Eterna LEDFL3062, LEDFL1062 Safety And Installation Instructions Manual

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These instructions are provided as a guideline to assist you.
LEDFL1062 & LEDFL3062
10W & 30W LED Floodlights
Pack contents:
1 x fitting complete with 3 core 1.0mm2 x 0.5m silicone cable
This luminaire has a s ealed LED l amp and is mai ntenanc e free, no lamp replacement is re quired
When your l ight fit ting comes to the end of its life o r you choos e to update o r upgrade it by replaci ng it, plea se do not dispose of it with your normal hou sehold wa ste and ple ase rec ycle where facilities exist . When you n eed to dispose this fitting; check with your r etaile r or local au thority for sui table options. New reg ulation s require t he recycling of Was te from Electri cal and Ele ctron ic Equipment (Europe an “WE EE Direc tive” e ffec tive August 2005—UK W EEE Regu lations effec tive 2nd J anuary
2007). Environment Agenc y Registered Pro ducer: W EE/GA0248QZ.
If your light is defective or develops a fault, ple ase return it to the place where you bought i t. You can call our he lpline for a dvice . The helpl ine will gl adly giv e advice on any aspect of any Eterna ligh ting produc t but may not be able to give specifi c instruction s regardin g indivi dual inst allati ons.
If in doubt , consul t a qualified electrician.
General Information & Cleaning:
Check the p ack and make sure you have al l of the parts liste d on the front of this bo oklet . If not, con tact th e outlet w here you bought this produc t.
This product con tains glass, care must be taken when ass embling , fitting or handli ng to prevent person al injur y or damage to t he produc t.
This light fitting mu st be insta lled by a compete nt person i n accordanc e with the current building and IEE wiring regulat ions.
As the buy er, installer and/or user of thi s product it is your own responsibili ty to ens ure that th is fitti ng is fit for the purpose for which y ou have intende d it. Eterna Light ing cann ot accept any liability for loss, damage o r prematu re failure result ing from inappropriate use.
If in any dou bt, cons ult a quali fied elec trician.
This product is de signed and constructed accordi ng to the principles o f the appropriate Briti sh Standard and is inte nded for no rmal domest ic service. Using this fi tting i n any other environments , for example where there is prolonge d periods of use or hig her than normal ambient temperatures, may r esult in a shorten ed working life.
Switch o ff the mains befor e commenc ing installation and remove the appropri ate circu it fuse or lo ck off MCB.
This uni t is suitable for outdoor use.
This product is su itable fo r installation on surfac es with n ormal flammabilit y e.g. wood, plaster board and masonr y. It is not sui table for use on hi ghly flammable surfaces (e. g. polys tyrene, textiles) .
Before making fixi ng hole(s), che ck that there are no obstru ctions hidden beneath the mountin g surfac e such as pipes or cabl es.
Make sure th at the fixi ngs are st rong enough to suppor t the cons iderable weight of th e fitting and hold it r igidly.
The lamp mu st be posi tioned s o that ther e is at least 0 .5m (50 0mm) bet ween the bulb and any illumi nated sur face. F loodlights shou ld be positi oned well a way from fla mmable materials.
Do not at tach to surfaces which are damp, freshl y painted o r other wise el ectrically conduc tive (e. g. metal lic surfaces).
This product is de signed for permane nt connec tion to fixed wiring: this mu st be a suitable circui t (protec ted wi th the appro priate MCB or fus e).
When mak ing connections ensure tha t the termina ls are tigh tened securely and that no strands of wire pr otrude . Check tha t the termi nals are ti ghtened o nto the bared conduc tors and no t onto any in sulation.
This product mus t be connected to an earth termina tion.
This product is no t intende d to be used by childre n and pers ons wiat h sensor y, phy sical and/or mental impairment s that would prevent them from u sing it safely.
IMPOR TANT - if the e xternal flexib le cable of this lumi naire is damaged it shal l be exclusively replaced by a qualified engine er.
You are advised at every stage of your installation to double- check any elect rical connec tions you have made. A fter you have complet ed your ins tallat ion there a re elect rical tests t hat should be carri ed out, these tes ts are specified in the current IEE wiring and building regulat ions. If in doubt, c onsult a q ualified elect rician .
Do not carry or lif t the floodl ight by the mains suppl y cable.
Clean thi s light fit ting onl y with a soft dr y cloth.
Do not use any chemic al or abrasive cleaners.
1. Choose the loca tion for yo ur new light fitting giving conside rations t o the point s liste d opposite.
2. Isola te mains.
3. Mark fixing points by using the st irrup fi xing holes and drill tw o fixing holes, acc ording to your cho sen fixing method . (Fix ings not include d). See F ig. 1 for 10W and F ig. 2 for 30W.
4. Terminate loos e ends of wi re to an appropriate IP rated junct ion box or sim ilar, ensuring the Live, Eart h and Neutral polari ties are obser ved.
5. Restor e power and test the luminaire.
6. Adjust floo dlight head towards t he area to be illumina ted and loc k off using two clamping bolts .
Fig 2
Rear View 3 0W - LEDF L3062
Fig 1
Fixat ion holes o n bracket
Rear View 10W - L EDFL1062
Fixat ion holes o n bracket
Fixat ion holes o n bracket