Congratulations on your selection of a new E1050 soil extractor built in
Canada by “Esteam Cleaning Systems.” Our goal has been to produce the
best high performance line of carpet cleaning equipment on the market
today. Reading your owners manual will help to achieve maximum benefit
from your purchase.
Introduction on the E1050 2
Specifications 2
Maintenance 3
Safety Information 3
Operating Instructions 4
Trouble Shooting 7
Schematic 10
Warranty Registration 30
Warranty 31
Page No.
115 volts or 220 volts
115 volts or 220 volts
115 volts or 220 volts
Vacuum lift
Pump Motor
1/4 HP A/C
1/4 HP A/C
1/4 HP A/C
N/A N/A 1850 watt / 200ºF
(Clean water)
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
26 inches (66 cm)
26 inches (66 cm)
26 inches (66 cm)
17 inches (43 cm)
17 inches (43 cm)
17 inches (43 cm)
34 inches (86 cm)
34 inches (86 cm)
34 inches (86 cm)
110 lbs (49.8 kgs)
115 lbs (52 kgs)
115 lbs (52 kgs)
Be it a small residential job or a large commercial contract, Esteam Cleaning Systems
industrial carpet cleaning extractors are right for your needs. The E1000 deliver the
ultimate in power, capacity, durability, and performance. The 500 PSI models are a
light weight portable electronic truckmount, and is one of the most powerful soil
extractors on the market.
Only the highest quality components go into our equipment, to deliver you strength and
reliability in a long life high performance machine. All Esteam Cleaning Systems
equipment housings are made of high impact, unbreakable polyethylene.
The E1050 incorporates a unique single 3 stage vacuum produci ng 150 inches of water
lift or 185 inches of water lift with optional dual 3 stage vacuum. To compliment the
vacuum lift the E1050 comes standard with a 500 PSI PumpTec pump. No cleaning job
is too large for the E1050.
E1050 ( 110v&220v )
One cord
14 amps
Single 3 stage (LRG-PLASTIC)
500 psi Plunger
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
Two cords
14 amps per cord
2-3 stage High Performance
500 psi Plunger
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
Two cords
14 amps per cord
Single 3 stage (LRG-PLASTIC)
500 psi Plunger
10.5 gallons (40 litres)
- Clean high water level float screen inside the recov er y tank.
- Ensure high level float ball is working properly.
- Rinse out recovery tank after use.
- Clean dirt and obstructions from the (recovery tank) drain valve rubber
gaskets to prevent premature wear.
- Rinse out pump with clean water at conclusion of work day.
- Clean poly housing with mild soap and water.
- Chec k mac hine fuse.
- Clean air inlet and check exhaust port.
- Check to make sure cooling fan is operating properly.
- Check 1 ½ dump valve seal.
- We recommend that your unit be inspected by a qualified service technician
once a year.
- Never store this unit in a place where there is a possibility of the temperature
dropping below 00C (320F).
1. Prior to inspection or repair of this machine, di sc onn ec t all el ect r ic a l cords
rendering the machine powerless. Failure to do so could result in serious or fatal
2. Inspect unit daily for worn or damaged components. E.g. frayed cord, loose plug,
or a plug with missing ground pin, etc.
3. This unit should only be operated when in an upright position on a level surface.
4. Do not operate unit unless it is properly grounded in a 3 pin grounded outlets.
Never bend or remove ground pin from plugs.
5. Ensure filters and screens are free from lint or dirt.
6. Do not run unit if vacuum motor or pump are wet. Allow sufficient time for motor
to dry before plugging unit in.
7. Do not use solvent based cleaning products in this extractor.
8. Keep air inlets and exhaust por ts fre e fro m ob st ruc ti ons. Blocked air inlets or
exhaust ports can cause the unit to overheat.
9. Do not use solution or recovery tanks for storing hoses, cords or accessories.
10. When using electrical equipment around water it is important to wear rubber
soled shoes and keep machine pr operl y grounded at all times. Failure to do so
could result in a fatal electric shock.
1. Insert electrical cords into 3 pin grounded outlets.
2. We recommend the use of a liquid defoamer, to prevent the machine from
prematurely shutting off due to excess foam in the recovery tank. Turn on
vacuum and pour approximately ¼ cup of Esteam Liquid Defoamer into the end
of the vacuum hose.
3. 500 PSI Plunger pump priming instructions:
- Fill fresh water tank
- Turn on vacuum
- Always release the pressure by depressing the prime valve prior to turning on
the pump, to release head pressur e and prevent blowing fuse or over ampi ng
the pump motor
- Turn on pump
- Cover vacuum barb on recovery tank
- Pull prime valve trigger for about 30 seconds
- Shut off pump and vacuum
- Connect hoses for cleaning and machine is ready to use.
4. To adjust pump pressure: Turn pressure regulator (located at the lower front of
machine) clockwise to increase pressure; counter-clockwise to decrease
A. Hook the wand solution hose to the quick connect of your machine.
B. Plug the heater power cord into a wall that is on a separate circuit form the other
C. Turn the heater switch on.
D. When the red light goes out, solution is heated and ready to use.
WARNING: If your heater does not work DO NOT attempt to repair it yourself, call your
distributor for repair procedures. Using solvents in heaters can be hazardous and will
void your warranty. Allowing heaters to freeze will crack the heater cartridge and will
also void your warranty.
DANGER: No solvents of any type may be used in this system at any time. The use of
solvents is extremely hazardous resulting in possible fire and/or explosion.
5. Connect vacuum and solution hoses to the carpet cleaning wand.
6. Proceed to clean carpets.
7. When the recovery tank becomes full, vacuum will automatically stop extracting.
When vacuum stops extracting it will make a distinctive high pitched noise as all
the air flow will be cut off. At this time switch unit off. Drain the recovery tank by
pulling up on drain valve on front of machine.
NOTE: Ensure that the high water level float screen inside the recovery tank is free
from any obstructions. Be sure to close drain valve before resuming cleaning.
8. To empty solution tank remove vacuum hose from wand. Turn on vacuum and
extract solution from solution tank into recovery tank, then drain recovery tank.
NOTE: Do not completely submerge end of vacuum hose into solution. Allow some air
to enter end of vacuum hose with liquid.
9. When the job is completed empty and rinse out the solution and recovery tanks.
Allow vacuum to run for 3 to 5 minutes. This will eliminate all moistu re from
vacuum assuring long vacuum life.
WARNING: When using electrical equipment around water it is important to wear
rubber soled shoes and keep machine properly grounded at all times. Failure to do so
could result in electric s hock .
WARNING: Prior to inspection or repair of this machine, disconnect all
electrical cords rendering the machine powerless. Failure to do so could
result in serious or fatal injury.
1. Entire unit will not 1. Unit not plugged in 1. Connect unit to 3 pin
operate grounded outlets
2. Blown fuse on machine 2. Check machine fuses
and replace if necessary
3. Blown fuse or breaker for 3. Check fuse panel for
plug in outlet blown fuse
4. Loose wiring 4. See dealer
2. 500 PSI Plunger 1. Switch not turned on 1. Turn on switch
pump will not run
2. Broken switch 2. See dealer
3. Loose wiring 3. See dealer
4. Pump motor defective 4. See dealer
3. Vacuum will not run 1. Switch not turned on 1. Turn on switch
2. Blown fuse 2. Replace fuse
3. Broken switch 3. See dealer
4. Loose wiring 4. See dealer
5. Blocked rotor 5. See dealer
4. 500 PSI Plunger 1. Out of solution 1. Fill solution tank with
pump runs but does solution
not pump solution
3. Pump was not properly 3. Prime pump using
primed priming hose
4. Kink in solution hose 4. Remove kink
5. Plugged jet or quick connect 5. Remove blockage
6. Internal (inside machine) or 6. See dealer
external solution line damaged
and leaking
5. 500 PSI Plunger 1. Pressure regulator valve 1. Adjust pressure using
pump runs but has out of adjustment regulator located at the
loss of pressure front of the machine
2. Partial kink in solution hose 2. Remove kink
3. Partial blockage in solution 3. Remove blockage
4. Jet orifice opening on clean- 4. Total jet opening for 500
ing wand is too large PSI pump should be .02
5. Pressure regulator valve 5. See dealer
components wearing out
6. Internal pump components 6. See dealer
wearing out
6. Vacuum operates 1. Recovery tank full 1. Drain recovery tank
but has poor or no
suction 2 Vacuum hose plugged 2. Locate and remove
3. Wand plugged 3. Locate and remove
4. Exhaust port blocked 4. Locate and remove
5. High level float stuck in off 5. Turn vacuum off and tap
position top of float screen cage
6. Front drain valve left open 6. Close recovery tank
after draining recovery tank drain valve on front of
7. Vacuum prema- 1. Excess foam in recovery 1. Add defoame r to
turely stops extracting tank recovery tank
2. Lint or dirt on automatic 2. Clean auto shut off float
shut off float screen screen
8. Machine spits water 1. High level float not working 1. Check auto shut off float
out of exhaust port properly cage and ball for proper
9. Machine blowing 1. Damaged (leaking) recov- 1. Immediately shut unit
excessive amounts of ery tank fittings down. Bring unit to a
water out of exhaust dealer for service
10. Water accumulate- 1. Inside solution line leaking 1. Immediately shut unit
ing in bottom electrical down. Bring unit to a
component area dealer for service
2. Pump leaking 2. Immediately shut unit
down. Bring unit to a
dealer for service
3. Solution or recovery tank 3. Immediately shut unit
leaking from above down. Bring to a dealer
for service
11. Heater won’t work. 1. Heater cord not plugged in. Connect cord to 3 Pin
(Separate) outlet
2. Faulty Thermostat or See dealer
Thermo cut-out
12. Water not hot 1. Check Jet size on wand or
enough upholstery tool. Do not
ex ceed . 02 orfice size for
maximum heat transfer
2. Do not use cold water in
solution tank. Must use
hot tap water for maximum
heat transfer
E1050 ( P. 1 )
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