Ettus Research
4600 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
P: +1-408-610-6399 F: +1-866-807-9801
Getting Started with the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i
Kit Contents:
• USRPTMB200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i SDR Board
• USB 3.0 Cable
You Will Need:
• A host computer with an available USB 2.0 or 3.0 port
Verify the Contents of Your Kit
Make sure that your kit contains all the items listed above. If any items are missing, please contact your sales
agent or Ettus Research Technical support immediately.
Install and Setup the Software Tools on Your Host Computer
In order to use your USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i, you must have the software tools correctly installed
and configured on your host computer. A step-by-step guide for doing this is available at “Getting Started”, on
the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i product page, or on the Ettus Research Knowledge Base.
If you have a USB stick with the LiveUSB SDR Environment installed on it, then you may boot your host computer
from that. The LiveUSB SDR Environment does not require anything to be installed on your host computer,
and contains a Linux-based environment with the UHD software and the GNU Radio framework already installed.
More information about the LiveUSB SDR environment is available at the LiveUSB SDR Environment Product
Page on the Ettus Research Knowledge Base.
Connect the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i to the Host Computer
The included USB 3.0 cable provides power and data connectivity for the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205minii. The host-side of the cable must be plugged into either a USB 2.0 or 3.0 port. Note that the USB 2.0 link
provides less bandwidth than the USB 3.0 link. More information about USB bandwidth constraints and power
considerations is available on the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i Product Page on the Ettus Research
Knowledge Base.
2015 Ettus Research - A National Instruments Company. All Rights Reserved.
Rev 1 - October 2015
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Test and Verify the Operation of the USRP
Once the software tools are installed on the host computer, or using the LiveUSB SDR Environment, verify the
correct operation of the USRP by running the various utility programs on the host computer. More information
is available at “Getting Started”, on the USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i Product Page on the Ettus
Research Knowledge Base.
Proper Care and Handling
All Ettus Research products are individually tested before shipment. The USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205minii is guaranteed to be functional at the time it is received by the customer. Improper use or handling of the
USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i can easily cause the device to become non-functional. Listed below are
some examples of actions which can prevent damage to the unit:
• Never allow metal objects to touch the circuit board while powered.
• Always properly terminate the transmit port with an antenna or 50Ω load.
• Always handle the board with proper anti-static methods.
• Never allow the board to directly or indirectly come into contact with any voltage spikes.
• Never allow any water, or condensing moisture, to come into contact with the boards.
• Always use caution with FPGA, firmware, or software modifications.
Never apply more than -15dBm of power into any RF input!
Use extreme caution when connecting the transmit port to the receive port in a loopback
configuration. The transmitter is capable of output powers that can damage the receiver unless necessary precautions are taken. The use of a 30dB attenuator is strongly recommended
when using in a loopback configuration.
The USRP B200mini/B200mini-i/B205mini-i is a piece of test equipment that can transmit
and receive on many frequencies. Each country has important legal implications to consider
concerning radiated RF energy. See “Legal Considerations” in this document before using
this device!
Technical Support and Community Knowledge Base
Technical support for USRP hardware is available through email only. If the product arrived in a non-functional
state or you require technical assistance, please contact support@ettus.com. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for
response by email, depending on holidays and weekends, although we are often able to reply more quickly than
We also recommend that you subscribe to the community mailing lists. The mailing lists have a responsive and
knowledgeable community of hundreds of developers and technical users who are located around the world. When
you join the community, you will be connected to this group of people who can help you learn about SDR and
respond to your technical and specific questions. Often your question can be answered quickly on the mailing
lists. Each mailing list also provides an archive of all past conversations and discussions going back many years.
2015 Ettus Research - A National Instruments Company. All Rights Reserved.
Rev 1 - October 2015
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