Elettronica Todescato Srl ensures that the machine referred to in this manual has been tested in its own
premises. The machine is guaranteed for 1 year (12 months) from the date of purchase. Should the machine
be tampered with or improperly used, particularly concerning the safety devices, the warranty will be voided
and the manufacturer will be discharged from any liability whatsoever. Upon delivery, make sure that the
machine has not suffered damage during transportation and that it is complete with all standard accessories
and any optional equipment specifically ordered. Complaints must be written and submitted to your reseller
within and not later than 8 (eight) days.
This warranty shall be null and void (apart from the causes given in the Purchase Contract):
- If the machine is used with incorrect voltage.
- If the damage is due to insufficient maintenance or lack of proper service.
- If, following repairs carried out by the owner without manufacturers consent due to installation of nonoriginal spare parts, the machine has been changed and the damage was caused by these changes.
- If the instructions given in this manual were not followed correctly.
- Exceptional events.
Damage caused by negligence, lack of care, improper and bad use of the machine or incorrect maneuvering
by the operator shall also cause this warranty coverage to be null and void.
Removal of safety devices installed on the machine will automatically make this warranty null and
void of the Manufacturer.
Each machine is equipped of identification plate (fig.1 # 21), giving the following information:
- Name and address of Manufacturer;
- «CE» mark;
- A) Machine type;
- B) Year of fabrication;
- C) Serial number;
- D) Voltage;
- E) Ampere;
- F) Watt;
- G) Frequency;
- H) Pressure.
The data given on the identification plate should be written in the spaces provided on the back cover
of this manual and should always be specified when ordering spare parts or requesting Technical