Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
K1 Series
All-In-One 12-Pad

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
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Document Information
IOMK1 Installation/Operations Manual for the K1 Series All-In-One
12-Pad 3x4 and 2x6 - October 2006
This documentation is also applicable to prior revisions except
where noted.
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Copyright© 2006 Essex Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
K1 Series All-In-One 12-Pad
Self-Contained Keyless Entry® System

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Introduction .................................................................................. 1
Overview - The K1 Series ............................................................. 1
Keypad........................................................................................... 1
Keypad Specifications ................................................................... 1
Keypad Part Numbers ................................................................... 2
Keypad Connector Diagram ........................................................ 3
Keypad Configuration .................................................................. 5
Self-Contained Keyless Entry® System..................................... 9
Self-Contained Keyless Entry® System Specifications ................ 9
Self-contained Keyless Entry® System Configuration ............... 10
Programming System Setup ..................................................... 12
Programming Individual Users ................................................. 17
Normal System Operation ......................................................... 22
Keypad LED Status Indicators .................................................... 22
Tamper Alarm .............................................................................. 22
Warranty & Repairs .................................................................... 24
Table of Contents

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
! Overview – The K1 Series
! 3x4 Keypad (left) and
2x6 Keypad (right)
The Essex K1 Series All-In-One 12-Pad
Self-Contained Keyless Entry® System
is an extremely versatile Keypad that
can be configured in the field. The 500user code system consists of either a
3x4 or 2x6 Keypad.
Input Voltage: 5VDC or 12 to 24VDC (Jumper
Standby Current Draw: 25mA
Outputs: 3 Open Collector, 1/4 A Max to
Keypad Switch Life: >1 Billion Cycles
Keypad Operating Environment: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +160°F),
100% Relative Humidity
3x4 Keypad Dimensions: 5-1/8"H x 3-3/8"W x 7/16"D
(13 x 8.6 x 1.1 cm)
2x6 Keypad Dimensions: 7-1/8"H x 1-3/4"W x 3/4"D
(13 x 8.6 x 1.1 cm)
3x4 Keypad Weight: 16 oz (454 gm)
2x6 Keypad Weight: 4.4 oz (125 gm)
LED's: 1 Red, 1 Green
! Keypad Specifications

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
! Keypad Part Numbers
3x4 Keypad
K1-34B Brass Finished* Bezel
K1-34S Stainless Steel Bezel
K1-34K Black Bezel
K1-34X No Bezel
2x6 Keypad
K1-26B Brass Overlay
K1-26I Illuminated
K1-26S Stainless Steel Overlay
K1-26R Braille Overlay
*Bezel is brass in appearance. Actual bezel is PVD-coated stainless

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Keypad Connector Diagram
BLACK- Ground
YELLOW- Anti Tailgate
If not used, this must be connected to BLACK. By adding a door
monitor switch between YELLOW and BLACK, the door will relock
immediately after opening. If the third output is set up as an
Internal Alarm, this switch will trigger the alarm if the door is
opened without a code or if the door is left open longer than the
Door Ajar Time setting.
(Do NOT apply voltage)
12-24V (default)- Jumper on
1 pin only
5V- Jumper on both pins
Tailgate/Internal Alarm
(Do NOT apply voltage)
PINK- Remote Bypass
(Do NOT apply voltage)
BLUE- Output B
BROWN- 24-hr Access (Do
NOT apply voltage)
TAN- Earth Ground
BLACK- Ground
ORANGE- Program (Do NOT
apply voltage)
RED- Input Voltage
WHITE- Output A
GREEN- Output for Encoded
Relay Module (optional)
NOTE: The 2x6 connector is rotated 180 degrees

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
PINK- Remote Bypass
Connect a Normally Open push button between PINK and BLACK
to trigger the main output for its normal Door Open Time setting.
ORANGE- Set Up Programming
Momentarily connecting ORANGE to BLACK puts the unit in Set
Up Mode (same as entering * 3, Master Code #).
GREEN- Optional Encoded Relay Module
GREEN is a special output for an optional “Secure/Encoded Relay
Module”. (Part No. ERM-3)
BROWN- 24-hour Access
If Time Clock is enabled in Set up (page 16) and the BROWN wire
is grounded, all codes work normally. When the BROWN wire is
not grounded, only those codes with 24-hour Access Authorization
(page 17) will function.
External Relay Wiring Diagram
Note: The Main, A and B Keypad outputs are transistor outputs
intended to drive an external relay.

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Keypad Configuration
Voltage Selection
The factory default setting for the Keypad voltage is 12-24VDC.
Verify that the jumper is removed or placed over only one pin. For
5VDC, the jumper should be placed across both pins. If changing
the voltage is necessary, make sure the power is removed first.
Keypad Output Selection
Once the voltage jumper is verified or correctly set (see above):
1. Remove power.
2. Jumper the two pins above the connector labeled "CONFIG.”
3. Apply appropriate power. (You should hear 4 beeps and the
RED LED will flash and the GREEN LED will be solid).
4. Now that the Keypad is in configuration mode, select the
desired output by entering the configuration number followed
by #.
a. Keypad Output
Keypad Output Configuration
Self-Contained- ERM-3* 98 #
Self-Contained- Non-encoded 99 #
*Requires Essex Encoded Relay Module, which contains a serial
interface to connect a computer for programming and reading
codes, or a printer for real-time print-out of activities.
b. To change the audible beep, enter
Code Audible Beep
201 # Normal Beep (factory default)
200 # Short Click (quieter)

Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
c. To change the illumination on the K1-26 only, enter the
code as follows:
Code Standby Mode Normal Operation
210 # Off (factory default) Off (factory default)
211 # Off Dim
212 # Off Bright
213 # Dim Dim
214 # Dim Bright
You should hear 3 beeps indicating successful configuration
(the RED LED will continue to flash and the GREEN LED will
be solid). If you hear a long error beep, re-enter the configuration number followed by #.
5. Remove power.
6. Remove configuration jumper.
7. Re-apply power.
IMPORTANT: Once the configuration is selected, you must remove power, remove the configuration jumper and then re-apply
power in order to complete the configuration procedure. Note: If
the configuration jumper is not removed, the LED's will flash and
the Keypad will beep continuously.
Keypad Reset
In certain cases you may want to erase all user codes and restore
system defaults. To perform this procedure: