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3164-07 in this manual.
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3164 content.
Model 3164 Series
Quad-Ridged Horns
User Manual
ETS-Lindgren L.P. reserves the right to make changes to any product described
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herein in order to improve function, design, or for any other reason. Nothing
contained herein shall constitute ETS-Lindgren L.P. assuming any liability
whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit
described herein. ETS-Lindgren L.P. does not convey any license under its
patent rights or the rights of others.
© Copyright 2007–2008 by ETS-Lindgren L.P. All Rights Reserved. No part
of this document may be copied by any means without written permission
from ETS-Lindgren L.P.
Trademarks used in this document: The ETS-Lindgren logo is a trademark of
ETS-Lindgren L.P.; WiMAX is a trademark of the WiMAX Forum.
Revision Record
MANUAL,OBCH ANTENNA,3164 SERIES | Part #399288, Rev. B
Revision Description Date
A Initial Release March, 2007
B Added 3164-08; updated
3164-05 mounting
bracket; converted to
ii |
February, 2008
Internet Address
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3164-07 in this manual.
Disregard content for
all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
1301 Arrow Point Drive
Cedar Park, TX 78613 USA
Tel: +1.512.531.6400
Fax: +1.512.531.6500
4-2-6, Kohinata
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0006 Japan
Tel: +81.3.3813.7100
Fax: +81.3.3813.8068
Mekaanikontie 1, 27510
Eura, Finland
Tel: +358.2.838.330
Fax: +358.2.865.1233
B506 Technology Fortune Center
No. 8 Xue Qing Road
Haidian District
Beijing 100085
Tel: +86.010.827.30877
Fax: +86.010.827.55307
| iii
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Disregard content for
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iv |
Safety and Regulatory Information
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3164-07 in this manual.
Disregard content for
all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
Safety Symbol Definitions
This product and related documentation must be reviewed for familiarization with
safety markings and instructions prior to operation.
Safety Symbol Definition
General Safety Considerations
Safety Symbol Definition
Refer to Manual : When product is
marked with this symbol, refer to the
instruction manual for additional
Caution : Denotes a hazard. Failure
to follow instructions could result in
minor personal injury and/or property
damage. Included text gives proper
TO SERVICING. Servicing (or
modifying) the unit by yourself may
void your warranty. If you attempt to
service the unit by yourself,
disconnect all electrical power before
starting. There are voltages at many
points in the instrument that could, if
contacted, cause personal injury.
Only trained service personnel
should perform adjustments and/or
service procedures upon this
instrument. Capacitors inside this
instrument may still be CHARGED
even when instrument is
disconnected from its power source.
| v
Safety Symbol Definition
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see ETS-Lindgren
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Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
(European Union) At end of useful life, this
product should be deposited at an appropriate
waste disposal facility for recycling and
disposal. Do not dispose of with household
should operate or service this
vi |
Table of Contents
Archived 6/25/10
Use only the content for
3164-07 in this manual.
Disregard content for
all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
Safety and Regulatory Information .............................................. v
Safety Symbol Definitions .............................................................................. v
General Safety Considerations ...................................................................... v
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive ..................... vi
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................... 11
Model 3164-05 ............................................................................................. 12
Model 3164-06 ............................................................................................. 13
Model 3164-07 ............................................................................................. 13
Model 3164-08 ............................................................................................. 14
2.0 Receiving Your Order .......................................................... 15
Unpacking and Acceptance ......................................................................... 15
Service Procedures ..................................................................................... 15
3.0 Maintenance ........................................................................ 17
Annual Calibration ....................................................................................... 17
Replacement and Optional Parts ................................................................. 17
4.0 Mounting the Model 3164 Series ......................................... 19
Mounting Illustrations for Model 3164-05 ..................................................... 20
Chamber Wall Mount Illustrations for Model 3164-06 .................................. 24
Chamber Wall Mount Illustrations for Model 3164-07 .................................. 26
Chamber Wall Mount Illustrations for Model 3164-08 .................................. 28
Bracket Mount Instructions for Model 3164-06, Model 3164-07, and
Model 3164-08 ............................................................................................. 30
5.0 Application ........................................................................... 35
6.0 Model 3164-05 Typical Data ................................................ 37
Model 3164-05 Gain Measured Per SAE 958 Method ................................ 37
Model 3164-05 VSWR – Both Ports ............................................................ 38
Model 3164-05 Cross-Port Isolation ............................................................ 38
Model 3164-05 Half-Power Beamwidth ....................................................... 39
Model 3164-05 10 dB Beamwidth ................................................................ 39
| vii
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3164-07 in this manual.
Disregard content for
all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
7.0 Model 3164-05 Typical Radiation Patterns .......................... 41
Model 3164-05 at 2 GHz .............................................................................. 41
Model 3164-05 at 3 GHz .............................................................................. 42
Model 3164-05 at 4 GHz .............................................................................. 42
Model 3164-05 at 5 GHz .............................................................................. 43
Model 3164-05 at 6 GHz .............................................................................. 43
Model 3164-05 at 7 GHz .............................................................................. 44
Model 3164-05 at 8 GHz .............................................................................. 44
Model 3164-05 at 9 GHz .............................................................................. 45
Model 3164-05 at 10 GHz ............................................................................ 45
Model 3164-05 at 11 GHz ............................................................................ 46
Model 3164-05 at 12 GHz ............................................................................ 46
Model 3164-05 at 13 GHz ............................................................................ 47
Model 3164-05 at 14 GHz ............................................................................ 47
Model 3164-05 at 15 GHz ............................................................................ 48
Model 3164-05 at 16 GHz ............................................................................ 48
Model 3164-05 at 17 GHz ............................................................................ 49
Model 3164-05 at 18 GHz ............................................................................ 49
8.0 Model 3164-06 Typical Data ................................................ 51
Model 3164-06 Gain .................................................................................... 51
Model 3164-06 VSWR ................................................................................. 51
Model 3164-06 3 dB Half-Power Beamwidth ............................................... 52
Model 3164-06 Cross-Port Isolation ............................................................ 52
9.0 Model 3164-06 Typical Radiation Patterns .......................... 53
Model 3164-06 at 400 MHz – 600 MHz ....................................................... 53
Model 3164-06 at 800 MHz – 1000 MHz ..................................................... 53
Model 3164-06 at 2000 MHz – 3000 MHz ................................................... 54
Model 3164-06 at 4000 MHz – 5000 MHz ................................................... 54
Model 3164-06 at 6000 MHz ....................................................................... 55
viii |
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
10.0 Model 3164-07 Typical Data .............................................. 57
Model 3164-07 Gain .................................................................................... 57
Model 3164-07 VSWR ................................................................................. 58
Model 3164-07 Half-Power Beamwidth ....................................................... 58
Model 3164-07 Cross-Port Isolation ............................................................ 59
11.0 Model 3164-07 Typical Radiation Patterns ........................ 61
Model 3164-07 at 700 MHz – 800 MHz ....................................................... 61
Model 3164-07 at 900 MHz – 1.0 GHz ........................................................ 62
Model 3164-07 at 1.5 GHz – 1.8 GHz ......................................................... 62
Model 3164-07 at 2.0 GHz – 2.4 GHz ......................................................... 63
Model 3164-07 at 2.5 GHz – 3.0 GHz ......................................................... 63
Model 3164-07 at 3.5 GHz – 4.0 GHz ......................................................... 64
Model 3164-07 at 4.5 GHz – 5.0 GHz ......................................................... 64
Model 3164-07 at 5.5 GHz – 6.0 GHz ......................................................... 65
12.0 Model 3164-08 Typical Data .............................................. 67
Model 3164-08 Gain .................................................................................... 67
Model 3164-08 VSWR ................................................................................. 67
Model 3164-08 Cross-Port Isolation ............................................................ 68
13.0 Model 3164-08 Typical Radiation Patterns ........................ 69
Model 3164-08 at 700 MHz – 800 MHz ....................................................... 69
Model 3164-08 at 900 MHz – 1000 MHz ..................................................... 70
Model 3164-08 at 1.5 GHz – 2.0 GHz ......................................................... 70
Model 3164-08 at 2.5 GHz – 3.0 GHz ......................................................... 71
Model 3164-08 at 3.5 GHz – 4.0 GHz ......................................................... 71
Model 3164-08 at 4.5 GHz – 5.0 GHz ......................................................... 72
Model 3164-08 at 5.5 GHz – 6.0 GHz ......................................................... 72
Model 3164-08 at 6.5 GHz – 7.0 GHz ......................................................... 73
Model 3164-08 at 7.5 GHz – 8.0 GHz ......................................................... 73
Model 3164-08 at 8.5 GHz – 9.0 GHz ......................................................... 74
Model 3164-08 at 9.5 GHz – 10.0 GHz ....................................................... 74
| ix
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
14.0 Specifications ..................................................................... 75
Electrical Specifications ............................................................................... 75
Physical Specifications ................................................................................ 76
Appendix A: Warranty ................................................................ 77
x |
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see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
1.0 Introduction
The ETS-Lindgren Model 3164 Open-Boundary Quad-Ridge Horns include
the 3164-05, 3164-06, 3164-07, and 3164-08 antennas. The Model 3164 Series
was designed for antenna pattern measurement ranging from the ultra high
frequency (UHF) to the Ku band. Each antenna is a dual linear polarized open
boundary horn that allows the user to measure the principal polarizations of the
field radiated by the antenna under test.
The Model 3164 Series antennas are precision machined from aluminum and
PVC. Two orthogonally-placed input connectors permit simultaneous
measurements for horizontal and vertical polarizations for linearly polarized
electromagnetic waves. By using an additional 90-degree hybrid phase shifter,
the antennas may be used to transmit or receive circularly polarized
electromagnetic waves.
Introduction | 11
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
Testing of the Model 3164 Series shows that the isolation level between the two
orthogonal test ports is better than 24 dB in the specified operating frequency
range. The port isolation is the limiting factor in the cross-polarization levels of
the antenna.
The Model 3164 Series antennas are designed to operate from 300 MHz to
18 GHz in a free-space environment. When the antenna is installed in a
rectangular shielded anechoic chamber, the equipment under test must be at a
test distance meeting the far field requirements to operate either antenna within
the full frequency range.
In a quasi-free space test environment such as a tapered anechoic chamber, the
Model 3164 Series antennas are ideal plane-wave transmit and receive
antennas. They are ideal for use in a taper chamber over the entire range,
provided it is repositioned inside the taper to obtain the optimum illumination.
Model 3164-05
The 3164-05 is the smallest of the
Model 3164 Series, with an operating range of
2 GHz to 18 GHz.
The 3164-05 is designed for the antenna
measurement in the MW range, and covers the S,
C, X, and Ku bands. It was designed as a receive
antenna, but can be used as a low power radiator
with a maximum continuous power handling
capability of 10 W.
12 | Introduction
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
Model 3164-06
The 3164-06 is the largest of
the Model 3164 Series, with
an operating range of
300 MHz to 6 GHz.
The 3164-06 is designed as
a receive antenna, but can
also be used to transmit with
a power handling capability
of 20 W. The 3164-06 is
ideal for taper chambers.
Model 3164-07
The 3164-07 is smaller of the
medium-sized antennas of the
Model 3164 Series, with an operating
range of 700 MHz to 6 GHz.
The range of the 3164-07 overlaps with
the upper range of the 3164-06, enabling
the user to operate within most wireless
frequency bands with the smaller
antenna. The 3164-07 is ideal for
rectangular chambers.
Introduction | 13
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
Model 3164-08
The 3164-08 is the larger of the
medium-sized antennas of the
Model 3164 Series, with an
operating range of 700 MHz to
10 GHz.
With the highest gain in the
5.8 GHz range, the 3164-08 is
ideal for WiMAX™ testing.
Additional applications include
UWB wireless testing (3 GHz to
10 GHz) and lower frequency
testing (700 MHz to 3 GHz) for
applications such as GSM, PCS,
and WiFi.
14 | Introduction
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
2.0 Receiving Your Order
Unpacking and Acceptance
1. Upon delivery of your order, inspect the shipping container(s) for
evidence of damage. Record any damage on the delivery receipt
before signing it. In case of concealed damage or loss, retain the
packing materials for inspection by the carrier.
2. Remove the product from its shipping container(s). Save the
container(s) and any protective packing materials for future use.
3. Check all materials against the packing list to verify that the equipment
you received matches what was ordered. If you find any discrepancies,
note them and call ETS-Lindgren Customer Service for further
Make sure you are satisfied with the contents and condition of your
order prior to placing the product into service.
Service Procedures
To return a system or system component for service:
1. Contact ETS-Lindgren Customer Service to obtain a Service Request
Order (SRO).
2. Briefly describe the problem in writing. Give details regarding the
observed symptom(s) or error codes, and whether the problem is
constant or intermittent in nature. Please include the date(s), the
service representative you spoke with, and the nature of the
conversation. Include the serial number of the item being returned.
Receiving Your Order | 15
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3. Package the system or component carefully. If possible, use the
original packing materials to return a system or system component to
ETS-Lindgren at the following address:
Attn: Service Department
1301 Arrow Point Drive
Cedar Park, TX, USA 78613
Phone: +1.512.531.6400
Customer Service: +1.512.531.6498
16 | Receiving Your Order
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
3.0 Maintenance
Annual Calibration
To ensure reliable and repeatable long-term performance, annual recalibration of
your antenna by an ETS-Lindgren experienced technician is recommended. Our
staff can recalibrate almost any type or brand of antenna. Please call to receive a
Service Request Order (SRO) prior to sending an antenna for calibration.
For more information about our calibration services, visit our website at
Replacement and Optional Parts
Use the following table to order replacement or optional parts for the
Model 3164 Series.
3164-05 Tripod 7-TR
3164-06 Bracket mount 106974
Part Description Part Number
Bracket mount 108071
Knob for bracket mount, 1/4–20 thread H-34JCL-34
Center rotation boom assembly 108197
Stinger for center rotation mount 108070
1/4–20 set screw for Stinger 910467
SMA connector (2) 512082
Knob for boom mount 104136
SMA connector (2) 512082
Maintenance | 17
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
Part Description Part Number
3164-07 Tripod 7-TR
Bracket mount 106974
Threaded insert for tripod mount 105861B
Knob for boom mount 104136
SMA connector (2) 512082
3164-08 Tripod 7-TR
Bracket mount 112859
Threaded insert for tripod mount 105861B
Knob for boom mount 104136
SMA connector (2) 512082
18 | Maintenance
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
website for other
3164 content.
4.0 Mounting the Model 3164 Series
The Model 3164 Series Open-Boundary Quad-Ridge Horns are designed to
mount directly on the shield line of a shielded anechoic chamber. Mounting
features include:
• Chamber wall mounting holes—
Equidistant holes around the
circumference of the adapter plate
accept 1/4–20 thread screws and
nuts for mounting to a chamber
wall. The Model 3164-06 provides
twelve holes, and the Model
3164-07 provides eight.
• Easy access to SMA connectors— The circular mounting plate
provides the primary interface to the shielded enclosure mount panel.
By fastening the mounting plate to the shielded enclosure, the two
SMA connectors are on the outside of the enclosure, providing easy
access. This also puts the cables outside of the enclosure, which
reduces the effect of the cables on the measurement.
• Security of shielding integrity— The back end of the antenna is
machined of a single aluminum block, so the shielding effectiveness of
the enclosure is not compromised by installation. This unique feature
eliminates the need for a transmit antenna positioning device or a walk
path inside the shielded anechoic chamber, both of which could
present unwanted reflections of shielded anechoic chambers when
installed improperly.
• Maximize test range distance— The integrated mount fixture allows
maximizing of the test range distance for a shielded anechoic chamber
of defined dimensions.
Mounting the Model 3164 Series | 19
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
The Model 3164 Series antennas are precision
Mounting Illustrations for Model 3164-05
A mounting bracket attaches the Model 3164-05 onto a tripod or mast. The
bracket attaches to the antenna backplate with a 1/4–20 thread knob, and
includes an insert that fastens to a 1/4–20 thread screw on the tripod or mast.
measurement devices. Handle your antenna
with care.
20 | Mounting the Model 3164 Series
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
As found with traditional antennas that cover the same frequency range, the
backplate of the Model 3164-05 provides four 10–32 threaded holes for
Mounting the Model 3164 Series | 21
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
A stinger shaft can be attached to the Model 3164-05 for mounting to stinger
compatible tripods, such as the 7-TR. The stinger screws into the antenna
backplate with a 1/4–20 set screw.
22 | Mounting the Model 3164 Series
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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3164 content.
The Model 3164-05 provides eight equidistant holes around the circumference of
the adapter plate of the antenna. These holes accept ¼ 20 thread screws and
nuts for mounting to a chamber wall.
Mounting the Model 3164 Series | 23
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3164-07 in this manual.
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all other 3164 models;
see ETS-Lindgren
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Chamber Wall Mount Illustrations for Model 3164-06
24 | Mounting the Model 3164 Series