- Burst Type: Sequential & Interleave
Full page burst length for sequential type only
Start address of full page burst should be even
All inputs except DQ’s & DM are at the positive
edge of the system clock
No Write-Interrupted by Read function
4 individual DM control for write masking only
Auto Refresh and Self Refresh
4096 refresh cycles / 32ms
Power supplies up to 350/333/300/285MHz:
Power supplies up to 250/200MHz:
Interface : SSTL_2 I/O compatible
= 2.8V ± 5%
= 2.8V ± 5%
= 2.5V ± 5%
= 2.5V ± 5%
The EM6A9320 DDR SDRAM is a high-speed CMOS
double data rate synchronous DRAM containing 128
Mbits. It is internally configured as a quad 1M x 32
DRAM with a synchronous interface (all signals are
registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CK).
Data outputs occur at both rising edges of CK and CK#.
Read and write accesses to the SDRAM are burst
oriented; accesses start at a selected location and
continue for a programmed number of locations in a
programmed sequence.
Accesses begin with the registration of a BankActivate
command, which is then followed by a Read or Write
The EM6A9320 provides programm able Read or Write
burst lengths of 2, 4, 8. An auto precharge function m ay
be enabled to provide a self-timed row prechar ge that is
initiated at the end of the burst sequence.
The refresh functions, either Auto or Self Refresh are
easy to use.
In addition, EM6A9320 features programmable DLL
option. By having a programmable mode register and
extended mode register, the system can choose the
most suitable modes to maximize its performance.
These devices are well suited f or applications requiring
high memory bandwidth, result in a device particularly
well suited to high performance main memory and
graphics applications.
commands are sam pled on the positive edge of CK. Both CK and CK# increment the
internal burst counter and controls the output registers.
Clock Enable:
goes low synchronously with clock, the internal clock is suspended f r om the next clock
cycle and the state of output and burst address is fr ozen as long as the CKE rem ains
low. When all bank s are in the idle state, deactivating the clock controls the entry to
the Power Down and Self Refresh modes.
Bank Select:
BankPrecharge com mand is being applied. They also define which Mode Register or
Extended Mode Register is loaded during a Mode Register Set command.
Address Inputs:
address A0-A11) and Read/W rite comm and (column address A0-A7 with A8 defining
Auto Precharge) to select one location out of the 256K available in the respective
bank. During a Precharge command, A8 is sampled to deter mine if all banks ar e to be
precharged (A8 = HIGH). The addr ess inputs also pr ovide the op-code during a Mode
Register Set or Extended Mode Register Set command.
Chip Select:
command decoder. All commands are masked when CS# is sampled HIGH. CS#
provides for external bank selection on systems with multiple banks . It is considered
part of the command code.
Row Address Strobe:
conjunction with the CAS# and WE# signals and is latched at the positive edges of
CK. When RAS# and CS# are as serted "LOW" and CAS# is asserted "HIGH" either
the BankActivate command or the Precharge command is selected by the WE# signal.
When the W E# is asserted "HIGH," the BankActivate c ommand is selected and the
bank designated by BS is turned on to the active state. When the W E# is asserted
"LOW," the Precharge command is selected and the bank designated by BS is
switched to the idle state after the precharge operation.
Column Address Strobe:
conjunction with the RAS# and WE# signals and is latched at the positive edges of
CK. When RAS# is held "HIGH" and CS# is asserted "LOW" the colum n access is
started by asserting CAS# "LOW" Then, the Read or Write comm and is selected by
asserting WE# "HIGH " or “LOW".
Write Enable:
the RAS# and CAS# signals and is latched at the positive edges of CK. The WE#
input is used to select the BankActivate or Prechar ge command and Read or Write
Bidirectional Data Strobe:
bytes: DQS0 to DQ0-DQ7, DQS1 to DQ8-DQ15, DQS2 to DQ16-DQ23, DQS3 to
Data Input Mask:
sampled HIGH during a write cycle. DM3 masks DQ31-DQ24, DM2 masks DQ23DQ16, DM1 masks DQ15-DQ8, and DM0 masks DQ7-DQ0.
Data I/O:
edges of CK and CK#. The I/Os are byte-maskable during Writes.
The DQ0-DQ31 input and output data are synchronized with the positive
CK, CK# are driven by the system clock. All SDRAM input
CKE activates (HIGH) and deactivates (LOW ) the CK signal. If CKE
BA0 and BA1 defines to which bank the Bank Activate, Read, W rite, or
A0-A11 are sampled during the Bank Activate command (row
CS# enables (sampled LOW) and disables (sampled HIGH) the
The RAS# signal defines the operation commands in
The CAS# signal defines the operation commands in
The W E# signal defines the operation commands in c onjunction with
The DQSx signals are mapped to the following data
DM0-DM3 are byte specific. Input data is masked when DM is
Etron Confidential
4 Rev 0.3 July. 2002
Etr onT ech
NC -
Note: The timing reference point for the differential clocking is the cross point of the CK and CK#. For any
applications using the single ended clocking, apply V
DQ Power:
DQ Ground:
Reference Voltage for Inputs:
No Connect:
Provide isolated power to DQs for improved noise immunity.
Provide isolated ground to DQs for improved noise immunity.
These pins should be left unconnected.
+0.5 x V
to CK# pin.
Operation Mode
Fully synchronous operations are performed to latch the c ommands at the positive edges of CK . Table 2 shows
the truth table for the operation commands.
Table 2. Truth Table (Note (1), (2) )
Command State
BankActivate Idle
BankPrecharge Any H X X V V L X L L H L
PrechargeAll Any H X X X X H X L L H L
Write Active
Write and AutoPrecharge
Read Active
Read and Autoprecharge Active
Mode Register Set Idle H X X L L L L L L
Extended Mode Register Set
No-Operation Any H X X X X X X L H H H
Device Deselect Any H X X X X X X H X X X
Burst Stop Active
AutoRefresh Idle H H X X X X X L L L H
SelfRefresh Entry Idle H L X X X X X L L L H
SelfRefresh Exit
Power Down Mode Entry Idle/Active
Power Down Mode Exit
Data Write/
Data Mask/
Output Enable
Output Disable
1. V = Valid data, X = Don't Care, L = Low level, H = High level
2. CKE
3. These are states of bank designated by BA0, BA1signals.
4. Read burst stop with BST command for all burst types.
5. Power Down Mode can not enter in the burst operation.
When this command is asserted in the burst cycle, device state is clock suspend mode.
signal is input level when commands are provided.
signal is input level one clock cycle before the commands are provided.
Idle H X X L H
(Self Refresh)
(Power Down)
Active H X L X X X X X X X X
Active H X H X X X X X X X X