeated exposure to loud noise could result in permanent hearing loss.
Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented!
ETY•Plugs™High Fidelity Earplugs lower noise evenly at all frequencies to preserve sound quality. Sound is not muffled. Music is heard clearly, but at a safe,reduced volume.
The Good News
More than 30 million Americans are exposed to hazardous sound levels on a regular basis. About one-third (10 million) can attribute their hearing loss, at least in part, to noise. Exposure occurs in the workplace, in recreational settings, and at home.
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Hearing loss is a function of exposure time, the average noise level and the peak level of very loud sounds.
85 8 hours 88 4 hours 91 2hours 94 1hour
97 30 minutes 100 15 minutes 103 7.5 minutes
106 < 4 minutes 109 < 2 minutes 112 ~1minutes 115 ~30 seconds
Continuous Unprotected Permissible Sound
(A) Exposure Time
Permissible Sound Exposure Guidelines
NIOSH (1998)
ETY•Plugs Noise Reduction
Standard BabyBlues™