Estate Swing E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Plug-in Option
E-S 1000H Series
Estate Swing Summary of Functions
Class I: A vehicular gate opener (or system) intended for use in a home of one-to-four single family dwelling, or a garage or parking area associ­ated therewith.
The Estate Swing automated system was designed and built for controlling vehicle access. Do not use for any other purpose.
The external automation with an electromechanical non-reversing linear arm auto­mates residential dual swing-leaf gates with leaves of up to 12’ in length per leaf. It consists of an irreversible electromechanical operator with built in opening and clos­ing limits and utilizes a worm screw system. The irreversible system ensures the gate is mechanical locked when the motor is not operating. A lock still needs to be installed if security or high winds are a concern. Removal of the gate slide pin will manually al­low the gate to be opened.
For Your Assistance
Keep this manual safely stored after installation
Serial Number ________________________________
Date of Purchase _____________________________
Place of Purchase ____________________________
Have this information on hand while handling all service and warranty issues.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
The table of contents are listed to assist you locating a desired section. We do however
strongly suggest studying every page of the instruction manual before attempting installation.
Section 1: Review of Specifications, Warnings, and Tools Specifications of the Estate Swing and Components 1.1 Parts List 1.2 System Overview & Preliminary Checks 1.3 Tools Needed for Installation 1.4
Section 2: Installation of Mounting Brackets
Manual Operation 2.1
Pull to Open Illustration 2.2
IMPORTANT: Determining SetbackPull to Open 2.3 Installation of OperatorPull to Open 2.4-7 Push to Open Illustration 2.8 IMPORTANT: Determining SetbackPush to Open 2.9 Installation of OperatorPush to Open 2.10-13
Section 3: Gate Operator Mounting, Wiring Motors and Power
Mounting Gate Operator(s) & Finding Limits 3.1-.2 Control Box & Running Wires 3.3 Easy Wiring Under Driveway 3.4
Removing Terminal Strips for Wiring 3.5
Wiring the Operator Arms(s) (Pull & Push to Open) 3.6-7 Temporary Safety Jumpers & Dip Switch Settings 3.8 Power 3.9
Section 4: Start Up and Operation
First Run 4.1 Determine Run Time 4.2 Operating Parameters Customization 4.3 433 Plug-In Receiver 4.4-.5
Section 5: Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Accessories
Maintenance 5.1 Troubleshooting 5.2-.5 Control Board Overview 5.6-.10 Accessories 6.0-.1
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Section 1:
Review of Specifications, Warnings,
and Tools
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Model Estate Swing E-S 1000H
Power Supply Group Size 24 Deep Cycle Marine
Battery (included)
Current (A) 3
Travel (in.) 20
Cycles per hour 50% Duty Cycle / Approx. 35
Operating Ambient Temp 0 to 110 F
Protection Class IP44
Gate leaf max length (ft.) Up to 16
Gate leaf max weight (lbs.) Up to 1000
Operator Type Screw Drive
Operator Weight 18 lbs.
Gate Weight / Length
6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’
100 lbs
250 lbs
400 lbs
650 lbs
800 lbs
1000 lbs
The above chart represents the maximum weight and length combinations that this gate opener can handle. The lengths and weights are either for a single gate or for a single leaf of a dual gate.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Estate Swing Parts List
Group Size 24 Deep Cycle Marine Battery is included
Master or Single Operator Slave Operator (if applicable)
A. Control Box with Control Board and Receiver
B. Operator Arm with 42” of Wire
C. Connector Pins and Clips
D. Wire Harness
E. Gate Mounting Bracket
F. Post Mounting Brackets
Not Shown:
•Transmitter/Receiver Pack
•Mounting Hardware
1 - 3/8”x1 3/8” Hex bolts, washer, nut
1 - 5/16”x 1 3/8” Hex bolt, washer, nut
2 - 3/8”x 2” Carriage bolt, washers, nut
1 - 1/4” x 2” Hex bolt, washers, nut
A. N/A
B. Operator Arm with 42” of Wire
C. Connector Pins and Clips
D. N/A
E. Gate Mounting Bracket
F. Post Mounting Brackets
Not Shown:
•Additional Wire
•Mounting Hardware
1 - 3/8”x1 3/8” Hex bolts, washer, nut
1 - 5/16”x 1 3/8” Hex bolt, washer, nut
2 - 3/8”x 2” Carriage bolt, washers, nut
1 - 1/4” x 2” Hex bolt, washers, nut
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Standard System Overview and Safety Zones
The system displayed below is a recommended standard system. Other approved accessories
can be installed. Photo sensors and a flashing light indicating gate movement is recommend­ed for safety purposes.
1,2 Estate Swing Operator • 3 Photocells (not included) • 4 Control board • 5 N/A • 6 Push but- ton opening device (not included) • 7 Receiver extension (not included)• 8 12Vdc flashing lamp (not included) • 9 Positive stop (not included) • 10 Charging Control
1) When laying electrical cables, use appropriate rigid and/or flexible tube
2) Do not run any wires in the same conduit as110 AC power that may be in the area. This will cause danger of electrocution.
Important: Preliminary Checks
To ensure safety and an efficiently operating automated system, make sure the following conditions are observed.
The gate and post must be suitable for being automated. Check that the structure is sufficiently
strong and rigid, and its dimensions and weights conform to those indicated on page 1.
Make sure the gates move smoothly without any irregular friction during entire travel.
Make sure the hinges are in good condition. Ball bearing hinges are necessary for gates weighing
over 200 lbs. or over 10’ in length.
Make sure the gate is plumb and level.
The gate post must be secured in the ground with concrete. This will prevent alteration of align-
ments and leveling during installation and during cycles.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Tools Needed for Installation
• Power Drill
• Crescent Wrench
• Flat Head Screwdriver
• Hacksaw/Sawzall
• Phillips Head Screwdriver
*For Dual Gate Openers you will also need: Junction Box & Bus Connector
Other items may be needed prior to commencing installation. Bolded items are necessary to all applications.
• Positive post, bracket or door stop. Although the Estate Swing 1000 features built in limit switches it is highly rec-
ommended to have positive stops.
16 gauge, 2 conductor stranded direct burial low voltage wire will be required to run power to your battery. Length is determined by distance between transformer or solar power supply and the control box.
• 4 - 3/8” Carriage Bolts will be needed to connect the 2 “L” shaped brackets to the post. Length will be deter­mined by the size of your posts.
• A metal support bracket may be needed to achieve the appropriate desired setback. The metal support
bracket will be bolted or welded to your post to give a larger amount of space to mount the provided mounting bracket.
• A voltage meter and digital camera may be necessary to run diagnostic checks.
• If your transformer is going to be plugged into an outdoor outlet you will need to weatherproof that outlet and
transformer. Electrical boxes or plug covers can be obtained from a local hardware store to accommodate both the plug and transformer.
• C-Ring Pliers
• Tape Measure
• Level
• Wire Strippers
• C-clamps
• Hardware to attach the control box to a post or fence.
• Wire strain reliefs for running wires into control box.
Protect all ongoing and outgoing wires with a surge suppressor.
Consult your local dealer for more information.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Section 2:
Installation of Mounting Brackets
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Manual Operation
To Manually Open & Close Gate:
1) Remove the pin as seen to the right.
2) Swing motor off of the gate bracket.
3) Swing gate and opener out of the way of vehicle and then reclose gate and re-attach arm.
To Manually Change Position of Piston:
1) Remove pin as seen below.
2) The shaft can now be turned to open and close manually.
3) Replace pin to exit manual operation.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
IMPORTANT: Pull to Open Operation
This means the gate operator is mounted on the inside of the property and pulls your gate in towards the property. If you are going to use push to open operation “X” out the next 3 pages and use the push to open section instructions.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
IMPORTANT: Determining Correct Setback
Below are 2 common examples of setback mountings. These are not the only options
for mounting.
There are 4 factors to keep in mind when finding the setback mounting:
1) The (A) measurement is perpendicular from the gate in the CLOSED position.
2) There must be clearance for your gate opener to attach to the gate in the closed position. This is most commonly
an issue on columns. Re-positioning of the hinges or Push-To-Open operation may be required to achieve clearance.
3) The brackets do not and must not move after installation.
4) The "L" shape brackets can be mounted anywhere on the post or column. They can be mounted on a separate
post or fence as well. The only factor of importance is that when mounting of the brackets is done the hole in the boomerang bracket that the gate opener mounts on matches the setback on this page.
It is best to C-Clamp brackets on and test arm movement clearance before permanently attaching them.
Variations to the ideal setback can be made, so long as the total is less than the combined measurements for the desired opening arc and the motor body is more than 2 inches away from the gate in both the open and closed po­sition. (setback variations significantly reduces the length and weight capacity of the operator)
Use one of the rows to the right:
A B Sum a
6” 8½” 14 110°
To determine the position of the gate mounting bracket (above is for the post mounting bracket) refer to step 13 in the section “Installation of operator”
7 ½” 9” 16 ½ 100°
9 ½” 9 ½” 19 90°
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Installation of Operator—Pull-to-Open
1) Locate the set back template found in the box to determine the proper setback. Create a template out of the boomerang bracket by tracing it on a piece of cardboard.
2) Find the proper setback for your operator
(from previous page). Hold the lower “L”
shaped bracket along with the boomerang bracket template against the post near the hinge. [See Fig. 1]
Mark how much of the boomerang bracket
you will trim off on the template. The hole on
the end of the boomerang bracket should be in the setback position.
NOTE: The “L” shape brackets in our illustrations
are on the opposite side of the post as the
hinges. The “L” shape brackets in your situation
may be on the rear face of the post, this will be determined by the relation of the setback to the hinge location of your gate.
3) Trim boomerang bracket template, then double check setback positioning.
Using the template, mark the boomerang
bracket for cutting. [See Fig. 2]
4) Cut off the excess length (if any) of the boomerang bracket using a sawzall or hack­saw.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Alternate Mounting Option
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Installation of Operator—Pull-to-Open
5) Utilizing a level, mark a line on the post that is level with the bottom of the horizon­tal cross member. [See Fig. 3]
6) Place the lower “L” shaped bracket so
the top of the bracket is aligned with the mark on the post. Mark then drill and attach
the bracket using 3/8” carriage bolts. [See Fig. 4]
Check “L” shaped bracket for levelness
before putting in the second bolt.
Fig 3
Fig 4
Continue on next page.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Installation of Operator—Pull-to-Open
Before permanently attaching any brackets, be sure to test arm motion
and clearance.
7) Place the upper “L” shaped bracket and the boomerang bracket on the lower “L”
shaped bracket. Position the brackets in the setback that is being used.
8) With the 3 brackets clamped together,
mark then drill the upper “L” shaped brack­et in place and attach it using 3/8” carriage
bolts. [See Fig. 5]
9) Drill through the center hole of the “L”
shaped set to penetrate the boomerang bracket. Double check the setback on the
boomerang bracket.
10) Drill the set hole through all 3 brackets
using a 5/16” drill bit in an area behind the first hole. Secure the hole with a 5/16” bolt
and the provided nuts and lock washers. [See Fig. 6]
Fig 5
Fig 6
Continue on next page.
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
Installation of Operator—Pull-to-Open
Before permanently attaching any brackets, be sure to test arm motion
and clearance.
measure 59” from the center of the hole on
the boomerang bracket to the center of the hole on the gate bracket - this should be the position of the gate bracket on the closed gate. [See Fig. 7]
14) Additionally measure and mark the gate mounting bracket so that it is vertically centered on the horizontal bar.
15) To ensure that the gate mounting brack­et is leveled, secure one side of the bracket, check for levelness, and secure the other side with provided carriage bolts, nuts, and washers. [See Fig. 8]
Fig 7
Fig 8
E-S 1000H Series Instruction Manual
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