ETC Source Four CE jr and jr Zoom User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
User manual Gebrauchsanleitung Manuel d’utilisation Manual del usuario
We, Electronic Theatre Controls, Europe Limited Unit 5, Victoria Industrial Estate, London W3 6UU United Kingdomdeclare under sole responsibility that the product
Product name: CE Source Four jr, CE Source Four jr Zoom Product type/model: 7062A1201, 7062A1202, 7062A1203, 7062A1209 Lot: n/a Batch / Serial number: n/a Item numbers: one of each model to which this declaration relates
is in conformity with the following standards:
EN60598-1:1993 Luminaires, General requirements and tests EN60598-17:1989 Specification for luminaires for stage lighting,
television, film, and photographic studios.
Following the provisions of EU LV Directive(s) 73/23/EEC
ondon, United Kingdom Mr. Adam Bennette
L (Place of issue) (Name of authorised person)
(Date of issue) (signature of authorized person)
Electronic Theatre Controls Europe Ltd. Registered office: Unit 5, Victoria Industrial Estate, Grant Thornton House Victoria Road, London W3 6UU U.K. Melton St., London, NW1 2BW, England Telephone (+44) 181 896 1000 Registered in England No.3057796 Fax (+44) 181 896 2000 VAT No. 662 9487 90
Contents • Inhaltsverzeichnis Table des matières • Indice
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CE Source Four jr/Zoom instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Safety warnings ............................................................................................................... 5
Wiring and power information ......................................................................................6
Adjusting the yoke ........................................................................................................... 6
Colour frame retaining clip ............................................................................................6
HPL lamps ......................................................................................................................... 7
Installing the HPL lamp ................................................................................................... 7
Focusing the beam .......................................................................................................... 8
Gel notes ........................................................................................................................... 8
Shaping the beam ........................................................................................................... 9
Switching lens assemblies ..........................................................................................10
Cleaning lenses ............................................................................................................. 10
Accessories ...................................................................................................................11
Portable Appliance Test (PAT) Guidelines ................................................................ 11
CE Source Four jr Bedienungsanleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Sicherheitshinweise .....................................................................................................13
Hinweise für den Anschluß ans Netz ........................................................................14
Einstellen des Bügels ...................................................................................................14
Sicherungsbügel des Farbrahmens ...........................................................................14
HPL Lampen .................................................................................................................. 15
Fokussierung des Lichtstrahls ....................................................................................16
Hinweise für Farbfilter .................................................................................................. 17
Lichtstrahlbegrenzung ..................................................................................................17
Linsenhalter austauschen ...........................................................................................18
Säuberung der Linsen ..................................................................................................18
Zubehör ...........................................................................................................................19
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom • 1
Mode d’emploi CE Source Four jr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Avertissements de sécurité .........................................................................................21
Câblage électrique ........................................................................................................22
Réglage de la lyre ..........................................................................................................22
Clip de maintien du porte-filtre ....................................................................................22
Lampes HPL ....................................................................................................................23
Mise au point du faisceau lumineux ...........................................................................24
La gélatine .......................................................................................................................25
Mise en forme du faisceau lumineux .........................................................................25
Changement des montages de lentille .......................................................................26
Nettoyage des lentilles .................................................................................................26
Accessoires ....................................................................................................................27
Instrucciones para el CE Source Four jr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Advertencias de seguridad ..........................................................................................29
Conexionado a la red ....................................................................................................30
Ajuste de la lira ..............................................................................................................30
Clip de seguridad del portafiltros ................................................................................30
Lámparas HPL ................................................................................................................31
Enfoque del haz luminoso .............................................................................................32
Notas acerca de las gelatinas de color .....................................................................33
Recorte del haz de luz ...................................................................................................33
Para cambiar el ensamblaje de la lente ....................................................................34
Limpieza de las lentes ...................................................................................................34
Accesorios ......................................................................................................................35
2 • CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
English Deutsch Français Español
Colour frame retaining
Barrel Drop-in iris slot cover Einschubfach für Irisblende Couverture du logement d’iris
Pattern holder slot Primary suspension point
Yoke locking knob
Lamp housing Lampengehäuse Compartiment lampe Portalámparas Safety cable (ETC part
Earth continuity cable Secondary suspension
Reflector housing
Shutters Zoom rear focus knob
Beam focus knob Zoom front focus knob
Colour frame holder
Sicherungsbügel des Farbrahmens
Basisgehäuse Corps Tubo
Einschubfach für Globos Logement de porte-gobo Ranura del portagobos Hauptbefestigungspunkt Point de suspension
Bügel Lyre Lira Bügelfeststellschraube Poignée de serrage de la lyre Maneta para fijar la lira
Sicherungsseil (ETC Teil #7060A1022)
Erdungskabel Câble de mise à la terre Cable de tierra Zusatzbefestigungspunkt für
Sicherungsseil Reflektorgehäuse Compartiment réflecteur Cubierta del reflector Blenden Couteaux Cuchillas Hinterer Zoomlinsen-
Fokussierknopf Fokussierknopf
Vorderer Zoomlinsen­Fokussierknopf
Farbrahmenhalter Glissière du porte-filtre Marco portafiltros
Clip de maintien du porte­filtre
Câble de sécurité (pièce ETC n°7060A1022)
Point de suspension secondaire
Bouton de mise au point arrière du Zoom
Bouton de réglage du faisceau Bouton de mise au point avant du Zoom
Clip de seguridad del portafiltros
Placa de la ranura para el iris
Punto primario de suspensión
Cable de seguridad (pieza ETC #7060A1022)
Punto secundario de suspensión
Maneta posterior de enfoque del Zoom
Maneta para el enfoque del haz Maneta anterior de enfoque del Zoom
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom • 3
18 19
English Deutsch Français Español
Light baffle and retaining
screw Lens tray with safety
Knurled bolt Peak and flat adjustment
(inner knob)
Centre adjustment (outer
Linsenhalterungsschiene und Feststellschraube
Linsenrahmen mit Schutzgitter
Piste de port de lentille et vis de maintien
Tube lentille avec grille de
protection Rändelschraube Boulon moleté Tornillo moleteado Mitten- und
Flächenoptimierungseinstell ung (innerer Knopf)
Réglage vertical et latéral
(bouton intérieur)
Zentrierung (äußerer Knopf) Réglage central (bouton
Carril para la lente y tornillo de retención
Platillo del tubo con rejilla de seguridad
Ajuste máximo y plano (maneta externa)
Ajuste del centro (maneta externa)
4 • CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
CE Source Four jr/Zoom instructions
Safety warnings
The CE Source Four jr/Zoom high performance ellipsoidal spotlight is intended for professional use only.
before using equipment.
before use.
• Do not mount the CE Source Four jr/Zoom on or near a flammable surface.
• Use the luminaire in dry locations only, where humidity does not exceed 90 percent. Luminaire is not intended for outdoor use.
• Mount and support the luminaire only by the primary suspension yoke holes. Suspend the luminaire from a hook clamp or a stand mount, using a securely tightened steel bolt (up to 12 mm Ø), washer and locking nut.
• In addition to primary suspension, attach a safety cable (ETC part #7060A1022) or chain to the secondary suspension point on the luminaire (see page 3).
• Open all four shutters completely before turning the luminaire on.
• Always hang the CE Source Four jr/Zoom with the colour frame retaining clip in the locked position.
• Always replace the lamp if it becomes damaged or thermally deformed.
• Keep the luminaire at least 0.6 meters away from anything on which it is shining. Lighted objects at this distance or greater will not exceed 90ºC temperature from projected light.
• Disconnect the unit from power before all cleaning and maintenance.
• Maximum ambient temperature: T
• Maximum exterior surface temperature: T
• A multilingual label sheet is included with this manual. Affix the label of the appropriate language over the existing warning label on the extension yoke. Do not cover the ETC trademark or CE mark.
Please note the following safety warnings
Read the entire user manual
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom • 5
Wiring and power information
A plug of at least 2.5 amp (220/240V) rating should be attached to the luminaire's mains lead. The wires in the mains lead are
1.5mm2 each and coloured in accordance with the following code:
Green and Yellow: Blue: Neutral Brown: Live
t 180°c
Current rating:
Operating frequency: 50/60Hz
This luminaire must be earthed.
120V/5 amp maximum 240V/2.5 amp maximum
Adjusting the yoke
To adjust the luminaire's position, loosen the yoke locking knob and tilt the luminaire to the desired position. Retighten the yoke locking knob to secure it.
CE Source Four jr/Zoom's two-position yoke allows you to modify the overall height of the luminaire in the yoke.
To change the yoke position, remove the yoke locking knob, then remove the hex bolts on either side of the luminaire.
Move the luminaire to the desired position (
Replace and tighten the hex bolts and the locking knob.
Figure 1
Colour frame retaining clip
The colour frame holder is equipped with a spring-loaded retaining clip that prevents colour frames and accessories from falling out of the holder.
colour frame retaining clip in the locked position.
Release the retaining clip by pushing it sideways. The r etaining clip will pop open.
Insert the colour frame.
Press the retaining clip down until it locks into position.
Always hang CE Source Four jr/Zoom with the
Yoke locking knob
Clutch disc
Hex bolt
Optional yoke
mounting position
Retaining clip
Figure 1
Figure 2
6 • CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
HPL lamps
HPL lamps are tungsten halogen lamps.
voltage at your facility. 230V and 240V HPL lamps are available. Operating HPL lamps above their rated voltage reduces lamp life and can cause premature lamp failure.
Verify that the HPL lamp you use is suitable for the
Do not use lamps other than the HPL in CE Source
Four jr/Zoom luminaires.
CE safety conformity and warranty.
Lamp code Watts Volts Color temp Ave rated life
HPL 575/230 HPL 575/240 575 240 3,200ºK 400 hour
HPL 375/115 375 115 3,250ºK 300 hour HPL 375/115X 375 115 3,050ºK 1,000 hour HPL 550/77 550 77 3,250ºK 300 hour HPL 550/77X 550 77 3,050ºK 2,000 hour
HPL 575/115 575 115 3,250ºK 300 hour HPL 575/115X 575 115 3,050ºK 2,000 hour HPL 575/120 575 120 3,250ºK 300 hour
Installing the HPL lamp
Disconnect the unit from power before installing and replacing the lamp.
The lamp must be installed before you use the
Always replace the lamp if it becomes damaged or thermally deformed.
Let lamp cool before changing.
Use of lamps other than HPL will void
575 230 3,200ºK 400 hour
HPL lamp
Loosen the knurled bolt on the back of the lamp housing and pull the housing straight out.
Remove the HPL lamp from its box, holding it by the base.
To avoid premature lamp failure, do not touch the lamp glass. If you do touch the lamp, clean it carefully with rubbing alcohol and a clean, lint-free cloth before operation.
Line up the flat sides of the lamp base with the retention brackets on either side of the socket. See
Push down on the lamp base until the lamp seats firmly. (The top of the lamp base will be even with the top edges of the retention brackets when it is properly installed.)
Figure 3
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom • 7
Lamp retention brackets
Lamp retainers
Knurled boltLamp housing
Figure 3
Figure 4
Lamp housing Knurled bolt
Centre Peak and flat adjustment (outer knob)
adjustment (inner knob)
Press lamp retainers down across lamp base and clip securely.
To reinstall the lamp housing, line up the side fins and the bolt hole, then tighten the knurled bolt to secure the housing.
Improperly installed lamps cause premature lamp failure and socket problems.
Aligning the lamp
Use the two concentric knobs on the rear of the lamp housing to align the lamp. The outer knob centres the lamp within the reflector and locks it in position; the inner knob fine tunes the field. See
Figure 4
Unlock the outer knob by turning it anticlockwise one turn. Gently push the outer knob from side to side and up and down
until the lamp is centred in the field. Once the lamp is centred, tighten the outer knob to lock it in
place. Turn the inner knob right or left to adjust for optimum flat field.
Luminaire must be on to align the lamp.
Focusing the beam
On a fixed field angle CE Source Four jr, with a 26°, 36° or 50° lens, adjust the lens position to focus the edge of the beam. On a CE Source Four jr Zoom, adjust the position of both lenses to set the beam's spread and to focus the edge of the beam. The Zoom lenses give you a range from 25° to 50°.
Loosen the beam focus knob(s) on the underside of the barrel. See
Figure 5
Slide the lens(es) forward or backward to achieve the desired beam edge.
Once the luminaire is focused, tighten the beam focus knob(s).
Colour frame
Beam focus knob
Figure 5
Gel notes
For best results, always use a high quality, high temperature colour medium. ETC does not guarantee performance with low temperature, saturated colour gels.
8 • CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
Shaping the beam
Figure 6
Pattern holder slot
iris slot
Figure 7
M-size pattern holder (ETC part # 7062A1010)
Figure 8
Iris (ETC part # 7062A1011)
You may shape the beam with the shutters, a pattern, or an optional drop-in iris (ETC part #7062A1011).
Pattern projection
The pattern holder slot is on the top side of the barrel, immediately in front of the shutters. It accommodates the M-size pattern holder shown in away from the shutter handle at a 30° angle. If your pattern holder’s handle is straight, you may bend it far enough to not interfere with the action of the shutter handle.
Use an optional donut (ETC part #7060A1037) in the accessory holder to enhance pattern projection.
Drop-in iris slot
The drop-in iris slot is on the top side of the front barrel, immediately in front of the pattern holder slot. See small sheet metal cover secured with two crosshead screws prevents light leakage and retains the iris assembly. To install an iris, follow these steps.
Figure 7
Use a crosshead screwdriver to loosen the screws on the drop-in iris slot cover. Do not remove the screws.
Slide the cover completely forward, exposing the slot. Insert the iris. The flat side must be toward the shutters and the iris
handle should extend out of slot. Slide the slot cover back toward the shutters until it meets the iris
handle. Leave enough space to move the iris handle. Tighten the screws.
. The M-size pattern holder’s handle should bend
Figure 6
. When it is not in use, a
Be certain the luminaire is not hot before installing the iris.
CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom • 9
Figure 9
Lens tray with safety screen
Light baffle and retaining screw
Switching lens assemblies
Follow these steps to replace a fixed field angle lens with Zoom lenses.
Loosen the screw at the front of the light baffle.
Pull the light baffle out of the barrel.
Remove the beam focus knob from the bottom of the barrel and slide the lens assembly from the barrel.
Slide the Zoom lens rear assembly into the barrel and install its beam focus knob.
Slide the Zoom lens front assembly into the barrel and install its beam focus knob.
Slide the light baffle back into place.
Replace and tighten the screw at the front of the light baffle.
Reverse this procedure to replace Zoom lenses with a standard lens.
Cleaning lenses
Remove the lens assembly. (See above, steps 1-3.).
Remove safety screen.
Dampen a clean, lint-free cloth with vinegar or household ammonia. You may also use water, but it will leave spots which you may remove by polishing the lens gently with a clean, dry cloth.
abrasive material to clean lenses. Glass and window cleaners will stain the lens surface. Abrasive materials (such as steel wool) will damage lenses.
Starting from the centre, gently wipe the lens.
Replace safety screen.
Replace the lens assembly.
Change lenses if they become visibly damaged to the extent that their effectiveness is impaired, for example, by cracks or deep scratches.
Switching lens assemblies,
Never use glass and window cleaner or any
10 • CE Source Four jr & CE Source Four jr Zoom
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