Quick Start Guide
LokSound Select
LokSound V4.0
Technical Data for LokSound Select and LokSound V4.0 Decoders
Operational modes
NMRA/DCC with 14, 28, 128 speed steps.
2-digit (short) and 4-digit (long) addresses.
Analog DC operation (de-selectable).
Automatic recognition of operational mode and DCC speed step selection.
Runs all DC and coreless motors.
Silent, safe 31,25 kHz pulse width frequency BEMF
Motor output overload protection
8 pin and 21MTC decoders 1.10A continuous load / 2.00 A peak load
Next18 / Select Micro and V4.0 decoders 0.75A continuous load / 1.00 A peak load
Function outputs
8 pin Select and V4.0 decoders Up to 6 outputs (6 powered)
21MTC Select and V4.0 decoders Up to 8 outputs (4 powered, 4 logic)
Next18 / Select Micro and V4.0 decoders Up to 6 outputs (4 powered, 2 logic)
Audio amplifier: 2W @ 4 Ohm load
Speaker impedance 4 - 16 Ohms
Memory capacity 32 MBit
8 sound channels, all playable at once!
Over 20 different sounds!
DCC Servicemode & DCC POM (Programming on Main).
RailCom® Feedback system. RailComPlus® automatic Registration.
CV Name Description Range
1 Loco address Short (2 digit) address of locomotive 1 - 127 3
2 Start voltage Minimum speed of the locomotive 1 - 255 3
3 Acceleration This value multiplied by 0.25 is the time from stop to maximum speed 0 - 255 80
4 Deceleration This value multiplied by 0.25 is the time from maximum speed to stop 0 - 255 80
5 Maximum speed Maximum speed of the locomotive 0 - 255 255
6 Medium speed Medium speed of locomotive 0 - 255 88
8 Manufacturer‘s ID Manufacturers‘s ID ESU - Writing value 8 in this CV triggers a reset to
factory default values
151 -
17 & 18Long address of the loco Long address of engine ( see full manual online at www.loksound.com)
19 Consist Address Additional address for consist operation. Value 0 or 128 means: consist
address is disabled
1 – 127 consist address active, normal direction
129 – 255 consist address active reverse direction
0-255 0
27 Brake mode Allowed brake modes 28
Bit Function Value
0 ABC braking, voltage higher on the right hand side 1
1 ABC braking, voltage higher on the left hand side 2
2 ZIMO® HLU brakes active 4
3 Brake on DC, if polarity against driving direction 8
4 Brake on DC, if polarity like driving direction 16
7 Loco brakes with constant brake distance, if FS=0 128
28 RailCom® Configuration Settings for RailCom® 131
Bit Function Value
0 Channel 1 Address broadcast enabled 1
1 Data transmission allowed on Channel 2
7 RailCom® Plus automatic loco recognition active 128
29 Configuration register Calculated field. Add up the values you want to activate, then write this
number into CV 29.
Bit Function Value
0 Normal direction of travel
Reversed direction of travel
1 14 speed steps DCC
28 or 128 speed steps DCC
2 Disable analog operation
Enable analog operation
3 Disable RailCom®
Enable RailCom®
4 Speed curve through CV 2, 5, 6
Speed curve through CV 67 - 94
5 Short addresses (CV 1) in DCC mode
Long addresses (CV 17 + 18) in DCC mode
31 Index register H Should be either “0” or “16” for LokSound Decoders 16 16
CV Name Description Range
32 Index register L CV 32=0 if accessing CVs 1- 255, CV 31=1,2,3 if accessing CVs 257-511 0 - 4 0
48 Master Sound Select Selects the prime mover sound (0, 16, 32, 64), the horn (0-15), the bell
(0,64), Brake Squeal Sound (0, 128) - add the numbers up for each selection to get the final value of CV 48. Will vary between sound files. Locate
the sound file description on our web site for valid values.
0 - 255
49 Extended
Configuration #1
0 Enable Load control (Back-EMF)
Disable Load control (Back-EMF)
100 - 255 19
1 DC Motor PWM frequency
20kHz motor pulse frequency
40 kHz motor pulse frequency
2 Reserved
3 Reserved 0
4 Automatic DCC speed step detection
Disable DCC speed step detection
Enable DCC speed step detection
5 LGB® function button mode
Disable LGB® function button mode
Enable LGB® function button mode
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
50 Analogue mode Selection of allowed analogue modes 0 - 3 3
Bit Description Value
0 AC Analogue Mode ( Only LokSound V4.0)
Disable AC Analog Mode
Enable AC Analog Mode
1 DC Analogue mode
Disable DC Analogue mode
Enable DC Analogue Mode
61 Random sound «min» Multiplied by 0.25 it is the time in seconds for the shortest random
sound interval. F
0 - 255 120
62 Random sound «max» Multiplied by 0.25 it is the time in seconds for the longest random sound
0 - 255 200
63 Sound volume «Master» Master volume for all sounds. 0 - 192 192
64 Brake sound threshold
«Brake On»
If the actual loco speed step is smaller than or equals the value indicated
here, the brake sound is triggered.
0 - 255 100
65 Brake sound threshold
«Brake Off»
If the actual loco speed step is smaller than the one indicated here (up to
255), the brake sound will be switched off again. .
0 - 255 25
66 Forward Trim Divided by 128 is the factor used to multiply the motor voltage when
driving forward. The value 0 deactivates the trim.
0 - 255 128
67-94Speed table Defines motor voltage for speed steps. The values „in between“ will be
0 - 255 -
CV Name Description Range
95 Reverse Trim Divided by 128 is the factor used to multiply the motor voltage when
driving backwards. Value 0 deactivates the trim.
0 - 255 128
113 Power Fail Bypass The time that the decoder bridges via the PowerPack after an interrup-
tion of voltage. Unit: A multiple of 0.016384 sec.
0 - 255 50
124 Extended Configura-
tion #2
Additional important settings for decoders - 24
Bit Description Value
0 Bi-directional bit: Enable driving direction when shifting
Disable driving direction.
1 Disable decoder lock with CV 15 / 16
Enable decoder lock with CV 15 / 16
2 Disable prime mover startup delay
Enable prime mover startup delay
3 Disable serial protocol for C-Sinus
Enable serial protocol for C-Sinus
4 Adaptive regulation frequency
Constant regulation frequency
5 Motor safety when blocking.
Motor is not switched off when blocked.
Motor is switched off for a few seconds when blocked to
avoid burnout
125 Starting voltage Analog
0 - 255 30
126 Maximum speed Analog
0 - 255 130
127 Starting voltage AC (ONLY for LokSound V4.0) 0 - 255 50
128 Maximum speed Analog AC(ONLY for LokSound V4.0) 0 - 255 150
134 ABC-Mode „Sensibility” Threshold, from which asymmentry on ABC shall be recognised. 4 - 32 12
See the full manual online at www.loksound.com