Ethos 8400 User Manual

Ethos Test Instruments, Distributed by MTI,
Victoria Road, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9DB
TEL 0117 938 6400 FA X 0117 923 5374
©2015 – Issue 2.V1
The Ethos 8400 Multifunction Tester has been designed and built to the
highest standards providing you with a safe and simple solution to your test
The Ethos 8400 tester is used to verify the safety of Commercial, Domestic
and Industrial electrical installations. All testing is required to meet the
latest IEE 17th edition of the wiring regulations (BS7671). The Ethos 8400
covers all aspects of these requirements with ease of use and safety in mind.
Introduction page 3
Markings & Warnings page 4-5
Unpacking Tester page 6
Operating Tester & Overview page 7-9
Continuity page 9-11
Insulation page 11-13
Socket/Polarity page 14-15
Loop Impedance page 16-21
RCD page 22-26
Phase Rotation page 26
Specification page 27-30
Warranty page 31
EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
CCoommpplliiaannccee wwiitthh SSttaannddaarrddss
This tester complies with all the latest UK and European regulations. This tester has been tested according to the following regulations:
BS EN 61010-2-030:2010 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use. Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits.
BS EN 61326-2-2:2013 - Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory
use. Particular requirements for portable test, measuring and monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution systems.
BS EN 61557:2007 - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000V AC.
and 1500V DC. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures.
Part 1: General Requirements
Part 2: Insulation Requirements
Part 3: Loop Requirements
Part 4: Continuity Requirements
Part 6: RCD Requirements
Part 7: Phase Rotation Requirements
Part 10: Multifunction Requirements
When working on live circuits, use of a proving unit such as the Ethos
4299 is recommended to establish correct function of the tester.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection by the equipment may be impaired.
Disconnect from external circuits before removing battery cover.Inspect the tester and accessories for damage before use and do not
use if damage is found.
To prevent possible electrical shock, fire, or personal injury:Use the product only as specified, or the protection supplied by the
product can be compromised.
Do not use the product around explosive gas, vapour or in damp or
wet environments.
Do not use test leads if they are damaged. Examine the test leads for
damaged insulation, exposed metal, or if the wear indicator shows. Check test lead continuity.
Use only approved Ethos accessories such as test leads etc supplied
with the instrument. Part numbers of replacement leads on page 6.
Do not use the product if it is damaged.To be repaired by Ethos authorised agents only.Do not apply more than the rated voltage between the terminals or
between each terminal and earth ground.
Remove test leads from the tester before battery cover is removed.Do not operate the product with covers removed or the case open.
Hazardous voltage exposure is possible.
Use only specified replacement fuse. Fuse type F0.5A, 500V, HRC,
6.3 x 32mm.
Keep fingers behind the finger guards on the probes at all times.Connect the common test lead before the live test lead and remove
the live test lead before the common test lead.
Use Personal Protective Equipment (approved rubber gloves, face
protection, and flame-resistant clothes) to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.
EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
MMaarrkkiinngg EExxppllaannaattiioonnss
Warning! Refer to manual.
Caution! Voltage present. Risk of Electric Shock.
Double Insulation
This instrument should be recycled as electronic waste.
User accessible fuse in battery compartment - F0.5A, 500V, HRC 6.3 x 32mm
Prohibited to use for the Electrical System which uses the voltage above 550V.
Conformity to European Standards
CAT III Testers are designed to protect against transients and fault currents in fixed equipment installations at the distribution level. Examples are measurements on distribution boards and socket wiring. CAT IV Testers are designed to protect against transients and fault currents from the primary supply level (overhead or underground utility service). Examples are measurements made before the main fuse or circuit breaker.
Before using the Ethos 8400 or accessories read this instruction
manual carefully to ensure a safe understanding of the symbols and use of this tester
See above for a list of symbols used on the product and in this
A Warning identifies hazardous conditions and actions that could
cause bodily harm or death.
A Caution identifies conditions and actions that could damage the
instrument or cause permanent loss of data.
 
RReeaadd BBeeffoorree UUssiinngg
To maintain operator safety use only specified Ethos accessories.
EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee TTeesstteerr
Your Ethos 8400 Multifunction Tester comes complete with:
Multifunction Tester Ethos 8400 1
Instruction Manual 1
3 Wire Split Lead Ethos 2125 1
Assembly with Probes +
Crocodile Clips Brown/Blue/Green
13 Amp Mains Lead to 4mm Ethos 2126 1
Connections Brown/Blue/Green
Remote Switch Probe Ethos 2127 1
AA LR6 Alkaline Battery Duracell 6
Heavy Duty Carry Case Ethos 8001 1
Neck Strap Ethos 2128 1
Certificate of Calibration 1
Warranty Registration Card (terms of 3 year warranty) 1
All the parts listed above are included in the carry case.
EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee EEtthhooss 88440000
To insert batteries ensure the instrument is switched off and no test leads are connected. Remove battery cover from base of unit, insert batteries into holder ensuring correct polarity.
Replace cover.
Always use good quality LR6 AA Alkaline Batteries.
Re-chargeable batteries are not suitable.
Battery power level indicated on the colour display by the symbol shown. Please dispose of your batteries carefully. Batteries are made from important resources and chemicals,including lead, cadmium,zinc, lithium and mercury. If batteries are disposed of as normal waste, they’ll be taken to a landfill site and those resources will be lost and will contribute to the pollution of the environment. Recycling is one way you can help the environment and you should dispose of used batteries separately from other waste, using local collection and recycling schemes available. To clean the tester use a damp cloth do not use any solvents. Do not allow any water ingress and ensure tester is fully dry before use When replacing/removing fuse from inside battery compartment do not use any sharp implements for this task.
Front panel and controls
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EETTHHOO SS 8844 0000
Top View
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee EEtthhooss 88440000
All test Functions are selected by using the main rotary switch.
1 Power off. 2 Socket/Polarity Test 3 No Trip Earth Loop Impedance Test 4 High Current Earth Loop Impedance Test 5 30mA Auto Sequence Type G RCD Test 6 30mA RCD Test (Manual) Type G 7 100mA RCD Test (Manual) Type G 8 300mA RCD Test (Manual) Type G 9 500mA RCD Test (Manual) Type G 10 100mA RCD Test (Manual) Type S 11 300mA RCD Test (Manual) Type S 12 Phase Rotation Test 13 1000V Insulation/Resistance Test 14 500V Insulation/Resistance Test 15 250V Insulation/Resistance Test 16 Continuity Test
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee EEtthhooss 88440000
Push Buttons
1 Test Button - Initiates all selected tests. 2 Test Lock - Hands Free function for
Continuity,Insulation & Loop
3 PFC/Loop - Prospective fault current
value after Loop Test Result
4 RCD Recall - List the last set of RCD
Test Data from an Auto sequence Test
5 Continuity Null - Nulls the Resistance
Value from the Test Leads in use
6 Polarity Test Pad - Unique safety
function ensuring correct mains polarity
AAuuttoo ppoowweerr ooffff ffuunnccttiioonn
To ensure long battery life the Ethos 8400 will automatically power off when standing idle for 3 minutes.To power the Ethos 8400 either return the selector switch to “OFF” and then back to the test selection or simply press any of the four buttons under the display screen.
TTeesstt && MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt FFuunnccttiioonnss IInnssuullaattiioonn aanndd CCoonnttiinnuuiittyy
Measurements shall only be carried out on de-energised circuits. If the tester is connected to a live circuit (25V or greater), the LED will flash red and the hazard buzzer will sound.Your Ethos 8400 is fully protected but measured RMS voltage will be displayed on the secondary/lower display. Further testing after this point will be inhibited.To resume testing, disconnect the test leads and isolate the circuit. All equipment and appliances should be disconnected from the circuit under test. Attached equipment may be damaged by the higher voltages applied during testing and may return an artificially low test result. There may be capacitance on the circuit being tested.Your tester will automatically discharge this but do not disconnect the test leads or change tester function until auto­discharge has completed.
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