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© Copyright 2004–2014 by ETS-Lindgren Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
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Revision Record
MANUAL,3126 | Part # 399155, Rev. D

Table of Contents
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ................................................ v
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................... 7
Standard Configuration ............................................................................... 9
Optional Items ............................................................................................ 9
CTIA Ripple Test Mounting Kit ............................................................ 9
Model 3127 Resonant Loop Antenna .................................................. 9
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin ............................................... 10
2.0 Maintenance ....................................................................... 11
Service Procedures .................................................................................. 12
Contacting ETS-Lindgren .................................................................. 12
Sending a Component for Service..................................................... 12
Calibration Services and Annual Calibration...................................... 12
3.0 Specifications ..................................................................... 13
Performance Specifications ...................................................................... 13
Physical Specifications ............................................................................. 16
4.0 Mounting Information ........................................................ 17
5.0 Operation ............................................................................ 19
Appendix A: Warranty ............................................................. 21
Duration of Warranties .............................................................................. 21

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Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Note: Denotes helpful information intended to provide tips for better
use of the product.
Caution: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow instructions
could result in minor personal injury and/or property
damage. Included text gives proper procedures.
Warning: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow instructions
could result in SEVERE personal injury and/or property
damage. Included text gives proper procedures.
Note: See the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin for safety,
regulatory, and other product marking information.

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The ETS-Lindgren Model 3126
Series Sleeve Dipole is designed as
precision gain references for antenna
range calibration and to meet the
Cellular Telecommunication and
Internet Association (CTIA) ±0.1 dB
symmetry requirement for ripple test
These antennas are truly
omni-directional, having an electric
dipole pattern approaching that of a
half-wave resonant dipole with typical
gains between 1.5 dB and 2.0 dB.
1.0 Introduction
The sleeve dipole design allows the antenna to be end-fed to avoid cable and
feed-point interactions that interfere with the performance of the antenna. Integral
quarter-wave chokes and/or ferrite loading (depending on frequency range) also
helps to reduce cable interaction. This design also provides exceptional
symmetry (better than ±0.1 dB, 0.2 dB peak-to-null) to meet or exceed CTIA
criteria for ripple test antennas.