Espar Hydronic 10, Hydronic M User Manual

Hydronic 10/ Hydronic M (Water Heater)
Espar Heater Systems
P/N 20 2900 81 01 24 0B 02.2007 Subject to Change Printed in Canada
HHyyddrroonniicc 1100
25 2081 05 - 12 Volt
25 2044 05 - 24 Volt
TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeesscc rriippttiioonn IInnsstt aallllaattiioo nn IInn ssttrr uuccttiioonnss OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioo nnss MMaaiinntteennaannccee IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss TTr
roouubblleesshhoooottiinngg aanndd RR eepp aaiirr IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
PPaarrttss LLiisstt
Espar Products, Inc. 6099A Vipond Drive Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5T 2B2
(905) 670-0960 (800) 387-4800 Canada & U.S.A. (905) 670-0728 Fax
HHyyddrroonniicc MM
25 2160 05 - 12 Volt
25 2161 05 - 24 Volt
25 2227 05 - 24 Volt
This publication was correct at the time of going to print. However, Espar Inc. has a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to amend any specifications without prior notice.
Table of Contents Page
Introduc tio n
Heater Warnings ........................................................ 3
Introduction ........................................................ 4
Specifications ........................................................ 4
Heater Components ........................................................ 5
Principal Dimensions ........................................................ 6
Installation Procedures
Heater Location ........................................................ 7
Heater Mounting ........................................................ 7
Heater Plumbing ........................................................ 8
Fuel System ........................................................ 9
Electrical Connections ........................................................ 11
Exhaust/Intake Connections ........................................................ 12
Operating Switches ........................................................ 13
Heater Operation
Pre-Start Procedures ........................................................ 17
Switching Off ........................................................ 17
Safety Equipment ........................................................ 17
Operational Flow Chart ........................................................ 18
Wiring Diagram
(12V-24V boxed) ....................................................... 19
Wiring Diagram (12V-24V boxed-Universal) ........................................................ 20
Wiring Diagram (Engine heat only) ........................................................ 21
Wiring Diagram Universal ........................................................ 22
Periodic Maintenance ........................................................ 23
Troubleshooting &
Basic Troubleshooting ........................................................ 23
Self Diagnostic Troubleshooting ....................................................... 23
Fault codes/Description/Repair ........................................................ 24
Fuel Quantity Test ........................................................ 28
Repair Steps ........................................................ 28
Resistance Values ........................................................ 28
Heater Components
Parts Diagram ........................................................ 32
Description & Part #’s ........................................................ 33
Parts Diagram - Boxed units ........................................................ 36
Description & Part #’s ........................................................ 37
Parts Diagram - Universal ........................................................ 40
Description & Part #’s ........................................................ 41
Parts - Accesories ........................................................ 42
Description & Part #’s ........................................................ 43
Special Notes
Highlight areas requiring special attention or clarification.
Indicates that personal injury or damage to equipment may occur unless specific guidelines are followed.
Indicates that serious or fatal injury may result if specific guidelines are not followed.
Correct installation of this heater is necessary to ensure safe and proper operation. Read and understand this manual before attempting to install the heater. Failure to follow all these instructions could cause serious or fatal injury.
Heater must be turned off while re-fueling.
Do not install heater in enclosed areas where com­bustible fumes may be present.
Do not install heaters in engine compartments of gaso­line powered boats.
Install the exhaust system so it will maintain a minimum distance of 50mm (2”) from any flammable or heat sensi­tive material.
Ensure that the fuel system is intact and there are no leaks.
Route the heater exhaust so that exhaust fumes cannot enter any passenger compartments.
If running exhaust components through an enclosed compartment, ensure that it is vented to the outside.
The use of Espar coolant heaters requires that the coolant in the system to be heated contains a proper mixture of water and antifreeze to prevent coolant from freezing or slushing.
If the coolant becomes slushy or frozen, the heater’s coolant pump cannot move the coolant causing a block­age of the circulating system. Once this occurs, pressure will build up rapidly in the heater and the coolant hose will either burst or blow off at the connection point to the heater.
This situation could cause engine damage and/or per­sonal injury. Extreme care should be taken to ensure a proper mixture of water and antifreeze is used in the coolant system.
Refer to the engine manufacturer’s or coolant manufac­turer’s recommendations for your specific requirements.
WWaarrnniinngg TToo IInnssttaalllleerr
WWaarrnniinngg -- EExxpplloossiioonn HHaazzaarrdd
WWaarrnniinngg -- FFiirree HHaazzaarrdd
WWaarrnniinngg -- AAsspphhyyxxiiaattiioonn HHaazzaarrdd
WWaarrnniinngg -- SSaaffeettyy HHaazzaarrdd oonn CCoooollaanntt HHeeaatteerrss UUsseedd WWiitthh IImmpprrooppeerr AAnnttiiffrreeeezzee MMiixxttuurreess
HHeeaatteerr WWaarrnniinnggss
During electrical welding work on the vehicle disconnect the power to the heater in order to protect the control unit.
All measurements contained in this manual con­tain metric and approximate SAE equivalents in brackets eg 25mm (1”).
Direct questions to Espar Heater Systems:
CCaannaaddaa && UU..SS..AA.. 11--880000--338877--44880000
This publication was correct at the time of print. However, Espar has a policy of continuous improve­ment and reserves the right to amend any specifica­tions without prior notice.
EEssppaarrss HHyyddrroonniicc 1100 CCoooollaanntt HHeeaatteerr
Quality engineered to provide a dependable means of heating, the Espar Hydronic 10 is a diesel fired coolant heater capable of between 1.5 kW to 9.5 kW/hr (5,100 to 32,400 BTU/hr). The heater can be purchased either in a weather resistant box to pro­tect it from the elements and provide for ease of installation or in the universal form.
This light weight and compact coolant heater offers an affordable heating solution to many applications. The Hydronic 10 is ideal for pre-heating the engines of class 7 and 8 trucks, off-road equipment, buses, boats and in Fuel + Hydraulics in conjunction with appropriate heat exchangers.
The heater pumps coolant from the engine, heats it and returns it to the engine. It features automatic heat regulation while being fuel and power efficient. Since the heater runs on diesel fuel and 12 or 24 volt power, it is able to perform this completely indepen­dently of the vehicle engine. A temperature regulating switch in the unit regulates the coolant temperature between a low of 68°C (154°F) and a high of 85°C (185°F) by automatically cycling the heater.
The Hydronic 10 can be operated from the vehicle cab by an on/off switch, a pre-select timer or a combination of both.
A flame sensor, temperature regulating sensor and overheat sensor are among the safety features which makes the Hydronic 10 a safe and dependable heating system.
HHyyddrroonniicc 1100 SSppeecciiffiicc aatt iioonnss
HHeeaatt oouuttppuutt ((±±1100%%))
9.5 kW (32,400 BTU/hr)
-- BBoooo sstt
7.5 kW (25,600 BTU/hr)
-- HHiigghh
3.2 kW (10,900 BTU/hr)
-- MMeeddiiuumm
1.5 kW (5,100 BTU/hr)
-- LLooww
CCuurrrreenntt ddrra
aww ((±±1100%%)) 1122VVoolltt 2244VVoolltt
10.4 -
BBoooosstt --
5.2 amps
6.3 -
HHiigghh --
3.2 amps
3.5 -
MMeeddiiuumm --
1.8 amps
2.9 -
LLooww --
1.5 amps
FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((±±1100%%))
1.2 l/hr (0.32 USgal/hr)
BB ooooss tt
0.9 l/hr (0.24 USgal/hr)
0.40 l/hr (0.11 USgal/hr)
0.18 l/hr (0.05 USgal/hr)
OOppeerraattiinngg VVoollttaaggee RRaannggee
MMii nniimmuumm VVoollttaaggee
10 V (20V on 24 volt systems)
MMaaxxiimmuumm VVoollttaagg ee
15 V (30 V on 24 volt systems)
CCoooollaanntt ppuummpp ffllooww ((±±1100%%))
1400 Litre/hr 370 U.S. Gal/hr
anntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree RRaannggee ((±±55%%))
68-85°C (154-185°F)
OOvveerrhheeaatt ccoooollaanntt tteemmppeerraattuurree sshhuuttddoowwnn ((±±55%%))
115°C (240°F)
6.5 kg. (14.3 lbs.)
CCoonnttrroollss aavvaaiillaabbllee
On/Off switch, 99hr. timer or 7 day timer.
The heater is equipped with a high voltage cutout as well a low voltage cutout.
HHeeaatteerr CCoommppoonneennttss
1 Combustion motor 2 Flame sensor 3 Combustion chamber 4 Control unit 5 Heater plug 6 Temperature sensor 7 Flame tube 8 Heat exchanger 9 Overheating switch
10 Water pump 11 Exhaust silencer 12 Combustion air silencer 13 Fuel feeder pump 14 Fuel branch piece 15 Cable tree
16 Fuse bracket 17 Relay for switching on the vehicle’s fan 18 Automatic switch
WWEE == WWaatteerr iinnlleett WWAA == WWaatteerr oouuttlleett VV == CCoommbbuussttii oonn aaiirr BB == FFuueell AA == FFuummeess
17 18 16
67 9 8
PPrriinncciippaall DDiimmeennssiioonnss
* All measurements in millimeters
25.4 mm = 1”
Minimum installation distance (clearance) to open the lid and to dismount the glow pin and the control unit.
Minimum installation distance (clearance) to take in heating air.
Permissible installation positions
Combustion air
Exhaust air
Water Inlet
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
PPrriinncciippaall DDiimmeennssiioonnss -- BBooxxeedd VVeerrssiioonn
Always mount the heater in a protected area. Eg: storage compartment, engine compartments, step box or battery box. Espar recommends you use the boxed unit. Boxed heaters can be mounted by utilizing one of the existing brackets. See following page.
When mounting the heater adhere to the following conditions:
• Situate the heater below the normal coolant level of the engine.
• Guard against excessive road spray.
• Keep coolant hoses, fuel lines and electrical wiring as
short as possible.
Mount the heater using the four (4) shock mounts provided and one of the following mounting methods:
Use the
CCrroossss FFrraammee MMoouunnttiinngg TTrraayy
to mount the
heater behind the cab and on top of the frame rails.
Use the
SSiiddee MMoouunntt BBrraacckkeett
to mount the heater on the
side of the frame rail.
Use a spare step box or battery box.
Use the saddle bracket and hardware provided
Guard the heater against excessive road spray to avoid internal corrosion.
HHeeaatteerr LLooccaattiioonn
HHeeaatteerr MMoouunnttiinngg
CCrroossss FFrraammee MMoouunnttiinngg TTrraayy P/N CA0 10 028 P/N CA0 10 022 with hardware
SSiiddee MMoouunntt BBrraacckkeett P/N CA0 10 057
Espar Heater Systems
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
HHeeaatteerr PPlluummbbiinngg
Shut-off valves
Hydronic 10
The heater is incorporated into the engine’s cooling system for engine preheating
Follow these guidelines and refer to the engine plumbing dia­gram shown below.
Install hose fittings into the engine block for pick-up and return lines.
Use existing holes in the engine block (ie. remove blanking plugs when possible).
Use shut off valves to ensure the system can be isolated from the engine when not in use. Alternatively “T” piece connectors in existing coolant hoses can be used if no blanking plugs are available
Provide 20mm (3/4” ) hose barbs for hose connections.
Use 20mm (3/4” ) hoses to ensure adequate coolant flow.
Keep the pick up and return points as far apart as possible to ensure good heat distribution.
Take the coolant from a low point on the engine to reduce aeration in the system.
Ensure proper direction of coolant flow by taking coolant from a high pressure point in the engine and returning it to a low pressure point. (ie. pickup from back of block and return to the suction side of the engine's water pump).
Ensure adequate flow rate through the heater by comparing the incoming and outgoing coolant temperatures while the heater is running. If the rise in temperature exceeds 10°C (18°F), coolant flow must be increased by modifying the plumbing.
Ensure the heater and water pump are installed as low as possible to allow the purging of air.
If a bunk heat exchanger is incorporated into the system, proper plumbing layouts must be followed.
The coolant must contain a minimum of 10% antifreeze at all times as a protection against corrosion. Fresh water will corrode internal heater parts.
water heater
WWaatteerr iinn
WWaatteerr oouutt
EEnnggiinnee PPlluummbbiinngg
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
FFuueell SSyysstteemm
FFuueell SSyysstteemm TToolleerraanncceess
FFuueell LLiinnee
Butt joints and clamps on all connections.
Route fuel lines from the fuel pick-up pipe to the heater.
Use fuel lines provided.
Other sizes or types of fuel lines may inhibit proper fuel flow.
Make proper butt joints using clamps and connector pieces as shown
Use a sharp utility knife to cut plastic fuel lines to avoid burrs.
Fuel line limits must not be exceeded. Ensure that the following conditions are met.
Bottom of the fuel metering pump must be within a height of 2’6” of the bottom of the fuel pick-up pipe.
Fuel metering pump must be within a total distance of 6’6” from the fuel pick-up pipe.
Pressure Runs of less than 1.3 mtrs (50”) use only 3.5mm rubber (360 75 300)
The Hydronic 10 boxed unit is most commonly provided with the fuel metering pump mounted inside the box. This is to reduce installation time and to protect the pump from corrosion. If specifications cannot be met the pump must be mounted externally. See illustration for connections and specifications. All parts necessary to do the installation are included in the kit as shown.
1. Fuel Pick-Up Pipe
2. 11mm Clamp
3. 5.0mm Fuel Line
4. Fuel Metering Pump
5. 9mm Clamp
6. 3.5mm Rubber Connector
7. 2.0mm White Plastic Fuel Line See notes if length is less than 1.3 mtr (50”)
Right Wrong
MAX. 2’6”
MAX. 6’6”
MAX. 6’6”
MAX. 20’
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
FFuueell MMeetteerriinngg PPuummpp IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Drill the two (1/4”) holes first.
(( OOppttiioonnaall PPiicckk--UUpp PPiippee wwiitthh NNPPTT ffiittttiinngg ))
Remove an existing plug from the top of the fuel tank.
Cut the fuel pick-up pipe to length.
Secure the fuel pick-up pipe into position using the combined NPT compression fitting as shown
NPT fittings are available in various sizes (Refer to parts section).
Fuel Pick-Up Pipe
Sheet Metal Washer
Rubber Gasket
Steel Safety Washer
Holding Tabs
Allow 4” from fuel pick-up to tank bottom. Allow only 1” for flat bottom tanks.
End tip of the fuel pick-up pipe should have angle so as to avoid picking up dirt and subsequent blockage
FFuueell PPiicckk--UUpp PPiippee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ((SSttaannddaarrdd PPiicckk--UUpp))
Choose a protected mounting location close to the pump and heater. A spare fuel sender gauge plate provides an ideal mounting location.
Drill the mounting holes as shown.
Cut the fuel pick-up pipe to length.
Mount the fuel pick-up pipe as shown
Lower the fuel pick-up pipe (with reinforcing washer) into the tank using the slot created by the two 0.6cm (1/4”) holes.
Lift the assembly into position through the 2.5cm (1”) hole.
Assemble the rubber washer, metal cup washer and nut.
Proper mounting angle of the pump is necessary to allow any air or vapor in the fuel lines to pass through the pump rather than cause a blockage.
If the pump needs to be mounted externally follow these guide­lines:
Choose a protected mounting location close to the fuel pick-up pipe and heater.
Using the bracket and rubber mount provided, install pump as shown.
FFuueell PPiicckk--UUpp PPiippee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
((SSttaannddaarrdd PPiicckk--UUpp))
15° to vertical
1.5 cm 1.5 cm 9 / 16” 9 / 16”
Ø 2.5 cm (Ø 1.0”)
Ø 0.625 cm
(2 HOLES) (
Ø 1 / 4”)
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
EElleeccttrriiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
All harnesses should be cut to length. All exposed electrical connections should be coated with protective grease.
2 core harness (red, brown).
Connect red wire to fuse link and terminal.
Attach ring terminal to vehicle battery (+).
Connect brown wire to vehicle battery (-) using ring terminal provided.
Insert fuse. (15A-24V, 20A-12V)
4 core harness (red/yellow, brown, yellow, blue/white)
Run to location of switch. Make terminal connections at switch. Espar has 3 available switches. See switch instructions for more information.
• 2 core harness (green, green).
• Fuel Metering Pump Harness is pre-connected when
box is provided with pump pre-mounted.
• If mounted externally, connect wires to fuel metering
pump using connector and terminals supplied, boots provided with the heater-(no polarity required ).
77 DDaayy TTiimm eerr
77 DDaayy TTiimm eerr sswwiittcchh hhaarr nneessss
To avoid potential short circuit damage during installation, insert 20 amp fuse into the power harness after all electrical connections are complete.
AA)) PPoowweerr HHaarrnneessss......................................................................................................................................
BB)) SSwwiittcchh HHaarrnneessss.
CC)) FFuueell MMeetteerriinngg PPuummpp HHaarrnneessss......................................................................................
Shown is a Hydronic 10 boxed version,12 volt with Standard­Power, Switch, Fuel Metering Pump harnesses and optional 7 day timer.
Other timers or switch options are available.
Wire must be inserted into fuse holder prior to terminating.
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
EExxhhaauusstt CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
The exhaust is hot, keep a minimum of 5cm (2”) clearance from any heat sensitive material. Failure to comply with this warning could result in serious injury.
A 30 mm flexible tube exhaust pipe with a length of 1M long is supplied with the kit for the exhaust. An exhaust clamp is needed to secure the exhaust to the the heater.The exhaust hose cannot be any longer than 2 m. Connect the exhaust as follows:
Connect the exhaust pipe to the exhaust port on the heater and attach with clamp provided. Feed the exhaust pipe through the silicone (white) grommet on the bottom of the box.
Run exhaust to an open area to the rear or side of the vehicle so that fumes can not build up and enter the passenger compartment or the heater combustion air intake.
Install exhaust pipe with a slight slope or drill a small hole in the lowest point to allow water to run off. Any restriction
in exhaust will cause operational problems.
Route the exhaust pipe from the heater using holders provided.
Run exhaust so that it cannot be plugged by dirt, water or snow. Ensure the outlet does not face into the vehicle slip stream.
Route exhaust beyond the skirt of the cab and outside of the frame area. Route exhaust so that the exhaust fumes cannot enter the passenger compartment. Failure to comply with this warning could result in Asphyxiation.
Universal versions only:
Combustion air must be drawn in from the outside. The com­bustion air opening must be kept free at all times.
Connect the air intake pipe to the intake port on the heater and secure with clamp provided.
Do not install the intake opening facing the vehicle slipstream. Ensure that the opening cannot become clogged with dirt or snow and that any water entering the intake can drain away.
Flexible Exhaust
& Air intake hose
cannot be any
longer than
Max 2M (80”)
Holding clamps
Exhaust & Intake
End Sleeve
Air Intake Hose -
oonn llyy uusseedd
oonn uunniivv eerrssaall vveerrss ii oonnss
IInnttaakkee CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
WWaarrnniinngg:: AAsspphhyyxxiiaattiioonn HHaazzaarrdd WWaarrnniinngg:: FFiirree HHaazzaarrdd
1. Exhaust hose cannot be any longer than 2m.
2. Minimum lenght 14”.
AAvvooiidd eexxhhaauusstt lleennggtthhss ooff 33..55 ttoo 55 fftt lloonngg..
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
OOppeerraattiinngg SSwwiittcchheess
If installing a remote starter, refer to remote starter instructions before terminating wires.
A Push/Pull switch, or a 7 Day Timer are available for the heater. Both are discussed on the following pages. Connect the operating switch as follows.
The 7 Day Timer has been designed to provide a simple means to control the operation of the heater system and to include the capability for diagnostics. This timer connects to the diagnostic circuit of the heater. The timer then displays any heater fault codes in three digit number form automatically. The timer allows for pre-selection of turn on time, up to 7 days in advance, as well as an option for run times up to 2 hours before automati­cally turning off. In addition, there is an on/off switch for manual operation. By default the timer is pre-set by Espar to operate for two hours. Refer to instructions provided with timer for setting options.
Mount bezel into dash and insert timer or use Espar’s optional mounting bracket and secure to dash.
Use hardware supplied for connections.
Connect the switch harness to the connector at the heater and run harness to switch location. (Harness should be neatly routed and secured under dashboard).
Cut harness to length and terminate wires. Attach using connectors provided.
Refer to timer instructions for other wiring options.
OOppttiioonn ##22::
Operate heater continuously - connect wire from ignition circuit to terminal #10. See also multifunction (7 day) timer in instructions.
An alternative to connecting the black wire to the vehicle ignition accessories “On” circuit may also be considered for some applica­tions where extended run times are desired. Connecting the black wire with the red wire will enable the heater to run continuously whether the heater is switched on manually or through the preset function.
Power from battery “+”
Switch control to the heater
Power from battery “-”
Diagnostic from heater
Mounting Bracket
P/N CA0 10 061
P/N 25 1482 70 01 00
CA1 00 135 (12v / 24v)
cc ))
OOppttiioonn ##11::
Dash lights to timer - connect wire between dash lights circuit and timer at terminal #1.
The timer display is automatically illuminated while the heater is operating. Connecting the grey wire to the vehicle dimmer switch will allow the timer display to illuminate with the vehicles dash lights.
Red Yellow Brown Blue
1 2
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The 7 Day Timer has been designed to provide a simple means to control the operation of the heater system and to include diagnostics capability. This timer connects to the diag­nostic circuit of the heater. The timer then displays any heater fault codes in three digit number form automatically. The timer allows for pre-selection of turn on time, up to 7 days in
ance, as well as an option for run times up to 2 hours before automatically turning off. In addi-
tion, there is an on/off switch for manual operation. By default the timer is pre-set by Espar to oper­ate for two hours.
1 Mount bezel into dash and insert timer or use Espas optional mounting bracket and secure to dash. 2 Use hardware supplied for connections. 3 Connect the switch harness to the connector at the heater and run harness to switch location. (Harness should be neatly rout­ed and secured under dasboard). 4 Cut harness to length and ter- minate wires. Attach using con­nectors provided.
1 Time set 2 Preheat time set 3 Heater On 4Backward scan 5Forward scan 6 Memory location 7 Time and day display 8 Air temperature display
9Heater “On” symbol 10 Temperature set
(air heater only)
Note: Upon connection to power the entire timer display will begin to flash. The heater will not function until the time is programmed.
Setting Time and Weekday
Push button once. 12:00 will begin to flash (this will occur upon initial hook up to power). Using or set the present time of day (24 hour clock). When the time stops flashing the time has been stored. The weekday will now begin to flash. Use or to set the present weekday. When the weekday stops flashing the weekday has been stored. When the vehicle ignition is turned “on” the time display will appear
When the vehicle ignition is turned
off the timer display will go off
after 15 seconds.
Coolant Heater
Air Heater
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurreess
PPuusshh//PPuullll SSwwiittcchh
MMoo uunnttiinngg BBrraa cckk eett && BBeezzeell P/N 25 1482 70 01 00
Mounting Bracket
77 DDaayy TTiimmeerr IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Mount switch in a location where it is easily accessible
Mount using hardware supplied
Connect the switch harness to the connector at the heater and run the harness to the switch location
Cut harness to length at the switch and install terminals
Connect wiring as described below
Wired described the switch light glows when pulled out and is off when pushed in.
Brown- 31 Power from battery “-”
Red- K(15) Power from battery “+”
Yellow-15(K) Switch control to the heater
Blue/White Diagnostic from heater (disregard - tape end
and tie off to the side)
P/N CA1 00 003 (12v) P/N CA1 00 004 (24v)
K (15)
15 (K)
+ 30 hidden pages