Model #1105
Rapid Touch Coffee Grinder
Molino de Café de Toque Instantá n eo
Moulin à café rapide
Moinho de Café
Model #1105

Read all instructions carefully before using this product.
This appliance was constructed to process normal household quantities. Please
remember to keep your Espressione coffee grinder out of the reach of children.
Before operating, check whether your voltage corresponds to the voltage
printed on the top of the unit.
Do not hold the motor part under running water or immerse it entirely in water
Never remove the transparent lid before the blades have stopped rotating.
Espressione electric appli ances meet appli cable safety stand ards. Repairs of
this unit must only be done by authorized service personnel. Faulty,
unqualified repair work may cause considerable hazards to the user.

Grinding Coffee
Take care not to overload th e u ni t . D o n ot fi ll coffee beans beyond the b rim of the
unit To start the coffee grinder, place the transparent lid onto the motor part, and
de-press the on/off switch. To stop it, simply release the on/off switch
On/ off switch
Motor part with
grinding area
Transparent lid

As a general guide, the chart below provides suggested bean quantities and
recommends grinding time:
Cups of coffee (125 m l) Amount of beans(table-
Approx. grinding time
(in seconds)
4 3 20
6 4 ½ 23
8 5 ½ 25
10 7 28
12 8 ½ 30
It is recommended not to continue grinding for more than 30 seconds. Longer
operation does not result in a finer grind but simply overhe ats the coffee resulting in
loss of aroma. You will soon find your desired consistency of grind.
After grinding your coffee take off the transparent lid from the motor part and pour
out the coffee ground s.
Note: For optimal flavor, it is recommended to grind coffee beans immediately
before brewing.
Always unplug the un it before cleaning. The transparent lid can be washed by hand;
do not clean it in the dishwasher. The grinding area in the motor part should be
cleaned with a small brush. Wipe the motor part with a damp cloth only.
Cord storage
The coffee g rind er featu res a cord sto rage a rea at th e bas e of m otor p art. Exce ss
cord may be wrapped around the base.
Subject to change without notice.