PG 2 PG 3
Check the pack and m ake sure you have all of the
parts liste d on the front of this bookle t. If not,
contact the outlet where you bought this product.
This produc t must be installed by a compet ent
person in accord ance with the current building a nd
IEE wiring regulations.
As the buyer, install er and/or user of this product it
is your own responsi bility to ensure that this tt ing
is t for the purpo se for which you have intended
it. Eterna Lightin g cannot accept any liability fo r
loss, damage or premature failure resulting from
inappropriate use.
This product is designed and constructed according
to the principles o f the appropriate British Stan dard
and is intended fo r normal domestic ser vice. Using
this tting in any oth er environments may result in
a shortened w orking life, for example w here there
is prolonged p eriods of use or higher than no rmal
ambient temper atures such as lighting public or
shared spaces.
Switch o the mains be fore commencing installati on
and remove the appro priate circuit fuse or lock o
This unit is suitab le for outdoor use.
This produc t is suitable for installatio n on surfaces
with normal ammability e.g. wood, plasterboard
and masonry. It is not s uitable for use on highly
ammable surfaces
Before makin g xing hole(s), check that there are no
obstructi ons hidden beneath the mount ing surface
such as pipes or cab les.
Make sure that the xi ngs are strong enough to
support the co nsiderable weight of the t ting and
hold it rigidly.
The chosen loc ation of your new tting shou ld allow
for the produc t to be securely mounted. An d safely
connected to th e mains supply (lighting circuit).
When choosing th e location for your new tt ing,
ensure that the xin gs will be anchored in a solid
surface e.g. con crete, brick or a joist—do not x
directly onto panelling, cladding, plasterboard etc.
When making con nections ensure that the ter minals
are tightened se curely and that no strands of wi re
protrude. Chec k that the terminals are tightene d
onto the bared cond uctors and not onto any
This tting is d ouble insulated; do not connec t any
part to eart h.
This produc t is not intended to be used by childr en
and persons wi th sensory, physical and/or ment al
impairments th at would prevent them from using i t
saf ely.
You are advised at ever y stage of your installatio n to
double-check any electrical connections you have
made. After you h ave completed your installatio n
there are elec trical tests that should b e carried out,
these tests are sp ecied in the current IEE wir ing and
building regulations.
01) Undo the nuts each s ide at the front of the tting
and lift o the f ront section of the lanter n
02) Using the b ack cover of the tting as a template,
mark the locati on of the xing holes.
03) Pierce the r ubber grommet in the back of th e
tting. Make th e hole as small as possible so that
a good watert ight seal is maintained when th e
cable has been threaded through.
04) Th read the cable through the gro mmet.
05) Sec ure the tting to the wall using xings (not
supplie d).
06) Make t he connections to the termi nal block
according to the colo ur code and symbols:
LIVE - Brown or Red • NEUTRAL - Bl ue or Black
07) Conne ct the two wires from the f ront half of the
lantern to the push ter minal block in line with the
colour code and s ymbols (see g. 4 opposite).
08) Re place the front part of lanter n and secure by
tightening the t wo nuts making sure you have a
rubber sealin g washer under both nuts.
09) Res tore power.
10) Switch on and product should function.
• Det ection range: Approx. 120° (hor izontal), Max. 8
• Duration time: f rom 5 sec - 5 mins. (adjustable).
• No over ride facility.
• LUX - adjustable.
To achieve best results we su ggest you take the
following points into consideration:
Do not mount on a sur face that has vibration.
Ideally the PIR lante rn should be mounted 1.8 to 2.5
metres (6 to 8ft) ab ove the area to be scanned (refer
to Fig. 1 below).
To avoid damage to the unit do not ai m sensor
towards the sun.
Avoid positioning th e sensor unit adjacent to a
bright light source w hich may prevent the unit from
operating whe n the lux control is set to operate i n
dark conditions.
Avoid nuisance false t riggering by directing s ensor
away from:
Trees and shrubs
Reective su rfaces such as smooth white w alls
Swimming pools
Heat sources such as b oiler ues
The PIR sensor sc anning specications
(approximately 8 met res at 120°) may vary slightly
depending on the mounting height and location.
The detecti on range of the unit may also alter
with temperatu re change. Before selec ting a place
to install your PIR lant ern you should note that
movement across the s can area is more eective
than movement dire ctly towards or away from the
sensor (refer to Fig. 2 a bove).
If movement is made w alking directly towards o r
away from the senso r and not across the apparent
detection r ange will be substantially re duced (refer
to Fig. 3 above).
4M 8M
Fig 1
across scan area
Movement directly in front of
scan area
Fig 2
Fig 3
(Power Cable)
(Power Cable)
(Power Cable)
(Power Cable)
Fig 4
The light source cont ained in this luminaire
shall only be rep laced by the manufacturer,
service age nt or a similar qualied pers on.
The light source is designed to last the lifetime of the