Connect a probe via the BNC socket located on the top of the
instrument and switch the instrument on by using the rocker switch.
Check that the green LED is illuminated, you are now ready to measure
moisture. Apply the probe firmly to the surface to be measured.
The instrument measures free water in a material, closely indicating
the relative dampness of different materials. Although not measuring
relative humidity, the instrument gives readings that are comparable.
Therefore, any high readings (in the absence of contaminating salts or
carbonaceous materials) indicate a damp condition of approximately
equal significance in wood, brick, plaster or wallboard, regardless of
their different moisture contents. The 7000 moisture meter is scaled
with this in mind so that it can be used to measure moisture in a variety
of materials. The meter is scaled as follows:-
Wood 1 14 % to 30 %
Wood 2 15 % to 30 %
Plaster 18 % to 20 %
Concrete 15 % to 14 %
Connect a probe via the BNC socket located on the top of the
instrument and switch the instrument on by using the ON/OFF/ON
rocker switch located on the side of the instrument. Switch up to
measure using scale 1, switch down to measure using scale 2, switch
back to the centre position to turn the instrument off. Check that the
green LED is illuminated, you are now ready to measure moisture.
Apply the probe firmly and perpendicularly to the grain of the wood.
Values, which correspond to the cross sectional oven dry test, are
obtained when the measurement depth is equal to one third of the
sample to be measured. Take readings as soon as you can, prolonged
measurement periods may lead to inaccurate results due to possible
chemical reactions within the timber.
The 7150 works on the principle that the drier the timber, the greater
the resistance to the passage of electrical current, therefore, measuring
the water content of timber. The scales are calibrated to give moisture
content readings in a variety of timbers, see ETI wood reference tables
for guidance.
Scale 1 15 % to 30 %
Scale 2 16 % to 16 %
Figures for wood species in table, Wood 2 can be obtained by adding
2 % to the measured value.
This instrument should only be used with ETI moisture probes.
Standard replacement pins are available in packs of 50, part
number 602-530, alternatively harder pins are available in packs
of 50, part number 602-535. These are fitted by turning the
hexagon collar anti-clockwise using the integral spanner in the
probe cover, remove broken pin and replace with new pin. Refit
collar turning clockwise until tight. Clean area in between probe
pins regularly with a clean cloth.
This instrument carries a two-year warranty and guarantee against defects in
either components or workmanship. During this period, products that prove
to be defective will, at the discretion of ETI, be either repaired or replaced
without charge. The product warranty does not cover damage caused by fair
wear and tear, abnormal storage conditions, incorrect use, accidental misuse,
abuse, neglect, misapplication or modification. No warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose is offered and the user assumes the entire risk of using the
product. Any liability by ETI is limited only to the replacement of defective
materials or workmanship, and ETI accepts no responsibility for consequential
loss. Full details of liability are available within ETI's Terms & Conditions of Sale,
available by request. In line with our policy of continuous development, we
reserve the right to amend our product specification without prior notice.
Wood 1
Connect a probe via the BNC socket located on the top of the
instrument. The instrument is switched on by using the rocker switch
located on the side of the instrument. Check that the green LED is
illuminated, you are now ready to measure moisture.
The instrument measures wood moisture equivalent in building
materials other than wood. Wood moisture equivalent 'WME' is
the moisture level in any building materials (as if in close contact
and in moisture equilibrium with wood) expressed as an equivalent
% moisture content of wood. The relevant readings of the 7200
measure water content of the material, therefore, the 7200 closely
indicates the relative dampness of different materials. Warning: false
readings can be obtained when measuring a surface which has salt
contamination or has a covering e.g. wallpaper etc. which may have
a high carbonaceous content. Sample readings taken over as large
an area as possible, should show up any areas which may be suspect.
Note: Carbonaceous materials are present in some breeze blocks.
The scale is colour coded to aid measurement
i.e. Green = OK/Safe
Red = May need further investigation
Full scale = Danger, immediate action necessary
The Plaster scale ranges from 8 % to 20 %
The Concrete scale ranges from 5 % to 14 %
Replace the battery immediately the green LED fails to illuminate, using
a PP3 or a direct 9 volt equivalent. The battery is located under the
sliding cover at the rear of the instrument on the 7100 and 7200 and
below the meter movement on the 7000.
Readings may be affected if the unit is operated within a radio frequency
electromagnetic field strength of approximately 3 volts per metre, but
the performance of the instrument will not be permanently affected.