Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters :
Part 1 : General requirements
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters :
Part 7 : Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary
equipment of digital cellular radio
Remote maintenance of machines using the M2Me_Connect service
The RAS family allows to connect easily and safely a machine to a remote PC, through the M2Me_Connect
Internet cloud service, for operation like remote maintenance.
When the remote PC is connected, the remote user can exchange any kind of data with each device of the
machine network as if his PC was directly connected to the machine network.
Ethernet or serial devices
The machine can consist of one or several devices connected through an Ethernet machine network or
connected through a serial RS232-RS485 interface.
The router RAS can be connected to the Internet through a cellular network, a Wi-Fi network or a factory
An Up-to-date IP router for particular situations
When using the Expert mode set-up, the router RAS becomes a powerful IP router-RAS-firewall for industrial
IP networks applications.
The router RAS connects to the devices network (called machine) and on the other hand to the Internet
The router RAS provides two IP interfaces : The WAN interface to reach the Internet and the LAN interface to
connect the machine.
WAN interface :
Depending on the model, the router RAS provides the following interfaces to reach the Internet :
The network connected to the WAN interface is called the WAN network or factory network.
LAN interface :
Depending on the model, the router RAS provides 1 to 4 switched Ethernet ports to connect the devices of
the machine.
That network is called the machine network.
1 serial RS232 and 1 serial RS485 interfaces are provided optionally.
The firewall filters data between the WAN interface or any VPN interface on one hand, and the LAN interface
on the other hand.
The firewall filters source and destination IP addresses, but also remote users according to their identity.
Connecting a remote PC to a machine in any situation
M2Me Connect service is an ideal solution when a « machine », made of a set of devices connected to the
same LAN, is located in a private network (such as a Factory network).
Let’s take the example of a « machine » made of a set of connected devices and connected to the Factory
Network via a RAS-E.
Assuming that an expert is willing to remotely have access to the machine for breakdown diagnosis,
technical data acquisition, Web page display, file or program refreshment, M2Me Connect service enables
the remote operator to have access to the machine even if the machine does not have any public IP address.
When it is powered on or if the digital input is enabled, the router RAS settles a secured VPN connection
onto the M2Me Connect cloud service.
The remote PC is authenticated by the M2Me Cloud service.
Assuming that the router RAS provides two WAN connections (Cellular and Ethernet as an example), it
settles the best connection (Through the Ethernet network if possible) to the M2Me cloud service.
On the other hand, the remote user launches its M2Me secure software and settles a secured VPN
connection to the M2Me Cloud.
The directory offered by M2Me_Secure is helping the user to point the remote machine onto which he wants
to be connected.
The router RAS verifies thenafter that the remote user is allowed to be connected by checking its login &
password and as an option the certificate of the remote PC.
The router RAS grants to the remote user access rights according to its identity.
In order to warrant the level of security requested by industrial application, connection from PC to RAS is
fully encrypted and cannot be recovered even in case of intrusion onto the M2Me Connect cloud service.
M2Me connection onto the Internet is powered from the RAS. This non intrusive solution is better admitted
than an ingoing connection from the Internet onto the Machine.
Private & dynamic IP address
The machine connected into a factory network or connected to the Internet via a cellular network does not
have a public IP address. M2Me solution does not require a public IP address to settle a connection onto the
Access to each device of the machine
M2Me teleport your PC onto the machine network enabling you to have access to each device of the
machine as if you were in front of the machine.
Machine with Ethernet or serial connection
The family of RAS enables you to set up a connection to any type of PLC offering an Ethernet or a serial
Simple configuration of router RAS
Html configuration Server is delivered with a Wizard which gives an intuitive way of configuring the device.
Simple Operation
M2Me Secure software offers e set of directories for the remote machines. One click is enough to be
Security of customer network (Factory or WAN network)
Router RAS enables the remote operator to have access only to the machine network protecting the factory
network from any intrusion.
Machine & Device Access protection
A remote user can access to the machine if and only if its identification (login & password) has been
preregistered in the RAS router
An extra security option is offered. RAS can also demand the certificate installed in the PC of the remote
The RAS can also give restricted access to the machine network giving access only to certain devices of the
machine and not to all.
Internet & Security
The flow of information passing through the M2Me connection is fully encrypted and requires authentication
to the M2Me server of both the PC of the remote user and the RAS router. A third party cannot consequently
have access to the machine preserving the integrity of the industrial process to be remote maintained.
There are different ways to connect the router RAS to the Internet and to the machine depending on the
situation which is encountered and also on the router RAS model.
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
factory ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
RAS must be used according to the use case 2
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
remote PC ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
address translation option must be selected (see
the wizard menu).
5.1 Use case 1 : The machine is connected to the factory network
The machine is separated from the factory network by the router RAS. The Internet is reached through the
factory network.
Machine IP address
Rule 1 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the factory network must be different.
If both domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or he RAS must be used
according to the Use case Nr 2 described below.
Rule 2 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC must be different.
If both IP domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or the machine network
translation option must be selected.
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the machine network towards
devices belonging to the factory network
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the factory network towards
devices belonging to the machine network
Enabled by creating
a firewall rule
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email (all models) or a SMS (RAS-EC or RAS-ECW)
The factory network and the machine network are separated by the router RAS. This is why the firewall can
operate to filter exchanges between these two networks; the machine is protected from unexpected
exchanges initiated by any device connected to the factory network. The firewall can be configured to
authorise particular exchanges.
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Not filtered communication between the devices of the machine and devices of
the factory network
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email (all models) or a SMS (RAS-EC or RAS-ECW)
5.2 Use case 2 : The machine belongs to the factory network
The devices of the machine belong to the factory network.
The Internet is reached through the existing access.
In that case, the router RAS has to be connected to the factory network with its LAN Ethernet port.
Machine IP addresses
Rule : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC network must be
If both IP domains are identical, it is possible to select the machine network translation option (see the
wizard configuration menu for detailed information); the IP domain of the devices of the machine is virtually
modified for the remote PC.
The remote users can access only to the authorized devices of the unique machine and factory network.
But, because all the devices are connected to the same network, exchanges cannot be filtered on the local
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email (all models) or a SMS (RAS-EC or RAS-ECW)
5.3 Use case 3 : The machine is connected through a cellular network
The Internet is reached through a cellular network.
Machine IP address
Rule : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC must be different.
If both IP domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or the machine network
translation option must be selected (see the wizard configuration menu for detailed information).
The remote user can only communicate with the authorised devices.
The availability and the quality of a cellular network is sometimes lower than a company network internet
access. It is important to check this situation will not provoke any kind of danger for people on the machine
site or of any other kind.
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email (RAS-EW) or a SMS (RAS-ECW)
5.4 Use case 4 : The machine is connected through a Wi-Fi network
The Internet is reached through a Wi-Fi network.
Machine IP address
Rule : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC must be different.
If both IP domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or the machine network
translation option must be selected (see the wizard configuration menu for detailed information).
The remote user can only communicate with the authorized devices.
The availability and the quality of a Wi-Fi network is sometimes lower than a company network. It is
important to check this situation will not provoke any kind of danger.
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
factory ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
RAS must be used according to the use case 2
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
remote PC ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
address translation option must be selected (see
the wizard menu).
5.5 Use case 5 : The machine is connected through the factory & a cellular ntwk
Reaching the Internet through the factory network may not be immediately authorized or available at the
moment of the machine installation; it is the reason why, the router RAS (RAS-EC or RAS-ECW) is able to
select the available way to the Internet; the factory network access to the Internet is selected as a priority
and the cellular network is used as a backup solution. The router RAS switches automatically between that
both ways.
Machine IP address
Rule 1 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the factory network must be different.
If both domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or he RAS must be used
according to the use case Nr 2 described above.
Rule 2 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC must be different.
If both IP domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or the machine network
translation option must be selected.
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the machine network towards
devices belonging to the factory network
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the factory network towards
devices belonging to the machine network
Enabled by creating
a firewall rule
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email or a SMS
The remote user can only communicate with the authorized devices.
The availability and the quality of a cellular network is sometimes lower than a company network. It is
important to check this situation will not provoke any kind of danger.
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
factory ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
RAS must be used according to the use case 2
The IP domain of the machine ntwk and of the
remote PC ntwk are the same.
The machine IP domain must be modified or the
address translation option must be selected (see
the wizard menu).
5.6 Use case 6 : The machine is connected through a Wi-Fi & a cellular ntwk
Machine IP address
Rule 1 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the factory network must be different.
If both domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or he RAS must be used
according to the use case Nr 2 described below.
Rule 2 : The IP domain of the machine network and the IP domain of the remote PC must be different.
If both IP domains are identical, the IP domain of the machine must be modified or the machine network
translation option must be selected.
Connecting the remote PC to each device of the machine network through M2Me
Individual rights for each the remote user
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the machine network towards
devices belonging to the factory network
Communication initiated by devices belonging to the factory network towards
devices belonging to the machine network
Enabled by creating
a firewall rule
Setting an additional VPN towards a server
Sending an email or a SMS
The remote user can only communicate with the authorized devices.
The availability and the quality of a cellular network is sometimes lower than a company network. It is
important to check this situation will not provoke any kind of danger.