One complete package includes:1 pc indoor monitor ,1 pc outdoor camera ,
1 pc 10m cable,bracket and instruction manual , Please see below details:
Structure Description
T hanks for purch as in g v ideo door phone inte rc om sy st em, Th is se ri es
i s t he la test desig n of our co mp an y w it h m ul ti-fu nc ti on and u ltra- th in wa ll mount i ns talla ti on .the pr od uct is adopt in g the pri nciple of clos ed -c ircui t
monit or in g, ou ts ide p ho tograph y, i nd oo r d is pl ay, tw o-way inte rcom, v ideo,
door r emote un locki ng and su pervi se out do or sit ua ti on a ny time . Adva nc ed
ultra light auxilia ry fun ct io ns pro vide clear ima ge eve n at ni ght time .the
produ ct wit h fa sh io n ap pe ar ance, hgh -d ef initi on ima ge ,easy ins ta llation ,
which make s you r home un de r t ec hn ology barr ie rs pr ot ectio n as we ll .it is
defin it el y ideal hom e se cu rity pr od uc ts for th e mo de rn f amily.
In or de r t o displ ay exce ll en t f un ct ions of th e pro du ct , p le as e c ar ef ully
read t he p ro duct i nstru ct io n ma nu al s o as to c or rectl y know insta ll at ion an d
oprat io n.
T-96 0CL
Video door phone
Video door phone
T-03C T-01C
Video door phone
Video door phone
1.indoor monitor 2 outdoor camera.
3 10m cable. 4 bracket. 5 fitting screws .
6 instruction
manual and
warranty card
7 DC15V power
III.Structure Description
Can take vistor’s photo
Can take vistor’s photo
Can take vistor’s photo
Transmit auolio to
Transmit auolio to
Transmit auolio to
4-wire socket 4-wire socket
Induction lamp