ETS-Lindgren L.P. reserves the right to make changes to any product described
herein in order to improve function, design, or for any other reason. Nothing
contained herein shall constitute ETS-Lindgren L.P. assuming any liability
whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit
described herein. ETS-Lindgren L.P. does not convey any license under its
patent rights or the rights of others.
© Copyright 1991–2011 by ETS-Lindgren L.P. All Rights Reserved. No part
of this document may be copied by any means without written permission
from ETS-Lindgren L.P.
Trademarks used in this document: The ETS-Lindgren logo is a trademark of
ETS-Lindgren L.P.
Revision Record | MANUAL,3107B | Part #399036, Rev. C
Revision Description Date
A Initial Release January, 1991
B Edits/updates December, 1998
C Rebrand February, 2011
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Table of Contents
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ................................................ v
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................... 7
Tripod Options ............................................................................................... 8
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin ................................................... 9
2.0 Maintenance ....................................................................... 11
Replacement and Optional Parts ................................................................. 11
Service Procedures ..................................................................................... 11
3.0 Specifications ..................................................................... 13
Electrical Specifications ............................................................................... 13
Physical Specifications (Assembled) ........................................................... 13
Typical Power Requirements at One-Meter ................................................. 14
Typical Test Setup: Power Requirements ........................................... 15
Typical Input Voltage Requirements at One-Meter ...................................... 16
Typical Test Setup: Input Voltage Requirements ................................ 17
Schematic for Model 3107B ......................................................................... 18
4.0 Assembly and Operation .................................................. 19
Appendix A: Warranty ............................................................. 21
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Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Note: Denotes helpful information intended to
See the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin for safety,
regulatory, and other product marking information.
provide tips for better use of the product.
Caution: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow
instructions could result in minor personal injury
and/or property damage. Included text gives proper
Warning: Denotes a hazard. Failure to follow
instructions could result in SEVERE personal injury
and/or property damage. Included text gives proper
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1.0 Introduction
The wide band design of the ETS-Lindgren Model 3107B Parallel Element
E-Field Generator allows operation over the entire 10 kHz to 30 MHz
frequency range in two bands: Band 1 covers the frequency range from
10 kHz to 5 MHz, and Band 2 covers 5 MHz to 30 MHz.
For portability, the Model 3107B elements are easily attached and removed.
Attach each the element by rotating it clockwise into the Model 3107B body until
it is firmly connected; to disassemble, rotate each element counterclockwise.
Introduction | 7