ESPRIT Statmux User Manual

Esprit Statmux User Manual December 1997 Issue 1.3 Page 1 of 36
8/16 Channel Statistical Multiplexer
User Manual
Certified Compliant in the EC, when fitted in accordance with the installation instructions, against the following directives/standards:
Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC and amendment 93/68/EEC)
EN60950 : 1992 (Safety)
Electro ma g ne ti c C o mp at i bility directive (89/336/EEC and subsequent amendments to date):
EN55022 : 1994 (Emissions) EN50082-1 : 1992 (Immunity)
Telecommunications Terminal Equipme nt directive (91/263/EEC and amendment 93/68/EEC) where indicated in approvals requirements section.
Part Number:
EA 08600B
Esprit Statmux User Manual December 1997 Issue 1.3 Page 2 of 36
1.1 Functional Overview 5
2.1 Data Channel Connection 6
2.2 Default Channel Setup 6
2.3 Changing the Configuration 6
2.4 Supervisor Terminal requirements 6
2.5 Supervisor Terminal Emulations 7
2.6 General Set-Up display layout 8
2.7 General Keyboard Conventions 8
2.8 Composite confiuration
2.9 Statmux channel configuration 10
2.10 Copying another channel's set-up 10
2.11 Modem Configuration Options 12
3.1 Supply Voltage & Connection 14
3.2 Environmental Considerations 14
3.3 Mechanical Construction 14
3.4 Composite Interface Selection 14
3.5 Composite Connection 15
3.6 Parameter Values 15
4.1 Front Panel LEDs 17
4.2 Diagnostics & Loopbacks 17
4.3 Back to Back testing 18
4.4 Statistics 18
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A. Installation Warnings 20 B. Approval Requirements 23 C. EMC Requirements 24 D. Rear Panel Layout 26 E. Supervisor Port Pinout V.24 25 Way D Type DCE 27 F. Composite Link Interface Pinouts DTE 28 G. V.24/V.28 Data Channel Pinout 8 Way RJ45 Type DCE 29 H. Composite Link Network Cables X.21/V.11 30
X.21bis/V.35 31 X.21bis/V.24 32
I. Back to Back Cable 33 J. V24 Modem Connections & Setup 34
K. Technical Specification 35
Esprit Statmux User Manual December 1997 Issue 1.3 Page 4 of 36
Esprit 8/16 Channel
Statistical Multiplexer
User Manual
The Esprit is an 8 or 16 channel asynchronous statistical multiplexer, which may be used with Dial up Modems and Leased lines (such as Ki l oStream™) up to 256 Kbps in the case of the 16 channel unit or 64Kbps for the 8 channel.
The unit is easily configured from ei ther end of the link, using a termi nal or a PC running a terminal emulation package.
This user manual covers installation and setup of user options for the multiplexer. A full set of cable specifications are available in the appendices.
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Note: Max rate for 8 channel unit is 64K
1.1 Functional overview
The Es prit has 8 or 16 asynchronous ports, and a single composite link which has a selectable interface type (X.21, V.24 or V.35) . The composite interface supports sy nchr onous l i nk r ates of up to 256Kbps (64Kbps for the 8 channel unit), either dial up or leased line, for connection to Modems or digital services such as BT KiloStream™.
The sixteen channel unit will support data rates of up to 115.2Kbps, with a maximum aggregate of 1843.2Kbps. The ei ght channel unit supports rates up to 38.4Kbps with a maximum aggregate of
307.2Kbps. Unrestricted speed conversions are also possible by setting different data rates at the
local and remote sites.
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This section covers connection and set-up of the channel data ports. The composite port is covered in Section 3, the installation section of this manual.
2.1 Data Channel Connection
Peripherals are connected to the V.24/V.28 8-way 'RJ45' type connectors configured DCE and numbered 1 to 16 (1 to 8) at the r ear of the multiplexe r . The pin connections for these data channels are defined in Appendix G.
2.2 Default Channel Setup
When delivered, the Esprit Statisti c a l M u l t iplexer i s set to operate with all channels set as follows:
Rate : 9600 bps Bits/Char : 8 Stop Bits : 1 Parity : NONE Flow Control : XOFF RTS : ON Mode : NORMAL
2.3 Changing the Configuration
The Es pr it may be configured using an asynchronous terminal. A laptop PC running an asynchronous terminal emulation prog r am such as PC Anywhere™, CrossTalk™ or Blast™ is ideal for the field engineer. Windows™ Terminal may also be used to configure an Esprit but please note that under Settings - Terminal Preferences, the bo x for 'U se function, arrow and ctrl keys for Windows' must NOT be set. If it is, then you will not be able to move the cursor around on the screen. The te rminal should be connected via its serial port to the SUPERVISOR port on the rear of the multiplexer.
2.4 Supervisor Terminal requirements
The terminal must be configured to:
8 bit character, no parity, one stop bit, speed 9.6Kbps, Xon/Xoff
A suitable cable for connection of the Supervisor port is defined in Appendix E.
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Please select terminal type from the following:
1 = VT52 2 = VT100 3 = ADDSVP 4 = ADM3A 5 = H1500 6 = N8009 7 = TVI920
Carrier : V.11 PRESENT 64K Channels 1 - 16 : Link Clock : EXTERNAL Modem Setup : Mode : NORMAL Statistics : Configuration : >LOCAL
Channel :12345678 Rate : 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 Bits/Char :88888888 Stop Bits :11111111 Parity : NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Flow Control : XOFF XOFF XOFF XOFF XOFF XOFF XOFF XOFF RTS : ONONONONONONONON Mode : NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL
<= More More =>
Cursor Keys to move, CTRL-U to save, ESC to abandon ===================================================================================== Use <SPACEBAR>/<+>/<-> to select
2.5 Supervisor Terminal Emulations
Several terminal emulations are supported by the Esprit. When connection is made between the terminal or PC and the rear panel port labelled SUPERVISOR, the following screen will appear:
The te rminal type or emulation in use should be selected by pressing the relevant number key on the PC or terminal. The monitor will now show the basic configuration screen for the multiplexer setup. This is formatted as below (16 channel unit shown):
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2.6 General Set-Up Display Layout
There are three main areas on the superv isor set-up screen used to change parameters for the Esprit:
Upper left ­System parameters (Mode, Link Clock, Carrier, Residual, and Configure).
Upper right ­Other display pages which may be selected (Channels 1 to 16, Modem Setup.
Bottom ­Channel configuration.
The initial display is that for the ASYNC channels.
2.7 General Keyboard Conventions
Only a few keys are required to configure the Esprit multiplexer and are summarised as follows:
(Right arrow) Moves the cursor to the next field to the right.  (Left arrow) Moves the cursor to the next field to the left. (Up arrow) Moves the cursor to the next field upwards. (Down arrow) Moves the cursor to the next field downwards.
+ (Plus) or <SPACEBAR> Toggles the parameter value up to the next available setting.
- (Minus) Toggles the parameter value
to the next available setting. <ENTER> or <RETURN> Accepts the current display page (else same as ). <CTRL> and U Accepts all changes and causes multiplexer re-configuration. <ESC> Abandons all changes since last <CTRL> and U.
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2.7.1 Cursor Movement The cursor symbol ">" is moved around the scr een to the requir ed field using the arrow
2.7.2 Parameter changing
If it is possible to modify the field over which the cursor is placed, the message "Use <SPACEBAR>, <+>, <->" is shown at the bottom of the screen. No m essage will appear if the field is calculated, un-modifiable or hardware set.
Pressing the Space bar, the "+" key or the "-" key will cycle through the choices available for a parameter.
2.7.3 Accepting all changes and Updating the configuration If "Control" and "U" are pressed at the same time after the configuration has been
suitably adjusted, the config uration is updated at the local and remote end as necessary and held in Non-Volatile Memory (NVRAM.)
2.7.4 Abandoning Changes Pressing ESC at any point before a configuration is updated will cause the message
Abandon Changes? (y/n) to appear at the bottom of the screen. If n is selected the
message will disappear and editing may continue. If y is pres s e d, all modifications will be abandoned and last updated configuration will be re-painted to the screen.
2.7.5 Local or Remote Configuration. Most settings are independent at each end of the multiplexer link e.g. Flow Control,
and Rate.
The "Configure" parameter in the upper left of the selected screen shows whether the LOCAL or REMOTE multiplexer is being configured.
2.7.6 Changing the configuration page
The Configuration Page required, e.g. Channels 1-16, or Modem Setup etc., is selected by moving the cursor to the upper right area and pressing Enter when alongside the required page.
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2.8 Composite Configuration
V.24, V.11 If the screen shows either Toggle through software V.24 or V.11 then you may Internal link fitted to J5 toggle between the two
using the space bar. To select V.35 , the link fitted to J5 must be moved to J6
V.35 Internal link fitted to J6
Link Clock
Ext Normal setting. INT [Rate] Internal clock rates of up to
256K may be set for test purposes.(64K for 8 channel unit)
2.9 STATMUX channel Configuration
To change the Statmux channel configuration, select the configuration screen (shown on page 7) by moving the cursor to the top line on the right hand area of the screen, next to 'Channels 1-16:' (Channels 1-8) and pressing ENTER or RETURN.
The display shows parameters for eight data channels CH1 to CH8, or CH9 to CH16. The alternative 8 channels are selected by moving the cursor further to the left or right as necessary.
Each data channel has parameters selectable as detailed on the following page.
2.10 Copying another channel's set-up
Channel data may be copied from another similar STATMUX channel, by placing the cursor over the channel number field (of the channel to be changed).
The message 'Enter number or use <+>/<-> to copy channel' appears. Simply entering the number (if channel is less than 10) of the channel to be copied
transfers all of that channels parameter s to the cur rent channel . If the channel number is greater than 10, the spacebar may be used to increment it through each channel number.
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Esprit Channel Set-up Options
1 to 16 (8) Use spacebar or '-' key to
select another channel to copy.
0 to 115200 bps. (38400bps Data channel bit rate. for 8 channel) Independently settable at
each end of link.
5, 6, 7 or 8 bits. Number of bits per
asynchronous character.
Stop Bits
1, 1.5 or 2 Number of stop bits per
asynchronous character.
EVEN, ODD or NONE Asynchronous data parity.
Flow Control
XOFF XOFF - use XON/ XOFF soft
CTS CTS - Uses DTR (input) to
NONE No Flow control used
flow control
control data flow out from MUX, CTS (output) to control data flow from equipment to MUX.
ON Always on OFF Always off (DSR) Transparent to DSR
NORMAL Normal RUN mode. ECHO
Data echoed locally and sent to remote (Half duplex mode).
LLOOP Data locally looped back to
this site. Not sent via link.
QBF1 Send Quick Brown Fox
message directly to local port.
+ 25 hidden pages