Document Version 4.0
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
ES&S Document Manual, All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. 2014 by Election Systems
& Software, LLC, 11208 John Galt Blvd., Omaha, NE 68137-2364.
This document, as well as the product described in it, is furnished under license and may be
used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this
document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and
should not be construed as a commitment by Election Systems & Software, Inc. Election
Systems & Software, Inc., assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies
that may appear in this document. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
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Election Systems & Software does not extend any warranties by this document. All product
information and material disclosure contained in this document is furnished subject to the
terms and conditions of a purchase or lease agreement. The only warranties made by Election
Systems & Software are contained in such agreements. Users should ensure that the use of
this equipment complies with all legal or other obligations of their governmental jurisdictions.
All ES&S products and services described in this document are registered trademarks of
Election Systems & Software. All other products mentioned are the sole property of their
respective manufacturers.
Proprietary Information
ES&S has identified and appropriately marked relevant portions of this document, which it
considers confidential and proprietary. We request confidential treatment by the EAC of such
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the event that a third party requests disclosure of information which ES&S considers
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The document sections referenced below contain Election Systems and Software, Inc. (ES&S)
confidential information, which is provided for the sole purpose of permitting the recipient,
to evaluate the ES&S Voting System submitted herewith. The following sections are
designated as “Proprietary and Confidential” by Election Systems & Software.
Loss of Power To the Facility ........................................................................... 189
Chapter 13: Revision History ............................................................................... 190
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Part 1: Introduction
The Introduction contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview
Chapter 2: Safety Information
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface
Part 1: Introduction1
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Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview
The ES&S DS850 is a high-speed, computerized, digital image-based scanner and
tabulator with ballot sorting capabilities. The ES&S DS850 is designed to process all of
the ballot types supported by the ES&S election management system, including folded
(absentee) ballots.
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview2
The DS850 accurately records all votes as marked by the voter and is capable of
meeting or exceeding the 1.5 million mark test as stated in Volume 1, Section 2.1.1 of
the 2005 VVSG. Voter accumulation records are saved on the machine’s hard drive and
can be transferred from the hard drive to a USB flash drive.
The DS850 is capable of supporting multiple election models. In a traditional central
count model, voting takes place at various locations within a precinct, and when the
polls close, the ballots are physically transported to a central location, then scanned and
tabulated using the ES&S DS850. In a traditional precinct count model, ballots are
scanned during election day on an ES&S precinct scanner and tabulated once the polls
are closed. In this precinct-based model, the central count scanner is used to process
early voting and absentee ballots by scanning the ballots in the days up to and including
election day and subsequently tabulating them when the election is closed. In an all
mail-in model, all ballots are physically collected via mail to one or more central
locations and scanned up until the polls close on election day, at which time they are
This manual and the ES&S DS850 System Maintenance Guide are intended to help you
develop election procedures. However, election laws and procedures vary from state to
state, and your procedures must be in compliance with the laws and procedures that
apply to your jurisdiction.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
ES&S Elections
Jurisdictional Nomenclature
Terminology for the lowest-level common geopolitical civil division differs by state and
country. In this manual and other ES&S documentation, the entity is referred to as a
As a company with accounts across the country and around the world, ES&S recognizes
that certain jurisdictions use terms other than precinct. Some examples of the terms
used by other jurisdictions are Election District (or ED), Borough, Province, Division, and
District. These terms and others may be substituted for precinct depending upon the
particular jurisdiction. However, for consistency, ES&S uses the term precinct
throughout its documentation.
Election Definition
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview3
Using ElectionWare, election coders program a custom election definition onto a USB
flash drive for each DS850 used in your jurisdiction. An election definition contains all of
the candidates, contests, and ballot variations that the scanner will process at the
polling place. It also contains the user-defined codes that must be entered on the
scanner to perform various functions. The election definition provides default values for
configuration settings, some of which can be modified on the scanner after the election
definition is loaded.
Note: Screen text that ends with an ellipsis (…) indicates that more characters were entered
for the text in ElectionWare than the DS850 can display
Election Security
All ports for connecting USB and Ethernet devices are located behind lockable doors.
Each of these locations contains a provision for a wire seal for an additional level of
security. See Locks and Seals for information on the placement of the locks and seals.
Access to various system screens require entry of a code to prevent unauthorized access
to certain system functions.
The DS850 records errors and major events and tags these incidents with the date and
time the incident occurred based on the DS850’s real-time clock settings. Audit log
information can be exported to a USB flash drive inserted into a USB port on the DS850.
The Zero Report, which is printed before polls are open on Election Day, is used to
indicate no tampering has been done to the vote totals.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview4
Election officials using the DS850 must provide physical security measures or implement
procedures that limit access to the DS850 during the election period to authorized
personnel only. The election period encompasses the time the election definition is
loaded onto the system to the time final, official election results are produced and
Provisional Voting
In paper ballot-based systems, provisional ballots are handled procedurally. Voters are
allowed to vote a paper ballot that is segregated from valid Election Day ballots. After
the election, each provisional ballot envelope is authenticated against the appropriate
criteria and either allowed or not allowed. Those ballots found to be valid are then
opened and included in the Election Day totals according to processes defined by your
jurisdiction’s requirements. For example, some jurisdictions may hand-count provisional
ballots and manually enter them into Election Reporting Manager (ERM), while others
may create a separate election group and scan the ballots using a precinct or central
scanner such as the DS850.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview5
Facilities, Furnishings, and Fixtures Required for DS850 Operation
The following facilities, furnishings, and fixtures are required to operate the DS850:
ES&S recommends using the metal cart available for the DS850 for easier setup and
movement of the machine, which weighs approximately 200 pounds. The metal cart
weighs 190 pounds.
The DS850 is intended for indoor use only. During tabulation, ES&S recommends
the DS850 should be operated in a room measuring a minimum of 10 feet by 10
The DS850 can be operated in any temperature controlled facility, with
temperatures from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Operational
humidity during operations should be between 10 and 88 percent RH. The DS850 is
not protected against harmful ingress of moisture.
A standard 110V outlet must exist in the facility for power cord plug in. The DS850’s
input rating is 120V~50/60 Hz 8.0A single phase or 240V~50/60 Hz 8.0A dual phase.
The main supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed plus or minus 10 percent of
the rated supply voltage range. To ensure 2 hours of uninterruptible power you must
use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with the DS850.
The storage temperature for the DS850 is from -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 140
degrees Fahrenheit.
Reference: See Chapter 2: Safety Information for a complete list of the DS850 specifications
and cautions.
Locks and Seals
ES&S recommends the lock and seal placements described below to physically lock
down the DS850 and prevent system tampering.
The rear of the scanner is
secured by locking both
door locks. A
tamper-evident tape seal
can be used for
additional security.
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Published: February 26, 2014
The DS850 data ports on the right side of the
DS850 are all behind clear access doors that can
be protected by both locks and seals.
The DS850 data ports on the left
side of the DS850 are all behind a
clear access door that can be
protected by both a lock and a
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview6
Note: See Election Security in this chapter for more information.
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Published: February 26, 2014
Using USB Media Devices
USB Media Devices are used to clear and initialize the DS850, load an election definition
into the DS850, create an archive, and export data that has been saved to the DS850’s
internal memory. The ES&S EQC Media Device flash drive is used clear all data from the
machine and load the encryption keys that are needed to load and run the election. The
ES&S Election Definition Media Device flash drive is used to load the election definition
into the scanner. ES&S Election Definition Media Device flash drives and blank ES&S
Media Device flash drives and can be used to create an archive and to export data.
Reference: See Clearing and Initializing the Scanner, Loading the Election Definition, and
Exporting Data for more information on these processes.
Note: If you choose to use USB Media Devices, it is strongly recommended that you
use fully-formatted USB Media Devices rather than the Quick-formatted or cleared
(all files deleted) flash drives. The fully-formatted flash drives work faster and are
more reliable. If you have any questions about formatting your flash drives contact
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview7
The picture on the right shows a typical USB
flash drive.
Before inserting a USB flash drive, remove
the protective plastic cap to expose the USB
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
The ES&S EQC Media Device flash
drive, the ES&S Election Definition
Media Device flash drive, and a blank
ES&S Media Device flash drive can be
inserted into any one of the USB
ports on the DS850. Never force a
USB flash drive into a USB port.
Adjusting the DS850 Workspace
You can make several manual adjustments to the DS850 workspace to improve usability,
including adjusting the tilt of the screen, changing the length of the input and output
trays, and raising and lowering the side of the DS850’s cart.
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview8
Adjusting the Tilt of the Screen
You can tilt the screen forward
to achieve a potentially better
viewing angle by gently
pulling the top of the screen
outward. The picture on the
right shows a screen that has
been pulled forward.
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Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview9
Adjusting the Input and Output Trays
You can adjust the length of the input and output trays to accommodate different sized
The input tray can be extended to provide a
solid support for longer ballots. Use the round
opening to pull the extension to the right for
longer ballots. Slide the extension to the left
for shorter ballots. The picture on the right
shows the input tray extended for longer
It is also important that the output trays (or
bins) be adjusted to the proper length before
the ballots are scanned. If the output trays are
set for ballots that are longer than the ones
being scanned, the ballots might overshoot
the trays as they come through the transport.
If the output trays are set for ballots that are
shorter than the ones being scanned, the ballots will jam up in the trays.
Adjusting the output trays consists of
changing the length of the trays and the
position of the output tray paper stops. Each
of the output trays, like the input tray, has an
extension with a round opening in it. You can
use the opening to pull the extension to the
left for longer ballots, and you can slide the
extension to the right for shorter ballots.
There are markings on the output trays to
help you adjust them to the correct length
for the ballots. The picture on the right
shows an output tray set for 17” ballots.
After you adjust the length of the output
trays, set a sample ballot in each of them.
Then slide the output tray paper stops so that
there is approximately 10 mm between the
stop and the end of the ballot. The picture at
the right shows the output tray paper stops.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Raising and Lowering the DS850’s Cart Extension
To use the DS850 cart extension, lift up on the
extension until it is level and push up on the
brackets on both sides (as shown in the picture
on the right) until they lock into place.
To lower the extension, simultaneously press
the release button on the inside of the bracket
and press down on the hinge of the bracket.
Repeat this process with the other bracket and
carefully lower the extension. The extension
must not be allowed to drop as to prevent
damage to the extension and the cart.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview10
You must use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with the DS850. The UPS will
provide continuous power to the machine and to prevent the DS850 and the attached
printers from being damaged in case of a power surge. .
Note: The DS850 was certified using an external UPS to comply with electrical test
requirements in the VVSG. The DS850 must be operated with an external UPS to be in a
certified configuration.
Reference: See Chapter 5: Pre-Election Day Tasks for information on installing the UPS,
attaching the DS850 and printers to the UPS, turning on the UPS, and checking that the UPS
is communicating with the DS850.
Installing New Firmware
A certified ES&S Technician will usually install new firmware on the DS850. If you have
been instructed to install the new firmware an ES&S Support Representative will assist
you in the process.
Warning: Contact an ES&S Technician for instructions to return your DS850 to an earlier
firmware version. Do not use an earlier firmware update Compact Flash card to revert a
DS850 firmware version back to an earlier version.
Note: The Compact Flash card must be a minimum of 1 GB.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Contacting ES&S for Technical Support
This manual should aid you in accomplishing most tasks. However, if you need
additional assistance, or if you encounter a processing problem or system error, ES&S’
technical support staff can provide advice and help you resolve the situation.
When you contact ES&S for technical support, be near your equipment. In addition, be
prepared to provide the following information to the support representative:
The version number of the product you are using.
The exact wording of any messages that appeared.
A description of what happened when the problem occurred.
Support representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 8:00 A.M. and
7:00 P.M. CST.
Contact an ES&S Support Representative
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview11
Telephone Number (USA &
Telephone Number (International):402-593-0101
Address:Election Systems & Software
Note: ES&S’ support services are subject to ES&S’ prices, terms, and conditions in place at
the time the service is used.
Contacting ES&S for Supplies
ES&S recommends that you keep the supplies listed below on hand for each DS850.
You can order these items from ES&S by calling (877) 377-8683. Allow four weeks for
11208 John Galt Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68137 USA
8.5” x 11”, continuous feed, one-part paper for the audit log printer: ES&S
recommends that the printer paper be carbon-less to avoid smearing. If you will be
using ERM the same type of one-part paper can be used for both the ERM and
DS850 continuous-feed printers. Quantity: two boxes.
8.5” x 11”, standard laser printer paper for the laser printer. Quantity: two
Pressurized air cans: Used to clean the sensors. Quantity: two.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview12
Cloth and isopropyl alcohol: Used to clean the rollers. Quantity: one bottle.
Small white adhesive labels, ½ inch wide: Use these labels to cover stray marks on
the ballots. Only use labels from ES&S. Quantity: 12 sheets.
USB flash drives: These must be FAT32 formatted drives. Depending on the number
of ballots processed, you may need multiple drives to transfer all of the ballot image
data. Election results data will fit on a single drive. The minimum size is 1GB and the
maximum is 8 GB. Quantity: 6
Warning: The flash drives you use in the DS850 must be used for the election process
only. Using the drives for anything other than the election process violates security
Marking Devices: Although the DS850 reads a wide variety of marking devices,
ES&S recommends that you use the following devices:
VL Ballot Pen (ES&S part # 6100).
The pen is a BIC Grip roller ball with black
ink and a 0.7 mm tip.
Absentee Pen (ES&S part #00500)
Easily fits into an envelope for mailing.
Absentee Pencil (ES&S part # 00540)
Red, 0.125 point
Audit log printer ribbon (ES&S part # 4778)
Quantity: 1 per printer
Report Printer Toner Cartridge (ES&S part # 6826)
Quantity: 1 per printer
Touch screen cleaning kit.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview13
General Timeline for Election Preparation
General Timeline for Election Preparation
90 DaysSubmit site support request to ES&S
63 DaysAll forms are due to ES&S (excluding Candidate forms)
56 DaysCandidate forms due to ES&S
46 DaysLast day to give ballot proofs to counties (strictly for military or overseas
45 DaysAbsentee Voting begins
42 DaysCertification deadline
28 DaysAll ballot proofs must be signed off
21 DaysLast day to deliver Election Day ballots
20 DaysAdvance or early voting begins
18 DaysLast day for ES&S to ship coding materials
10 DaysSoftware installation for pre-election procedures
1 DayEarly voting ends
Reference: Refer to the Personnel Deployment and Training Requirements document for
more information.
Operations Support Frequently Asked Questions
How is the system purchased?
You can purchase the DS850 by contacting your ES&S representative.
How is the system installed?
You can install new firmware to the DS850 by following the steps in the ES&S
implementation plan. See Installing New Firmware for more information.
How can I verify the system?
You can verify the system in the following ways:
•Compare the serial numbers on the hardware to the numbers on the purchase
•Compare the firmware version to the version listed on the purchase order.
•The Acceptance Checklist will aid in the verification of the system.
What training is required?
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Training is determined at the time the system is purchased.
What checklist should be followed?
Use the Acceptance Checklist to ensure that the system has been delivered and is
performing as expected.
System Acquisition Procedures
Use the Acceptance Checklist to ensure that the system has been delivered and is
performing as expected. The following is a descriptive list of the DS850 acceptance
testing criteria.
Visual Inspection
Ensure that there are no scratches or gouges on any part of the unit.
Verify that all labels are placed in their appropriate place and in their correct
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview14
Check the wheel locks on the table to ensure the cart rolls freely in the unlocked
position and does not when the wheels are locked.
Inspect the table’s folding extensions and drawer for proper operation.
Verify all locks and doors have a smooth function and are locked.
Open the rear door on the scanner and check for any loose connections or damaged
Ensure that all belts, transport rollers, and protective guards are in place.
Physical Inspection
Install the UPS, connect the printers and the scanner to the UPS, set up the printers,
and then turn on the UPS and the scanner. See Chapter 5: Pre-Election Day Tasks for
Observe that both printers and the DS850 power on. If an election has been loaded,
at the Login screen, enter the Election Code.
Verify that the AC power icon is present in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
and that it indicates that the power connection is plugged in.
Verify that a red “X” is not displayed on the printer icons.
Perform Touch Screen calibration by selecting the Hardware menu and then pressing
Screen Calibration. Touch the circle in the upper left-hand corner. When the screen
with a circle in the lower right-hand corner appears, touch that circle. Touch the next
screen in multiple places to verify that the pointer (x) will follow the touch points.
Then press the Save & Exit button.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview15
Verify that the DS850 firmware version matches the certified version for your
jurisdiction. To do so, select the System menu and then press Firmware. COTS
firmware versions that the system can report will also be displayed.
Test each of the USB ports on the DS850 by using the following procedure:
•Press Election to access the Election menu.
•From the Election menu, press Setup to access the Setup screen.
•On the Setup screen, press Clear and Initialize. This displays the Searching for
EQC Media Device pop-up screen.
•Insert the ES&S EQC Media Device flash drive into one of the scanner’s USB
ports. The previous pop-up screen is temporarily replaced by a Detecting inserted device pop-up screen. When the scanner recognizes the ES&S EQC
Media Device flash drive, the Qualification Code screen appears.
•Press Cancel and move the USB flash drive into another unused USB port.
•Repeat the steps above for each unused USB port, except for the last one, to
ensure that each USB port on the scanner is functioning correctly. On the last
port, clear and initialize the scanner. See Clearing and Initializing the Scanner for
Check the date and time displayed at the top of each screen to ensure the date and
time are correct. If necessary, change the time and date. See Set Date/Time for
instructions on modifying the scanner’s system date and time.
Load the election definition into the scanner. See Loading the Election Definition for
Load the ES&S test deck of ballots onto the input tray of the scanner.
Scan the test deck of ballots. See Scanning for instructions.
Save the election results to a USB flash drive. See Exporting Data for instructions.
Print the election results reports and compare them to the reports provided by ES&S
to verify that the scanner is reading the ballot marks accurately. See Printing Election
Reports for instructions on printing reports. See Chapter 8: Reports for more
information and examples of the reports.
Verify that the scanner can detect when power to the UPS is lost. See Checking the
Connection Between the UPS and the Scanner for instructions on checking whether
the scanner can detect when power to the UPS is lost.
Power down both printers and the scanner, then power down the UPS. See Shut
Down and Power Off the Scanner for instructions on how to shut down and power
off the scanner. See Turn Off the UPS for instructions on turning off the UPS.
Place the dust cover over the scanner, and ensure it is free of tears and rips.
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Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 1: DS850 Overview16
Acceptance Checklist
Shown below is an example of the Acceptance Checklist for the DS850.
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Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 2: Safety Information
When used properly, the DS850 is safe and effective. The following symbols, used
throughout this manual, indicate when hazards may occur during normal operation of
the scanner. Read the warnings and proceed with caution when you carry out potentially
hazardous scanner operations.
Warning Icons
Electrical Shock Danger: This symbol indicates a danger of electric shock. There are high
voltages present inside the enclosure of DS850 scanner. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not attempt to open any enclosures or gain access to areas for which you
have not been trained. Only ES&S qualified personnel should open enclosed areas of the
Warning: This user caution symbol indicates that damage to the scanner or injury to the
user could occur if the proper procedures are not followed. Carefully follow all instructions and proceed with caution when this symbol is associated with a set of instructions.
Chapter 2: Safety Information17
Caution: Keep fingers, hands, and loose clothing clear of the areas where this symbol is
Important Safety Instructions
Please read all safety instructions before operating the DS850. Carefully follow all
instructions and heed all warnings.
Power Sources
Operate this product only from the type of power source indicated in this manual. Make
sure that the installation complies with applicable sections of the National Electric Code.
Consult your local building code before installing. See Facilities, Furnishings, and
Fixtures Required for DS850 Operation for more information.
Slots and openings in the case of the DS850 are included to provide adequate
ventilation for the unit. These openings must remain clear. Do not block or cover any
openings in the DS850 case; otherwise, the unit could overheat. Do not operate the
DS850 in an enclosed housing not approved by ES&S.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 2: Safety Information18
Water and Moisture
Warning: Do not place containers with liquids such as coffee, water, or soda on or
around the DS850. Do not operate the equipment in a damp environment. Store the
DS850 in a cool, dry place.
Follow the instructions in the Pre-Election Maintenance section of this manual for
cleaning the DS850. Use only the cleaning solutions approved by ES&S. Cleaning
instructions are also provided in the DS850 System Maintenance Manual.
Do not install this product near heat sources such as radiators, air ducts, areas subject to
direct sunlight, or other products that produce excessive heat.
Power Cord Protection
Route or install the power supply cord for this product in such a manner to protect it
from being walked over or pinched. Make sure you power down the unit completely
before connecting or disconnecting the power cord. Before moving the unit, shut down
and power off the DS850, and then turn off the UPS. The UPS should be unplugged
from the wall outlet and safely stowed before moving. You should take care not to pinch
the power cord when locking the power switch access door.
Electrical Hazard: Electrical Shock Danger: Do not attempt to service the scanner
unless specifically instructed to do so by ES&S. Do not attempt to gain access to
areas of the unit where dangerous voltages are present. Only qualified ES&S
technicians should service the DS850.
Damage Requiring Service
Unplug the DS850 and call ES&S to consult a qualified service technician under the
following conditions:
When the power cord is damaged.
If liquid has been spilled into the scanner casing.
If the scanner does not function normally while following instructions in this manual.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 2: Safety Information19
If the product is damaged in any way.
When the scanner displays a negative change in performance.
Warning: Adjust only the controls specified in this manual. Improper adjustment of other
controls may result in damage to the scanner and could require work by an ES&S
technician to restore the scanner to normal operating condition.
Radiation Protection
The DS850 meets or exceeds Federal Communication Commission standards for
protection against generated or induced electromagnetic radiation, and no additional
safety precautions are required.
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Published: February 26, 2014
Specifications and Cautions
Indoor Use Only
Ordinary Protection (not protected against harmful ingress of moisture)
The rear door of the DS850 must be locked at all times during normal use. Store
the keys to the door in a secure location while you are using the DS850.
Warning: Weight: 200 lbs - 2 person lift.
Electrical input rating: 120V~ 50/60Hz 8.0A single-phase power or 240V~ 50/
60Hz 8.0A dual-phase power. Consult a licensed electrical contractor for proper
electrical connections.
Chapter 2: Safety Information20
Pollution Degree 2 for the ambient environment
Operating relative humidity: 10% to 88% RH, non-condensing
Operating temperature: 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 95 degrees Fahrenheit
Maintenance: For applicable maintenance items, refer to the DS850 System
Maintenance Guide.
Warning: The interior of the DS850 is not accessible to the user. Service operations inside the electrical enclosure must be done by trained and authorized
Transport and storage conditions: -4 degrees Fahrenheit to
140 degrees Fahrenheit
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface
This chapter describes the DS850 user interface. The screens that make up the DS850
user interface are displayed on the DS850 touch screen. The top-center line of text on
each screen identifies the current screen. The menus for the DS850 user interface are
listed below and described on the pages which follow.
Scanning Menu
Election Menu
Reports Menu
System Menu
Hardware Menu
A menu can be displayed by selecting the corresponding tab along the left side of the
screen. See Chapter 11: Menu Structure for diagrams showing the screen hierarchy for
each of the menus. The diagrams are intended to help you quickly identify how to
access a particular screen.
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface21
The date and time are displayed in the upper right-hand portion of each screen.
Displayed below the date and time are the icons that indicate the operating status of
the DS850. See Operating Status Icons for a description of each icon.
A help menu is available on the DS850. If Help is available for the screen that
is being displayed, the button will be located in the upper right corner of the
screen. Select the Help icon to display the help text for that screen and the
functions that are performed from that screen.
Unauthorized access to the user interface can be can be prevented by locking the
Reference: See User Access and Locking the Scanner for more information on preventing
unauthorized access to the user interface.
Note: Make sure that the camera lid and rear panel are closed before you attempt to perform
any function that engages the DS850’s motors, such as scanning ballots, running hardware
menu tests, and clearing the transport. The scanner does not allow functions that engage the
motors to be performed when the camera lid or rear panel is open.
Operating Status Icons
Described below are the operating status icons that appear in the upper right-hand
corner of the screens that are displayed on the scanner’s touch screen.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface22
Battery Power - This icon is used for the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). If
the scanner is not using a UPS, this icon is not displayed on the screens. If the
scanner is plugged into the UPS, the UPS is plugged into a wall outlet, and the
UPS is fully charged, then the solid green Battery Power icon appears on the screen. If
the UPS is then unplugged from the wall outlet (or the wall outlet loses power,) then the
scanner is running off the UPS Battery Backup System, and the icon will change color to
indicate the extent to which the battery is charged: Green for 80-100 percent charged,
Yellow for 60-80 percent charged, Orange for 40-60 percent charged, and Red for 20-40
percent charged. A message will also appear if the scanner is on/off battery, you will
need to press OK to clear this message.
AC Power - This icon indicates whether the DS850 is connected to AC power. If
the scanner is plugged into the UPS, the UPS is plugged into a wall outlet, and
the UPS is fully charged, then the AC Power icon has its two connectors
connected. If someone disconnects the UPS from the wall outlet, the AC Power icon has
its two connectors separated.
Election Definition - This icon indicates whether an election definition is loaded
onto the DS850. An orange check mark in the lower left-hand corner of the icon
indicates that an election definition is loaded; a red “X” in the lower left-hand
corner indicates that an election definition is not loaded.
Dot Matrix Printer - This icon indicates whether the DS850 is connected to a dot
matrix log printer. If there is a red “X” in the lower left-hand corner of the icon,
the printer is not connected; otherwise, it is connected.
Laser Printer - This icon indicates whether the DS850 is connected to a laser
printer. If there is a red “X” in the lower left-hand corner of the icon, the printer is
not connected; otherwise, it is connected.
Scanning Menu
Use the Scanning menu to scan ballots and to clear the ballot transport path.
Press Scan Ballots to begin the ballot scanning process or to select your precinct.
See Scanning for additional information on these processes.
Press Clear Transport to clear the ballot transport path.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
The following is an example of the Scanning menu.
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface23
Election Menu
Use the Election menu to load an election definition, view election setup information,
export election results, and to set your scanner configuration options.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
The following is an example of the Election menu.
Chapter 3: DS850 User Interface24
Press Configuration to set your scanner’s configuration options. See Configuring
the Scanner for information on setting your scanner’s configuration options.
Press Results to access the Results screen. From the Results screen, you can export
the poll place collection data, the election definition and the audit log. The Results
screen is also used to clear election results. You can clear all election results or the
election results for only a selected precinct.
Press Setup on the Election menu to view election setup and ballot count
information, clear and initialize the scanner, and load an election definition.
Reports Menu
Reference: See Exporting Data and Clearing Election Results for more information on the
Results screen.
Reference: See Clearing and Initializing the Scanner and Loading the Election Definition for
more information on the Setup screen.
Use the Reports menu to print or preview reports. See Chapter 8: Reports for additional
information on the various reports that are available and for the steps to follow to
preview or print the reports.
Software Version 2.10
Published: February 26, 2014
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