eTIGER S3b Sim Secual, S3b Sim Vid Secual Quick Start-up

S3b Sim Secual / S3b Sim Vid Secual
GSM Alarm System
- GSM frequency: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
- Supports up to 10 remote controls, 50 wireless accessories and 50 RFID tags
- Radio-frequency security of the accessories: more than one million code combinations
- Arm / disarm the system by SMS, phone call, or App (on iOS or Android)
- Can be disarmed by RFID tag
- Built-in siren (100dB) and call function from the panel
- SMS alerts for power failure, power recovery and low battery
- Audio surveillance of the site from distance
- 2 x 800 mAh lithium batteries included (8h battery life in standby mode)
Product name
S3b Sim Secual
Control panel power supply
Input: AC 110-240V / 50-60 Hz Output: DC 12V / 800 mA
GSM operating frequency
850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 mHz
433 MHz (±75 KHz)
Standby current
110 mA
Box Content
S3b Control Panel x1 Motion Detectors x2 Door / Window Contacts x2 Remote Controls x2 RFID Tags x2
Alarm current
340 mA
Backup batteries
Lithium batteries: 3.7 V / 800 mAh x 2 (BL-5B)
Internal siren
100 dB
Housing material
ABS plastic
Operating conditions
Temperature: -10°C~55°C Humidity: ≤ 80% (non-condensing)
Control panel dimensions (L x W x H)
188 x 132 x 26 mm
AC Adaptor x1 Documentation x1
S3b Sim Vid Secual
+ IP Camera x 1 (with AC Adaptor and manual)
Quick Start-up
Control Panel Layout (Front)
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Searching GSM network: Blinks once every second
GSM signal is normal: Blinks once every two seconds
Play Voice Memo
GSM Signal Indicator
RFID player /
Control Panel Layout (Back)
Tamper switch
SIM card Slot
Touch Keypad
Wired sensors
(24h zone)
Output for
wired sensors
Status Indicator
Wired sensors (Normal zone)
Wired siren 500mA
Electronic lock
Adapter interface
Record Voice Memo /
Connecon Buon
Stay Arm (Home Mode)
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Baery compartment
Connect your System
Open the battery case at the back of the control panel and insert a SIM card in the control panel.
Before using the S3b Sim Secual, you need to purchase a SIM card that works on the GSM network with 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz frequency. We recommend you to subscribe to a plan with unlimited texts and one hour of voice. For more information, please contact your local reseller.
Make sure the SIM card does not require any PIN code. For more information, please contact your local reseller.
Turn your System On
1. Plug the AC adaptor to an AC socket.
2. Plug the output connector of the AC adaptor into the
adaptor interface in the battery compartment at the back of the control panel.
3. Turn the power switch to "ON" (in the battery
compartment at the back of the control panel).
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Mount the Control Panel
Before mounting the control panel on the wall, make sure the reception of the GSM signal is sucient.
Fix the wall-mounting bracket on the wall with screws. Wedge the panel on the bracket, make sure they t well.
First Operations
Store a phone number
To interact with the control panel by SMS, by phone call and/or from the app, at least one phone number for SMS notications must be stored in the control panel. Please refer to the instructions page 13 of this manual.
Change the language
By default the language of the S3b control panel is set to English. If you wish to change the system language, refer to the instructions page 18 of this manual. "System language" refers to the language of the SMS you receive from the control panel.
Arm / Disarm the System
The alarm system can be armed or disarmed on the control panel, by SMS, by App and by phone call.
On the control panel: Refer to the instructions on page 9 of this manual.
To arm the system: Send “1” by SMS to the number of your system’s SIM card. To disarm the system: Send “0” by SMS to the number of your system’s SIM card.
By RFID tag (disarm only): Swipe the RFID tag in front of the RFID reader of the control panel.
To start receiving SMS notications when the system is disarmed by RFID tag, you must store an SMS number as explained on page 13 of this manual. If you have stored several SMS numbers, only the rst number stored will receive SMS notications when the system is disarmed by RFID tag.
By app
In the app, click on “Arm” or “Disarm” to respectively arm or disarm the system.
The app is available for download on the App Store and Google Play (more information on
Register Wireless Accessories & RFID Tags
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
1. Type your password followed by the Connection button " " on the control panel to enter the
Connection Mode.
2. Trigger the accessory once within the next 15 seconds (for the RFID tag, swipe it in front of the
blue circle of the control panel). You hear one beep: the registration is successful.
Default password is 1234. To change the password, refer to instructions on page 18.
If the accessory has already been registered, the control panel will beep twice. The rst accessory registered is assigned to zone 1, the second accessory registered is assigned to zone 2, etc. Zones 1 to 9 can be renamed. Zones 10 to 50 cannot be renamed (refer to the instructions on page 15 to learn how to rename zones).
Speed Dial
This function is only available when the system is disarmed.
Press the Call button “ ” on the control panel for 3 seconds: the panel auto-dials the rst stored phone number. Press the Call button “
” to end the call.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Hands-Free Phone Call from the Panel
This function is only available when the system is disarmed.
Type the phone number you wish to call and press the Call button “
Record / Play a Voice Memo
Long press the Record Voice Memo button { Memo Button blinks when a message has been recorded.
Touch the centrer of the circle on the control panel to listen to the voice memo. The LED in­dicator turns o when the voice memo is being played. Touch it again to replay the memo.
} to record a 10-second voice message. The Play Voice
Hard Reset
Turn the control panel on (if the control panel is already on, turn it o and turn it on again). Press the tamper switch at the back of the control panel 5 times within 5 seconds after having turned it on.
Settings will be restored to default values. Stored phone numbers and connected accessories will be cleared.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Control Panel Operations
Arm the System
Press the Arm button " " on the control panel. The control panel beeps once: the system is armed.
If the Entry / Exit Delay is activated, only the Delay zone will be armed after the delay set (refer to instructions on page 17 of this manual “Entry / Exit Delay”).
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Disarm the System
Type your password and press the Disarm button " beeps twice: the system is disarmed.
" on the control panel. The control panel
Home Mode
Press the Stay button " " on the control panel. The control panel beeps twice: the system is armed in Home Mode.
In Home Mode, all the sensors are armed except those assigned to the Home zone. Sensors assigned to the Home Mode zone are disarmed: they cannot trigger an alarm.
For more information on zone setup, please refer to the instructions on page 29 of this manual.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Control by Phone Call
Method 1
When an alarm has been triggered, the control panel dials the pre-stored phone numbers. When you take the call, you can control the panel from distance according to the instructions in the table below.
Method 2
1. Dial the telephone number of the SIM card in your control panel.
2. Enter your password followed by ”#”.*
3. Select the operations to control the panel (see instructions in the table below).
The call will end automatically if you do not send any command within 30 seconds.
*Default password is 1234.
Table of commands for control by phone call
Command Function Comment
Press “1“ Arms the system -
Press “0“
Press “3“ Phone call with control panel -
Press “6“ Turns the siren o -
Press “9“ Turns the siren on -
Press “#“
- Disarms the system and turns the siren o
- Stops monitoring without hanging up
- Ends the phone call without hanging up
Audio monitoring -
- Disarms the system and turns the siren o
- Exits control by phone call
Hanging up also exits the control by phone call.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
SMS Operations
SMS Operations
SAVE A PHONE NUMBER FOR SMS NOTIFICATIONS. Refer to instructions on the opposite page)
Only stored numbers can control and congure the system.
Each SMS operation dened in this user manual will be illustrated as follows. You send:
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
The control panel replies:
SMS numbers:
The system is in English by default. To change the system language, refer to page 19 of this manual.
When replying to the control panel by SMS, make sure no space follows punctuation marks
like "." or ":". For examples, to store SMS numbers, your SMS must be formatted as follows:
SMS numbers:
The rst blue speech bubble is the SMS command sent by the user.
The rst grey speech bubble is the reply sent by the control panel.
The speech bubbles that follow are the dialogue between the user and the control panel (SMS sent by the user are in blue, SMS sent by the control panel are in grey).
No space after "1."
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Store Phone Numbers for SMS
SMS numbers:
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
SMS numbers:
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
The rst SMS number will receive SMS notications when the system is disarmed by RFID tag.
Disarm the System
Settings Enquiry
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
System disarmed.
Arm the System
System armed.
Home Mode
System:Disarmed AC power:on
The values indicated hereinabove will change after having set up the system.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
System in home mode.
Store Phone Numbers
Rename Zones
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Phone numbers:
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Phone numbers:
Send "91~99". For example for zone 1, send:
Zones names:
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Zones names:
1.Entrance door sensor
Zones 1 to 9 can be renamed. The name of the zone cannot consist of more than 30 Latin characters. Zones 10 to 50 cannot be renamed.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
SMS Alert for Accessory Low Battery
(available for two-way acessories such as Motion Detectors)
For accessories assigned to zones that have been renamed, an SMS will be sent under the format “Zone number + zone name + Low BAT”.
Rename RFID Tag
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Zone 10 Bedroom PIR Low BAT
For accessories assigned to zones that have not been renamed, an SMS will be sent under the format “Zone number + Low BAT”.
Zone 10 Low BAT
SMS Alert for Accessory Tamper Alarm
(available for two-way acessories such as Motion Detectors)
For accessories assigned to zones that have been renamed, an SMS will be sent under the format “Zone number + zone name + Tamper”.
Zone 10 Bedroom PIR Tamper
For accessories assigned to zones that have not been renamed, an SMS will be sent under the format “Zone number + Tamper”.
Zone 10 Tamper
Rename RFID tags:
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Rename RFID tags:
The rst SMS number will receive SMS notications when the system is disarmed by RFID tag. If the RFID tag that disarms the system has been renamed, the SMS notication will be "Tag 01 Tag name Disarm". ("01" is the number of the tag) Other tags will be attributed a number based on the order of registration to the control panel; the SMS notications will in such case be "Tag-04 Disarm" ("04" is the number of the tag). Refer to the instructions on page 28 to learn how to register an RFID tag in the control panel.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Entry and Exit Delay Time
Siren Volume and Ringing Time
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Entry delay time(0-300sec):0 Exit delay time(0-300sec):0
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Entry delay time(0-300sec):10 Exit delay time(0-300sec):20
This function will only aect detectors assigned to the Delay zone. Refer to the instructions on page 29 of this manual to learn how to set up your sensor to the Delay zone.
This function can be used if you do not want to bring a remote control or a RFID tag with you.
When you arm the system, the system will be armed after the delay set. When you disarm the system, the system will be disarmed after the delay set.
When arming the system, you hear one beep every second to remind you to leave. The beep rhythm speeds up during the last 10 seconds. If an intruder is detected, the alarm will be delayed accordingly.
Siren volume(0=Mute,1=High):1 Siren ringing time(1-9min):3
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Siren volume(0=Mute,1=High):0 Siren ringing time(1-9min):1
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Change the Password
Change System Language
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Disarm password (4 digits): 1234
Copy, paste, then edit (case sensitive):
Disarm password (4 digits): 8888
Send the code corresponding to the language you want to set. For example, for English, send “0001”.
Refer to the table below for the full list of language codes:
0001 English 0002 French 0003 Russian 0004 Danish 0005 Dutch 0006 Italian 0007 Swedish
Languages available may vary depending on the version of your product.
0008 German 0009 Spanish 0010 Finnish 0011 Norwegian 0012 Arabic 0013 Farsi
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Restore System to Factory Settings by SMS
The settings will be restored to default values. Stored phone numbers and connected accessories will also be deleted.
Only stored numbers can send the SMS to restore factory settings.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Wireless Remote Control
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
LED indicator
Arm the system
Press the Arm button " " to arm the alarm system. The LED indicator lights up (the control panel beeps once). The system is armed.
If an intruder is detected, the siren rings out. (The siren turns o after 3 minutes as per default settings.) In the meantime, the system dials the pre-stored phone numbers automatically.
Disarm the system
Press the Disarm button " " to disarm the alarm system. The LED indicator turns o (the control panel beeps twice). The system is disarmed.
Home Mode
Press the Home Mode button " " on the remote control. The system state LED is on. All the sensors in regular zones are armed except those in the Home Mode zone. The sensors in the Home Mode zone are disarmed so that users can move inside their home.
Home Mode
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Mute Mode
Press the Home Mode button " " and the
" or Disarm " " button immediately
Arm " after. Doing so, the control panel does not ring out when you arm or disarm your system.
Emergency Mode
Regardless the status of the system, the alarm is triggered when the SOS button "SOS" is pressed on the remote control. At the same time, the control panel sends a notication by SMS ("RC-01 SOS", 01 being the remote control's number) and dials the pre-stored phone numbers.
Register in the control panel
Type your password followed by the Connection button " " on the control panel to enter the Connection Mode. Press any button on the remote control.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Power supply:
DC 3V (CR2025 button battery x1)
Static current:
10 uA
Operating current:
≤7 mA
Transmission distance
≤ 80 m (in open area)
433MHz (±75KHz)
Housing material:
ABS plastic
Operating conditions:
Temperature: -10°C ~ +55°C Relative Humidity: ≤80% (non-condensing)
57 x 31 x 11 mm
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Wireless Motion Detector
The ES-D1A is a high performance wireless motion detector boasting a digital dual-core fuzzy logic infrared control chip with intelligent analysis. This technology identies interferences created by body motion and reduces the false alarm rate.
With automatic temperature compensation and anti-air turbulence technology, it easily adapts to environmental changes.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
1. LED indicator
2. Detection window
3. Bracket
PCB Layout
LED working
*Tamper switch
When the alarm system is armed, the tamper
switch will trigger the alarm if the case is opened.
**Infrared sensor
Detects the infrared rays released by human
body motion. Do not touch the surface. Keep the surface clean.
Alarm zone setup Tamper switch*
AA 1.5V LR6
LED indications
Blinks continuously: self-testing Blinks once: an intruder is detected Blinks twice: self-testing is complete; entering working mode. Blinks once every 3 seconds: under-voltage indication: the batteries must be replaced. (You
will be informed by SMS when the batteries are low if the motion detector is registered in the control panel.)
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Open the case and remove the battery activation strip. Self-testing will start for 30 seconds.
When the sensor is in operation, if it is triggered more than twice within 3 minutes, it switches to standby mode to save power. If no movement is detected within the next 3 minutes, the sensor goes back to working mode.
Connect Buon
Register in the control panel
Type your password followed by the Connection button " " on the control panel to enter the Connection Mode. Press the connect button at the back of the motion sensor or trigger the sensor (by moving in front of it).
Avoid mounting the detector close to windows, air conditioner, heater, refrigerator, oven, sunshine and places where the temperature changes fast or where the air stream ows frequently.
If two detectors are installed in the same detection scope, adjust the location to avoid
interferences and false alarms.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Fix the bracket on the wall with screws and attach the detector to the bracket. Adjust the bracket to change the detection distance and angle. It is recommended to mount the detector 2,2 m from the ground.
The detector is more sensitive to cross movements than vertical movements.
2.2 m
Top view
Side view
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
A. After the installation, turn the detector on. After one minute of self-testing, press the test button, walk in the scope of detection and watch the LED indicator to make sure the detector is working.
B. The LED indicator blinks once when body movement is detected.
C. Adjust the detector angle to achieve the best detection performance.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Power supply
DC 3V (AA 1.5V LR6 Batteries x 2)
Static current
≤ 30 uA
Alarm current
≤ 15 mA
Detection scope
8m / 110°
Transmission distance
≤ 80m (in open area)
433 MHz (±75 KHz)
Housing material
ABS plastic
Operating conditions
Temparature: -10°C~55°C Relative humidity: ≤ 80% (non-condensing)
Detector dimensions (L x W x H)
107 x 53 x 32 mm
Bracket dimensions (L x W x H)
52 x 30 x 26.5 mm
Detection Scope
Top view
0m 2m 4m 6m 8m
Side view
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Wireless Door / Window Contact
The ES-D3A/B/C is a Door / Window Contact that can be installed on doors, windows, and any other objects that open and close. The sensor sends a signal to the control panel when the magnet is separated from the transmitter.
Thanks to the tamper switch, any attempt to remove the cover of the Door / Window Contact will trigger the alarm.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
LED indicator
LED indications
Blinks once: the door or window is open
and the transmitter sends a signal to the control panel. Blinks quickly: Low power indication, the batteries must be replaced.
PCB Layout (ES-D3A/ES-D3B)
Tamper switch
A23 12V battery
Zone setting
LED working indicator
PCB Layout (ES-D3C)
Tamper switch Jumpers for zone
setup AAA 1.5V Battery
LED indicator
Register the detector in the alarm system
Type your password followed by the Connection button " " on the control panel to enter the Connection Mode. Then separate the magnet from the transmitter.
To check if the registration is complete, arm the system and separate the magnet from the transmitter again by opening the door or window on which it is installed. If the siren rings out, the registration is successful.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
- Open the case and remove the battery activation strip.
- Mount the sensor on the door and the magnet on the
door frame.
- Make sure the magnet is placed above the transmitter.
- Mount the magnet max. 1 cm away from the transmitter
and secure the transmitter and magnet with double­sided tape or screws.
- Avoid mounting the sensor in areas with a large amount
of metal or electrical wiring such as a furnace or utility room.
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Specications (ES-D3A/ES-D3B)
Power supply
DC 12V (A23 12V Battery x 1)
Static current
≤ 30 uA
Alarm current
≤ 15 mA
Transmitting distance
≤80 m (in open area)
433 MHz (±75 KHz)
Housing material
ABS plastic
Operating conditions
Temparature: -10°C~55°C Relative humidity: ≤ 80% (non-condensing)
Transmitter dimensions (LxWxH)
60 x 45 x 18 mm
Magnet dimensions (LxWxH)
45 x 19 x 17.5 mm
Specications (ES-D3C)
Power supply
AAA 1.5 V Battery x1
Static current
≤ 30 uA
Alarm current
≤ 15 mA
Transmitting distance
≤80 m (in open area)
433 MHz (±75 KHz)
Housing material
ABS plastic
Operating conditions
Temparature: -10°C~55°C Relative humidity: ≤ 80% (non-condensing)
Transmitter dimensions (LxWxH)
60 x 45 x 18 mm
Magnet dimensions (LxWxH)
45 x 19 x 17.5 mm
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
The RFID tag enables you to disarm your system or unlock electronic door locks (connected to an eTiger keypad).
Register the RFID tag in the alarm system
Type your password followed by the Connection button " Connection Mode. Swipe the RFID tag in front of the RFID reader on the control panel.
" on the control panel to enter the
45 x 30 x 7 mm
Register an Additional eTiger Siren
The control panel of the S3b features a built-in 100 dB siren. Your eTiger security systems supports additional indoor and/or outdoor sirens so to enable you to extend your system according to your needs.
To register an additional eTiger siren, refer to the instructions provided in the manual that comes with your siren.
For more information on sirens and accessories compatible with eTiger security systems, visit our website
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Zone Setup of Accessories
Every detector can be assigned to 4 dierent categories of zones: Home Mode Zone, Single Delay Zone, Normal Zone and 24hZone. To assign a detector to a zone, open its case and move its jumpers according to the drawing below:
Quick start-up Control Panel Operations SMS Operations
A. Home Mode zone B. Delay zone C. Normal zone D. 24h zone
Home Mode zone
When the system is armed in Home Mode, the sensors assigned to the Home zone do not trigger an alarm. It is recommend to assign motion dectors to the Home zone so that you can
have your system armed in Home Mode when you are home and move inside your home without triggering any alarm.
Delay zone
An entry and an exit delay can be set. In such case, sensors assigned to the "Delay Zone" will not trigger an alarm during the time of delay set. For example, if you assign a motion detector to the Delay zone and you set the Entry/Exit Delay to 30 seconds, the motion detector will not trigger an alarm within 30 seconds after you enter your home and within 30 seconds before you leave it so that you can leave and enter your home without triggering an alarm. Refer to the instructions on page 17 of this manual to learn how to set the entry and exit delay. It is
recommended to assign the Door / Window Contact to the Delay zone.
Normal zone
When the system is armed, if a sensor is triggered, the siren rings out. When the system is disarmed, sensors do not trigger an alarm.
24h zone
Regardless the system is armed or disarmed, sensors assigned to the 24h zone will trigger an alarm. It is recommended to set smoke detectors, gas detectors and outdoor beam sensors in the
24h zone.
Accessories Safety and Troubleshooting
Safety and Troubleshooting
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