Check the pack an d make sure you have all of the par ts
listed on the fr ont of this booklet. I f not, contact the
outlet where you bought this product.
This tting mu st be installed in accor dance with the
Building Reg ulations. These may be ob tained from
HMSO or viewed and downloaded from
uk following the link for Building Regulations.
Switch o the mains b efore commencing inst allation
and remove the appropriate circuit fuse.
Suitable for indoor use only.
This produc t is only suitable for use i n living areas (not
for areas const antly subject to moist ure).
The smoke alarm m ust not be exposed to dr ipping or
Before maki ng xing hole(s), check that the re are no
obstructions hidden beneath the mounting surface such
as pipes or cabl es.
The chosen lo cation of your new alarm sh ould allow
for it to be secur ely mounted (e.g. to a ceiling jo ist) and
safely conne cted to a mains supply.
Do not attach t o surfaces which are damp, f reshly
painted or otherwise electrically conductive
(e.g. metallic surfaces).
If the locatio n of your new alarm require s the provision
of a new elect rical supply, the supply mus t conform to
the requirements of the Building Regulations.
This product is designed for permanent connection
to xed wiring: th is should be either a suit able circuit
(protecte d with a 5 or 6 Amp MCB or fuse) or a fuse d spur
(with a 3 Amp fuse) via a fu sed connection uni t.
Make connect ions to the electric al supply in accordance
with the follow ing code:
Live Brown or Red
Neutral Blue or Bla ck
Yellow Connect betwe en multiple alarms
This tting is d ouble insulated, DO NOT CON NECT ANY
Cable of at leas t 0.75mm
cross-sectional area must be
used to connec t to the supply and bet ween alarms.
You are advised at ever y stage of your insta llation to
double-check any electrical connections you have made.
After you have comp leted your installati on there are
electric al tests that should be c arried out: these tes ts are
specied in t he Wiring Regulations ( BS7671) referred to
in the Building Regulations.
This smoke alar m is a multi station ionisat ion alarm and
can be connec ted to other smoke alarms of t he same
make and typ e. This interconnect fe ature allows up
to 40 smoke detec tors to be connecte d together over
a distance of 150 metres m aximum, using the single
yellow wire thus al lowing all smoke detec tors to sound
when one is ac tivated. This smoke dete ctor cannot be
connected to a ny other device such as a re alar m panel.
If your dwelling i s on a single storey, for minimum
protectio n you should t an alarm in the ha llway
between th e living areas (includin g kitchens) and the
sleeping are as. Place it as near to the livin g areas as
possible and e nsure that alarm is audible w hen the
bedrooms are occupied. See Fig.1 below.
If your dwelling is multi-storey, for minimum protection,
one alarm shou ld be tted at the bott om of the staircase
with furth er alarms tted on each up stairs landing.
This includes b asements but exclude s crawl spaces and
unnished at tics. See Fig. 2 below.
NOTE: For max imum protection, an al arm should be
tted in ever y room (except kitchen, b athroom and
BATHROOM, as cooking fumes an d steam may trigger
the alarm.
fumes could trigger the alarm.
The smoke alarm s hould be located at lea st 300mm
away from a light t ting. See Fig. 3 below.
As smoke rises , it is advisable to mount th e alarm on a
ceiling in a centra l position. Avoid areas whe re there is
no air circulatio n e.g. corners of rooms an d keep away
from anythin g that might obstruct th e free ow of air.
If wall mountin g, do not mount tight into corne rs. On
sloping ceilin gs, mount 900mm fro m the apex measured
horizontally. See Fig. 4 below.
Areas to be avoided include the following:
• Locations where th e ambient temperature may f all
below 4°C or ris e above 40°C.
• Humid areas such as bathr ooms, kitchens, or sh ower
rooms where th e relative humidity may e xceed 90%.
• Fume lled environmen ts such as garages. Ex haust
gases may cause fa lse alarms.
• Adjacent to or directl y above hot objects su ch as
radiators or wa ll vents that can aect t he direction of
air currents.
• In very dusty or dirty environments such as workshops.
01. Remove the base plate fr om the alarm.
02. Using the mounting plate as a temp late mark the
position of the xing holes.
03. Place base plate over xi ng holes and secure usin g
the wall plugs an d screw supplied, (if wall p lugs and
screws supplie d are not suitable for you r application
use suitable alternatives).
04. Connect the p ower connector to the inco ming mains
supply observing the wiring colour code opposite. If
multiple smoke a larms are not to be interconne cted,
isolate the yell ow wire in a separate termin al block
and wrap well wi th insulation tape.
05. When smoke alarms are t o be interconnected,
connect all of t he yellow wires togethe r.
06. If the smoke alarm s are to be locked into positi on,
remove the two t amper-proof tabs fro m the
mounting plate a nd retain for use later.
07. Insert the 9V b attery into the smoke a larm noting
the polarit y of the connections . Ensure the metal tab
is fully depres sed when the batter y has been tted.
Note: For safet y of the end user the smoke a larm
cannot be t ted without its batte ry.
08. Before assemb ly to the base plate test the co rrect
operation of the smoke detector (operating from the
battery o nly) by pressing the test but ton on the front
of the detect or. The unit should emit a loud p ulsing
09. Conn ect the power connec tor into the socket on the
rear of the smoke de tector. Note: This is a pola rized
connector and can only be plugged in one way.
10. Asse mble the detector onto t he base plate by
aligning the t wo projections on the b ase plate with
the two keyhol e slots in the detecto r. Lock in position
by turning clockwise.
11. Insert the tw o tamper-proof tabs in th e slots
provided in th e side of the unit. Once t ted the
detector ca n only be removed from th e base plate
by rst removin g these tabs, gently pr ising them out
with a screw drive r.
12. Replace the circuit f use and restore the power.
13. Test the correc t operation of the smo ke detector by
pressing the tes t button on the front of th e detector,
the alarm shoul d emit a loud pulsating al arm.
Fig 2
Fig 4
Fig 5
Fig 1
Living Room
KEY: Maximum Protection
Landing Bathroom
Fig 3
1 metre
Best in
Dead air space
- do not mount
in this area
15cm mim
30cm max
Live (Brown)
Interconnect (Yellow)
Neutral (Blue)
Live (Brown)
Interconnect (Yellow)
Neutral (Blue)
PG 2 PG 3