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This heater may be installed in any room in a home: however there are exception and
the heater may not be used in bedrooms, bathrooms or shower rooms. Additionally for
LPG, the heater must not be used in cellars or basements.
Installations in living rooms and conservatories are popular, other rooms such as
kitchens, dining rooms and hallways are permitted, providing a suitable gas supply is
available, and the room sizing and ventilation requirements are adhered to.
The heater is designed to be versatile, and as such will operate correctly when exposed
to normal gentle draughts experienced within the home. It is not recommended,
however that the heater be installed in areas where it is likely to be exposed to
persistent strong draught, that may be generated by outside doors, windows or air
vents. It is recommended that the heater should not be installed within 1m of any air
Non-combustible surfaces are defined as brick, metal, marble, concrete etc., and also a
number of man-made materials impervious to flame. If in doubt refer to the material
manufacturer for further information, before proceeding with installation.
It is recommended that there is at least 400mm (16”) clearance above the outlet grille.
Minimum clearance from the bottom of the outer frame to the floor must be 90mm
Clearance to the sides of the heater is 50mm (2”), however, clear and easy access to the
controls located on the lower right hand side of the heater behind the front panel on
the right hand side must be allowed for, and we would therefore recommend that at
least 100mm (4”) be allowed.
Clearance to the front of the heater is 500mm (2ft). Care must be taken that no brickwork
or other incombustible material protrudes into the area immediately around the base
of the heater or area underneath the heater in a way that is likely to affect natural airflow
into or around the heater.