P/N 26404 Manual Issue A
Instruction Manual 26404 (Pg 1 / 2)
Time switch (weekly program)
Connection diagram
1. Safety instructions
(4 channels)
Weekly time switch
1. Safety instructions
2. Initial operation
3. DCF (Installation DCF-receiver)
4. Menu overview
5. Symbol legend
6. Key function
7. Handling advice
8. Channel ON OFF / Permanent P
9. Programming menu
10. Standard weekly program
11. Example of a standard weekly
switching time
12. Cycle
13. Cycle options
14. Pulse
15. Priority of the switching programs
16. Permanentprogram
17. External Input
18. Channel keys
19. Additional adjustments
20. Program modify
21. Data-key
The in stallatio n and a ssembly of elect rical e quipmen t must be o nly carried out onl y
by a s killed Perso n! Otherwise fire danger or danger o f an elec tric shock exists!
Connect t he supp ly volta ge/frequency a s stated on t he product label!
Warran ty void if housing ope ned by unauthorised per son!
The el ectroni c circuit is protec ted against a wide range o f exter nal infl uences.
Incorrect oper ating may occur if external influenc es exceed cer tain limits!
2. Initial operation 3. DCF (Installation of the DCF-antenna FU 20)
The ti me switch is delivered i n sleep-mode, the displa y is sw itched o ff.
Press -butto n for 1 s econd.
The curren t date and tim e is alr eady programmed and European
daylig ht savi ngs time i s activ ated.
Select t he desired language by pressing -buttons and confir m it by
pressing .(Re mark: By pr essing you move one step backwa rds
from th e current posit ion)
If requi red, date , time and daylight savi ngs time mode can b e adjusted
also b y pressing -buttons and a s ubsequent confirmati on with .
The ti me switch can pr ocess t he DCF s ignal.
The a ntenna FU 20 is not included in delive ry of the time switch.
Disconnect po wer supply voltage
Connect t he ante nna as indicat ed by t he conne ction diagr am
Connect s upply v oltage
Anten na symbol (LCD) flashes f or approx. 3 minutes
Reception is not possible if severe interf erence is p resent
(Perma nent flashi ng of the symbol / Th e oscil lating c rystal is used as time base)
Defect ive wir e between an tenna and time s witch
(No a ntenna symbol v isible / The oscillat ing crystal is used as time base)
4. Menu overview 5. Symbol legend
Channel i s switched ON
Channel i s switched OFF
For th e curre nt date t he “holiday program” / “permane nt by dat e” is act ivated
Standard programming step
Current state i s based o n a manual over-rid e. The state wi ll be c ancelled w ith the next
programmi ng step
Current state i s based on a manual over-ri de. The s tate is permanent until term inated manually
Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, ... Sunda y;
The u nderscores indicate if the program is active for the d ays above
Current state i s based o n a swit ching time with pu lse functi on
Current state i s based on a switchin g time wit h cycle f unction
Is dis played if the co rresponding channel is activa ted by the extern al input.
Element wit hin sub-m enu “program delete”
6. Key function
DCF: The time s witch rec eives the si gnal fo r the DC F -77 time st andard
1. To ac cess the E nter-mode (program , adjustme nts, options) from the automatic- mode.
2. To reve rt to the beginning of t he current (sub-) menu.
The ti me swit ch is l ocked; t o unlock the devi ce the PIN has t o be entered
1. To a djust the fl ashing digit.
2. To scro ll throug h a cho ice
1. Autom atic-mode: To switch the channel ON or OF F until th e next progr amming st ep occurs.
2. Autom atic-mo de: A push long er than 3 sec. = P ermanent swit ching s tatus ( 7).
1. To ac tivate the time sw itch when operated without power suppl y.
2. To c onfirm t he selectio n or th e enter ed data.
7. Handling advice 8. Channel ON OFF / Permanent P 9. Programming menu
The time switch i s programma ble wit hout exte rnal power supply
after pressing the
-button .
To rever t one step o r one level back wh ile in the Ent er-Mode pr ess
After c ompletion of a (s ub-) menu confirm ing end will return the
device into t he auto matic-mo de.
With the choice changes from end to continue . B y
confirmin g
continue the time swit ch retu rns to th e beginning of
the current (sub-) menu.
When conf irming end be fore com pletion, t he time switch returns
to the automati c-mode without s aving the entered dat a.
By pushi ng -buttons a manual switch of th e channels
take pl ace. The resultin g switc hing sta tus is m arked wit h
the hand-symbol and remain s until th e next programming
step occu rs. (tem porary over-ri de)
Permanen t switching status
By pre ssing the corresponding channel b utton for
more than 3 sec. t he channel i s permanently s witched ON
or OFF. The sta tus remain s until th e next manua l switc hing
occurs (> 3 sec.). (permanent o ver-ride)
*withi n yearly t ime switch es
10. Standard weekly program 11. Example for the programming of STANDARD switching times (ON and OFF)
**The cycl e function w ill only be avai lable i f it is activated ( point 13)
A. If you wa nt to progra m a standar d weekly switc hing time (
on, ) confirm Standard with .
B. For r egular swit ching times choose
on or with -bu ttons a nd confirm with .
C. Within t his level y ou acti vate the days o f the week (1… 7) on which the swi tching ti me should happen.
you a ctivate “yes” or deact ivate “ no” the corresponding date. Confirm each day wit h .
D. Adjus tment of the time: Hours
and . Minutes and .
E. Veri fy the entered s witching time: If the flashing summary of the p rogramming s tep is co rrect, verif y
with . After verification you have th e choice betwee n edit/delete and end with .
F. If y ou want to proceed with program ming, confirm
next switching with .
To leave the pr ogramming men u confirm
Inform ation: You can easily transfe r switc hing time s from one channe l to the other i f you us e the
copy funct ion.
12. Cycle 13. Cycle options
Standard weekly pro gram:
Program - > new program - > channel A/B/C/D -> Standard -> …
For th e cycle function i t is poss ibile to e nter a periodic sw itching time. T he time switch acts as a recycling timer and
switches betwee n pulse (ON ) and p ause (OFF). The max. value for pulse and p ause is 9: 59:59 h:mm:ss.
If you haven’t defined and acti vated a c ycle, the cycle f unction will not b e available as switc hing time. Therefore you
have to activate and define a t least one of th e four cycles withi n menu Options and sub-menu Cycle (point 13).
The cycle switching tim e will be terminated by anot her switc hing time ( on, , pulse ) or by a nother cycle s witching
Options -> Cycle -> Cycle 1 - 4 -> …
You h ave the possibility to define 4 different Cyc les. For these purposes choose menu Options and s ub-menu Cycle. The differ ent
cycles can be activat ed, def ined or deac tivated (the max . value for pul se or pause is 9:59: 59 h:mm:ss) :
Choose menu Options and sub-men u Cycle and confirm with .
Select with -buttons one out of th e 4 cycles (Cycle 1 – Cycle 4 ) and confirm wit h .
Activa te the cycl e by ch anging No to Yes with -buttons an d subsequent confirmin g with .
Define durati on of the p ulse „on-time“ ( -> …).
Define durati on of the p ause ( -> …).
Confirm End with .
The c ycle is now offer ed within the pro grammin g menu.
Further applications of the cycle function i n combinat ion with: Exte rnal Input f unction and/ or Channel keys fun ction.
14. Pulse 15. Priorities of the switching programs
Standard weekly pro gram:
Program - > new program -> channel A/B/C/D -> Standard -> …
The pu lse funct ion prov ides you the opportun ity of programmin g a switch ing time wit h a def ined dur ation.
As soon a s the pul se-duratio n has e xpired t he time swi tch swit ches OFF aut omatical ly (the duration of the pul se is up to
59:59 mm:ss).
Standard switchi ng times and P ermanent by d ate are ex ecuted accord ing to th eir
corresponding priorit y (by chann el and da te)
All swi tching progr ams except Extra switching times, suspend a ll othe r switching progra ms with lower p riority :
highest pr iority manual over-ri de Permanent (3 sec. push)
Permanent by date
lowest prio rity Standard weekly p rogram