Etymotic Research Companion Mics Brochure

61 Martin Lane • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
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Companion Mics is a trademark of Etymotic Research,Inc. The Companion Mics system is covered by U.S.patent: #5,966,639 and other patents pending.
ER083127 0507
Companion Mics
Multi-Talker Noise Reduction System
“I hid it from myself just how severely I was cut off from the world of normal conversation. Now I find the Companion Mics system makes three or four-party conversations anywhere outside the home an easier and more enjoyable experience.”
“It worked wonderfully in a car with my wife and another couple. For the first time in many years I could understand and participate in conversation.”
M.R., Professor
“People I’ve asked to use Companion Mics have been more than willing to do so.”
J.T.,Assistive Technologies Consultant
“I have found that this system is amazing once people try it.”
V.H.,Au.D., Audiologist
“Today we went for a hike. Walking side-by-side and when one of us was ahead by 30-40 feet, it was fine.”
M.P.E., Audiologist
“At a restaurant it was so noisy that it was hard to hear myself talking. The results were startling. Companion Mics can make a real difference in the quality of life for a lot of people.”
Phil Baker
echnology Correspondent
San Diego Daily Transcript
What people are saying
For more information contact:
• Up to four talkers can speak to a single listener
• Each unit contains a highly directional, noise-canceling microphone
• Noise-isolating earphones included
• Rechargeable lithium polymer batteries
• Long battery life:10 hours minimum
• Use with or without hearing aids
Companion Mics... reconnect with friends and family.
Reconnect with friends and family...
How many talkers are needed for the system?
The Companion Mics system is flexible. It is the only
technology that connects the listener with more than one
talker. One, two or three talkers can connect with one
listener, depending on the size of the group. Unlike other
systems, Companion Mics includes
multiple talkers, while other devices
connect a single talker and listener
or a single talker with many listeners.
Can I use this product with hearing aids?
Companion Mics can be used with or without hearing aids.
The noise-isolating earphones that come with the system
are often preferred over hearing aids because they block
outside noise better than hearing aids. A neck loop
or silhouette can be used in conjunction with t-coils in
hearing aids.
Companion Mics can also be used with
cochlear implants.
Where do I buy Companion Mics?
Companion Mics are available through Etymotic Research
or from an audiologist.
This pa
tented system is the first of
its kind on the market.
What does the system include?
• Listener Unit
• Three Talker Units
• Noise-Isolating Earphones (for Listener)
• Charging Unit
• AC Adapter
• Carrying Case
• User Guide
Product Specifications
Frequency Bandwidth: 8 kHz
Volume Control Gain Range: 4 dB to 66 dB
Acoustic Insertion Gain at Startup:
20 dB gain with the earphones provided
Radio Performance: 20 meters (66 ft.) minimum
Charging Time: Typically 2-3 hours
Battery Life: 10 hours minimum
Companion Mics
Our quality of life depends on our ability to communicate with family and friends, but when it becomes difficult we often withdraw.
Why do I need this product?
It can be fatiguing and frustrating to carry on a
conversation in the presence of noise. Greater
concentration and effort are needed, and it is not
uncommon to withdraw rather than struggle to keep up.
Companion Mics make it possible to hear effortlessly in
difficult listening situations. The system is ideal when
dining in a lively restaurant, playing in a bridge tournament,
attending a lecture or
meeting, or riding in a car
with family and friends.
It can make the difference
between participating or
sitting out.
How do Companion Mics work?
A wireless link between each talker and the single listener
allows each talker to be heard as if the listener’s ear were
a few inches from the talker’s mouth. This system
dramatically reduces background noise and reverberation;
a noise-canceling microphone in each unit further reduces
noise. The 2.4 GHz wireless technolog
y used in
Mics is similar to that used by digital cordless phones and
Bluetooth™phones, so that more than one system can
operate in the same room without interference.